Thursday, August 20, 2009

Theme Thursday - Shadow

She's sits on my shoulder,
telling me to stop and get directions,
like a hen pecked husband.
She knows the way.

I hate her sunny energy,
perfect ego,
ever on the go.
A ten out of ten.

Forever put together,
she never cries,
never doubts,
and tries to play me for the fool.
Funny, now and then,
she breaks the rule,
hiding in the sofa cushions,
on a dark wet day.
She doesn't always win.
willow, 2009

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  1. I love your profile . . .

    and your poetry

    a compelling blog; glad I stopped by from steven's "golden fish" blog...

  2. That is just great!! Well done willow...

  3. I have to admit, I don;t get this one but love the lilt of it when I read it out loud.

  4. Mmm, it's about my alter know, my shadow.

  5. Ah, she goes everywhere with you.....

  6. so your shadow talks to you too...maybe the doctors are wrong about me. lol. really a beautiful imagery.

  7. Would agree that not only is she your shadow but your muse as well?

  8. Willow, I'm not that dumb! I thought it was perhaps it was your alter ego but still didn't really get it. Lol. Well, maybe I am dumb then. Hee.

    Carol asks a good question below.

  9. Where's your toes? Did I miss that avatar or side bar addition?

  10. Mmm, my toes, for your viewing pleasure are featured in the previous post. In homage to Frida Kahlo, of course. :^)

  11. Yep, it would be my shadow who would be the perfect one. Certainly not me. She's taller and skinny too. I especially hate that about her! hehe

  12. well yes willow. i like my messy (i'm a tidy person but messy in terms of who i am) in life self that skitter scatters all over but every so often there's a neat and tidy carefully put together oh so proper steven who shows up and shows off and who the heck is he anyway?!!! i love this poem as it grabs and nails the little needs to be perfect person who sits there and makes them comfortable and welcome - to a point!! happy evening at the manor willow. steven

  13. Hi Willow,
    your personal shadow side isn't all bad.... kind of sunny for a Jungian concealed tendency! Great song. -Jayne

  14. Owww...I hate it because she's always right...and when she nags me after I've said no when I shouldv'e said yes...and vice versa.
    She can be a real pest sometimes :)

  15. Really like this poem, Willow! It's very vivid and makes me understand the concept of 'shadow'. I suppose my 'shadow' wouldn't eat as many pancakes as me!

  16. Hi! Willow,
    I like your "poem" and your alter-ego...which is your Shadow.
    I wonder if a person shadow is their "soul?" and what it's all let us know that we exist?
    Nice TT post!
    Thanks, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  17. Keep watching her Willow. That is lovely and sad as well. It reminds me a little of the Power of Now book that I'm reading. I guess there's several layers to this poem as well. It is also like a dark Lewis Carroll poem. Another thoughtful, interesting piece! xx

  18. Almost like something seen in the foam of an expensive brew. Well done.

  19. You have deep thoughts, I love it!

  20. Love the post and the concept!
    I am reminded of a favorite childhood song me and my shadow!

  21. BTW, to your side bar question, somehow I just can't picture Mick jamming it up there in heaven! Oh, you don't mean those stones? Oh well, never mind then! :)

  22. I'm with Kat--really like the cushions on a wet day--unexpected, but just so.

  23. Willow, I did have to re-read it but got it. Very clever m'lady :) And a happy TT to you!

  24. I love it, Willow! Excellent job! :)

  25. Very clever! I think I quite like her though with her sunny energy!

  26. Excellent, Willow--and after reading ?yesterday's? post, I'm so glad you are writing poetry again, because you have a talent for it.

  27. great poem!

  28. I want the Willow poetry compilation book. Love your "shadow." Mine is much less confident and I have to lock her in the closet to leave me alone!

  29. Sometimes it's hard to escape oneself.

  30. Hi Willow

    That was a bossy alter...

    I noticed your comments on The Changeling and agree wholeheartedly, terrible acting and those damn lips I just couldn't take my eyes off...why the bright red lippy when the lips fill the screen I don't know...

    Happy days


    watch out for other shoulder perchers...

  31. FABULOUS! I do like this one! And your images! And I understand it well.

  32. My shadow is pretty sassy too!
    Another wicked one from Willow.
    Thanks for sharing.

  33. Abe, that was beautiful. Thank you.

  34. Excellent poem Willow. As I have come to expect from you, a wonderful interpretation of the theme.

  35. A neat piece of poetic self-observation, willow. And at least you're representing your shadow self as the insistent benign hemisphere rather than the dark angel. We're loved for our imperfections so I'm sure that you have this equation the right way round!

  36. Oh I want a shadow like her . .she's positive and goody-goody. I need a shadow like that to slap me over the head with a wet fish and stop the other one from seeing the glass half empty.

  37. what, collecting the pocket change or playing with those illusive lost socks? good stuff

  38. O Willow,
    that is such a gem of a poem and, yes, I know whom are are speaking of. Or do I? No, it couldn't be me, could it?
    Hugs, a whole lot of them,
    for those hiding in the sofa cushions days!

  39. Abraham Lincoln's comment had me bowled over! Now, where's a decent draft for me? ;-)

    (I usually try to comment before I read the comments - do you do that too?)

  40. I like the pedestal upon which you place your shadow. Beautiful concept.

  41. We all have one of those sitting on our shoulder at one time or another. Love this!

  42. wow,I love both of it!The pic and the poem!Nice work Willow!Have a nice day :)

  43. Hello Willow,

    Your shadow looks like seductive chocolate and caramel! No wonder she feels superior!

  44. I like how you have characterized your shadow self as having sunny energy....

    nice flip....and also creative photoplay!!

  45. Very soothing, comforting. But that's what a shadow is all about.

  46. Loved it! And the photos!..can relate to that shadow well. Well done. Thanks for your recent visit and best wishes Willow.

  47. That is beautiful. I love reading your poetry.

  48. Great images, and poem - I love the idea of that shadow persona on your shoulder!

    I did enjoy the transformative moments meme, too! I'm glad you took that blogging plunge :)

  49. My dear friend Villow.....

    I thank you for your insight and for taking the time. I went to bed thinking about it. Yes, it resonates and was EXTREMELY enlightening. THANK YOU!!

    And it was nice to know you'll be joining us in the 30-Day Throw Down. Any chance you'd be willing to post about it if you think it's a worthy idea? I'm seriously hoping this does a LOT of good.

  50. Is your shadow your "good conscience"? The angel sitting on your shoulder? My shadow would be my devil, I'm sure.

  51. i got the alter ego thing right off the bat. i think the photos at the top were an excellent clue. very well done. it made me smile.

  52. Had to come back over to say Happy 32 years! Has it really been that long? xo

  53. ...hiding in the sofa cushions,
    on a dark wet day. Nice! I'm enjoying your poetry Willow.

  54. You, your ego, your shadow, your ID ... all are fabulous.

  55. Another contest winner Willow. Pappy

  56. Doing battle with your Barbie today? I understand, yet wonder about the wisdom of keeping part of you outside your wall of being... Do you sacrifice wholeness?

  57. My shadow talks to me sometimes. But she is quite shy.

  58. I'm obsessed with Mad Men at the moment, and this poem makes me think of Betty Draper. How many women think that they have to perfect to be loved? (Well, that's how I interpreted the poem.)

    What a cool photo!

  59. I found your toes, btw. lol.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)