Friday, January 1, 2010

bloggy new year

I've never been big on making New Year's resolutions, listing all my
shortcomings and grand plans to reinvent myself. For one thing,
the season of new beginnings, for me, is in the autumn. With the
arrival of October, the month of my birth, and the fresh Arctic air,
I come to life. My juices start flowing again, after a stagnant summer
of heat and humidity. I am an autumn and winter soul, completely in
my element in the cold.

The concept of reinventing one's self, however, is a good one. I
wholeheartedly recommend making yourself into the person you
want to be. Or, if needed, learning to feel comfortable in your own
skin. Blogging is a beautiful conduit to use in inventing yourself.
It's also a super creative tool for self evaluation and improvement.

My life has not been the same since I blindly stumbled into the
blogosphere, that gray afternoon in February of 2008. I had a
sketchy idea of what a blog was, but had no idea of the community
of wonderful, creative people out there, just waiting to connect. To
say that blogging has been a most beneficial experience for me,
would be an understatement. It has certainly been time well spent.

Creative juices, I thought to be long dead, have returned in a big
way. You were right there with me, holding my hand, with that
frightening first post of my own piece of poetry. You keep coming
back, even though I torture you with it on a weekly basis. You put
up with my misspelled words (I am the world's worst speller) and
still show up to see what little tidbit I might have to say. You,
delightful friends, have given me the confidence to embrace my
creative self.

So, all this to say, no long, guilt ridden New Year's resolution lists
here at the manor. I simply raise my glass to you, and thank you for
making my life the richer with your thoughts, laughter and tears.
Warm wishes to all of you, for a marvelous 2010. Cheers~xx

People who cannot invent and reinvent
themselves must be content with borrowed
postures, secondhand ideas,
fitting in instead of standing out.
Photo: My great-great-great Uncle Peachy Bright's pocket watch. He was
killed in the sinking of the steamship Sultana in 1865. For more click [HERE].


  1. New Year's cheers to you, Willow! I'm so happy that you discovered your inner blogger and poet. And I'm very happy I discovered your blog!

  2. I have never noticed a single misspelling Willow, just all that great creativity - your topics, the headers, your photography, the observations and your poetry. Wishing you a fresh New Year!

  3. Through my sniffles and snorts, coughs and wheezes, fevers and no fevers, I wish you a hearty healthy happy New Years. If I was good enough last year, I'll be good enough next year. At my age about all I can handle is a little fine tuning.

  4. Willow, I am also an Autumn person...though not so much winter. I do not like to be hot and so I enjoy the cool of the weather in Washington State - especially in Summer. Also, like you, I don't make New Year's Resolutions. But I raise a glass of bubbly to you for all that you are - for all that we both are. Good on us!

  5. willow - i don't make resolutions knowing full well that i prefer to deal with life on the fly. let it bring what it will!
    for you willow my dear - well, i wish you a joyous, fulfilling, peaceful and prosperous new year inside whatever skin you invent or reinvent for yourself. your friend in the eastern woodlands to the north! steven

  6. happy new year willow! thank you for blessing us with another year of you. smiles.

  7. Since my birthday is also in October and I too am a Libran, I completely agree that autumn is the season. I wilt in the summer and rejoin the world in the autumn. Winter is for fires and books and spring is full of promise. Love the pocket watch, quotations and thoughts.
    Happy New Year to you from me.
    Blessings, Star

  8. Cheers to you Willow, and a big hug.Happy 2010

  9. LOVE the Christmas hat, very chic! I'm a November baby, therefore a Scorpian, and I love fall, winter to a slightly lesser extent. But I would take below zero temperatures any day over humid August days...yuck. Happy New Year!

  10. What a wonderful quote at the end of your blog, Willow! A new Decade ahead! I think I'm going to call it Twenty Ten. May you continue to delight, entertain and illuminate this bloggy wonderland! With a big Cheers and all good wishes for a lovely new decade!

  11. Cheers to you too, my friend. This is the post I wish I'd written on this New Year's Eve.
    And I've never noticed that you were a horrible speller. Ever!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your new hat, Willow.

  12. Spell checker catches most of them, but not all, teehee!

  13. Wilow--I know exactly what you mean about this. When I first looked at my "use-to-be" friend's daughter's blog, I thought to myself "Oh, it's so blah(g)" All about her, so narcissistic, nothing of substance, boring, boring, boring. UNTIL I typed in "blogs about artists" and there I found you and myriad of others whom I have since figured I just cannot live without. They have all become sort of friends, even though we have never met. This feels like a part-time job now. I am SO much more aware of my surroundings, I am constantly thinking in terms of art and where it will lead me, and I am getting a glimpse of other's lives. Thank you ALL for being there. No BLAH(g)S HERE!!!

