Wednesday, May 27, 2009



You always used the Balm of Gilead
to do your dirty work.
He that doth not work, shall not eat,
a hundred times on paper. No supper.

Fifty dollars, highest bid,
to recite His Holy Word.
Showmom of biblical proportions.

Your damning notes
met me after school.
The usual icy clout.
Be sure your sin will find you out.

Iniquity, the breach, to fall.
High wall, whose breaking comes
to crush an unfired soul.
Girlish vessel burst to shards,

cast off the poisoned balm.
Your rotten paste
could not bind the soft green clay
or make the wounded whole.

The word of the LORD.
Woe to rebellious children.
Oh, not your words, of course, but His,
still punishing me after all these years.

Willow, 2009

I realize this is rather a dark piece. Most times, I try to steer away
from addressing religious issues at Willow Manor. However, events
in recent weeks have prompted me to write this poem. I am a
devoted, spiritual person who worships God as my higher power.
But, I find it completely abhorrent when passages of the Bible are
taken out of context and used, for one's own devices, to intimidate,
threaten or control another.

This is not a new issue to mankind. Sadly, millions of innocent people
over the centuries have suffered in the name of God. But, since I
have unfortunately experienced this pain first hand, I feel compelled
to share. Recently, an extended family member sent me a note, in
which she states it to be a "warning" to me. It included this cursing
biblical passage, each verse hand written:

Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take
counsel not of Me; and that cover with a covering, but not of
my Spirit...

Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready

to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking comes
suddenly at an instant.

And He shall break it as the breaking of the potter's vessel

that is broken in pieces; He shall not spare: so that there shall
not be found in the bursting of it a shard to take fire from the
hearth, or to take water out of the pit.

Isaiah 30:1, 13-14

photo: Shards by Willow

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  1. Such a powerful poem. Thanks for sharing.

    People distort scripture and take it out of context even in churches...therefore making people hate God and Christians alike.

    It is especially painful when it comes from someone you know and love.

    I applaud you for not shying away from a topic that stirs your heart, however controversiasl it may be.

  2. It was a loving God that sent his son to the cross for he knew that "man" was imperfect and would so remain. Whatever short comings we have that cause us to sin, and no one is without sin, it was paid for on a cross by a saviour named Jesus!
    I would send the scripture:
    " judge not, lest ye be judged" back to this person and add;
    I'll take it up with my Lord Jesus when I join him in heaven!

  3. Men have always tried to control others any way they could. Our parents and relatives could use their own words to intimidate us into obedience; but, if they could use religious writings, so much more authority was available with those words.

    We are a bit more conscious of how we treat children, how we instill fear and guilt. Yet, we still do it.

    The poem's tone and imagery spoke of the harsh obedience demanded by those who control others.

  4. Yes, a powerful poem. I had a female family member do something similar to me many years ago and it really hurt me at the time and for many years to come. But then, as I grew older, I realized I wasn't going to change her perception so I let it go.

  5. powerful words willow. i too find it abhorrant when the message of love is used for hate. seen it happen too many time and have picked up way too many pieces of people that are now confused because of it. glad you posted this. great post.

  6. Dark poem but very well written. It's sad that your relative has done this.

  7. hey willow, even in shards of pottery there's considerable beauty - you've shared that knowing here in your extraordinary picture and in your powerful rich words. so thanks!!! your blog is an electronic representation of you but i have visited it often enough to get a sense of a gentle, caring, kind soul. continue to be!!! dance your dance!!! listen to the good music!!!

  8. amazing, isn't it, how writing can pull back the reigns of those who try to whip you with religion....

    i write about this same kind of's the old folk, black folk kind, those who used to use religion and God to punish others....i'm not saying it's a bad thing for my culture because there's alot of historical-God rooted (just watch or re-watch Color Purple) remember Celie's outstretched had to Mister...?

    but i do find it rather self-centering for people to actually think they can play God with religion....

    the problem i've always had with religion is someone else (another human) trying to tell me who or what God is or isn't... my response: even the Pope has to sit down and shit! and it's not's like everybody else's...and this not to be's just the truth...

    the only feet i'd ever bow down to or kiss is Jesus's....not another human being who bleeds like i do, who hasn't died and came back like i haven't, who really stripped down to the robe and just a man, a human...just like me....i think we all deserve to have our personal beliefs and interpretations on who or what God is or isn' don't let this loved one get to you, Willow, it's just talk...just another religion bulley (with all do respect)...

    the shards are gorgeous by the way...your photography is a glow...

