Sunday, April 19, 2009


I have the great privilege of being featured on the charming David
McMahon's well known Authorblog's Sunday Roast [click here]
today! He's the handsome Aussie journalist and photographer you've
seen popping around the bloggyhood in his blue diving suit. Hop on
over to his blog and say hello. David is the nicest guy ever. Thank you
Mr. McMahon, I'm very honored, indeed.


  1. Congratulations! Great job on the interview. You are a worthy blogger. Keep up the good work. Pappy

  2. congrats willow. enjoyed the interview. tend to agree with you on recreating oneself. have to go huntinh for your post on it.

  3. Oh.....David is the BEST! Brilliant and SOOOOO creative!!
    I'll go look! Congratulations!!!!

  4. This is so deserving! You have one of THE BEST blogs out there, Willow! And you are right...David is the nicest guy ever!

  5. You didn't mention your hard working staff who spend hours upon hours coming up with blog ideas, setting-up photo shoots and getting donuts and coffee for you. I think they deserve some credit too.

  6. Shhhhhh!! The staff thing's a secret! :^)

  7. ooooo Willow, just got back from reading your featured interview! congratulations!

  8. A lovely interview Willow - and well deserved. xv

  9. I went over and read your interesting interview.

  10. Lovely interview, Willow. And a hearty congratulations to you!

  11. Congratulation Willow, I am so happy for you. Your blog is really something special and I hope that after this interview, more people will discover it.

  12. Well done, Willow!

    Nothing less than you deserve.

  13. Lovely interview. Keep re-creating yourself, Willow. It's how we learn and grow, I'm convinced, and it's part of your charm. Kudos!

  14. Kudos to you, lovely interview there. It's nice to get to know a little more about you and your thoughts this way.

  15. congrats on the interview. very good. enjoy the movie.

  16. Congratulations, Willow. You've got such an interesting blog. And nice interview....

  17. Ah David is such a dear .. I dubbed him the Den Mom of Blogdom .. off to read your interview .. and how cool you found an interview HE gave!

  18. Congrats Willow, what a wonderful thing to be a part of, as you continue to share 'you' with all of us...thanks...and thanks for all the info, good reads, good food and good let the 'spring' begin!!!


  19. Loud and prolonged huzzahs from across the pond Willow.

  20. Wow, Willow.
    I tip my baseball cap to you.
    Now let me go back and read what that was all about...

  21. Congratulations! Your interview is delightful.

  22. Merci, merci, merci ....

    Where do I start to say thank you for all those compliments?

    And did Sherlock Holmes himself track down that web page of my media interview?!! (I was very surprised to see that!)

    Seriously, it's been a great pleasure to have been associated with your blog for so many months and to see a very classy site grow in reach and stature as a wonderful international benchmark.

    Good luck, God bless and may you continue to inspire even more people in BlogLand.

    Warmest wishes


  23. Congratulations, Willow - a lovely interview!

  24. I saw that earlier this morning! Congrats and well done!

  25. Great job!
    I haven't been on in a while, but when I do read your blog it always gets me thinking. :)

  26. I loved reading that your creative juices have been in flow again in response to your blogging. The more we create, the more we creative we become. As I have said before, you have a welcoming blog which speaks to many of us from a variety of perspectives. In other words, your blog has a degree of universal appeal. I am just certain Martha Stewart could take lessons from you about elegant hospitality.

  27. Hi Willow, I read the great interview you did and the the thing you wrote abut recreating yourself really rings true. There is a great quote by John Henry Newman that I wanted to share with you:

    "In a higher world it is otherwise; but here below to live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often"

    John Henry Newman

  28. this interplay and exchange confirms why i love the blogs!
    nice to visit you, ms. willow. :)

  29. Well-deserved, Willow; you're ever gracious. LBx

  30. Congratulations Willow! Amazing blog! Wonderful interview!

  31. Congrats Willow! Great interview. I think I'll have to follow this bloggo, as well!

  32. Well Done and Well Deserved! Life at Willow Manor is one of the best blogs out there, and I always look forward to seeing what's next.

  33. Well done, Willow! Congratulations, this is great!

  34. Extremely neat!! Congratulations, I enjoyed your interview!

  35. Congrats! I liked the interview, especially the bit about recreating yourself--I think we all need to do that from time to time, otherwise we move ahead just by inertia.

  36. Congrats Willow! He's awesome and someone I just recently found after he visited me. Going to read interview now...

  37. I knew you were special. But He should have interviewed the ghost, too.

    Great job. Congrats!

    Have a great Sunday.

  38. Great interview... you're an inspiration to bloggers, especially new ones!

  39. no surprise to all of us! Congratulations Ms. Willow!!!!

  40. Brava! It's a wonderful interview!

  41. Just knowing you are here in the Bloggyhood and in this REAL world with us makes me smile! You are most deserving of every comment here. In one of the early posts I first read back in February, you replied in your SIDEBAR: What am I doing? "listening to the comforting hum of the dryer"...It may seem simple...but that phrase really resonated with me...and I knew I would keep coming back for more Willow musings. I wrote a short essay on it to be shared in the near future. Congratulations!

  42. Hey Willow,you've been tagged!"the Mummy meme" it's about being a mum!
    Tell five things about it happy or not so happy stuffs!See ya!

  43. Willow! What a shock to see you following my blog! You of incredible writing talents, hundreds of followers, and the POTD no less. I am truly appreciative and humbled. And I thank you most kindly for your comments on my article. Glad you have "flown" as well. :)

  44. yes...and I truly enjoyed reading your interview!

  45. Excellent interview, David and Willow. I enjoyed it a lot, in the same way I enjoy both your blogs. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  46. I read the interview earlier today when I was on his blog. Very nice! Congrats to being roasted.

  47. Many kudos to you, Willow. Great interview.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)