Friday, December 4, 2009


Poppins friends are godsends,
blown in by the wind,
when the time is right.

Without rhyme or reason,
they work their wit and magic,
with spoonfuls of sugar,
to help the medicine go down.

They sail in like kites,
unload carpet bags of clever tricks,
make things right for a season,
until the jet stream changes.

Then, overnight, they pop open umbrellas
and drift away, until another day.

Maybe never to return.

willow, 2009

image by Tyra at redbubble

(for answers to my "truth or fiction", check updated post, below)


  1. good friends like memories never go away....happy TT

  2. Happy TT Willow.I think I saw 'em sailing past my Windows just now!

  3. Willow

    Nice poem. Isn't it great when the one person you need, at a given point in time, breezes in from the blue to make it all better?

  4. How very visual, how very virtual! Happy TT to you.... -Jayne

  5. Oh I loved it! That picture is amazing. Looks like the Manor is ready for the holidays.

    I decided after Mr. Toast's Tea I need a manual on how to attend a blog party...LOL! I seem to fail each time.

    much love

  6. Lovely. Mary Poppins would feel at home in your neck of the woods.

  7. Martin, yes, it's amazing how new friends show up, completely out of nowhere just when you need them most. Through the years so many have drifted in and through my life.

  8. It's magnificent!I really liked that one!Bravo!:)

  9. Willow,
    You are doing it again.. your poetry is fabulous. Good for you!
    LadyCat and I enjoyed your company at Mr. Toast's Tea. Thanks for the nice warm compliment on my blog. Today is an old Indiana rainy day. I'm afraid it might turn to snow this evening. I'm singing in a group this Saturday downtown performing in "Dickens of a Christmas"... which is the annual opening of the holiday season downtown Lafayette. It will be fun.
    Again, I love your true to life, Willow. You're the best!
    The Bach

  10. Such a delightful poem, happy, and oh, so true. Wish one of those special friends would pop in right now. It's lonesome since I stopped working!

  11. Love the photo, Willow. Wonderful poem. Friends are magical, aren't they? Some do show up at the right time; and some...well, it is nice when they drift away. :)

  12. I actually find it a bit sad when people drift away never to return. I like to hang onto everything. Lovely words and image. I keep meaning to read the original Mary Poppins as it's meant to be quite dark. xx

  13. great verse willow...poppins friends are good like that...happy tt!

  14. Love this -- Poppin friends. I must remember that.

  15. This is a great it!!

  16. Oh, this is so true! We often have friends dropping in at Necky Knoll House, and they always have a timely word, or inspiration for us. (And sometimes they bring a bottle of banana liqueur too!!)

  17. Oh, this is so true! We often have friends dropping in at Necky Knoll House, and they always have a timely word, or inspiration for us. (And sometimes they bring a bottle of banana liqueur too!!)

  18. willow i love my friend's love and love my friends. thanks for sharing this gorgeous poem. steven

  19. Saw you yesterday at Mr. Toast's Christmas Tea..wasn't that just the most fun...Had to drop by and say Hello...

    i love Mr. Toast....would love to meet him..seems like such a nice guy....

    I'll check back later..


  20. I love those 'Poppin' friends, like angels. Your poem captures their essence beautifully. And the photo! Wow! So Beautiful! How did you do that?!

  21. A good friend always knows when the time is right to make an appearance.

  22. I never thought about people that come and go in my life in quite the way you have.

    Thank you.

  23. The image blew me away. And the poetry was the icing on the cake.

  24. Good of them to "poppin" the way they do, isn't it? Charming. Love the image.

    I can't believe your son was 10 lb, 3 oz. Yikes--THAT is a big baby. My husband was 6'6", and his family was all very tall. When I was very pregnant, I was told that Bob had weighed almost 14 lbs at birth. (not that I believed that for a minute.) but he evidently was huge, and I literally cried, worrying about what Eric would be.) Thank God he was 7 lbs, 6 oz. My heart goes out to you--at least you knew he was good and healthy!!