  9. Willow...I got so carried away when I read this that I forgot to say how truly WONDERFUL and emotional your poem was! It just ticks me off how people try to make God out to be a being to fear!
    This is why we have so much confusion among people trying to find him.The message of love and forgiveness got lost and distorted somewhere along the way!

  10. What an awful thing to do to a fellow human being, as if she is a witch who is casting a spell on you. She must be a very pathetic woman who has a very tiny mind. Imagine being her and having to live with yourself. That must be really sad. Sorry that you are on the receiving end of her small mindedness. God doesn't love a deed like that.

  11. So Sad! So True! people hide behind the words written in the bible for there own distorted purposes to afflict pain and suffering on others. Take pity on such people, "for they know not what they are doing"

    Your poem was beautifully written in response to such a person bent on mindless meandering who had no words of their own.
    Quite a poignant reflection of who you are...Thanks for sharing Willow,,,
    the Dowsers Daughter

  12. I too shy away from mentioning the Bible. In the last couple days I have, trying very hard not to "thump" them with the Word. But I worry sometimes why I write about the things I do and my intentions were quite the opposite.

    I used to describe my insides as a bag of broken glass and every shard sharper than the next.

    Thank you for the beautiful poem. Remember the good things in life are made sweeter by the bad.

  13. Shards by Willow

    I know I just posted a comment...however, I just received this email from Rob Brezsny's Astrology newsletter with this comment it seemed to fit so perfectly wanted to share with you & your dear blog readers..
    Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter

    "Guess what: God created beings not to act in a morality play but to experience what is unfathomable, to elicit what can become, to descend into the darkness of creation and reveal it to him, to mourn and celebrate
    enigma and possibility. The universe is a whirling dervish, not a hanging judge in robes."

    - Richard Grossinger, *On the Integration of Nature: Post 9-11 Biopolitical

  14. Nobody's perfect! Walk away from it.
    Blessings, Star

  15. Oh, Willow...I am so could anyone behave in such a way?!? Or say such harsh and judgmental things??? People should not judge one another. It is so inappropriate, disheartening ...and so very,very painful... My heart is with you. ~Janine XO

  16. Willow, I'm really sorry to hear you're on the receiving end of this sort of mind-numbing hatred.

    It reminds me very much of some old letters I purchased at a flea market. One letter from a young boy writing home to his family, all joy and good cheer. Then a series of letters written by his mother to others in which she uses religious text to demonize him. The more I read from this woman the more illogical she became and ultimately I fluctuated between pity and hate for her.

    Lovely poem.

  17. Thank you for taking on this subject. I, too, was raised around well-intentioned, but totally misguided people. My beliefs are similar to yours.

    You handled this so beautifully with the poem.

  18. P.S. I hope you don't mind, but I would love to post the little saying on your sidebar about gratitude, if that's okay. It's spirit is so wonderful that I'm putting it on my Intention Board. Thanks for printing it.

  19. This is a wonderful poem, Willow. Really excellent. Reminds me a little bit of some of Mona Van Duyn's poetry: Well done!

    I often think people who spout such vitriol in the name of God are sad. Life is hard enough without focusing on negativity. If this person could instead have focused on encouragement instead of condemnation, it would have had such a different effect. When I read those words sent to you, I thought--interesting to see what verbiage they selected--it's as if they're miserable and wanted to drag you down into the muck with them. Good for you for turning it around into an act of creativity. Touche.

  20. I am an atheist and your post illustrates one tiny reason for it.

    I cannot say more without abusing your beliefs and I do not wish to do that. I will hope for you but cannot pray. All the best.

  21. Sorry for your troubles...always hard when it's family, even distant. Your words are strong and your photo of shards outstanding.

  22. Oh dear, Willow, what a hateful thing to happen. And what beauty you have made of it -- the poem and the photograph.

    I am always amazed at people who believe that they KNOW what God's will is. But it's a waste of time arguing with them.

    Organized religion has done a lot of good -- but it's done a lot of harm too -- Crusades, witch-burning, Northern Ireland, the silence of the church during the Holocaust, the plight of the Palestinian people, slavery, and on and on to many hot button issues of the day.

    I think religion should be personal, not a weapon against others.

  23. As the very logical, but imaginary Spock (Star Trek) might do ~ consider the source.

    Is she happy? Peaceful? Does she walk the talk, or just talk the talk?

    May your faith be whole, and your God be true. Walk away from those who cannot, do not, or refuse to love as He loves.

