Thursday, March 18, 2010


I want to throw one of those crazy parties
like in Breakfast at Tiffany's
wear a dress that looks like a bed sheet
smoke a cigarette
in an outrageously long holder
greet my guests
with 'darling' and a kiss

afterwards I'd put on big sunglasses
mosey up the street for breakfast
take a peek in Tiffany's window
danish in one hand
vendor's coffee in the other

the closest I'll ever come
is stand in the kitchen after breakfast
hum Moon River
chase away the mean reds
put coffee cups in the sink
run the little pink sponge
round and round the countertop.

willow, 2010


  1. round and round the countertop ...

    Years ago, when my daughters were little, we visited New York from Spain and stopped at Tiffany's. They had heard so much about the film Breakfast at Tiffany's that the youngest, around 4 years old by then, thought we were going to have breakfast there.

    When all she saw was diamonds and other jewells, she started screaming "Quiero un cruasán! Quiero un cruasán!" (I want a croissant!) at the top of her lungs. There was no way to pipe her down. The security people began to hover around us ever more intimidatingly and we actually had to leave the store for fear they would march us over to the zoo and feed us to the yak.

  2. Lorenzo, I can easily see why your little daughter expected a croissant from Tiffany's. Cute story!

  3. As long as you're humming Moon River, you're in with a chance!

    Nice poem.

  4. Lovely willow, and I share your sentiments! Particularly liked the "mean reds" and the "pink spongeround" touch.

    PS You're at one of those parties over at my place. Underneath the stick insect!

  5. Dear Willow, In this virtual world, why stop at breakfast? Morning Coffee in the Gerbeaud, the most glamorous art deco café in Budapest, Luncheon in the dining car of the Venice-Simplon Orient Express, Afternoon Tea at the Ritz, and Dinner at Maxime's of Paris. Who knows, maybe even time for a nightcap at The Negresco in Nice? Party on!!

  6. Oh I do like that Willow. It perfectly captures the way dreams and reality play tag throughout our daily lives.

  7. Didn't every girl want to be Holly ? I know I did until I was older and realized that she had no money but in the end she found love and her cat. So, there you have it ...

  8. I sing Moon River all the time. I have always loved that movie!

  9. willow i love the way the world of people in that photograph swirls in a hum drum around her gorgeous face, her style, ooooh yeah!!! steven

  10. Lovely, dreamy poem. Wasn't it every young girl's dream to look like Audrey? I had three cigarette holders of varying lengths. Only used them on stage though! Everyday one was short. Don't do that anymore - sighs.......

  11. Oh my HH always used to say "You look just like Holly G." Notice I said he used to say that. Back then I thought I was too thin. The Audrey Hepburn look came along later in my life. When I was 19 and around curvy with a little more pounds was in, which I wasn't. Love that poem.

  12. Nodding my head at this one.

  13. Oh I love this little ditty! Can I attend?

  14. Ah, you are concocting something wild and romantically delicious for your next communal project. Bring it on!

  15. but thats alright...dreams come in all sizes and packages...

  16. Loved the movie -- love your poem, especially the close.

  17. The family who owns the Atlanta bridal salon Bridals by Lori held just such a party for their daughter's bridesmaids' luncheon. Everyone was asked to wear a little black dress, and the bride to be was a knockout in a white lace short kicky little dress.

    Cheers to loverly parties!

  18. Yeah the closest I'll ever get to that is daydreaming at the kitchen sink looking out the window! Loved the poem!

  19. Wonderful! If you hold that party, let me know!

  20. Willow Go Lightly, It's never too late for a party like that. We've got a lot of living to do. When do you want to leave for NYC to look at the little blue Tiffany boxes? And you do look great in sunglasses.
    I also did my Theme Thursday on Breakfast at Tiffany's, but haven't put it up yet. I did a different view, though. Holly has so many facets to her, doesn't she?

  21. Dahling... absolutely loved this.Glad you chose pink for the sponge.Tres chic et tres elegant.One of the best movies of all time and seminal in a young adolescent girl's development with regard to trench coats,how to throw a good party,how to knit and how to convert an old bath into a lounge.

  22. Can I come over for breakfast, Willow? I would even settle for helping you wash those mugs and counter top! I just LOVE the way you think, the way you write, your sense of humor, your depth! So glad I ran into you in this lovely bloggy land. Maybe we could have a virtual breakfast. We wouldn't even need to wear that draped cloth. We could arrive "necked" or in our jammies. And the butler could do the dishes if we didn't want to!

  23. If you ever do that, make sure you invite me. It's one of my dreams to attend such a party.

  24. Oh, my! I, too, went with the Breakfast at Tiffany's idea, probably a popular topic for this week's theme and much more interesting than writing about poached eggs or waffles, my first thoughts. I loved your poem and had forgotten about the "mean reds" that would come over Holly. I may need to rent that movie again, though I practically know every line by heart.

  25. I love the party scene in "Breakfast at Tiffany's". And Henry Mancini's music was perfect. I love the way Holly yells "timber" as one of her party guests crashes to the floor.

    My daughter gave me diamond earrings for my 40th birthday, with a note in the box quoting Holly when she is at Tiffany's, "Personally, I think it would be tacky to wear diamonds before I'm 40." The earrings were from Tiffany's -- in the blue box -- and I treasure them.

    What a great movie.

    Oh, yes, wouldn't it be fun to be at a party like that. :-)

  26. just as long as you don't dump your cat in the rain....

