Friday, February 26, 2010

supernatural nod


I need messages
in bottles, random fortune
cookies, those subtle signs
from heaven, memorandums
stating all is as it should be.
Not Moses
parting my Red Sea,
just a burning weed,
a small bit of shrubbery,
a simple note
stating he supposes
his toeses are roses.
A little everyday
omnipotent ditty,
showing his sense
of humor is still intact,
that I'm on the right track.

willow, 2010


  1. You're too much of a force not to be on the right track, Willow.
    Still, I give you my nod. ;)

  2. Love the Singin' in the Rain reference (and the message in general)! :)

  3. wonderful willow...sense of humor in tact, every time i look in the mirror. small signs and messages in the bottle...happy tt!

  4. You are such an expression of the good things in the universe, you are probably getting signs all the time and then passing them on to others.

  5. Do I see a Donald O'Connor reference?

  6. Willow you are an erudite master! So skillful with language. All is as it should be. Cheers Willow!!

  7. Ah yes, willow, woe be us if his humor is not intact.

  8. I reads like you are playing games with your/our sense of humor. What does the note in the bottle say?

  9. I always leave your blog with a smile on my face.
    I'm both enlightened and in awe.
    You're on the right track friend!

  10. Love this - and Mr Emerson's piece in the sidebar!

  11. "Just a burning weed."

    I love the understatement here and playfulness of the whole piece, along with the serious final statement. Good poem!

  12. Very nice--playful, but with something well worth saying. I also liked the Donald O'Connor reference!

  13. My Inukshuk post says just this - You are on the right path :)
    I love signs too... I incorporate many into my daily life, everything always pointing to a good sign!
    I love this poem, and also the previous extremely alarming one about ingenious homicide with an ice pick.. yikes!!

  14. Mmmmmm...very nice. I love the way you put words together: "little everyday omnipotent ditty".

  15. I love that bottle! But it's also partly a letdown. Because the color of the glass makes me think that if I drink from that bottle, I'll be swigging red cherry candy pop! But of course, that's just the color of the glass. There's no cherry candy pop in there. It's a note, and it's either dry or it's got some salt water with it.

    Sometimes a memo just reminds us of what everything already is. Occasionally, there's some new procedure in there. Tucked away. You have to read closely, before the message self-destructs.

  16. I don't usually comment on your poems. Not a reflection of your writing or my opinion. I really like this one though.

  17. I think this one might be my favorite yet. :)

  18. Very nice, Willow. You're pretty amazing!

  19. Abe, I actually rolled up an interesting mailing envelope that Corey had sent me from France. It made a nice photo prop for the message in the bottle.

    And Dogimo, it's really a vintage brown bottle I photo shopped into that luscious red!

  20. You're poem made me laugh!! :) You are too funny about ole Moses. And what a gorgeous bottle picture.
    Have a lovely evening! :) The Bach

  21. You're so clever -- a true wordsmith!

  22. Hints and allegations in every line, you clever Willow you!

  23. Mmmmm... your poetry is always a delight to read and delicious to ponder at length.

  24. Sometimes the signs are a little too subtle & we almost miss them. But I think things are as they should be.
    Fortune cookies are so random, like they're chosen just for us. Remember when Bach got the empty fortune cookie. I still haven't figured out what that meant : )

  25. Yes! All of us need that little boost that inspires us to keep on truckin'.

  26. I got a message in a fortune cookie once that I just knew God dropped straight from heaven. :)

  27. This is lovely, Willow! Thank you for the smile in my heart and the reminder in my brain.

  28. One of my favorites Willow.

    I love and need the signs and messages too...

  29. A very sweet poem Willow.
    I'd like a message in the bottle
    from Sting.The Pacific Ocean is full of messages in bottles(mainly beer bottles) and not one of them from God!I check regularly.

  30. A simple note
    stating he supposes
    his toeses are roses.


  31. You're compiling a book right? Tell me you're doing just that, yes?

  32. Willow,
    When I think of the millions of conversations that flow through the ether from cell phones to cell phones, minute to minute, then I'm convinced that God sends us messages. We need to adjust our tuner from time to time to be able to pick them up.

  33. i really like this .

    2 thumbs up

  34. Not that it needs restating or even underlining - enough people have passed comment before me for you to realise you done good - but I still thought I'd add my tuppenceworth: very good, we get caught up in the word play and the seriousness of the piece comes as an aftertaste almost.

  35. I see on your sidebar that you are listening to Dexter Gordon. Alright. I saw him a number of times in clubs and never saw or heard a more compelling saxophone storyteller, truly one of the great jazz raconteurs. Did you ever see the film "Round Midnight"?