  24. Hauntingly beautiful poem, Willow.

    I'm so sorry that the immaturity of this person's faith has caused them to confront you this way. As a Christian myself, it always makes me cringe when someone, who may or may not be a true Christ follower, casts those of us who truly love God and people in a bad light.

    There are still many of us who are not hateful people, but just want to authentically love others in Jesus' name.

    God bless, Willow.

  25. I believe in a higher power, a source, the 'all that is', but I am not a religious person so scripture quoted to me is an exercise in futility.

    I'm sorry though that you have found it so painful. Everyone has said all the right things, that it is not you who are misguided but rather that person who thinks that they actually know the mind of 'god' and set themselves up as your judge that is misguided.

    My very religious cousin used to send me those little comic book type stories of good people who, just because they didn't subscribe to that particular religion, always wound up in the lake of fire. When my son was sent to Iraq the first time, this cousin sent him a boatload of those things telling him to repent and accept his view of god and religion before it was too late (because, you know, my son might get killed). We had always laughed about them before, but that time I found it very offensive.

  26. i am into it.

    dark ?
    maybe, but that is what i relate to.

    you are really good.


  27. Raw and powerful, Willow. Your words convey such depth of feeling... pain. The photo is beautiful.

  28. Willow......we really ARE twins separated at birth as we've said before.

    Scripture was distorted by my mom and another extended family member to be a club with which to beat us. It warped so much truth and as an adult I had to get to know God through his WORD and not through personal agendas.

    Your poem is another deep water to add to the volume I hope you're publishing.

  29. Astonishing and appalling, isn't it! It reminds me of a phrase I heard today..."recklessness cloaked in righteousness".

  30. Wow, Willow. I really admire the way you've taken such an unfortunate situation and created something artful from it.

    I really like your poetry. Have you published any?

  31. Excellent poem.

    I've many family members who could have written/sent similar "warnings". The condescension and judgment of so-called religious people is abhorrent.

    You've done a superb job of pointing out the hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed "pious."

  32. So much damage done in the name of God. Always remember, God is Love.

  33. I'm sorry Willow, for your pain. Manipulation is always ugly, isn't it?

  34. Gosh, Willow, you've been through a lot of anguish lately; sorry to hear it.

    I really GET your poetry, it's good, do do that book!

  35. Willow, I'm sorry this person has hurt you in this way. I don't know this person or where their intentions are coming from, but sometimes even the most well-meaning people are misguided on how to deal with others. Some people actually think they're doing good by saying these kinds of things. I was once told by someone that I was like a dog returning to his vomit, because of some small issue that was neither here nor there. It really damaged my outlook for a time.

    I wish we could all just treat each other with the love and kindness we want to be treated with ourselves. Don't let them jade your own outlook on God - they'll have to answer for their own actions.

    Big hugs!!!

  36. your poem was really wonderful - your relative's motives seem to want to hurt and I don't believe that is the Lord's intent.

  37. It's healing to embrace our own darkness and in your case this beautiful,moving poem evolved through it.

  38. Willow,
    there is nothing left so say but a silent prayer for a person who feels compelled to send poison darts in the name of God.

    I will come back to read your poem with the care it deserves.

  39. Magic!Dark but so well written and all the emotions are here!Great piece Willow!And yes I know what you describe here!It's got to be dark because killing and making suffer in the name of God has nothing holy at all,it's the contrary,it's darkness.No one and I say no one shall kill in the name of God!

  40. Hello Willow,

    I have enjoyed reading the comments you have received so far. The problem with religion is that there are so many interpretations and fundamentalists of whatever persuasion believe that "theirs" is the only truth. And you will never persuade them otherwise.

    Your poem is excellent!

  41. What a great poem, Willow. It was indeed dark, but that's the way the heart runs sometimes. It is sad how people weaponize scripture. As bad as it makes you feel, imagine what it does to the Lord.


  42. Oh good heavens, the things people hide behind...

    Words from the Bible (like any other age old scripture) are powerful and are easily twisted. It disturbs me when I hear about things like this but I love your has a lot of strength and beauty in it.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  43. (Silence. Right hand hovers over keyboard trying to determine which key to strike first, should it be 'w' for 'wow' or 'g' for 'great'?)

    Well, I am still pausing, so this is only the result of my hand working in another dimension.

