Friday, November 13, 2009

one liners

I forgive the girl with the purple pen who hacked up Charles Simic.

Without the leaves to sound proof, if I listen carefully, I hear the
semis roaring in the distance; it makes me think of Frost's "and
The sun on the back deck this morning made the sparkly frost look
just like the sugar on my batch of ginger cookies.
.I forgot to put the trash out this week.

He doesn't know it, but Robert Osborne is one of my bestest;
I have the hugest crush on him and those baby blues...Bob, you look
fabulous in your new dark blue suit and that green tie is tres chic,
my friend. (Got any of those bobble heads left? I want one.)
Bach's Sleepers Awake made me cry this morning.

Morning in the Burned House, Margaret Atwood's poetry, has been
delightful..."don't confuse me with my hen-leg elbows".

Today's a really good hair day; of course, I've seen no one.

Speaking of hair, I pulled a rat of it out of the shower drain today;
akk, I think I'm going know, I once dreamed my biological
father was Yul Brynner.
I'm severely craving a double fish fillet from Mickey Dee's; I might
just have to hop in the old Land Rover and go get myself one...don't
worry, I'll be good and skip the glorious fries. (forgive me Robynn,
for I am about to sin...)

This weekend is going to be incredibly fun...hope you all have one,
too, my bloggy pals~!


  1. How fun! Have I told you lately how much I love (again!) your new header and avatar? Happy weekend, you creative blogger, you!

  2. Well, someone's in a great mood this afternoon!

  3. Bach's Sleepers Awake makes me cry too. Is there something wrong was with a Filet once in awhile? yum. best to you on your weekend adventures

  4. Hooray for the great weekend. Looks like you are gonna put some raisins in the tasteless dough of existence.

  5. Oh you wonderful you! This is fun, informative, poetic, a cupboard full of one liners to line all our shelves.

  6. I love it! All the sophisticated movies and poetry and you want Micky dees! hahaha! Sorry, that just struck me as funny!

  7. Hey, Otin, I was born and bred in the Midwest. There's nothing I like better than a burger and fries...only now it's a fish and no fries!

  8. Fish 'n' chips and not yet Friday!

    It's teeming with rain here and pick-up day's tomorrow. The trash can stay where it is.

    Have a good 'un.

  9. Sounds more like Fish-hold the chips. Fun post and have a great weekend.

  10. You do realize that Virginia Woolf's trademark was purple ink? Perhaps she was the one who marked up your book!!!

  11. Haha, I don't think so. This one was felt tip! :^)

    Actually, she hacked it up so much that it was nearly impossible to read some of the poems, regardless of the color. I think it's cute that it just happened to be purple!

  12. We forgot to put the trash out once this summer...just after having corn on the cob a couple of nights. Not good in the hot garage for an extra week! Pee-shoo!
    (how DO you spell pee-shoo anyway? ha!) :P

  13. Willow, sometimes I just have to have some McFries! I always leave a donation in the Rondald McDonald House collection box. I am sure this act of giving makes all the calories vanish from the fries!

  14. Don't tell but I ate fries last night with my lamb burger. Gloriously peppery and crisp they were and I enjoyed every last one. The first I've had in a very, VERY long time.

  15. Oh, I have a weakness for potatoes of any kind. I'm sure it's my Irish DNA speaking. I could live on potatoes alone. I'm sure of it.

  16. It's only when we have those bad, bad, flat, flyaway, lifeless hair days that we see everyone we know, particularly people we haven't seen in years who are glad to see how we're doing :/

  17. You know....I always love visiting here. Always a lovely read. Go ahead and eat that filet o' fish. We must treat ourselves every now and again.

  18. I'm happy...I just finished consuming, in about one minute, the last five pieces of marzipan I brought back from my European birthday trip.

    Hope the weekend is jubilant.