  25. ...oh I'm sure they'll return...some day. Wonderful l'il poem, Willow :)

  26. Lovely, lovely poem, Willow. It's so true... some friends are just for a season, and that's okay... each has a purpose and comes laden with blessings.

  27. I find myself singing "a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.... " :)

    I've missed you, Willow. I hope this finds you well! :)


  28. Another great poem and very fun picture! Oh, to be able to pop open the umbrella and flying to see all my friends. Maybe in heaven we'll get to do that.Very creative Mrs. Willow.

  29. Just what we were chatting about a few days ago! You put it into a poem perfectly! Can't believe you found a picture to go with!

  30. This is beautiful, Willow. I guess we certainly have friends for seasons throughout our lives. I'm certainly thankful for all my friends near and far...

  31. Such a good metaphor for friends who come and go.

  32. An incredible photos for a brillian t touching poem. Loved it. Very fanciful, playful lilt and words here. I can jsut picture you adn Betsy talking this through too. how interesting!

  33. Fantastic image, lovely words. What a great opening line!

  34. Lovely poem Willow. Let us hope the jet stream keeps blowing. Happy TT my friend.

  35. Hello Willow,

    A friend who can lift one's spirits and make cares disappear for a while is priceless. Anyone seen an umbrella?!

  36. Ah Willow! A delightful poem. It gives a quirky sense of freedom in allowing others to come and go. I've often not stepped in and helped others where I perhaps could have, for fear of an entangling and ongoing commitment.Best not to "interfere" in the first place I've thought,rather than have to make an unwelcome exit which leaves disappointment in it's wake. This light and visual poem of yours sheds sprinkling light on the whole concept.It really is a beautiful thing!

  37. A lovely poem & a great image to accompany it!

  38. Ah, yes, Pam, you got it! My key point here is to allow, and be okay with, those who weave in and out of our lives. Not everyone who is with us for a season is going to be fast friends for life. And that's okay. It's a good thing.

  39. I have had many friends over my 73 years that have come and gone in the manner you so aptly described. In our military life they were called transient friends. However, one became life long, quite an exception

  40. Lovely poem -- and the perfect image!

  41. Lovely, lovely poem.

    I believe people come in and out of our lives for a reason just as we go in and out of theirs. Sometimes it takes years
    for the reason to manifest but there are always lessons to be learned. True friends are precious and should be cherished.

  42. I love this, Willow. So sweet, and so true. :)

  43. aw, that poem is practically perfect in every way!!

    happy theme thursday friend!!

  44. Oh, I'd be so sad to think they're never return, so I'm waiting patiently...

  45. Gorgeous! I do love the Mary Poppins imagery :)

  46. Where is Mary when I need her??....I love the poem WIllow, xv.

  47. lovely thoughts, Willow. I guess those angels do pop in and pop out. Mysteriously.

  48. You've captured the sometimes ephemeral nature of friendships--some, though strong and valuable, do drift away--they are still meaningful--I love this one.

  49. Poem is thoughtful and true and the images are absolutely utterly beautiful! We all seem to act as angels/friends for one another and for me the time is always too short!

  50. Ah, you are so very talented, what a wonderful poem for the Thursday Theme.;)
    This is my second visit to your very lovely blog, I stopped by as a novice around the time when I started my blog, in September 2008.;)
    Thank you so much for your kind words at my place.;) I am looking forward to more of your visits.

  51. What a charming poem, Willow. And I LOVE the picture...the moon is gorgeous! We had a very similar discussion about friends coming and going just last week.
    We also mentioned Mary Poppins this week. The chimney sweep is coming tomorrow for a much needed cleaning. I wondered if Mary Poppins would be coming along.

  52. Do you think they might come our way on that jet stream willow? I would love to see one in my garden!

  53. Nice. I did something similar using Peter Pan as the basis not too long ago, but I think this one trumps mine.

  54. Love that masthead. What an incredibly beautiful place! I only wish we could do another Ball all too soon!!

  55. Hmmmm... I don't ever recall any friends doing the Mary Poppins number on me. Most of mine tend to be withing reach or at least in regular contact; no surprises there.

    BTW, you still owe us the answer for yesterday's quiz post!

