Friday, April 2, 2010


for Evelyn

Last week, as we planted
what was left of your frail body,
I peered in that deep
and neatly cut rectangle

and thought how
you never wore garden gloves,
but loved this black dirt
against your skin.

How often, after tending
your pale naked ladies,
a bit of earthy Kansas
showed under your nails
like a badge of courage.

Now you, brave lady,
are planted with the lilies,
and I cling to spring's promise
that death is only for a season.

willow, 2010


  1. An earthy, poignant and moving way of laying a loved one to rest. May we all cling to that "spring's promise that death is only for a season".

  2. Willow,
    this is a true tribute of words
    strung together with love and admiration.
    A big hug,

  3. Beautiful... both the floral beauty as well as your words.

  4. A fitting tribute Willow to your brave loved one, and such beautiful dewy flowers.

  5. beautiful willow...just beautiful...

  6. This is one of your best, Willow. Tightly written, strong and sad, moving without being sentimental. I think Evelyn would love it.

  7. Your words have caused something in me...I am not sure...

    Very moving.

    Thank you.

  8. a beautiful poem. even if death is not only for a season, to rest in the earth is not a bad thing...

  9. I'll just say what I said out loud just now (in my office, no less) after reading this: Oh. Wow.

  10. Willow how beautiful. I am so moved.

  11. What a lovely tribute, it touched my heart, and offered a glimpse into Evelyn's character.
    I wish I'd known her.

  12. what a beautiful tribute. Sounds like she was a lovely woman.

  13. Hello Willow,

    A beautiful tribute, yes, and it would seem that you and your families have always had a strong connection with the land.

  14. Good morning, Willow. Thank you for this poem, the rich earthy everlasting dirt of it, its roots and its blossoming. The poem of the day by Felicia Mitchell on my blog takes on the same theme and imagery. I think you'll like it, a father this time around, his ashes mingling in the garden soil.

  15. Beautifully expressed sentiments, Willow.

  16. Beautiful flowers. I've never seen amaryllis that color.

  17. Dear Willow, As with so many others who have commented, I found these lines to be so very moving and, in a strange way, comforting if we believe, as I do, that death is only 'for a season'.

    I am reminded of my mother saying that the dead remain with us provided that we continue to talk about them. As I get older, I understand what she meant.

  18. What can I say? I'm lost for words. What a beautiful, heartfelt poem. Would that we were remembered in such a poignant and delicate way when we're gone.

    Many thanks. Off to the airport now!

    Greetings from London.

  19. What a beautiful tribute! Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for this.

  20. A lovely tribute to a woman who obviously was so near and dear to your heart...

    May her memory be eternal.

  21. Willow, such a lovely tribute to Evelyn. From earth we come and to earth we shall return. Beautiful words, thoughts, & feeling.

  22. Oh Willow, how exsquisite your words are. Beautiful, heartfelt and inspiring.

    I needed to read this on a cold, rainy, dreary Good Friday in San Francisco.

    Have a warm, Easter Weekend with friends and family!

    Sending hugs,

    ♥ Robin ♥

  23. Another lovely poem and such a wonderful tribute to Evelyn.

  24. Poignant tribute to a lovely woman. Beautiful, Willow. Happy Easter to you all!

  25. You shower love on one you hold dear. I am moved and blessed to be a small part of that love and thank you for sharing your feelings in this poetic way.

  26. Very beautiful,willow. Intimate tribute and yet universal.

  27. Again, your poetry touched me. Beautiful, Willow.

  28. A beautiful, beautiful poem Willow, thanks so much for posting.

  29. Beautiful words from a good heart...

  30. Well done, Willow. The lillies are beautiful, too.

  31. This is beautiful...

    May you and yours have a wonderful remaining Easter Triduum...

  32. A beautiful poem, Willow--& my condolences for your loss.

  33. My heart stretches toward yours - peace to you

  34. sweet stuff. my naked ladies are popping up their spring greens.

  35. Willow, you aren't just super talented with words, you are also super cool. LOVE all of your profile pics!

  36. hello. I have been away teaching a workshop and am slowly getting back to the blog world. beautiful poem once again and spring is coming. and your egg/mushroom recipe is similar to mine but I also add fresh spinach to the mushrooms-- try it next time.

  37. Willow a beautiful moving tribute. I am sure she is pleased to be remembered among the lillies!

  38. Beautiful. Echoing, aching beauty, Willow.

  39. A beautiful tribute from the heart.

  40. Very touching Willow...have a happy Easter weekend, xv.

  41. Amaryllis always make me think of my grandmother. She had a big collection in our garden.
    Happy Easter, Willow!
    By the way, love you page new layout.

  42. Ohhhh I love your poem!! And your blog is amazing too!


  43. Oh willow, I am sorry about the loss of your friend but this is a fabulous tribute to her.

  44. wonderful image of your friend loving dirt against her hands and now this. encased in dirt. beautiful poem.

  45. Thank you, you have enriched my day.

  46. I very much admire your ability with words, Willow. My condolences on the loss of your friend.

  47. I would only hope that I would have a friend such as you to write something so beautiful about me when I move on.

  48. Hi! Willow,
    What a beautifully written and loving tribute...Thanks, for sharing your poem with your readers.

    DeeDee ;-|

  49. Hi! Willow,
    I hope that you have a wonderful Easter holiday and I also want to mention...nice quote from the film... Gigi,
    very nice upgrade,(of your blog, I was "lingering" here on your blog.) and my eyes are on your netflix selection.
    Thanks,for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  50. DeeDee, thank you! You're the only one who's mentioned the Gigi quote. I watched it on TCM last week and thought that particular quote was hilarious!

  51. Oh. Willow. Would there were someone who will say such things about me someday. Words. Wise and love filled words.

  52. lovely and poignant

    spring and death and memory, and gardening - as with my mother too

  53. Your poetry is so meaningful and moving.

  54. "Death is only for a season."

    Boy, that sure leaves the reader with a wistful, yet buoyed-up sort of feeling. You really pay attention to those power positions in your verse, don't you? Excellent work, I liked this.

    I have left you an award at my blog, Creative Writer. You might have to scroll down a little...

  55. There's not an extraneous word in this poem -- it's tender, gentle, sorrowful, as well as a tribute to your friend.

    So sorry for your loss.

  56. Thanks, everyone. Actually, Evelyn was WT's mother. My mother-in-law, yes, but also a dear friend.

  57. To think of the flowers and the dirt and her love of those is comforting

  58. Very very beautifully written, & I'm very sorry for your loss <3


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)