    The poem was powerful but your explanation as to where it came from was out of this world. More and more you're revealing youself to be a very witty, interesting and inquisitive person. I guess that even for atheists like me this type of approach to your own religious beliefs comes as a surprise and as a relief for if we are to believe Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, then you all are a bunch of lunatics. But no, not only you are not a bunch of loonies, but your argument as to why you still hold on to you faith is one of the most coherent response in favour of religion I've read in a long time.

    Personally speaking religion interests me as a cultural phenomenon. It has been there for donkey's years and it will remain in the canon of human beliefs for many centuries to come, so why, instead of combatting those who hold those beliefs dear, don't we engage them in our daily human experience? I grew with a grandmother who was a fervent Catholic so the passage you quoted could just as well have come from her mouth.

    There are lots of ideas swarming around my head, mainly around your poem. But I'm lost for words now, it's better to leave now with yours still ringing in my ears. Many, many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  44. I can't agree more with you regarding the quote of passages of the Bible as a form of intimidation!

  45. Thank you so much for this!

    One of the great "powers" of the Bible is that you can support pretty much any point of view if you're willing to quote verses out of context. It covers everything - amazing.

    But to all the haters out there: Hey! Don't use God as your excuse! Or Jesus. Or any of them. HELLO!

    Beautiful, potent, intense poem! Wow!! Thank you.

  46. God is so much bigger than any religion can either fathom or encompass. There are truths in all religions since they each represent a tiny facet of God and each refuses to see the next bit which is just as valid.
    Let him without sin cast the first stone. If your relative feells strongly enough to accuse you, the old adage of pulling out the log fron your own eye before looking for the splinter in mine springs to mind. A guilty conscience often accuses the innocent. Disregard it. God is not at all judgmental but has a wonderful sense of humour and compassion.
    Be strong and secure in being who YOU are.

  47. It is this sort of manipulation that turned me away from the Catholic Church and any organized religion. I love God, I just worship him differently now, without the manipulation induced by Christianity.

  48. Wonderful, original poem..from the heart, from the soul...
    That damaging, self proclaimed bearer of the truth is not an emmissary of God at all, sadly just delusional, filled with hateful ego. Be done with allowing the attachment. Be free!!

  49. First I laughed at the relative and thought she should lighten up and get a life. I sympathize with you, the target of her proselytizing and I enjoyed reading the responses to this post. I would dislike being the target of some misguided nut, but you said this was a relative and I can relate to being hurt/annoyed/angered by it. Two of my aunts seemed to think from "God's mouth to their ear", so they felt free to use religion to criticize me as a teenager. As an adult I can see that they were taking advantage of my youth to be cruel, but today, I wouldn't let them get away with it. Who died and left them in charge? Holier than thou just doesn't cut it with me. I will resist getting into a rant about religion but I greatly dislike seeing it used as a weapon. Whatever you want to believe is as valid and important as anything any other person wants to believe. Your right to believe whatever you want is what is important. That person hasn't figured out that reasonable people can agree to disagree because it is a belief. Arguing about how many angels can fit on the head of a pin is a pointless exercise. It would be better for everyone if sanctimonious folks spent their time trying to cure cancer, feed the poor, or celebrate beauty in the world. I confess I looked up the word sanctimonious before I included it and had a good chuckle thanks to an online dictionary at Yahoo.


    Feigning piety or righteousness: "a solemn, unsmiling, sanctimonious old iceberg that looked like he was waiting for a vacancy in the Trinity" (Mark Twain).

  50. A beautiful, powerful poem. That person cannot harm you now.

  51. Beautiful poem, Willow.

    This person's actions sound like a case of envy, one of the "7 deadly sins". Since jealously is an integral part of the human condition, I suppose there will always be those who cannot help but project their envious feelings unto others.

  52. I too applaud you for not shying away from this type of poetry. Its good for the soul to get real. I understand your hurt,I too have felt this kind of blade. God bless.

  53. Response to Willow...

    I left this response

    "An interesting comment. I no longer know what that word means: worship. If it means what the angels do in the presence of God, then I don't know anybody alive doing that, not even the Pope."

    With regard to your post today and the consequences of the painful missals.

    You are right, of course, but then taking things out of context is what people do.

    If they are not able to do that they have no foundation for their wisdom in theology or lack of it.

    The so-called "founding fathers" got together, once upon a time, and determined what the contents of the holy codex should be.

    They, themselves, took the letters written by Paul and others, to churches throughout the area and put some in and left some out. And today, our religious book is quite different from those used by Catholics or Jews or Muslims but all are supposed to come from and support the same God.

