Sunday, December 28, 2008


Things are quiet now at the Manor, since most of the family have
gone. We had a lovely holiday week, including all of us going to see
the film Valkyrie, a historical thriller set in WWII Nazi Germany.
Directed by the talented Bryan Singer, the film stars Tom Cruise,
not exactly one of my favorite actors, who is not convincing in the
role, but is surrounded by a stellar cast. It depicts the July 20, 1944
plot of German army officers to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Cruise,
looking fabulous in uniform, portrays the leader of the plot, Colonel
Claus von Stauffenberg and looks amazingly like him. Even though
I knew the outcome of the plot, I was still on the edge of my seat
throughout the film. The costumes, and the hairstyles, two things
I am especially critical of, were spot on. And we were all very
amused that a glass eye, just like the one I have, was featured
throughout the film. Despite Cruise's acting being the weak spot in
this movie, the Manor Clan still gave it two thumbs up.

The cast of Valkyri, from left to right:
Kevin McNally, Christian Berkel, Bill Nighy, Tom Cruise,
Terrence Stamp, David Schofield and Kenneth Branagh.

von Stauffenberg/Cruise


  1. i'd like to see the movie although like you, i'm not a huge tom cruise fan. to me, it seems that he is the exact same person in every film. in my mind that is just very poor acting.

    happy sunday, willow!

  2. So far, and many of my friends have seen this film, your review is the best, nicest, in terms of Cruise's acting

  3. Thanks for the review. I find the subject matter very interesting, what if they had succeeded?

  4. Since you're not a big 'fan' of TC here's a link I think you'll find humorous

    he he he

  5. Julie, I agree. Cruise is the same person in every film. Himself, unfortunately.

    Mari, so many, many lives would have been spared, had they succeeded.

    SweetPea, thanks for the link. I'm on my way over to check it out... :)

  6. Poor Tom, I guess his charm didn't work on the willow clan. It seems like a movie worth seeing-important subject matter...that profile comparison is almost exact. Amazing!

  7. I just can't watch movies about war...I know I have missed many an important film, though. I'm glad your Christmas was lovely and I enjoyed your blog and music and pictures of the season.

    Teri and the cats of Furrydance

  8. I haven't seen it yet and I love your reviews. I did see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which was marvelous. Brad Pitt actually did a wonderful job in the movie and Cate Blanchett was luminous.

  9. Thanks for the movie clip and review. Hubby and I aren't big movie fans as far as new releases. Haven't seen a movie since Cold Mountain. Like to stay home and cuddle with an old movie. Also not a TC fan. Only thing I liked him in was Risky Business and Rainman. I don't know why some people think he's cute.

  10. well, that's a surprise that you liked the film, generally speaking, of course. i can't imagine that mr. cruise could be very convincing as a nazi military man. i think i will wait until this hits directv!

  11. Thanks for the review. I havent been to the movies in a couple of years. There is one nearby theater that shows one movie a week. Otherwise I have to drive for 45 minutes. Not worth it. That's the boonies for you.

  12. I don't know, Willow. Every time I see the ad where Tom says "we have to assassinate Hitler", I can't exactly stifle my giggles. There's just something about top gun Tommy as a Nazi that is difficult for me to get past! But I do like Kenneth Branagh!

  13. Despite the poor acting by Tom Cruise, I would still really enjoy seeing this movie.
    Currently, my agency has a client, whose father has a ton of pictures from World War II. We are not sure if he was the photographer or if he knew people from various newspapers across the country. Needless to say, for the past two weeks I have been mulling over books and books of these historical images. Pretty cool stuff. I will have to see if he has any pictures of Stauffenberg.
    Thanks for the review.

  14. The Real Girl, I am so envious. I love vintage photos and the history they preserve. Do let us know if there are any pix of von Stauffenberg.

  15. Thanks -- I too am not a huge fan of Tom Cruise (could not believe HE was cast as LESTAT!!!), but we were wanting to go see the film... just not sure if it would be any good. So I read your review with great interest and it convinced me it's worth seeing.

  16. Pass.

    Rarely, as in nearly never, are so-called adaptions of historical moments more than revisionist pop corn.

  17. It's amazing how much Tom Cruise looks like von Stauffenberg. I so want to find some time to take myself to the movies. I'm glad this was a good one.

  18. I am glad to read your review...we were thinking of seeing it this week while on break.
    Glad you enjoyed your time with family.

  19. I am interested in seeing this film. I think Cruise is an underrated actor and his private life has made a lot of people judge him first and then his acting. That is sad. Still, I trust your judgement.

  20. Kat, David Bamber did a chilling job as Hitler! His mannerisms and walk were incredible.

  21. Well, I don't care at all for Tom Cruise, but I'll watch anything with Kenneth Branagh in it! Thanks for sharing your movie experience with us, Willow!

  22. Ditto on the Tom Cruise is not that great...boy is he getting a beating here! This movie sounds good tho..thanks for the review..

  23. I also like to see the movie, maybe there well be some facts and fan, your rwiew is great in terms of actors espacially Cruise Acting.

