Tuesday, January 19, 2010

peepy peeks and chocolate

voy·eur (voi-yûr') n.

1900, from Fr. voyeur (1898), lit. "one who views or
inspects," from voir "to view," from L. videre "to see"

It's crazy to think how many lives I take a peek at, in a single day.
I'm fascinated by their mundane activities, in a magpie sort of way;
what they're munching, what movies they're watching, whether or
not they're wearing their woolly socks. Not only that, I get a
strangely satisfying glimpse of what they're thinking and how they
might feel on a given day.

I guess it's safe to say, I have become a Peeping Tom, or should I
say, Peeping Willow. (Heh-heh, as opposed to weeping willow.) No
wait, isn't Peeping Tom the guy who was struck blind because he
looked at Lady Godiva? Maybe I don't want to be Peeping Willow.
Godiva, on the other hand sounds oh-so-chocolaty-good. (Just a
sec, while I grab a dark Ghirardelli square.) Sorry, munch-munch,
I digress.

Anyway, I've actually become quite attached to these peeps who
are only a click-of-the-mouse away. My closest "3-D friends", as I
like to call them, only meet for lunch about once a month, at best.
Even then, they don't get so delightfully specific and personal.

On the other side of the chocolate coin, I often wonder about all the
hits on my site meter. Who are these mysterious peeps, compelled
to visit every day? Only about 15 percent, of those who pop in for a
peek, leave a comment. The scary thing is, I can only guess they are
just as obsessed with me, as I happen to be, with my peepy peeks.

photo: Peter Sellers in The World of Henry Orient


  1. Interesting thoughts. I never thought of myself as a voyeur!

  2. My site meter- I know! I'm like, are people reading me? WHO are these people reading me? WHY are they reading me? Maybe I don't want them to read me...

  3. If I visit, I like to comment - it seems rude to drop in and not say "hi", even if you've nothing spectacular to say. But everyone's different, and I'm sure you can be shy online as well as in real life. Or simply interested.
    Yes, Peeping Tom does go with the Lady Godiva, but only ever makes me think of the Michael Powell film. Psychological torture! (the film, that is, not your blog!).

  4. I'm being stalked by the Irish, who visit five or six times a day and don't say anything. And I pend way too much time wondering why.

    My blog is full of the mundane. You should love it over there.

  5. Well, Tracey, you're not alone. The Irish are stalking me, as well! Gosh, I keep forgetting to add you to my blogroll. I'm missing out on some great peeping!

  6. Samuel Pepys - did he peep? Sounds like he did... eponymous? Or what.

    Those who read your words but make no comment are 'lurkers' in a way. I don't know why but lurking in not to my liking...

  7. You are a siren. And I am drowning in the sea as my more resolute companions sail into the distance, safely.

  8. I do feel voyeuristic as I stop here and there to see what is new with some favorite bloggers....I love the mundane too...maybe that is why I have always enjoyed your "What's Happenin..." sidebar and why I have sort of copied it:)

  9. Delightful thoughts, Willow! Thank you.

  10. Samuel Pepys, I LOVE it, Philip. I think he must have been a peeper!

  11. It is amazing what a small percentage of readers actually comment--a lot of folks I suppose coming thru search engines either get what they want or don't, & either way, leave.

  12. A siren?! Ooo, I love the sound of that. Well, it looks like I'm just going to have to save you, then, Jeff.

  13. I love your blog and I peep just about every day.

  14. just peeked round to say hello.

  15. Peggy, I'm thrilled that you left a comment! I want to meet all my peepers.

  16. Indeed! I always comment when I visit. There's always something to say, isn't there? Now pass on that chocolate Missy!

  17. Quite right Willow, thought that perhaps occasionally I should reveal myself!
    Dont have a site meter so have no idea who peeps at me.

  18. I think of it as traveling -- particularly since many of the blogs I peep at are in other countries. And of course it's always a pleasure to read good writing and quirky thoughts -- which is why I check in at Willow Manor regularly.

  19. I too have thought it a form of voyeurism, though I do it anyway.

  20. Who are these people?! :-)

    Good question.


  21. This post made me hungry for Easter candy. I love those marshmallow peeps AND chocolate bunnies. As for peeping Tom...well... : )

  22. I used to peep daily at the blog of a local artist...I rarely ever commented. I thought of myself (with a grin) as her virtual stalker.

  23. I have to confess to extreme voyeurism recently: dashing about trying to keep up with everyone but feeling I had no time to think of comments. But I'm trying to stop the lurking and speak up!

    I too find the mundane utterly fascinating. I guess that's what makes us writers, in a way: we take interest in the way lives are actually lived.

  24. Peeping Willow, not weeping Willow! LOL! I'm constantly amazed at and entertained by the topics you and others dream up to write about! Of course it's voyeuristic, but fascinating nonetheless!

  25. yeah i am a rather smitten peeping tom myself. and often wonder who might be peeking back.

  26. don't mind me willow i'm just looking . . . . steven

  27. ...where'd ya get those peepers? Hey, this would have been the perfect musical accompaniment!