  27. Willow,
    I love the scenery for your breakfast party!
    Your imagination is brilliant!
    Have a good St. Patrick’s Day!
    Ps."Good night" by Czesław Milosz is on my blog.Stop by someday!

  28. But daaaaahling willow you must know, there is undiscovered glamour and phantasmagorical possibilities in soap suds ...

  29. oh, the difference between dreams and reality is a little pink kitchen sponge! This was a delightful read.

  30. A lovely tribute to a glowing actress and a first rate film. If only sometimes our lives were indeed like film sets

  31. Me thinks you all might enjoy a Breakfast at Tiffany's cyber party? My little gray cells are dancing!

  32. That is one of the most psychedelic movies I've ever seen. I believe you can watch the party scene on Youtube. Wow.

    Audrey Hepburn is always so elegant, even when she pretends to be a country bumpkin who moved to the city and slicked herself up.

  33. I love this. I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn. I have always wished to have a bit of that effortless grace, to no avail. Maybe in my next life...

  34. Very chic. Very avant garde. Left Bank even. What was the orange cat's name? Kitty. I was so glad when Ms Audrey found the cat. It meant her life changed, but she still could have those fab parties! I think Audrey would have found Spain nice too. Wonders what a sequel would have been like? That Girl? Loved That Girl too. Clothes to die for, Halston, Givenchy, Chanel. Audrey penultimate "class". Tiffany's...was there in early 80's. Only on the main floor. Each floor up goes another 100k. Little too tres riche pour moi! Party please Willow?

  35. Oh, Daaaaling ... you are ever so Tiffany's!!! :) The Bach

  36. My favorite thing in this poem? The little pink sponge you are pushing round and round on the countertop! Of course I love Holly and Moon River, but this little detail brought it all back home to me! Great conclusion.
    Just posted an old poem on my countertop! And a lovely drawing I think you'll like.

  37. i'm all for a breakfast party, fire up the griddle, we'll all wear togas! good poem, again!

  38. "I'd smoke a cigarettein an outrageously long holder"
    You could take an eye out with that thing!
    I would like to see you mosey up the street in a bed sheet with a danish in tow with big sunglasses on. HA!

    Seriously though, this is fabulous. I like the casualness of it.

  39. I have always wanted to do the very same thing :)! The movie is classic, as is Audrey.

  40. Is that a sad thing Willow? You could smoke a cigarette in a ridiculously LONG holder wearing large sunglasses AS you run the pink sponge round and round...couldn't you?
    It might be grand.

  41. This was a great piece. I really enjoyed it. I think I need a ciggie in a really long holder now...
    I’m up right HERE

  42. I love this one! Makes me want to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's again too.

  43. I love this and in fact think you should remember this post for the annual Willow's Ball. We'll expect to see you in bed sheet, OK? :)

  44. I'd like to see that movie, Katyn, btw.

  45. My parents' first movie date was to see "Breakfast at Tiffany's", and their song was "Moon River". Always brings a tear to me eye.

  46. Looks like I'm a bit late for breakfast here, heh...and now I've got that song goin' in me head! But 'tis a good song, wot?

  47. Jill, that is a fabulous idea! Got the bedsheet and the sponge, now all I need is the long, long cigarette holder. Ebay here I come...

  48. Closer Than Me Gal! The Nearest I Have Ever Got Is A Greasy English "Full Breakfast"!

  49. Bravo! BaT is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I wore huge Holly Golightly sunglasses long after "bug-eye" shades went out of style. (Still have a pair that I wear now and then in memory of Audrey H.)

  50. I'll try humming when the Black
    dog comes my way.. Good advise.
    Is't A.H. Beautiful


  51. humming moon river is guaranteed to work on vanquishing those mean reds!

    loverly poem!

  52. I refuse to use a pink sponge. You can't make me, you can't make me...

  53. I was always jealous of Holly's joie de vivre. And her swan-like neck.

    Very nice.

    My entry is up here.

  54. My MIL used to smoke her cigs in a long holder but it was a conventional holder not the one Audrey used. She also called everyone "Darling". She did not however wear a bed sheet although when I first met her in the late 60's she was wearing her hair up like Audrey does in the movie.

    Never made those connections before. hmmmmm.

  55. Why am I thinking Polanski's "Repulsion" instead?
    Nice one, Willow!

  56. As with so many things, the fantasy is probably better than the reality.

    Lovely details.

  57. Moon River...longer than a mile...I'll be humming that all day!

  58. Great movie, great song....great memories. Thanks.

  59. Moon River , one of the first non classics I play on the piano. Love it , try to sing it too.

    Wonderful TT post!

    Happy Thursday!

    Happy TT!

    Did you know that I am now hosting a new meme?

    Find out more Blog of the Week Please join us for the WEEKEND FUNNIES. Week #2 is this Friday to Sunday (March 19-21).

    See you there?




  60. that is the longest cigarette holder EVER! LOL!

  61. Breakfast at Tiffany's...

    Now you've made me want to see the movie!

  62. Your poem made me smile! :-)

    Here in V., you can look at Tiffany's window with a croissant from Demel's a few doors up. Better yet, walk by T and celebrate a proper breakfast at D. You can wear your pearls!

  63. Thank God for imagination, then, eh? :))

  64. I can remember my mom going to see this film and then rushing out to buy the record. Moon River wafted through our house for years.

  65. Great movie and a great poem! I'll be humming Moon River all day... and loving it!

  66. i never saw that movie. i know i'm missing out on a classic.

  67. Girl, you have got it going on.

    Love this one.

  68. I always did like Audrey Hepburn. Classy lady.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)