Wednesday, December 30, 2009

willow's hot stuff for 2010

Drum roll.....I know you've all been waiting, with baited breath, for
the 2010 edition of my little "willowy list" of what's hot and what's
not. I could go on forever, but kept it simple, and narrowed it down
to the top eight things. And you know what? I'm sure they're no
surprise to you, gentle readers. You can read me like an open book;
one from the second hand shop with the creaky hardwood floors,
that is. So, without further ado, here's the hotties and the notties,
according to me, in no particular order:

  1. Hot: deep peacock walls.....Not: taupe walls
  2. Hot: Edna St. Vincent Millay.....Not: Jane Austen
  3. Hot: vintage blue willow.....Not: Crabtree & Evelyn
  4. Hot: Jonathan Adler.....Not: American Primitives
  5. Hot: woodcut prints.....Not: Harrison Fisher prints
  6. Hot: woolly socks (no surprise).....Not: gladiator sandals
  7. Hot: garnets.....Not: delicate silver
  8. Hot: Meryl Streep..... Not: Angelina Jolie

There's a lot of mediocrity being celebrated,
and a lot of wonderful stuff
being ignored or discouraged.
Sean Penn
peacock wall photographed by Jonny Valiant, woodcut by Bold


  1. seriously, how did i not make that list? lol.

  2. I find you and your list extremely fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

    I love those walls

  3. I've got #1 covered in the Hyggehus. Literally.
    Hey, I got a Christmas hat too! (I couldn't resist and bought it for myself.) Mine's blue, but I like yours. You look smashing!


  4. Regarding #1... how lovely to see someone embracing colour once again!!

    And Meryl shall reign forever!

  5. two thumbs up for the peacock walls! and the garnets are good too :)

  6. I am so glad that I am not the only one to whom Gladiator sandals are on the "out" list! Bleaugh!!
    Irene x

  7. Seriously, my son's room is that peacock color! We chose historic colors for the interior of our old house. I would tell him how stylish he is, but then he might want to change the color.

  8. Hey, Brian, well look at it this way, you're NOT on the "nottie" list! ;^)

  9. Willow,

    Yes in 2010 let's bring back more color to our interior decoration. As much as I love the blue-grey of French interiors, I'd love to see some new colorways.


  10. More woolly socks


  11. right now our farm is HOT ....and i wouldn't mind if it was NOT...
    Happy New Year.

  12. Ah, woodcut prints...heavenly. I am now also desperate for a peacock walled room.

  13. Very interesting list, Willow! A lot of fun to get a peek at your hots and nots. I agree--saturated color is always wonderful. We are in serious need or a re-paint here at Chez Weatherinthestreets, and perhaps I'll go for some color.

  14. We are impressed, gentle friend with good taste, though you disappointed B.C.

    I would add somethings from the outwest world:

    1-more legumes-less meat
    2-more walks in the woods-less machinery
    3-more recycling-less shopping
    4-more friends -less celebrity worship
    5-more common causes-less selfishness

    See? You are inspiring us to add our own twist. Thanks.

  15. So pleased you have Meryl Streep putting in an appearance, along with Sean Penn's quote.

  16. Love Sean Penns quote- so true!

  17. Willow,
    Talk about HOT... look at that pic of you on your sidebar!!! Great post, my dear!
    The Bach

  18. 1,5 and 8 would be my picks as well. Love the sculptural whiteness of Jonathan Adler creations.

    ps any type of jewel is on my list beginning with sapphires.

  19. Sorry to disappoint, dear Lakeviewer. I admit this is superficial stuff, and all in fun. Not meant to be taken seriously at all, this post! :^)

  20. Is that a giraffe I see in number 4?!!

  21. Andrea, I am dying to paint the sitting room off the kitchen a deep peacock blue for 2010!

  22. Yes, Raph, a giraffe!! He's one of my faves here at the manor.

  23. and that is a good thing. smiles.

    nice list.

  24. Love Meryl. And socks like this. And those walls. You are too fun.

  25. Interesting list. I,m not making any lists. Just gonna let it happen cap,n.

  26. Love the blue walls...would make your sitting room even more relaxing and cozy.
    And I never understood the gladiator sandles craze.
    Geat list : )

  27. Oh geez - MOTH's now lying on the ground in a catatonic state as I've just told him to get cracking & repaint every taupe wall @ The Hedge Deep Peacock 'cos Willow said so!
    Millie ^_^

  28. Great list... I'm off to buy some peacock blue paint to cover the taupe walls.

  29. Gorgeous choices, all! Fun post, too.

  30. wonderful list....i'm with you and love the peacock walls, so beautiful.

    much love

  31. wonderful list....i'm with you and love the peacock walls, so beautiful.

    much love

  32. Great list! Love the woodcuts, of course. :)

  33. Willow, sorry, but photography is only allowed as a a minor embellishment for the Creative Tuesdays. See rules...but I do hope you join in. You might be surprised what you can do simply doodling. Look at what Bach did for example and he almost didn't do it. As it is, you are already quite creative.

    Ok, onto your post now.

  34. Speaking of photography, that is a brilliant masthead image again. You are a very good photographer, I must say.

  35. Well I can't comment as some of these things I've not heard of! LOL. Love your variety.

  36. That comment from Bach is quite amusing. It is lovely indeed. Great hat too.

  37. Oh, gosh if i write one more post here I am going to trigger some sort of spam alert I'm quite sure. Ha.

  38. Excellent quote. Ring in the new year!

    PS: Garnets are my birthstone! Love 'em!