  28. Isn't it amazing when I check my site meter, just how many people visit my blog and don't comment. I love blogging just for the fact that I get a glimpse into other lives. I find them so interesting! BTW, I made your pork chops recipe last night. FAB!

  29. I have often wondered why some people never leave a comment...I always look for something to remark upon.

    Here's to shaking up mundane lives and the sweet irresistability of dark chocolate!

  30. Willow..it is such a cute book..
    Alibris might have it....

    thanks for stopping by, friend


  31. Well, I will probably be the 33rd post, and that may be the issue with everyone who visits responding every time. That's a lot of posts to read, for you and your readers. Your site has charm, in prose and poetry and images. As some have said, we vicariously travel here in vaporland, and yours is a most pleasant stop.

    Blog on, sweet siren!


  32. Like Mike I often won't post if there are a lot of comments on a blog - unless I have something fascinating to say. But, if I don't comment, how do you know I was here? I read every post - but it's not the same as you receiving actual acknowledgement. I'll try to do better!

  33. That is why I don't have my blog on the searches. At least I don't think I do. I don't have or want a counter. I always comment so I don't care if they count me or not.

  34. I finally put a hit counter and a geo counter on my blog last month and I'm amazed to know how many people stop by. While at the same time I continue to be dismayed by the lack of comments.

    People I know sometimes send me emails or tell me in person about something they liked on my blog, and while this is nice, it also kind of irks me. Don't they know that bloggers live for comments?!

  35. Farmchick, glad to hear you enjoyed the pork chops! Your "chicken no peek" has become a favorite at the manor. (no pun intended...heehee)

  36. Who wouldn't want to comment on a blog like yours!?

    It's by far the most pleasant place to visit!

  37. I mostly comment when I visit, not always tho. Depends on how much time I have. also, tho I read every day, I don't always have something to say about the subject.

  38. Funny, I just stumbled across a quote about voyeurism on a blog last night. It was by David Lynch,

    "I'm convinced we all are voyeurs. It's part of the detective thing. We want to know secrets and we want to know what goes on behind those windows."

    Isn't that the truth? Now excuse me while I go and peep in the bloggy windows of several other friends...

  39. I've always wanted to be one of the 15%. Ah well, back to the packing.

  40. One evening, Janna Qualman's blog had a post about Kathleen McBroom, a lady who blogged and dabbled in fiction - and went missing in 2008. Janna had never crossed paths with her directly but said: 'any of us out there might have crossed paths with Kathleen in the writing community'. And now Kathleen's blog has become a focus for anyone who might have had a peep into her life. Willow, your question is fascinating and I hope you don't mind if I put a link to Janna's post about it - http://tinyurl.com/ybc89u7

  41. A beauty of a post, chiefly because I share your obsession (Obsession? No, let's call it Passive Observation on Behalf of Humankind).

    Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  42. ...Passive Observation on behalf of Humankind...I like it!

  43. Hello Willow,

    I have a very modest daily reading list and know I couldn't cope with the number you must visit. I can understand why some folks might visit occasionally but not want to get drawn into 'a relationship'! But you'll always find me giving my twopennyworth!

  44. And, dear willow, what percentage of those 15% of visitors counted on the site meter who leave comments use the occasion to tell you they have just been seized by a sudden urge to serenade you with the old tune "jeepers creepers where'd ya get those peepers"?

    I'll mercifully spare you and your readers my stirring rendition ...

  45. Hey Willow, You know I visit every day and I love reading what you write. I visit so many blogs daily, I don't have time to post to my own. Assuming that those who write want to be read, I don't think of it as voyeurism or stalking. I think of it as admiration of all the creativity in our virtual world. I always think, "I wish I'd said that."

  46. I like the peepers. I love the mystery of them. And I understand - it always takes me awhile to "get to know" a blogger before I'm inclined to comment with any sort of meaning.

    Once I was "getting to know" a blogger, when suddenly she posted a piece about people who visited and didn't comment, calling us "lurkers." I got a bad feeling from that, so I didn't go back.

    I love comments and making new friends in the blog world. But if they don't choose to comment, it's fine with me!

  47. Oh my word - that OpenId above makes me look like a peeper/lurker! It's me, Jennifer, and my new blog identity! :-)

  48. Terresa, David Lynch is so right. It's deliciously private eye!

  49. Dirtywhitecandy, oh yes, by all means! Thanks for the link. It's all part of the beauty of blog networking.

  50. Cuban, you are brilliant. "Passive Observation on Behalf of Humankind". LOVE it!!

  51. Since the majority of people who visit your blog will have blogs of their own then they will all be writers. If there’s one trait all writers share it’s curiosity, a gnawing curiosity coupled with a fear that they might miss something and so we’re always on the watch, not only that we will go out of our way to position ourselves so that we have the best vantage point. We’re so bad that if we can’t see what's happening we’ll just make it up and focus our minds’ eyes on it. As for commenting, ah, if only we had the time but there’s so much to see and so little time.

  52. I only peeped for a long time. You are one of the people who taught me how generous it is to leave a comment behind. After all, it doesn't cost any money. Put it does take a little effort to let someone know you acknowlege them and appreciate what they have to say. I have enjoyed blogging much more since I began to comment and not just take a peep and go away.

