Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You elegant fowl, how charmingly sweet you sing! (Pussy-Cat to The Owl)

Marsillo and his Wife, Lorenzo Lotto, 1523

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat;
…They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the bong-tree grows;
…And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon.

from The Owl and The Pussy-Cat
by Edward Lear

Willow and WT, August 20, 1977
Passion has turned the lock, pride keeps the key.

from "The Anniversary", Sonnets from Captain Craig
Edwin Arlington Robinson


  1. The happiest of anniversaries to you and WT....What a fetching couple you make...I hope you have a lovely celebration....

  2. What a gorgeous couple - congratulations!

  3. Wow, how gorgeous you both look. Have a great day, Gina

  4. Happy Anniversary! You're a beautiful pair. I hope you've had a wonderful journey together.

    I can really see a strong resemblance between you and Betsy in this picture.

  5. Oh gee, you are just absolutely beautiful. very good looking couple!

  6. Aaawww...this brought a tear to my eye! Hope you have a very happy day remembering and celebrating! xxoo

  7. What a beautiful photo. Sweet young love. Happy Anniversary Willow & World Traveler!! xo, S & les Gang

  8. Congratulations Willow and WT...I do wish you both every happiness as you celebrate the love you share..

    My oh my, your wedding photo is just beautiful ...many more happy years together, sweet friends....

  9. Willow...I've had to turn my comments off for now, but I'll still be visiting you...some problems..

  10. What a gal, What a guy! Happy 31st. annyversary. My mother always said "the first ten years are the hardest, after that, it's no easyer but your'e used to it". After 50 it's a breeze.
    Pop those corks and have a great day!

  11. Happy tidings and congratulations to you on your anniversary! You were a beautiful bride, he a dashing groom!

  12. Happy Anniversary, you both really look very sweet together! Dumplin' and I married in 76. It's not often you find couples around our age that have been married that long. Congratulations to you both! :)

  13. Kat! That was SO funny and SO cute!!! Thanks for all the anniversary giggles. :D

    (notice at the end Barney was playing on a "Stoneway"--heehee)

  14. Dearest Willow and WT,

    Many, many best wishes on this very special day! I am so glad you have both come into my life. I adore quotes, as you know, so here are a few for you... xox

    Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik

    Are we not like two volumes of one book?
    ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore

  15. Is it any wonder you have such beautiful children?
    Happy Day!

  16. Well, happy anniverdary to you two kids ... 31 yrs ..and I bet it seems like only ...

    We just did 30 ...


  17. August 20th is a great day!

    Happy Anniversary!

  18. What a lovely photo of you both-- Happy Anniversary! I've always loved Edwin Arlington Robinson, too--perfect. You both look fabulously happy and beautiful.

  19. Best wishes for the happiest of anniversaries from both Edward and me!

  20. Happy Anniversary to you. What a stunning looking couple. Best wishes for many more. Pappy

  21. Really beautiful!!!

  22. You were obviously a child bride!!!!! All the best to you both on your special day.

  23. Willow, a very special wedding photo - congratulations on your anniversary!

  24. Great blog. I love the children's illustrator you featured below by the way.

  25. Awww gorgeous piccie of beautiful couple and what a wo9nderful quote.

    Happy Anniversary Willow :-)

  26. Happy anniversary to you! They say that weddings are celebrated by loves but anniversaries are celebrated by soul mates. May you have a splendid celebration.

  27. happy anniversary! i love seeing a photo of you and your hubby as newlyweds. you look lovely and full of life!

  28. We had a great day 31 years ago! I remember it well. Congratulations!
    The Bach

  29. Happy Anniversary! I love that picture of you two! You look beautiful in your dress!

  30. You look beautiful and your honey looks extremely handsome. Congrats on 31 years. I hope you have had a wonderful time today!

  31. Tell Owl nice job with the roses! :)

  32. Belated anniversary beautiful is you wedding photo! May you life and love happily ever after...

  33. Sorry I haven't stopped by the manor for a while - life is hectic, as always! Have scrolled back and read EVERYTHING because your posts are always such fun. You and WT looked fabulous on your wedding day - congrats. on your anniversary - you still look just as beautiful.

    I think I'll order REDS - you make it sound grand and I don't recall ever seeing it. That inscription inside the book of poems is so beautiful - and Ralph Fiennes is gorgeous - the English Patient being one of my top favorites.

    Thanks for all the beauty - and thanks Willow for all your sweet comments recently.

  34. Happy Anniversary!

  35. Thanks to ALL of you for your kind comments and best wishes!!! You made our anniversary EXTRA special!!!

    Willow x o

  36. Wonderful photo! I'm a day late, but also want to send my congratulations - staying married and in love for this long is a MAJOR accomplishment - and a very sweet blessing in one's life.

  37. Happy anniversary!!!!!!
    You two are gorgeous!!

  38. Congratulations! I love the Lotto painting. What rich colours!

  39. Congratulations, and many happy returns! :)

  40. Happy anniversary. Sorry I didn't get by on time. Many more happy returns. Martha and I are working on 47. It just seems yesterday.

    I (Troy) hadn't thought about the Owl and the Pussycat for such a long time. It was and is a favorite. I memorized it at one time.

    Thanks for the visit.
    Troy and Martha

  41. Wow, how wonderful to see your wedding photo. Congratulations on your anniversary. (Sorry I'm a bit late.)

  42. Lovely photo! Thanks for sharing. Kudos to you both.

  43. Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful picture to share with us. Such a beautiful bride!

  44. Happy Anniversary (a tad belated)! The photo of the two of you is adorable.

    And thank you for the memories... The Owl and the Pussycat was one of my most favorite Golden books. I will have to call my mother and see if she still has my book.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)