oblogation: an incessant need to maintain one's blog
Well, if I didn't feel oblogation before, I certainly do now. Just the
thought of hundreds of new readers popping in to check me out
gives me the willies. Since I usually don't know what I'm going to
post from one day to the next, I am feeling the pressure now, more
than ever! Okay. Stop. Take a deep breath. Think of all that fresh
air and deep breathing that Edna St. Vee was inspiring me to do
Friday. Why am I blogging? What do I enjoy about the blogging
community? My reasons for blogging haven't changed just because
I have more readers. Right. Obviously, my little manor is
appreciated for the simple fact of what it is, so I don't need to
change a thing. (Sigh.) Okay, I feel better. I just needed to talk this
out. Any tips on dealing with these pesky oblogatory pressures
from all you kind and experienced bloggies? Just leave your
thoughts here and don't mind me. I'm placing my blog willies aside,
while having fun decorating the Christmas tree!
Your only obligation in any lifetime
is to be true to yourself.
For more fun blog inspired words, check out Chris Hale's post.
Being a stickler for correct spelling, I kept looking at that word 'oblogation', it was like fingernails on a chalkboard...talk about the willies...read on a little further...I get it now, best to have another cup of stiff coffee...have a wonderful Sunday your blogship...ha...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Webster's is keeping up with all the new techno-lingo?
ReplyDeleteLike you, I usually don't know what I'm going to post from one day to the next.
I like the quote from Richard Bach... so true!
I love it - 'bloglogation'.
ReplyDeleteDo I feel it, oh Yes. Some posts are better than others that is for sure because everything clever, witty or beautiful takes time and I don't always have the time to do the job I want. But maybe that is the beauty of blogging - it doesn't have to be perfect.
Congratulations, I think your blog is gorgeous, xv
I’ll add “bloglogation“ to my “words to use” list.
ReplyDeleteSince I never know the subject or content of my blog until I start writing, I never worry about subject matter. It just shows up.
Blimey, Willow! These bloggy words really seem to be taking off. What have I started? Pretty soon I think I'll need Blognitive Therapy!
ReplyDeleteA quote came to my mind. I'm not sure where I heard it or what it means, but I think it applies here.
ReplyDeleteIt is: "Quality will out".
Take the advice of a smart Cyndi Lauper, "Girls just want to have fun."
ReplyDeletehere is something that i've found EXTREMELY useful during such Oblogation moments:
You know, I only started my own blog yesterday, and having been lead to yours I find a lot of inspiration here. I'd be thrilled to see you going on as you have before!
ReplyDeleteDon't feel obligated, on account of me (one of your new readers)! :) Just do what you do.
ReplyDeleteOblogsessed - is what I'd call myself. I think it's partly 'cause I live such a reclusive (self employed and working from home in this teeny tiny seaside village) life - blog land has turned me into to a social bloggerfly. I never really even feel oblogated as it's just become part of my life, like coffee or bubbles & scent.
ReplyDeleteHappy that you & WT enjoyed the rolless cabbage rolls. ;-)
Willow, continue what you have been doing. Writing whatever inspires you, your choices have always been excellent.
ReplyDeleteJust have fun with it. That's what my voice teacher always told me when I was about to preform in front of a huge audience. "Just go out there and forget that anyone is watching. Cut loose, and have fun. If you do that, you'll be brilliant!"
ReplyDeleteShe was right.
Breathing is always a good idea.
ReplyDeleteI have these fears a lot myself, particularly since I'm fairly new to the blogosphere (just finished my 100th post!). I think the answer is: just keep doing what you're doing, and your blog will continue to draw the people who appreciate it! I'm happy to have come across your lovely blog via blogger! Such lovely images and poetry...and of course, what an amazing house!
My oblognation is mostly self induced by the fear that my readers will drift away if I don't attempt to keep them amused. I also feel the need to return the interest by being a faithful blogportive reader of their blogs. I think I need some Blognitive Therapy! I am clearly addicted to the process.
