Monday, September 27, 2010

pencil me in

I hope you are getting your dance cards ready, my friends, for this week's big cyber event, here at the Willow Manor. The dance card, also known by its German name, Ballspende, or plural Ballspenden, is used to record the names of those with whom are intended to dance each successive dance at a formal ball. They appear to have originated in 18th century, but their use first became widespread in 19th century Vienna.

An actual dance card is typically a booklet with a decorative cover, listing dance titles, composers, and the person with whom a woman intended to dance. Typically, it would have a cover indicating the sponsoring organization of the ball and a decorative cord by which it could be attached to her wrist or ball gown. From the 19th century until World War I, dance cards for the elite of Austria-Hungary were often very elaborate, with some even incorporating precious metal and jewels.

In modern times the expression "dance card" is often used metaphorically, as when someone says "pencil me into your dance card", meaning "find some time to spend with me". When someone's "dance card is full" it implies they have no time for, or interest in another person. So, I do hope your dance cards are not completely full this Thursday, September 30th.

It's going to be a magical evening. Pencil me in!

photos borrowed from google images


  1. Pencil me in too....dear Willow!
    (One should always leave a spot - ot two - open on one's dance card....because one never knows who will appear around the corner!)

    What an exciting event this will be! So many fabulous friends - old and new! The gowns, the tuxedos, the jewels, the music, the champagne, the vodka....ach, I could go on and on!

    Looking forward to spending a few minutes on one of your lovely divans, we take a break from all the dancing and rest our feet.....

    Only three more days!


    ♥ Robin ♥

  2. what cool pictures of the dance cards....see you thursday!

  3. Robin, the most exciting thing about the manor ball is just who you might bump into. In addition to all my dear bloggy friends, I'm sure there will be many fascinating guests from the past, as well as the present. Yes, let's chat on the divan between dances!

  4. I never knew dance cards had such an elaborate history. Very cool!

  5. Pencil me in Willow! I tried to switch dates but Mr.Ramsey is insisting I take him again this year. What a girl to do? I hope you have placed armed guards at the kitchen.

  6. Mr. Ramsey? I'm drooling already!

  7. Willow,
    LadyCat has been working feverishly spotting who will be the next gentleman on her dance card!
    :) The Bach

  8. The first of course will be Bach! But I do hope to pencil Fred Astaire in for my second dance...he is do devine.

  9. This is all a bit frightening for a Bear. Dancing is such a "non-ursine thing," unless, of course, you're trained to be a "dancing Bear." Which I am not.

  10. Dance cards ~ this reminds me of a wonderful scene in Meet Me in St. Louis.

  11. Bach and LadyCat, the ball would not be the same without my favorite couple!

  12. Dear Mr. Rob-Bear,
    Please feel free to pencil me in! Jude will understand!

  13. Rob, and here, all this time, I thought you were Dancing Bear from Captain Kangaroo. No worries. Like I said, we all dance like gods and goddesses in cyberspace!

  14. This will be a first for me! May I bring a fellow Londoner, Stephen Fry? He may not be Fred Astaire on the dance floor, but is guaranteed to provide witty ironic banter and has the very best manners.

  15. I adore Stephen Fry. I hope you don't mind if I give him a little kiss.

  16. Can I Twist Again Like We Did Last Summer?

  17. Absolutely. I've got you penciled in, Tony. I'm a twistin' and a twirlin'!!

  18. I have always been fascinated by dance cards ever since first reading about them in Little Women. I will pencil you in ... what a glorious idea! Autumn is my favourite season, too ... and in my opinion, there can be no greater reason to hold a ball. I will make sure my best gown is ready, my gloves are pristine, and my dancing shoes are in fine order for the 30th!

  19. Grrr. Pfft. Sulk. Karen has won the heart of my potential date! (Karen, could I just sit by and listen to your conversation with the lovely Mr. Fry for just a little while?)

    Despite that little hiccup, please pencil me in. I shall roar off now to find another date to escort me to this most desirable and fabulous of balls.

  20. I just hope my robe gets delivered in time, otherwise I'll have to shiver in last year's shawl. ;-)

  21. OMG, pencil me in as well.
    Back in the day, during
    the Crimean War, I had the
    dance moves others envied,
    and now the ravages of time
    can be dismissed like rude
    children as we guests at
    the Willow Manor Ball
    leap like Nuryev, twirl like
    Cyd Charisse, tap like Donald
    O'Conner, glide like Fred
    Astaire, and bogie like Johnny
    Travolta--ah yes, the rapture,
    the music, the revere shall be
    unrivaled on that day that
    is only a few breaths from now.