  19. Does Mr. Osbourne look ill, or is just me?
    Hope he lives forever.

  20. love the one liner post - so fun! - you may have started something, but ha! most of my good blog ideas have been seeded from here! :)

  21. Great minds think alike. I did the same thing on Monday.

  22. I'm afraid I'd not have the will-power to say no to the glorious fries. I would forgo the fish for fries. My bad. (Is that even how you use that phrase?)

    Happy weekend, Willow. My mother is heading down to Fla. on Sunday. We are cat-sitting for 2 weeks.

  23. sounds like an amazing day willow...thanks for sending us into the weeekend with smiles.

  24. I love incredibly fun weekends.
    And fish fillet sandwiches. Oh, my.
    Robert Osborne has the best voice. It's the voice that heralds an interesting movie and I love it.
    I only have good hair days when I am alone.
    I love the way you described your deck in the morning sun.


    And I posted the most incredibly stupid thing today about speaking french to my dog. Gah!

  25. Happy, happy, joy, joy. You brightened up my dismal day. We have been pounded by rain, wind, and flooding for two days, with more to come tomorrow. I have to take photographs for the newspaper in this weather. They love a storm!

    Signing off now. My studio is on the third floor; I think the roof may blow off. Scary.

    Love your banner.

  26. A double fish filet? Didn't know they make those. I better have one.

  27. if a shiny pate looms there's always the Zhivago hat...

    and i see you've signed up [thank you] and so i shall return the compliment

  28. That was trippy. I was like, "what is she talking about...?" "What is she TALKING about?" "What is she talking about?"

    I've got to stop reading the post titles last.

  29. This weekend IS indeed going to be incredibly fun--and I'll be home for it. I can't wait. "Leavin' on a jet plane" in the early hours of the mornin.' Have a good one. Like the one liners. And I'm glad you've forgiven the purple ink girl.

  30. What's happening this weekend? Did I miss something?? There are artist's open studios this weekend here. I am going to try to make some of them. B is sick. Nothing sadder than a sick man. (I'm not a good nurse!)

  31. The way you 'dance' around from one thing to the next-- so much thoughts on so many topics-- happy weekend to you too.

  32. My wife asked me yesterday what sounded good for lunch and I said, "French Fries." And she got them at Wendy's. Potatoes must be a Midwestern thing 'cause I ain't Irish.

    I have enjoyed the one-liners post. Have a happy weekend with your slippers and books.

  33. LOVE the one liners and you in your Zhivago hat. Very cool!

  34. Oh, now I'm going to be thinking of Fish and Chips with tons of Malt Vinegar from Molly Malone's
    ( Lousiville Irish Pub). My Irish DNA concurs with yours that potatoes are the greatest vegetable on earth:D

    Willow, you and Besty really should make a journey down here to Irish Acres and The Glitz..Delicious food and antiques galore...and there is a lovely booth that I call the library room, welcoming patrons to take a book from the shelf and stay awhile:-D I'm heading there tomorrow.

    Erin go Bragh!!!!!

    Have a lovely weekend...

  35. Hey, Rebecca, we might just have to take you up on that! Sounds wonderful.

  36. Here's a few raisins for you.

    I also know someone with oneliners
    it leaves you feeling so vacant.
    In your profile I read the movies you like. One of my favorite Movies is Breif Encounters and 84 Charing Cross,& Now Voyager. By the way.. Edna Vincent Millay lived in Rockland,Maine. Treat yourself today. Find an old fashion ice cream shope buy a hat. Listen to up music.
    The ole Raisin herself.

  37. I have random thoughts like that all day every day. I never thought of how interesting they could be all collected together like this. Great fun.

  38. hmmm...i always preferred Beethoven to Bach. Sorry, Bach would never entice me to awake.

  39. I love idea of randomness...wherever did you come up with the idea? Somehow the burger isn't the same without the fries. I'm not sure I would have your will power to abstain. Hope you have a fun filled weekend. Maybe an overheard at the Manor? Those posts are always a hoot!