  14. I have my glass raised and I am now taking a big slurp of Proseco, oops a tad on the shirt, nothing worse than a sloppy drinker...with that aside...Cheers Willow to so many fun posts and comments...Cheers to all things fun and creative...2010!
    Mary Ann

  15. A most Happy New Year to you, WIllow! And what a completely delightful name is "Peachy Bright". That's exactly what I wish your year to be!

  16. Some wonderful thoughts--& love the photo! Happy New Year!

  17. Your writing is so wonderful; I can't believe you've only been blogging for a short time.

  18. Dear Friend,

    You certainly stand out! Your posts are a constant source of inspiration, comfort and mirth to me, and so many others.

    Carrying you in my heart,


  19. I love the spirit of this!
    I'll take a cup of kindness(Oban single malt), Dear, for auld lang syne...
    And another for all your new ideas and fantastic posts yet to come!
    I am still going back through your blog reading old ones!!!

  20. I, like everyone here, am so much richer because you chose to enter the world of blogging. I can't believe I only started posting in mid-September. I have so much yet to learn. I always look forward to visiting the Manor and I marvel at how beautifully you decorate and display everything. I think I'll never achieve that! It's all I can do to write.

    Your posts are so interesting and enticing, filled with beautiful photographs and I have never noticed any misspelled words.

    Blessings to you throughout the New Year and eons beyond.

  21. Happy New Year to you Willow....and I agree..blogging has really changed my life too...and for the better....what a wonderful group of such creative people and a sense of community...

    Because of our dear Mr. Toast...I actually went out today and bought some colored pencils for doodling my way into the NEW YEAR....

    it has been such a pleasure to get to know you this year and I look forward to more in 2010...

    Wishing you a peaceful New Year, my friend...


  22. I just stumbled onto your blog and I really like it. The last quote on this entry is something I can connect with it sounds "transformational" in nature something that I like to think about.

    I thought I had the crown for worst speller... mine must be for grammar instead. If it were not for my secretary.....

    Thank you for your wonderful sharing it was very inspiring to read.

    Tom Bailey

  23. The pocket watch is Poetry. And you, my dear, a fine photographer! And blogger, of course, too!!

    Happy New year!

  24. I do not make resolutions either. It just disappoints me to not be able to carry them out. I am a happy blogger too and you have been a part of making that happen. I love having a glimpse into your world. Blessings

  25. I, too, lift my glass today to clink with yours in happy celebration of the wonderful friendships kindled on the blogosphere. The best to you and all your readers/writers in 2010, willow.

  26. Happy new one to you. It's been a good year for me, not the least of which is finding you.

  27. Love your blog (but you know that), the Bennis quote, and your FAB hat!

  28. Willow,
    Love the Bennis quote. Cheers to you for a new year filled with peace and love. Thank you for sharing the manor with us all. Looking forward to what you have in store for us next year.
    Happy New Year!

  29. Several new year's ago, I decided I'd teach myself to knit and quit eating beef and pork. I was mildly surprised that I did both in short order. Don't know what I'll do this year. Have to think on it. Proud to know you Wills...and, the composition of your header pic is sublime, very painterly.

  30. Pamela, isn't Peachy Bright the coolest name? His first name is from the French family name "Pechin", and Bright is a German surname derived from "Brecht".

  31. I just spent a pleasant hour catching up here...and when I read this last post I realized why this has always been one of my favorites since I discovered blogs...I admire your creativity and knowledge and your abilitiy to communicate them both so warmly to your readers:) I would like to thank you and wish you a very happy new year!

    Also, I need to let you know how much I love your poem "Snow"...I've copied it:)

    ...and the name Peachy Bright must certainly be in your novel you must write someday...

  32. I raise my glass to you, Willow, for making my days more enjoyable.

  33. First- Love the Hat!
    Second- Happy,Healthy,Wealthy New Year!
    I do love the Autumn and Winter too Willow but I am in need of some good advice. I am a New Englander but have lost my Winter Mojo!! We just had 14 inches of snow and that is usually a sight I welcome for it's magical properties but instead I am staying in. Help!! Need some ideas/suggestions to get me thru with grace and levity what are the year's shortest days.