    It is a puzzle to me and shall be as mysterious as false teeth in a Christian Scientist's mouth.

  54. Isiah was written..what...around 2500 years ago? I pity the insecure, possibly mentally ill, or self righteous people who twist the Bible in perverted ways. This reminds me of your post "petrified to be god-like".

  55. what a wonderful, powerful and beautiful use of your anger. what a wonderful poem.

    sorry you were on the receiving end of such misuse of 'god' - ah, what to do with small minded bible thumpers?? pray for them I expect!

    hopefully, like I, you find much wisdom in whitman's words 'resist much, obey little'

    and to paraphrase more wonderful sayings let me say: blessed are the rebellious children for they shall be the change we need in the world .....

  56. Very strong stuff that poem. If those sort of messages upset you then take that Thoreau quote on your blog to heart - or think of that other biblical quote "To thine own self be true." You are not answerable to anyone else bu God.

  57. I must quote one of Country Girl's school friends here-- or I may just cuss!!! "GOLLY DAY!!!" I wish this relative would sit down and read all the good you have spread just here in your posts....making people think about themselves, others, and the state of the country and the world....and dare I say the human race itself in some instances...and you are never preaching TO or AT anyone...
    My mother was severely burned over her body and hands at age 28 just as my father was to leave for WWII. Fifteen years later, a representantive of a local chuch visited her in her new community to explain that if she did not get all her children to Sunday school she would surely suffer the flames of hell. Independent minded and encouraging the same in each of her children, she firmly replied, "Well, I have actually already burned in the flames of hell, so I am purified enough to teach my own children about God." You know your mind, Willow, and your poem is a steady arrow on its mark of the misguided.

  58. A bit dark? Yes. Powerful? Indeed. But one must explore all aspects of the self, ere one can truly go exploring else-where. The self is made of many emotions; each to be explored, one at a time. I've enjoyed this exploration into another self.

  59. The poem makes me cringe. It has a lot of power in it.

  60. I'm not a believer so scripture comes my way as verse, good or bad. But there is something contemptible about those who, faute de mieux, hide behind its deeper resonances. Using the Bible as a sort of rolled up newspaper with which to belabour another is cowardly and not worthy of the dignity of a response.

    That having been said, it provoked a powerful poem from you so maybe this time around the pen will prove to be mightier than the sword!

  61. Great poem Willow.
    Strange that so many religious people are so unloving.
    Their problem, not yours.

  62. It blows my mind how many people feel that they have the right to judge others.

    You just keep doing your thang!

  63. I'd say Betsy's comment summs it up well there. Very obscure passage anyway. Prabably needs to be read in context and applied to that situ?

    I suffer the same as you all too often, afraid to say. However, with that said, I am reminded how on the other end we have systems like in Soviet Russia where over 60 million were killed in the name of no religion--far more than at hands of the merely "religious."

  64. You write beautiful poetry, Willow. Even if this is a dark poem, I love it. And it is so true.

    I agree with you on the distortion of the scriptures. And we all know that religion is the cause of many wars.

    You take that scripture that your extended family member sent you and send it back marked, "Return to sender."

    And write more poetry!

  65. Hi. This is my first visit to your blog ( found you through Kathleen's blog, Easy for me to say). This is an emotionally raw and powerful poem and really conveys the pain that this kind of scriptural abuse can have on people.

  66. Humm, I liked the movie Australia. Interesting.

  67. Willow,
    Certain phrases in your poem really ring. It is bitter, but so is Sylvia Plath's excellent "Daddy."

    I want you - and everyone, myself included! - to know and obey God ever better, and I believe that one of the best ways to do this is through His Word. Abusing the Word (or even using it injudiciously), as your relative has done, is so damaging precisely because the Word, and the very idea of God, are so powerful.

    The shard imagery in your poem suggests you wrote it not long after receiving the letter. However, there are also elements in your poem that suggest you've been subjected to this since childhood. I know from experience that if you are made to hate something as a child, it is almost impossible to get over. (Thankfully in my case it wasn't the Bible, but it still comes up.) Maybe that's why Jesus reserved some of His harshest words for people who "cause one of these little ones to stumble" - which I take to mean, "teach" them about God in a way that sours them on the whole topic. It would be better for such people, He said, to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown into the deepest ocean. He also denounced those who "tie up heavy burdens and place them on others' backs, but themselves are not willing to lift a finger to budge them." Deep as was His respect for His Father and for the Word, He understood the dynamics of its abuse very well, and hated that abuse even more than we do.