  40. I never heard of a double fish filet. Got hooked on McDonald's fish filet's as a teenager on the way home from the beach. Is a double two sandwiches or two pieces of fish on one sandwich? I would like it either way.

  41. I remembered the trash and I've already gone bald.

    Beat you too it on both counts! lol

  42. Another wonderfully fun post, Willow.

  43. O/T, but re your Wednesday Holy Father Post:

    Scanning the free metro newspaper on my way home today, I almost fell off my seat when I happened to read that the Holy Father not only writes e-mails, but is actually surfing the web! Click here to to read more about "Pope2You" (brought to you by the Pontificio Consiglio delle Comunicazioni Sociali). ;-)

  44. I better make sure that I fasten my seatbelt in case it's going to be a bumpy ride! ;-)

    Happy weekend! :-)

  45. Mickey D's fish fillet? Gack. Seriously. But, to each her own, and if you want one I support you. I'd rather consume my calories in wine, but whatever. As far as Atwood, LOVE HER. Very strange creature that one, but she always makes me think. I've never read her poetry, I usually stick to the fiction. In fact I just bought her new one (can't think of the name and it's upstairs and I'm in the basement) but I haven't started it yet because I have 1.5 books to read first. At least. But I own it and that's the first step. I first learned of her thru A Handmaids Tale in college and fell in love. I'll have to check out her poetry in honor of you, but you'll have to remind me because I have a ton of books ahead of that. :)
    Happy weekend, and happy McD-ing. But if it were me I'd skip the fish and go right for the happy meal cheeseburger (plain) and fill it with fries.

  46. I knew you'd like Atwood's poetry! :-)

  47. ha ha ha

    love your sense of humor.
    i lose hair all the time....
    i was afraid of unscrewing the drain cover and pulling out any hairs that were clogging the drain.

    here is a scary one for ya'.
    someone i know in fla had a rat come up through the toilet.
    can u imagine sitting on the toilet and you here something swimming in the bowl under your bottom. HEART ATTACK for sure.

    i'll have a fish filet too.

  48. You quote "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

    That's not quite right. It's
    "What doesn't kill you makes you stranger." :-)

  49. Anonymous, above, is me -- once again foiled by technology. Have a good weekend...

  50. Hello Willow,

    Just catching up with your past week! I've had a cookie and was looking for the cocktails to wash it down!
    Johnny Mercer and His Holiness in the same week? This is THE place to be - but then we knew that!
    Am glad that you're keeping in balance. I just took most of this week off and it feels good, even though I know I have been missing "stuff". Even got an award for my "super comments"! I think I'm happier visiting everyone else than thinking what to post today.
    Like Leslie, I love your new header and avatar AND that Dr Zhivago hat! Never mind what sort of hair day it is - just wear the hat.

  51. Hey -

    Robert Osborne has been my secret crush for ages... also my yearly date for New Years.

    My husband has, for the last several years, been bartending on New Year's Eve at a local catering hall. And so I spent each one with Robert Osborne, looking dapper and dashing as always in his tuxedo.

    Lately, I've been wondering if old Robert has been hitting the bottle or if he's got some sort of degenerative speech disorder - he's been slurring his words and runningthemtogether a lot more than usual lately. He's also become extremely thin.

    I hope R.O. is doing okay - and that I get to spend many more New Years Eves with him!

    - M

  52. Jen, yes, I have a 96 Land Rover Discovery, the big chunky square kind. It's a great car. Gets me out of a 1/4 mile drive of snow in the blink of an eye.

  53. Merisi, I had a feeling His Holiness was a computer savy guy. I'm off to click on the link. Thank you!!

  54. Marcheline, well, I think he looks pretty darn good for his 77 years! Yes, I hope he has many more on TCM. I'll be lost without him.

  55. Oh I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a huge crush on Robert Osborne. My husband think I'm nuts, but understand. :)

  56. yo.. love this style ))


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)