Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time Travel

High Desert Diva posted some
funny yearbook pictures
of herself she created at
So, naturally, I had to go over and play, too.
The above picture is how I would have looked
in 1961 and the one below is an oh-so-lovely
1954 version of myself. It's too silly
and perfect for a little Halloween fun.
Go check it out for yourself and
be sure to post your creations for us!
I look like I just stepped out of
Father Knows Best!

Here's my real high school graduation pic 1975.

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes


  1. How cute! Your prom pictures would be so cute too with a tiara in the 1961 photo and in both you would be wearing flouncy dresses with crinolines underneath and perhaps a pair of "invisible" plasic shoes with rhinestones on the heels. I'll check that site out and see just what the muse would look like.

  2. It's fun to watch the evolution of hairstyles and eye wear! :o) ♥ ∞

  3. This is unfair on those of us who do not show up on silver emulsion film. (-:

  4. Willow! What a cutie! Just like your baby pix are. Is K Musgrove saying he's.....he's..gulp ..a v-a-m-p-i-r-e???

  5. This is so adorable! How fun!!

  6. These are great! So were Cynthia's! OK...I have the bug...must go find my real high school picture first......

  7. (((Yikes))) Kevin, I'm afraid to ask. What do you mean you don't show up on film?

  8. MG, I'm proud to say that I made that little outfit myself... jacket, skirt, lapels and all, way back in the days when I used to sew!

  9. seems as though the retro photos are making their way across the land of blog. why does this software make everyone look like June Cleaver?

  10. I popped over from Betsy's when I saw this on her sidebar. I did this a couple of months ago and did a post on it too (I looked back and it was Aug. 25 to be exact). It came out quite funny! Yours with the cat's eye glasses looks like an authentic picture.

  11. Too funny Willow. I love your hair in your real picture. I'm going to try it out myself.

  12. Hi Willow - you made me laugh so hard with these pictures - what I'm really enjoying is your 'manor events' on your sidebar - I check it first now, even before reading your current post - especially about what you're eating - it always sounds so good!

  13. Lady Willow, You are a very "smiling" woman...
    It's so cute...
    I'll try the links !

    See You later...

  14. Well, first of all, you look quite purposeful and mature in your high school pic, like you know exactly what you want in life :-). Not attributes I would normally associate with a Libra, but then again, exceptions make the rule:-).

    The other two pics are fantastic. I love the website whose link Diva provided and yes, I might give it a try soon. Still working on those poached eggs, though :-)

    Greetings from London.

  15. I made the funniest pics last night on this and then couldn't get them to upload to my picture file! I'll try again today. I did show The Mister yours...we had a good laugh! ;)

  16. Ha! These are great!

    I love your hand made high school graduation outfit, too!

  17. Time in a Bottle is one of my all-time favorite songs. I heard Operator, another Croce fave, on the radio on the way home from the dog park the a.m. and so was already in a Croce mood.

  18. Brilliant! What fun! Thanks for sharing...
    I'm in the midst of gift-wrapping an early Christmas present for all my delightful favourite bloggers - it'll be ready this evening if you'd like to pop by my blog and pick it up..:)

  19. Fun..and you look so cute on your picture from 1975!I was 18 in that time flies

  20. Fantastic!

    1961 was an unfortunate time in fashion, wasn't it?

  21. What a great blog! i love your banner and this post is so much fun... I will be back, Roxanne

  22. Oh, those are such fun--my son posted a bunch of himself and they made me cry I laughed so hard. You're just adorable in those glasses, Willow. You must get a pair like that again. Hilarious.

  23. You look very lovely, Willow, in 1975 and now too, I am sure! The day is done and I am sitting listening to Russian ballet music and visiting my favourite bloggers! Could life be better?

  24. My sister has glasses like that in '61! :O

  25. Your graduation picture is just gorgeous! You have such sweet curls:)

  26. Willow: there's a reason why I had to have a stand-in model for my photo!

  27. Yeah, those pointy teeth might frighten small children and elderly adults.

  28. Oh that is a hoot! But I love your real photo the best! You are adorable.

    And the cassette tape! OMG!

  29. Fun! I went and did mine, too. They aren't post-worthy, however. Yours are really cute!

  30. Very're a hot looking 50's gal for sure!!! My daughter showed me that address for the year books, but my computer won't run it. She did make a funny one of me in a 70's looked just like me back then (maybe older though) Have a great weekend.

  31. I do like your graduation pic.

    What a fun way to do a video, the Time in a Bottle tape going round while one listens.

  32. Oh!! TOO much fun. Must go play!

  33. You are so young. You probably shouldn't even be reading my blog. However, you have great taste in music. No better than Croce. Too bad he died so early in his career. Funny post. Pappy

  34. this is so fun! and i love the croce song!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)