  39. I hope you will add that Garnet Girls are IN! My number one choice in stones!
    Please find an electronic Christmas Card I sent artist Jacquie Lawson...enchanting stuff!

  40. I certainly agree with the last two. I have always preferred garnets to rubies. They may be dark, but they have such a warm glow.

    Best wishes to you dear Willow for the coming year.

    XOX Arija

  41. Wow, I have a garnet ring just like the earrings shown - so I'm hot! Yay - and of course Meryl Streep and not Angelina Jolie. Love, love, love the peacock walls!

  42. Always good to have a comprehensive and authoritative Hot/Not list with which to confront the New Year. Thanks, willow!

  43. This is some good stuff and isn't Meryl just the most wonderful?!

  44. >>There's a lot of mediocrity being celebrated, and a lot of wonderful stuff being ignored or discouraged. Sean Penn. <<

    Hey! The guy's been reading my blog!

  45. great list! amazingly enough...i just painted some of my living room walls a deep aqua/teal color this weekend, so i made the list for peacock blue! the blue is fantastic - my husband and i cannot stop looking at it, wondering what else we can paint that color. and i love garnets and woodblock or linocut prints.

  46. I adore your list Willow - and your Sean Penn quote... it's just so TRUE! Though I admit I'm torn on 7 & 8. I love Meryl and Angelina and love silver and anything sparkly including garnets:) Happy New Year!

  47. I'll agree with you about Meryl Streep--and trust your good judgment on the rest.

    Although, strangely, I saw no mention of any of the emerging new technologies on the list?

  48. New technologies? Barry, I am such a non-techie kinda girl.

  49. Meryl is my number one - year in, year out. She can do no wrong. As for peacock blue walls - pass

    Happy new year Willowy one - may the next 12 months be filled with fun, laughter and more books


  50. I love Sean Penn!:)
    I'm wishing you nice holiday season and all the best for 2010 Willow!Much love!

  51. That`s a very American list. I only know Meryl and Angelina and quite agree on THAT. But I still like Jane Austen (haven`t even heard of that other one). Okay, no sandals but woolly socks, fine. We have minus 4°C, there`s no arguing.
    Must think of my own German list. What about Michael Schumacher returning to the formula one? Heidi Klum`s model show? Wearing black and dark red hair on ONE head (a favorite here in east Germany, shudder)?
    I wish you a merry New Year!! Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, snow pigs are the best!

  52. I agree ~ the SP quote is fabulous!

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Loved this so much....and 3 cheers for Meryl....

    wishing you a Happy New Year and looking forward to more with you in 2010...

    Happy New Year


  55. Shall have to make a similar list for myself now as it has set me thinking willow. Happy New Year.

  56. Hoorah, Hoorah for at least 5 things on your list. Got the walls, got the E ST. V, and I've got the Meryl Streep (according to some) Great List.

    (it's got me think-ing)

  57. Oh, I forgot to mention that I didn't know Sean Penn was so smart.

  58. Love all your choices but Angie is still my girl.

  59. Oh, OK, let me catch my breath back! I've been rushing around blogland like a mad man and what do I find when I enter your domain? One of the most beautiful headers ever! Please, tell me it's your photo, or at least give us the link. :-)

    Meryl Streep. Yes, yes, and yeeeesss! Did she ever go away? No, she was merely re-charging her powerful thespian batteries.

    Lovely list. I look forward to continuing to read your always interesting, always amusing, always deep and intellectual space. You make me feel at home.

    And ta muchly for those two cinematographic suggestions last year: 'Nowhere In Africa' (hadn't seen until you reviewed it) and 'An Angel at My Table' (loved it even more second time around).

    Have a brilliant New Year celebrations and may 2010 bring health and happiness to you and your beautiful family.

    Greetings from London.

  60. Thank you, Mr. Cuban. Yes, the header photo is mine. :)

  61. Thank God you told me that gladiator sandals are not in--I might have rushed out to buy a pair otherwise. LOL Love that photo of Meryl!

  62. Those peacock blue walls are almost exactly the same color as my bedroom... so do I get a prize for being HOT!

  63. man, as soon as my rotator cuff injury heals I'm heading out and getting some of that peacock blue paint - it is calling me!!! I love deep colors on walls that one can get lost in! by the way, we have what I call paprika on the walls in the living room and love the richness it adds to everything

    thanks for the list...great fun!

  64. No 8 is so true - she's a genius. Happy new year!

  65. Sorry, Willow - Angelina Jolie is hotter than all that stuff put together!

    - M

  66. Well, my blog roll starts anew tomorrow. I'd be honored if you participate again in 2010. Leave a comment and you're on the blog roll! Thanks for visiting and commenting in 2009.

  67. Completely agree on #1, but have to disagree on #2. Sacre blue, Jane Austen can never go out of style!!

    Happy New Year

  68. Oh, I don't know...I love my Crabtree dishes, Harrison Fisher prints...and my taupe walls! LOL!

  69. I gave away all my Crabtree & Evelyn plates, purged all the Fisher prints (except one) and plan to start painting the walls! :^)


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)