  24. Great film review! Now I don't feel that I have to go see this, thank you! There are so many good films out this season. I'm interested in Doubt, Milk and I really want to see Australia, even though I know it's overblown. Why not?

  25. Not a Cruise fan either...good to hear the movie received the Manor thumbs up though!

    Glad you're back to blogging after the Christmas break!

  26. Messrs Branagh and Nighy are two of my favourite actors so this is a film I'll probably try and catch. I also do not have much of the Cruise-love.

    Glad your Christmas was a good one - isn't it great to get back to a normal routine.

  27. Oh, we went to see it, too, Willow! I had read some abysmal reviews, so I didn't have many expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was very well done, and it was historically pretty spot on. I was only troubled in the beginning by the fact that all these "Germans" had British accents, but I soon got over it and it was excellent. Glad you had a good holiday--happy New Year to you and all your family!

  28. Coming from a family of WW II Vets we have been eager to see this film.."revisionist pop corn or not."

  29. Rebecca, it is very well done and you will enjoy it. We have WWII vets in our family, so we were keen on seeing it, as well.

  30. Despite Tom Cruise, this is a film I'm waiting for but it is not yet released here.

  31. There is nothing better than a little visit to Willow's Manor. Good tea, good conversation and pretty things to look at.

  32. Just watched the History HD documentary on Von Stauffenberg and the the deal that did not go down well...interviews with the children and spouses who survived. Amazing- and though Cruise resembles Von S. physically I can not get the thetans out of the way to appreciate him in that roll.

  33. Hi Willow,
    I hadn't planned on seeing this one but you've peeked my interest...due to the hairstyles and the glass eye!!! Enjoy the rest of the holidays.

  34. Willow,
    Thanks for the review. It looks like a must see!
    The Bach

  35. thanks for the review of the movie!! hubby wants to see it, and i was skeptical, per the critics. much appreciated!

  36. Good to hear from you at Willow Manor. Glad you had a lovely Christmas but it's good when normality returns I always think.
    I shall try and see the film, but more than likely it will be on Sky! I love Brannagh and Nighy and will hold judgement on poor Mr Cruise!
    My father had a glass eye!
    Brush with Colour, I much much prefer 'Germans' in a film either speaking German with titles or speaking English. Much better than those awful mock German accents the actors used to have to use.

  37. Phew! The beginning of this post popped up in my blog roll and I was a bit worried about what I might write regarding Mr Cruise. So, thanks, you did the job for me. Let's put it this way: 'A Few Good Men'? You know, Demi Moore (not one of my favourite actresses either) and Mr ex-Kidman? Well, thank God for good ol' Jack!

    Valkyrie interests me because of hte historical context. Thanks a lot for the review. I think I'll wait until they show it on the telly here.

    Glad to read that the celebrations at the Manor were good.

    Greetings from London.

  38. Hi Willow......I haven't seen this film, probably because I cannot accept Mr Cruise as a serious actor. He certainly was in august company here. Let's hope he learned something!
    Did you see Ken Branagh in the 2001TV film Conspiracy?, a similar theme. The costumes, hairstyles and sets were first rate, the plot not so appealing
    Yours aye, Michael.

  39. Michael, funny you should mention Conspiracy, because we just watched it last night. Excellent acting, horrific subject matter.

  40. Cruise looks a lot like him after seeing that old pic you post. I too am not wild about Cruise for his acting abilities but as a WWII buff I may have to see it at some point.

  41. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks TC plays the same person in every movie. So, Jerry McGuire as Hitler's nemesis is not so convincing. Didn't think so either. Thanks for the review. Will catch this on the rental circuit.

    Happy New Year!

  42. I went to see this movie as well, and I enjoyed it---save for the ending, of course. My friend, who is a retired Brigadier General for the US Army, was impressed with the uniforms and historical acuracy. He was a history professor as well, and enjoyed the film immensely. In fact, he's seen it three times now; his assumption being that he's missing small details. Anyway, I liked it very much. I'm looking forward to seeing Defiance next. Prior to Valkyrie, I went to see The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. What a terrible, terrible ending...

    Enjoy your day! Thanks for sharing!


  43. Good review, Willow, and I, too, have a similar opinion of Tom Cruise. I'll wait until the crowds settle down or until it comes out in DVD.

    I'm interested in the part of history where not all Germans agreed with Hitler. One of my second cousins was removed from a WWII POW camp in Germany by a German officer, along with a few other prisoners, and taken by train to Bavaria where he (cousin) was allowed to make his way to Switzerland, and then home to Canada.

  44. I don't know if I can get past Tom Cruise, but I might have to try it, given your review now.

  45. Thank you for posting this review. I have been wanting to see Valkyrie since seeing the first preview, but my husband had heard it was not good.

    Have you heard that there are 2 more WW2 era movies coming out? NPR did a feature on them. One is titled Defiance and the other Good.
    The movies are a history lover's heaven right now!

  46. This production was great. TC was sincerely devoted to his cause and dramatic as he is in all of his movies. The movie begins with some German dialogue accompanied by English sub-titles which creates an accurate German language flavor. Not sure why English accents were chosen for the remainder of the movie.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)