ReplyDeleteman oh man Willow! - this place is on fire right now! - it must take your breath away - I think Richard Bach has it right and actually so do you..
ReplyDeleteOblogation - what a great word!
ReplyDeleteAnd what a great blog. I'm glad I found it through "Blog of Note."
Now I feel obliged to go blog about something.
Yes the pressure is immense (LOL!) - great blog by the way.
Remember your mother's advice: "Honey, just be yourself."
ReplyDeleteAt least, that's what mine always told me.
Admittedly I've never had the flood of traffic to my blog that you've experienced, but when I'm writing articles I get a similar feeling. I find the trick that works best for me in those situations is to write for somebody.
ReplyDeleteI just imagine who it is that my words are directed to and try my utter best to ignore the rest.
It's best if that somebody is actually a real person, as it becomes a great deal easier to keep them in your mind. Of course, that's not necessary. You could aim it at your original readers. Or your friends. Or yourself (which then begs the question: do you know yourself?)
Like the blog. Putting a link on my own.
Don't let them get you. Ultimately they don't really matter. You won't meet them and they don't pay the bills. What matters is why you started. And that's why you should continue.
I'm in blogtopia! It's is a perfect world in here!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you're talking about. Years ago I started a blog, and the more people who read it, the less I liked it. It stopped feeling like it was my own thing.
ReplyDeleteI just started another one, and I'm resisting the urge to update it just for the sake of giving people something to read. I'm only going to write what I feel is worth reading by my close friends, not a bunch of posts for random people, boring and contrived. And that means I will only update it once every few weeks, but in the end, I hope that I have a blog that reads like something I enjoyed making, that's genuine, and is full of substance rather than just a lot of content. Quality over quantity, etc.
Willow, So many new faces on this comment page! I believe clearly the only oblogation is fun and being your own best self...great link to Chris Hale's site and blog definitions!
ReplyDeleteMaintain your blog as you did prior to the recognition -- it is wonderful the way it is. Obligation seems to ruin spontanaity (sp).
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the commenters who advised you to carry on just as you have before. And you know what, even if you skip a day or two now and then (or a whole month (gasp!), as I recently did), your truest fans won't mind a bit and will be happy to see you next post whenever you feel inclined to come back to the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteWow..I love the typewritter! It's awesome! I love "Oblogation"
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun site. I have been exploring your post and love all the photos. I think I need to go to a gallery or better yet one of those book stores you were talking about.
ReplyDeleteI'm fairly new to the blogosphere, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I find that this is mostly a self-indulgent exercise. It's nice when others are able to chime in and relate, because then you realize that you're not alone.
It's also nice when everyone takes a step back and says: 'What the hell does that mean?', because you realize that you're an individual.
Congratulations, Willow! It couldn’t happen to a nicer blogger. “Oblogation” – how funny! Don’t take it as pressure but as affirmation.
ReplyDeleteI only post weekly or I’d never have time to write my novel. I felt stage fright too when my blog/website j-curved last spring. It makes me more conscientious about posting regularly and taking my camera everywhere, but nothing else has changed.
I hope you won’t change either as I so enjoy your blog. Just be yourself.
Great quote & so true!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I want to stop blogging publicly. THAN i make a new friend... and someone comments and it's a nice surprise.
Admittedly i'd feel the same way if I was blog of note. *Funny story, I'd came back to one of the past blogs of note and the author had just posted she was relieved to have her blog go back to the normal traffic. The descriptives of contempt for her new found popularity had me laughing.
There are days when I feel daunted by the few passing lunatics that frequent my blogs so I can well understand your trepidation!
ReplyDeleteJust write what you feel like writing when you want to write it. It's worked so far, why tinker with a winning formula?
If in doubt, resort to the old newspaperman's tricks. A kitten in a beer mug gets them every time.
Willow - just keep doing what you've been doing all along!
ReplyDeleteOverhere we just waved Sinterklaas goodbye. You know, the jolly old fellow Santa Claus was based on.