  34. Oh Happy Days Willow - a post extolling the joys of Blogging! So many others are moaning & groaning about how it impinges on their lives & the associated guilt etc. etc., so your thoughtful words are a like a zephyr of fresh air whizzing through my computer screen. There are over 100 million Web Logs out there & girl, you are right on top of the pile. May the New Year bring you & WT many fun-filled adventures - life's too short not to be surrounded by much silliness & laughter! And phooey to the all the disapproving looks our kids may give us.
    Millie ^_^

  35. I do believe I could give you a run for your money on the world's worst speller title! I'm pretty sure I was home sick the day spelling was taught.

    A toast to you, Willow dear! Keep those creative juices flowing. It's delightful to see what you that bright mind and lovely heart of yours conspire to post!


  36. Warren G. Bennis Rules! This Year & Next! Best Wishes For 2010.

  37. Willow,
    Happy New Year Willow. It's been a pleasure getting to know you!

  38. I like your approach better, Willow. And as a rule, I don't make resolutions but I do work on re-invention :)

    And not sure how I missed that post about your uncles of yore ( scratches head... )

    A Happy New Year cometh your way!

  39. I owe you and your blog so much gratitude, with your inspiration and encouragement to keep me dreaming and exploring.

    Thank you for all that you give back to the blogosphere. I raise a glass in toast to you, dear, Willow- to another great year of poetry, book and movie suggestions, haunting tales, and wonderful photos of ancestors( love the pocket watch and tidbit about your great great great uncle ...WOW!:)..

    From one autumn/winter soul to another, Happy New Year, beautiful Willow!

  40. WHY wait unlit each new year to shed a skin or and grow new socks? Thoughtful thoughts... -j

  41. Wishing you a happy, continually creative New Year!

  42. Willow, I think that we come from the same place with our views on blogging. It really saved me. I gave up on creativity. I had not written a word in 25 years. This was like a rebirth for a part of me that I long ago buried behind blue collar jobs and the routine of every day life!

    Nice Hat! :)

  43. Have a happy and safe new year, Willow!

    Have you got the beaded dress to go with the hat?

  44. Love the quote and your point of view. A bloggy and Happy New Year to you as well!

  45. Nice essay on New Years. I agree we should be more honest in resolutions, not the same old tired lose weight which was on my old list (did lose 25#) snf this years (hope to lose 25 more)

    Happy New Year!

  46. A beautiful red banner photo. Happiest of New Year's to you as well my friend. I feel as you do that this amazing land of blogs has enriched my life in more ways than I could ever explain - it has completely changed my life and only in the best possible ways.

    I believe by being a place for me to capture the beauty of my simple seaside life and sort out my daily thoughts and feelings, hopes, goals and dreams my blog ultimately was responsible for the arrival of my cowboy - the big huge love of my life - to come hurtling at me, out of the thinnest air and to land in my lap forever.

    The constant love and support of people like you has kept me from sinking many, many times over the near 3 years that I have been blogging.

    Best wishes Willow to you & yours much love from Susan & les Gang at Black Street.

  47. You are an original sweet lady. You never dissappoint. Happy New Year to you and yours. Like you, my changes begin with Fall and my heart belongs to Winter.

  48. What a lovely new year message Oh bloggy friend of the highest order. I think I *will* reinvent myself next year. With Mr FF spending most of his time in Paris I will become someone who goes out more and socialises. Yes, I will not spend my days glued to this little machine (I mean it at the moment :p)

    Happy New Year willow


  49. BRAVO Willow! Enjoy your blog so much!
    The pocket watch is AMAZING!

  50. It's great to hear you describe how you've emerged out of that cocoon of yours--and that you're so enjoying it the way you are. Good for you! I enjoy your blog and look forward to what you want to say every time I check in with you, so keep it up! The very happiest of New Year wishes to you and your family, Willow! xo

  51. Knowing nothing about blogging, I immediately recognised something very special when I found your blog..talent, intellect, do set a very high standard!
    Looking forward to a Happy New Year for us all,and more star power from you!!

  52. Happy New Year Madame Willow!!
    I'm with you, Autumn starts my New Year!

  53. I love this post, and I know I must make folks cringe with my "creative" use of the English language at times.

    "It's also a super creative tool for self evaluation and improvement."
    I couldn't agree more!
    The level of creativity I have found in the blog world blows my mind. It challenges me. You challenge me to dig deep into my well. Your blog is amazing Willow, I really mean that.

    All the very best in 2010.

  54. Willow,
    Hats off to a marvelous, creative, award winning blogger! You are so talented and now with your free spirit can uplift others through your creative sytle! Happy New Year!
    The Bach

  55. I do have a resolution or two I intend to attempt this year, but that's not what New Year's really is to me. It's a marking of time, a moment where I get to say 'lets start anew.' It's such a breath of fresh air for me.

