Monday, January 19, 2009

Willow's Weekly Word

e·bul·lient / iˈboŏlyənt; iˈbəlyənt/ • adj. cheerful
and full of energy: she sounded ebullient and happy.

1599, "boiling," from L. ebullientem, prp. of ebullire "to spout out,
burst out," from ex- "out" + bullire "to bubble". Figurative sense of
"enthusiastic" is first recorded 1664.

Reya posted yesterday about the energy level in Washington being
absolutely ebullient. It's a wonderful bubbly word and perfectly
describes the feeling, not only in Washington, but around the world
with the anticipation of this week's inauguration ceremonies. She
described her household as being practically giggly with happiness.
I love that.

In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy...
Don't worry, don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy...

Bobby McFerrin

photo by willow, 2001
Daughter and Uncle Bachelor at Wellington striking an ebullient pose


  1. There's only one thing to say to this -


  2. Hello,
    Did you happen to see all those funny video clips on TV this evening? I forget the channel. They were all about the election. I had forgotten all about the scary McCain/Palin ticket.
    Wish I could dance & burn sage in DC.

  3. Perfect word for the mood here also. I feel like the wicked witch is finally dead!

  4. Wonderful word... and wonderful photo - I treasure that one. Here's to the joy and excitement that your nation, ours, and those worldwide are embracing.

  5. Thanks for a wonderful word. After the election I emailed my friends who were following the results as closely as I was. The subject line was : Julibant? The email read --YOU BETCHA!

  6. Don't know how I got here, but I love that word! And since I'm a worrier, it's a good reminder not too!

    Thanks for that!

  7. Love the picture.
    Love the word.
    Love the song.
    Love this post!

  8. Great picture, great word, great feeling--it's gonna be a great week!

  9. Ha Ha Ha, What an expressive photo! It's hilarious. I will be using it often from now on,

    Ebulliently yours, The Pink Cowboy

  10. It's a great word and indeed most likely very apt for Washington this week.
    Fun picture too.

  11. Loved the photo. Also the Obama quote. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day, for all of us Europeans watching as well.

  12. Quite right. It's one of those word in the English language that fills me up. The other one is bubbly.

    Thanks for such a lovely post.

    Greetings from London.

  13. Wanders off into a whole new week...whistling (kinda, sorta) ebulliently ala Mr McFerrin.

    Enjoy your nations celebrations this week - yes you can !

  14. Funny you mentioned that, as I haven't been able to get the word out of my mind . . . also because of Reya. "Giddy" is repeating quite a lot, too.

  15. The French word fot boil is bouillir:) I love Willow's word!

  16. I LOVE the photo! That is priceless, Willow!

  17. I love that word and I think Reya chose well. I also love how she has made us feel a part of the inside in DC.
    I also like how you have Bobby McFerrin's song Be Happy in your blog. Although I fear it will now be the song stuck in my head all day! Don't worry, be happy!

  18. Nice choice of Bobby McFerrin words for the previous day of such an important event!

    Have you heard about the thousands of 'Bush Bye Bye' parties around the world today? :-)

  19. I like ebullient - it's like gleeful, one of my favourite words! Great photo, Willow!

  20. great word, great poem, great photo.

  21. That photo is hi·lar·i·ous
    Pronunciation: \hi-ˈler-ē-əs, hī-\

    She looks like she belongs in a cult, like the stepford wives or something.

    The man in trying his best for cheerleading tryouts!

    Thank you for the chuckle! :)

  22. Ebullient is perfect.

    So is the picture and the piece of Bobby McFerrin's award winning song.

    What an exciting week!

  23. I like that..."the wicked witch is finally dead" Love of Life spoke. Nice post. I enjoyed the word but wish it were as memorable as You Betcha!

    I have two new blogs to show you:

    Dips Pen
    Abraham Lincoln's Blog

  24. Oh, thank you for this! My whole family has been down with the flu this weekend. I'm so happy to reminded of how hopeful and ebullient things are now!

  25. Great word indeed.
    Yes, the mood here in NY is pretty cheery too!
    Let's all put our energy together and CELEBRATE!

  26. hmmmm, I think this word's a great addition to my list of happy words. =)

  27. Love the word "ebullient"! We feel that way here in PR too. Cute ebullient pose!

  28. The photo made me chuckle! Love the word.

  29. Me again, Willow ... the poem is now stuck onto our kitchen wall for all to see and obey!!

    Thank you so much!

  30. Ebullient - High spirited - exuberant...all of the above!

  31. Right on Sista...I too was EBULLIENT after my frozen pipes thawed and the porta-potty put away yet again...awaiting more record low temps...ha!

    We have a dream!!!


  32. Great word, yes, but you had me with that crazy photo:)

  33. Perfect post for this day, Willow! My "Bush's Last Day" countdown widget is below 24 hours now. Soon we'll have a president with a vision, instead of just an ideology. Whoooo Hooooo!

  34. The perfect word, and photo, to describe how I am feeling!!

  35. A great word......for a great time in History !

  36. so wish i were there!!! :D

  37. I saw your post on A Majority of Two.

    Thank you.

    And your header is absolutely intoxicating.

    I wish I were at the inauguration. So many of my AA friends at work are taking the day off to watch it on TV. So, is my husband, a clearly non AA, secular Jew.

  38. Willow, What a great picture! Neat word.

  39. Great that sounds like what it means! Love those! :)

  40. Cute photo! I love Bobby McFerrin--I have seen him twice in person and he's fabulous. I have a CD of him and Yo Yo Ma playing/singing together.

  41. Your daughter is stunning. A very beautiful girl.



  42. I think most Canadians are ebullient as well.

    Or will be as soon as I share your dictionary definition with them!

  43. that's the Bach? Oh how very funny.

    Your daughter is delightful. Love the pic.

  44. What an uplifting post willow. Superb photo, so apt. Whistles along...

  45. Dear Willow, permit me an out of the subject comentery. I have just published two of your beatiful roses in my blog. they were some of the most beautiful roses I have seen on photo. Of course it is together with your name and blog - although I see I'm more in need of a growth of public then you are... :)

    Please be so kind to let me know if you find it annoying.

    I have found your blog via searching, but since then I have it also seen in the roll of my friend Isabel, a portuguese living in the US, the world is amazingly small sometimes.

    Regards, and thanks for the beautiful roses

  46. I loved the aesthetics of your blog. I almost smell your paradise-roses.

  47. That is perhaps the best picture I have ever seen. I loved the poem as well.

  48. Willow,
    You are something else!!! I feel so honored as a festive jester on your blog. This photo brings fond memories of Willow Manor. Let's again crash our long stemmed wine glasses in the fire as a toast to the new American hope that is within our country.
    Your the best!
    Uncle of the Bachelor at Wellington type


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)