ReplyDeleteAnd now we're ready to unfold our little plastic tree...;-)
No, you're not old at sixty.
ReplyDeleteYou're old when you've got more memories than dreams.
And thanks for the return favour!
Whatever you do-it will be sensational
ReplyDeleteI need hours now to read the comment's :-)
My mind was bloggled .. such a pretty blog spot...
ReplyDeleteOne thing I know is that not many bloggers take a comment seriously. Hence, I go slow in posting comments. The best I do is to post appreciation comments. That way I help bloggers keep on blogging.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the blogger... take all the comments easy. After all, the comments comes and goes... only the blogger stays forever!!
Love the typewriter- love the word!!!
ReplyDeleteWillow, don't be nervous. Your blog is always fabulous darling. You don't need to do a thing differently. You always have interesting and stimulating posts. Just remain the neat sweet Willow we love.
ReplyDeleteThe harder part is working out where to put all the broken bottles and unfurled streamers when the party guests decamp. Well, that and coping with existence as adrenaline levels decline. Floods.And.Droughts. Peaks.And.Troughs. T'was ever thus..
ReplyDeleteYour blog feels peaceful and inspiring, and that generates from you and will continue to be there no matter your posts - no need to panic, in other words. Thank you, it's been a lovely visit (and not the last one).
ReplyDeleteHello Willow, I stopped by for the first time to see what all the fuss was about! Nice blog, I like the picture of your typewriter and the definition of Oblogation!
ReplyDeleteYou can breathe now!
Haha I agree with what you said about hundreds of new readers popping in gives you the willies. I guess I'd feel like that too! But I dont have that problem yet :-P
ReplyDeleteTake care!
Interesting Blog. If you want to visit another interesting blog got to www.themidnightbunny.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHello from Singapore... I happened to click your blog at Blogs Updated and I never regret! I will keep coming and read your entry... keep it coming.... you have an oblogaiton now.... hahaha
ReplyDeletei have a little journal that i carry around with me and i make notes about ideas for blog posts, among other things. lately it has been quite easy for me to say no blogging today or as with this week no blogging this week. but when i come back to it i DO feel a bit guilty that somehow i've failed by not posting daily. i enjoy your blog willow because it is quite eclectic in content and always a feast for the eyes!!
ReplyDeleteDoes the desire for more contact lead one to replicate their successful intimations? Are the purposes of your musings for others to find them necessary and good? Whether or not you meant to, others have thus found them, but how to maintain integrity when thoughts of disappointment present themselves... Just write.
ReplyDeleteYou don't need to change anything you're doing--obviously it's working! I never know 'til about a minute before posting what I'm going to post. Delightful!
ReplyDeleteWillow, Willow, Willow, I know what you mean. I used to have this blog where i started backing myself in a corner with higher and higher expectations--so don't do that! Yes, it's an honour all the new visitors but the pressure is so real. I can only imaginee. I don't think I'd like the predicament plus wanting to respond to people but not having the time. Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteI'd re-read some of your old posts to stay true to your blog entries and go from there. Act like nothing happened. We all love you for what you offer and the way in which you offer your words and pics. "charming" and "noble" are words that come to me..but no pressure, seriously! :)
"Secret Identity" raises come very good points too!
ReplyDeleteOh your posts NEVER fail to hit the mark. You are always able to inspire me, point me towards a new artist, or give me something nice to think about as I finally tear myself away from Blogville and drift off to sleep. Bravissima!
ReplyDeleteHi Willow!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all i love your name! Next i love your blog! I'm obviously a fan of yours! Keep it up! :)
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Never mind us. Do this for yourself.
ReplyDeleteHaving just said that, you haven't posted a recipe for the longest time.
Anything nice you'd like to share for the holiday season?
There is nothing different you need to do, willow. You have nothing to prove - you've cracked it already because you have a blog that reflects the person you must be in real life - cerebral, artistic, kind, and someone who looks for meaning in everything she does.