    I love your blog and have never noticed the spelling. I do admire your courage in posting all of your poetry. I'm also thankful as I enjoy it immensely.

    Have a wonderful ushering in of the New Year!

  56. I love reading your completely authentic blog, Willow. Thank you for everything you do. Happy New Year!

  57. Happy New Year, Willow! May it be full of inspiration for you!

  58. I am superbly happy that I have found your blog, Willow. Here we are about to start another chapter in this book of life. I know you'll fill yours with beautiful words and memories. I wish you a wonderful journey in the year ahead and pray that you'll have the good health to enjoy it all.
    XO/ Angie M

  59. All the very best to you and yours for 2010, willow. I look forward to an upcoming year in your company.

  60. What a beautiful photo - I'm hereby resolving to update the photos on my blog more often.

    The very best to you!

  61. Willow, Glad I recently found your blog. May 2010 be good to you!

  62. I love visiting at the Manor, Willow, and I always leave with a little bit lighter heart. Thanks for that and for being my new blogfriend! Cheers!

  63. I don't have a lot of time for a post but I did want to pop in and wish you a Happy New Year.

  64. Willow, I'm am autumn person too --(November). Your blog is inspiring and imaginative. I feel so lucky to have discovered your world. Thank you for sharing!

  65. I love these words. I, too, am an autumn.

    Willow, it's always a pleasure to come to your doorway and step in among your words -- and ponder.

    Peace to you in the New Year.

  66. A joyous New year to you too, Willow.

    You describe the process of falling into blogging adn growing from it so well. May we see mroe of your latent creative skills here, just as we do your marvelous poetry. I wish you all the best.

  67. Willow--the best to you and yours in the New Year! Your poems, photos and words are a gift to all of us--Salute! C

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. Thank you, Willow, for your generous hospitality. May you have a happy and healthy new year.

  70. I totally agree Willow, blogging is great therapy for the soul, keep yours coming I love them! PS your new hat is very elegant!

  71. Willow,
    Stopping by again to thank you for all the thoughtful comments you take the time to sprinkle in my blog. You have been a wonderful support, and I thank you sincerely. I have really enjoyed reading your blog throughout this should know I'm sure by the amount of followers you have, that you are a wonderful energy here in this place of blog. A bright and shiny star!
    With gratitude,
    maggie's garden caretaker karen

  72. Hello willow
    best wishes for an equally creative and entertaining new year.

    Happy days

  73. Willow,
    Happy New Year Willow.
    Meeting you was a highlight of the past year.

  74. What a wonderful new year's message! How true!! I raise my coffee cup to you this morning, Willow - and to all my friends in the blog realm.

    Happiest 2010!!

  75. Happy New Year Willow!All the best for you and your family!Love

  76. Happy New Year, Willow! Here's to many more! :-)

  77. Happy New Year Willow...will be around to check on your thoughts and memories all year round.

  78. Happy New Year Willow. And let me wish you lots of beautiful snow this winter! And may it stir in you a poem or two that you would like to share with us!

  79. Love the new hat. I think my husband and I began the process of reinvention when we sold our home and moved in with his mother. Having this happen over the last 6 wks brings us to the new year with alot of changes in store. Where are we going? We have no idea.

  80. I've enjoyed my visits over the past year, hope to continue and visit often in 2010!
    May your New Year be filled with much love, happiness and contentment.
    Cheers Willow !

  81. I am always amazed at the number of comments you garner. That being said, I think the blogosphere can open up doors, as you've seen. I have met different people through blogging, other writers who have helped me in a number of ways.


  82. Happy New Year my bloggy Buckeye friend.


  83. I am so glad you "stumbled in" to this world. It wouldn't be the same without you!
    Happy 2010 and may your creative juices overflow.


  84. Wishing you a Blessed New Year

  85. Happy New Year friend. Your blog is a bright spot. Thanks for sharing your elegant taste with me.
    Warmest regards,

  86. Agree with every word you say Willow - don't know what i would do now without my blog pals. Happy New Year.

  87. Cheers to you , dear Willow! As you know. I am new to blogging and it has been great fun. I credit you with inspiring me to jump in to this interesting group of people. Keep up the good many enjoy your creativity.
    Happy New Year to you & yours!
    : ) LadyCat

  88. How right you are, would we ever have imagined just how much blogging would have enhanced our lives.

    No resolutions for me either. To live each day as it comes and responding to all that it brings our way brings it'sown results.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)