  22. What a fascinating bit of history in preparation of the big event. And what wonderful photographs. Wishing you all the best, Willow :)

  23. Dear Willow, And who, I wonder, will you be pencilling in for the Last Waltz?!!

  24. Ah, willow you will have all of the pencils in blogland hopefully wagging at you. I will be there. I just posted my bit for the big celebration.

  25. Pencil me in, Willow. As a newcomer to the Willow Ball, I have no idea what I'm doing. I only know that I am doing it with a group of interesting people who are determined to have a little fun. I assume that someone will tell me what to do next, other than to check your blog on Sept. 30.

  26. Consider my balls spent, Willow.

  27. Oh my...I have just been reading up on Coop. I hope this doesn't turn into a disaster. I had initially wanted Lovejoy of the BBC series/Jonathan Gash novels to go with me, but he was involved in a huge $$$$ estate sale somewhere in Scoltand. Then, I did think maybe since I am such a horse lover that I should have asked Mr. Ed....can't you just hear him saying "Hallllloooowwww,
    Whiiiilllloww"...? Anyway, seems Coop might be one that wanders....get him on your card early...IMDB describes him as quite the lady's man! He was so interested when I called him about the car and wanted to attend so badly, I just couldn't say no! Isn't there a song about that {chuckling}!?

  28. Oh, FireLight, this is so funny! We were chatting the other night about someone who left an anonymous comment signed "A Human", to which WT replied, "Did they suspect you would think it was Mr. Ed?"

  29. Dear willow I fear that I may be home watching the children on the night of the ball...but I am not really complaining as that is my favorite place to be and I really am too shy to find a date... If I get a chance I will come in time for refreshments as I would love to catch up on the gossip:)

  30. Oh dear! Life is conspiring to keep me from your soiree. However, I hope to rearrange things so I'll be able to at least stop in.

  31. Willow, actually I think that may have been Mr.Ed....It is just the sort of trick he is famous for. Remember all the times he used to dial up people on the phone and order food or give advice to the Dodger's baseball coach or just in general deceive someone! Yep, I am sure your "anonymous-I am human" blogger had to be the one and only Mr. Ed.

  32. Trust me Glenn, the ravages of time melt into the ethernet on the night of the Willow Manor Ball!

  33. Willow I love the history of the dance card. I never knew any of that. Thank you for such an interesting post. I am totally looking forward to the Ball.

  34. Love the idea of the dance card -- imagining how women would hold onto these for months, years after the dance, remembering each dance, each man. Lovely...

    Looking forward to the 30th!

  35. Heavens; only three days to go and I haven't yet booked our flights. We may have to hire a private plane as Lady Magnon's Westwood Ball-Gown is rather bulky!

    A bientot, Cro.

  36. Hmm..well I will have to be a late arrival after my fist date-- time with my daughter! but mark it, I'll be there!

  37. I hope there will be a small space on your card left for me Willow. If not, we can always add another dance. What time do things kick off over at Willow Manor by the way? I need to plan my journey. I have to stop off at some unpronounceable hotel in New York to pick up my date.

  38. Dear Willow,

    your cyber-ball sounds so very intriguing ... however may I just follow proceedings from behind a luscious velvet drape - I'm just a tad shy ...!


  39. Things kick off here at Willow Manor at 12:00 a.m. EST on Thursday, September 30.

    Alan, you're name is already written on my dance card. In ink.

  40. You'll have to pencil me OUT Willow as I've just been handed a wedding to plan in only 7 weeks... and it's to be at my house!

    Love the antique dance cards.

  41. This subject always reminds me of 'Meet Me In St. Louis', so I've just done a little post about it! See ya soon!

  42. Sorry for being naive, but being ver new to blogging and specially to Willow Manor, could you please shed some light on what actually we are going to do on the gala day.. It seems to be real fun and wouldn't want to miss upon it.. Thanks

  43. i just discovered this blog and all it's wonderful recipes, but am I missing something, is this a real place or a make believe place? What is the ball? Are people actually getting together? Please tell me what is going on here. Is it just playtime?

  44. hope i remember, this time, tess!

    to picture what i'll look like, listen to kris kristofferson's 'the silver-tongued devil and i' [likely some version on youtube], i couild end up tongue tied, though still fleet of foot:O lol

  45. o, and carve my dance card into the wooden bar top! ;)


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)