  53. Jim, I had no idea you were one of my gentle readers!

    Peeping Willow huh? I think you are warmly welcomed!

  55. Willow I have to own up or remain with guilty feelings!I came across your blog by chance, and look at it often; It uplifts me!

  56. Oh I love to blog hop. I am an insomniac and click on a name which leads me to another blog and so on and so on...that is how I came across yours. I have one of those site meters but I never look at who is looking at my blog. I have a feeling that most come from curiosity about who is this woman commenting on my blog.

  57. Hi Willow~ just peeking in to say hello!

  58. Interesting question. Who are those lurkers? Now, I'm going to look at my stats and compare to my comments and see how many people lurked so far today!

  59. You are so wild! I love your comments, I love dark choc. too.

    I met a guy that was a peeper years ago. He looked lIke that
    Comedian Guy Marty Feldman
    the one with google eyes.


  60. Marty Feldman would be the ultimate peeper!

  61. I Love to walk down the street just after dark, before people have drawn their curtains - then I can take apeek into their lives.

  62. Oh, I remember Marty Feldman! He was gorgeous. The trouble with commenting on your blog, Willow, is that one has to read through 63 comments before ever getting to say something! I love it, you have such great commenters, including yourself, but the time it takes!! Still, I`ll be back and say something.

  63. Hey, you're no peeping tom or willow, Willow. Blogs are public - on purpose.


    You knew that. You are so clever!

  64. I'm new here , and coming right out and saying hello from the get go. Which is highly unusual, as I do like to lurk about a bit, read archived posts, the comments.

    But I sense this is a great spot, and I followed Angie Muresan here, so I know I'm in good company.

  65. I know!
    I really would like to have a chat with some of the people who stop by.
    Some people I know really well like you
    and Weaver
    and Paz
    and Merisi
    some people are very quiet indeed.
    Did you talk too much in class when you were a schoolgirl.
    I think I did
    much love

  66. Oh I think we are all sort of voyeurs. Interesting thoughts you have hear Miss Willow. 3D friends, I like that. ps just saw The Pumpkin eater after asking for it at Netflix ages ago and finally they've listed it and on instant view too. Such an interesting movie on many levels and into'd me to Penelope Mortimer. I knew Penelope Livsey and Penelope Fitzgerald but now PM though I know of her husbands writing.

  67. Fellow Peep Willow! Didnt Peter Sellers emphatically say "I like to watch"? Being There means one is a voyeur? Isn't it natural to peep; curiosity getting the better of the chat. Of course being a voyeur is not at all like being a voyageur lumberjack Canuck who, also, I hear cry, "moi je suis prefer de regard vous 'peeps' tres bien" Being the peeper or the peepee (what's this?)can mean whether or not one is looking in or out of a window. Could this be googlese?

  68. I'm a follower, a peeper and apparently, a keeper.
    Don't you just love it when people pop in?

  69. Every time I visit your blog, I am humbled. Seventy-two comments on one post, 1,160 followers... good grief! You must be semi-famous in certain circles, or perhaps you just have a really, really big family! Does all the attention make you feel pressured? Do you ever feel like saying, "Screw it. I don't feel like blogging."? At any rate, keep up the good work. You are definitely inspiring.

  70. Thanks, Donna. Yes, I do at time feel a bit of oBLOGation, but at the same time enjoy it immensely.

  71. My perspective on what I write changed recently when I found a comment from one my own kids! He'd managed to crack the top secret code & my cover was blown. It was then of course, widely distributed to his 4 other brothers & various family members for a small fee I suspect. Oh to be a carefree & anonymous blogger again. I was a lurker at WM for ages, even before your BON accolade. Can't for the life of me think why it took me so long to come out of the shadows, not a more welcoming gal in the whole Community than you dear Willow.
    Millie ^_^

  72. I'm sitting here trying to think of delightful words to go with that delightful post. I don't know... Don't have them today. All I can say is, you've tickled my fancy.

  73. I do love to read peep's "currently" status bars, must admit. I think you were the one who started this craze, weren't you, Willow?

  74. How the Dickens did I miss this post?
    (I swear, I look more than once a day!)
    I never checked my Sitemeter,
    until Steph "The Incurable Insomniac" started writing about how she has discovered interesting blogs from all over . oh well, any excuse, now I definitely peep too (and, contrary to you, Willow, I have less to peep, so much less, I could get the willows ... *giggles*).

  75. "Hits envy" - now that would be a case for Dr. Freud, wouldn't it? ;-)

  76. Hello,
    Just pooped in to say hello at the recomm. of another blogger's link who suggested we readers stop by to read your blog.

    I get random visits from other countries, like France, Norway, Pakistan,Iran,but my page has stats which I can get an idea of the subjects that I wrote on that they're searching for.
    Germany, Russia visits are for search for the song, "By the Boab tree" from movie Australia.
    These countries tend not to leave a comment either. Mostly I receive comments from the photo memes that I participate in like Ruby Tuesday, Skywatch Friday ,and Watery Wednesday. Do I have permission to add you as a fav. to Peep or comment when perchance I have time to read.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)