  36. I loved the rhythm of this, willow. It begged to be read aloud - so I obliged

  37. This is the kind of work I get to know you best.
    This is a fun out loud read ... 'toeses are roses'... are you are a Danny Kaye roll? -J

  38. HH, I shamelessly lifted "Moses supposes his toeses are roses" out of "Singing in the Rain". Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor sing and dance to it. :^)

  39. I could do with that too, Willow.

    Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places?

  40. "A little everyday
    omnipotent ditty." ...I really like that. I might have to drop it into conversation today! Thank you!

  41. We all need those, I think. Lovely--and wonderful photo as accompaniment.

  42. humor, certainly the nectar of the gods or

  43. It's morning and you've just given me the perfect start to my day - love it!

  44. Hello Willow, thank you for dropping by my blog to read Vicki's wonderful poem. I really like your poem today, by the way, and if you would give permission for me to use it--or at least link to it--when I begin my poem a day for National Poetry Month on my blog, that would be great. It's a fine way to introduce a reader to poetry. Love the reference to Singing in the Rain! Fabulous photo! KB

  45. Willow, you definitely are on the right track..the truth is, we must keep reminding each other that we're OK!!
    Well done!!

  46. Kathryn, I am so very honored. Of course, you may post this piece. Thank you!

  47. Yeah...ya know an email would be nice!!!

    Love it!

  48. And that kind of thing keeps you on the right track, I'm sure.

  49. You are SO on the right track, Willow. Oh yeah!!

    I too love Dexter Gordon. Thanks for reminding me, I'll switch on some of his music right now.

  50. Hi! Willow,
    What a nice poem...and most definitely, a nice take on this Thursday Theme.
    By the way, I like your header, and the photograph of the note in the bottle too!
    Thanks, for sharing and Happy Theme Thursday too!
    DeeDee ;-D

  51. ...'his toeses are roses' - love it!

    Jeanne x

  52. Thanks, Willow. I'll let you know when the poem is up. It will be most likely the first ( or second day) in April--or maybe you don't want to be an April Fool? Or maybe you do??? A fool for poetry. That's not such a bad fate. K

  53. Thanks, Willow. I'll let you know when the poem is up. It will be most likely the first or second day in April--or may you don't want to be an April Fool? Or maybe you do??? A fool for poetry. That's not such a bad fate. K

  54. how I love the supposes the toeses are roses!

  55. I think we all need a sign we're on the right track. Nice poem, Willow, as always.

  56. Kathryn, I don't mind at all being an April Fool. I rather like the notion!

  57. That's great!
    you have a gift Darlin..

    Listen," Redrum " still freaks me out.
    Jack is the best HERE'S JOHNNIE!


  58. ms willow...a little of moses...done in highest praise...adds well to the i read twice, i must say...smiling bigger the second time around!

    If you have not been to the banquet yet, I hope you will come share my Feast

  59. It is pure delight to come here, Willow.
    Thank you.

  60. That just about sums up what I need too Willow!

  61. You want all the signs starting with messages in a bottle and fortune cookies and ending with a burning bush. Nah! You're going to divine your destiny like mortal folks do: one day at a time, one act a day. We're are hopelessly mortal.

  62. I need messages in bottles...

    Oh, me too!

  63. PS. I'm sure you knew DK sings that tongue twister, too! -J

  64. HH, Danny Kaye sings the Moses Supposes song? You're kidding! I thought it was only Kelly and O'Connor!

  65. not a fan of chinese food...i'm suddenly craving it....

  66. You have my nod dear Willow as always.

  67. I remember one of the funniest bits done by David Steinberg...."What if God asked me what I wanted more than anything else in the world? Of course, if God asked me that, that would be enough. I mean, God. You know? But if God asked me what I wanted more than anything else in the world, I'd have to say: God, I want to be on the Dating Game."

  68. I like this! It made me :-)

  69. What a lovely poem. I love its simplicity, but at the same time the ubiquitous sense of humour like here:

    'Not Moses
    parting my Red Sea.
    Just a burning weed.'

    I love your writing because it's so inclusive. It's elegant ('A little everyday/omnipotent ditty.') and very witty. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  70. Elegant? Mr. Cuban, you just made my day. xx

  71. A clever reminder to look for the little signs. I'm sure you are on the right track, Willow.

  72. random fortune cookies..very nice --you always find a bit of beauty and wisdom in the day to day-

  73. So witty . . . and don't we all just long for a little something? From the Desk of God.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)