  56. Hey, Roy, I posted the answers on the truth or fiction post. Just scroll down! :^)

  57. Willow....enchanting.....never stop writing your poems!
    I posted a response to your last comment at TKR! So glad you stopped by there.

  58. Isn't that the truth. Who is Pat? LOL

    You visitors have no clue but Willow knows who Abe and Pat are.

    Nice poem and I like the idea of friends popping in when needed.

  59. Oh Willow....this left me breathless.....

    What beautiful words.....

    I LOVED this...

    Thank you,


  60. Willow,

    Lovely...and the thing that Martin's referencing is called synchronicity. We could all use more of that these days, and more good friends.

    I also enjoy learning what you are reading and watching. My Netflix has over 200 queued items now...

    Wasn't Mr. Toast's party bril?

  61. Gosh I do love the poem and pic but Mary Poppins freaks me out, and has since I was a kid. I had a nightmare about her.
    The opening line of your poem is a stunner!
    Happy tt.

  62. Don't you hate to see them go?

  63. Liza, have you seen the YouTube clip of the scary Mary Poppins? Actually, although I've never read the book, it's supposed to be rather dark.

  64. Very nice. Love it.

    I just checked your answers - so nice to know you better - even if you are not Johnny's cousin. Catering? I'll bet that's why you have such amazing recipes. Watching the Berlin Wall come down was a once in a lifetime opportunity! Wow!

  65. I'm a huge Mary Poppins fan. I loved the books, the movie and I love that painting? or photo? you have posted here. I haven't seen that before. It's so billowy!
    Most of all I love your poem because you are the practically perfect embodiment of a poppins friend.
    (full of wit and magic). This is a very expressive theme poem for Thursday. Thank you!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Great poem Willow! And that image is beautiful...perfect to go with your words! ~Lori

  68. A "most delightful" verse. :)

  69. Beautiful poem! Happy TT to you! (Thanks for stopping by today!)

  70. Sweet poem. Been a Poppins fan from the days of "The Gingerbread Shop" Little Goldenbook, pub. circa 1952.

  71. Thanks, everyone!!! Like I've said before, it's so rewarding to share my poetry with all of you excellent people. ~~xx

  72. Hey Willow. There is a sick curiosity in me that wants to look at the video (I don't mind some of that dark stuff), but I just googled it, and the sight of her brings back that dream. I can still see her landing outside our kitchen window. Spoonful of sugar my ass, lol!

  73. Liza, yikes! That video, with just a bit of clever editing and music, is really creepy. What a nightmare. You should look up the elements in a dream dictionary.

  74. Very nice tie-in, and that painting was breathtaking!

  75. I loved the poem. And I was right about your truth/lie quiz. Does that make me your closest friend or just a weird blogger sort?

  76. I loved the line:

    'Without any rhyme or reason,
    they work their particular bit
    of wit and magic'

    It's so true. Sometimes there's no logic in a friendship, nor should we be looking for any.

    Thanks for another marvellous post.

    Greetings from London.

  77. This is so very charming Willow.
    Your wonderful poem and the delightful image.

  78. As usual great.

    miss you willo.


  79. So charming and have forever!

  80. I love all your different poetry styles, willow - loved the picture as well

  81. willow,
    i love the image.
    i want to be her.

    hmmmm about mr depp and the indian granny.
    i was sure that you had found out you were 'kissin' cousins.


  82. Aha, I love poppins and popouts and carpet bags but no need for brollies here. Good friends know when to arrive but also when to leave.

  83. OMG.... your side bar "The Christmas Waltz">.... how absolutely stunning... I LOVE IT!
    The Bach

  84. What a wonderful photo! Poppins friends are indeed godsends!

  85. Beautiful poem and a great illustration!

  86. Beautiful. Oh yeah, when the jet stream changes direction, all kinds of things happen.

    Cool that I guessed correctly on your truth/untruth test! Love that!

  87. Wonderful poem, and a perfect response to Angie's new post on friendship -- which is how I found your poem (and gorgeous blog) tonight. Thanks for sharing your gifts, and I look forward to more.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)