  68. Your poem carries the power of TNT. Your poor, misguided relative. God is gonna have a big talk with her soon. She's definitely making him look BAD!

  69. You know, my sweet friend, that she holds no power, nor control nor judgement over you. She is a small, petty, diseased shell of a woman. And yet I know that the sting of her barbs is palpable.

    But you have woven that pain into an extraordinary work of art – with firm brush strokes, dark colours, unshakeably framed.

    And you have deflected those barbs with your strength, faith and artistry.

    Your art will hang with prominence... and any soul who visits your gallery, will recognize its unwavering truth.

  70. Wonderful post ... I hope you either told off the sender of that note or deleted them from your life

    AND congrats on sharing the POTD top spot!

  71. Willow - Very powerful post. We shared Post Of The Day at authorblog, so I wanted to stop in and congratulate you.

    I am not a person of faith, but, anyone that uses their religion to incite, incriminate, or otherwise coerce is someone that lives their life not in the way their religion spoke of.

  72. A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you, dear readers, for your thoughtful, heartfelt and extremely encouraging comments. They mean more to me than you will ever know.

    ~x~ willow

  73. That's a moving poem, & congrats on the "Post of the Day" recognition. It appears you weren't taking comments under that post? Anyway, very well-deserved!

  74. I read all of Davids POTD for which many congratulations, but do not usually comment on those with religeous content as I feel as an agnostic, that I have no right. However, this was so powerful, and your poem so full of pain i read on, and was horrified at the venom in the verses sent to you, as you say, out of context.

    I applaud you for your bravery, and envy your faith.

  75. Dark, painful.. thinking of you. The photo in itself is very powerful.. sending you warm, peaceful greetings from across the miles x

  76. This was an incredibly powerful and poignant brought beauty from pain, and your post is so deserving of POTD! Congratulations! ~Janine XO

  77. This was an incredibly powerful and poignant brought beauty from pain, and your post is so deserving of POTD! Congratulations! ~Janine XO

  78. What a powerful post! Thank you for sharing these feelings & thoughts. I struggle with words such as these from time to time and feel that I walk a tightrope with friends & relatives who are, shall I say, overly religious.
    I find it difficult to believe there is "one true way". So many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion over the years. It has caused me to be anti-religious. There are interesting aspects of various religions, however I don't think a religion that lacks tolerance is worth much.
    You have a wonderful strength and have expressed your feelings well. Thank you.

  79. BTW, nice new background color! ~Janine XO

  80. congrats on your award mention. curious when people seem to think they know so much about who we are and what we should be doing. Best to tend to our own selves. we each have our own path and learnings on our path and can wave to each other but not steer the others. that's my way of thinking. Not only biblical quotes but pulling up just about any quotes to back up what we say can often be distorting of the original words and certainly pulls it out of context. There are a lot of "new Age" spiritual sayings that folks quote too as answers to complex questions. They become cliche quickly.

  81. Wonderful post from Willow Manor. Thank you very much. I'm so sorry one of your relatives is an idiot my dear we all have them.....or know them. May God bless you.

  82. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award from authorblog!

  83. How wonderful that you should write such a powerful poem after such painful words. A feather in your cap, Willow.

  84. What an awful thing to send you. To er is human . . to forgive divine. It's a threatening passage and should be ignored. Clearly there is no such thing as an interventionist God so just ignore it! I'm not religious and have always seen religion as a method of control. Initially and historically of the ignorant and today control by the fearful. I'm sorry someone thought it necessary to send you such a piece.

  85. As my Mr. Serial Renovator so succintly puts it 'Fundamentalism of ANY sort is our most dangerous & insidious enemy.' I am saddened that you needed to deal with this sort of rubbish Willow, but your deeply powerful response was perfect.
    Millie ^_^

  86. Hi! Willow,
    What a thought reflecting poem...and the beautiful photograph of the shards is very apropos.

    Thanks for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  87. Remarkable, powerful and a needed post speaking with a voice to be heard

  88. I agree totally. the Christian army is the only one that kills it's own wounded. I've been guilty myself. Where's the Love indeed. It's not God's fault. it's our for misusing His words. Great post! ~rick

  89. PS This post and the comments related to it are excellent example of one of the things I love about your blog. The comments section becomes a forum, maybe even a community. I'm often impressed with how much comment writers share about themselves, and have enjoyed getting to know fellow readers thru their comments.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)