ReplyDeleteI loved the pic of the typewriter. How scary to think that kids of today have probably never even seen one - now that does make me feel old
nice blog
ReplyDeleteI loved hte word, 'oblogation'. I must add it to my vocabulary. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteSo, pressure? Need? I guess that's what journalists, reporters and columnists must feel like :-). And that's why the blogosphere is so important. It gives our dear friends from the media a well-deserved respite ;-) (those last words were writtten while my tongue was deep in my cheek, by the way).
Keep it up, willow.
Greetings from London.
Willow, Did you coin that word?
Who hasn't felt a bit of oblogation? Yet, blogs are for fun, hopefully, and not another job for the to-do list.
Thanks God for spontaneity..!
ReplyDeleteLike you, I usually don't know what I'm going to post from one day to the next...
I agree with the above quote:
"Just go out there and forget that anyone is watching. Cut loose, and have fun. If you do that, you'll be brilliant!"
Have a great week..:)
ReplyDeletewaving from blogs of note!
"Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself." And then, there's "Oblogation" like you say.
ReplyDeleteP.S. First Blog of note and it talks of Oblogation!! Lol!! It couldn't have been more correct!! So true!!
See you when I see you... :)
Just don't let the fame go to your head!
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliantly clever - both the oblogation and the image. Great fun, both of them.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is wonderful, just keep on being yourself and post whatever you feel like as you have allways done! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe typewriter is so very cool!
where is webradio?
ReplyDeleteAlmost always when I start writing I don't really know what to write. But when my fingers start tapping, it usually go on and on ...
ReplyDeleteI like that typewriter, www.deadlynotes.con
ReplyDeleteYour blog is wonderful, I can certainly understand the following! I hope you continue to enjoy and do let go of the pressure!
ReplyDeleteall the best to you!
I'm so happy you have hundreds of new visitors. Hope the Manor can accommodate all of us!
ReplyDeleteJust be YOU...that's what we love! :)
ReplyDeleteYour only obligation in any lifetime
ReplyDeleteis to be true to yourself.
Richard Bach
Amen to that! =)
there is something....its a answer
ReplyDeletecool thing
Awww! Well definetly don't change anything!! Pretend like we aren't even here :) And have a blessed week!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool picture!
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is a word that I understood before I knew that it existed.
ReplyDeleteWithout looking into anywhere about Oblogation - it must have been something do do with blogging!
ReplyDeleteNice 'typewriter'!
Hmmm. I think you have the best tip for dealing with the pressure. Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Isn't that what makes blogs such fantastic doors to humanity's individuality? Blogs sometimes seem to be one of the few places where we can freely be true to ourselves these days.
79 comments! Oh, Willow...you've created a monster, er... I mean A MASTERPIECE!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing blog. I found you through Tab Calhoun's blog. I saw that you like Edna St Vincent Millay - she is my favorite poet!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your being a blog of note! What a beautiful blog you have! I love it. You had me at your being a fan of Edna St Vincent Millay. She is amazing.
ReplyDeleteLove the "oblogation"...That is a great word!
Lovely little manor house you have here! :) Congrats on being note-worthy.
ReplyDeleteDear Willow,
ReplyDeletefeel like we could be sharing a cup of that strong dark tea, and then you read the leaves and perceive the shape of things to come or the oblogation of stagblognation. Doesnt seem like you have a thing to worry about. Just carry on regardless, and keep us enthralled with your magic bits. No matter the blogging pressure cream rises to the top.
Congrats on being found in the blog.
Whoops! Looks like I posted twice on the same post. I guess when I went to hit comments, I hit the same one! Sorry :)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is beautiful and I know the feeling of the willies. I had to abandon a past blog because I was not sure what to write each day. Now I'm writing every day that I'm on the computer, because I have no guidelines on what to write. In response to Sweet Repose, yes, the word 'oblogation' really bothered me until I read further.
ReplyDeleteOnce more, beautiful blog, m'lady.
Shoshona Lastbreath from Miscellaneous Insanities.