Wednesday, December 2, 2009

truth or fiction

I've seen this going around the blogosphere and thought I'd give it a
whirl. The following is a list of ten things about myself, one of which
happens to be fiction. See if you can guess which one is stretching the
truth, but only a tad. Now, no fair telling, those of you who know me
personally. (I've added the answers below.)

1) In kindergarten, I loved to scare the other kids by flipping out my
plate of four front false teeth. My current teeth, however, are mine.

TRUE. I fell and knocked out my front teeth at age three; my retainer had teeth.

2) I drive a dark green 1996 Land Rover Discovery.

TRUE. I love how it plows through a foot of snow in a 150 foot driveway.

3) On hot summer days, I'm known to bathe outside in a horse
watering trough.

TRUE. No neighbors nearby. Lots of suds.

4) I was on NHK radio talk show in Japan.

TRUE. It was an interview many years ago.

5) I bite my nails.

TRUE. I know. I know. Nasty habit.

6) I'm related to Johnny Depp; we both share the same Cherokee
great-great grandmother.

UNPROVEN. Although, we DO both have Cherokee great-great grandmothers.

7) My youngest son weighed 10 pounds 3 ounces at birth.

TRUE. Not Cesarean. I don't recommend it.

8) I was in Warsaw, Poland exactly 20 years ago when the Berlin Wall
came down.

TRUE. I was traveling with WT on business. I'll never forget the euphoric aura.

9) I once owned my own catering business.

TRUE. I was heavily into catering in the mid '90s. Extremely hard work.

10) I'm pretty good amazing at shooting clay pigeons.

TRUE. Believe it or not, I'm a natural. Pull!!


  1. I'll pick #7 as the incorrect on!

  2. I can't imagine that you bite your nails.

  3. I think that you bite your nails. Am I right?

  4. Hey Willow! I'll pick #2...thinkin' it must be a brighter color than dark green.

    Any family reunions with the Depps?

  5. I don't know what might be a stretch of the truth, but I love your new header!

  6. Heehee, this is fun! Sorry, no clues, but I'll post the answer tomorrow! ;^)

  7. None are true. Actually "Willow" is a nom de plume and you're really a mixed marial arts (MMA) professional fighter known as "Steel" and this blog is an attempt to show your feminine side. As I recall you lost in UFC 106. Too bad about that.

  8. Hmm, mulling over all this after all the mulled wine....
    I know you adore the Deppster...but...sharing a great-great granny?
    A family fiction.

  9. I have to go with Firelight. You are related to Depp (by a nosebleed the natives like to say) so I go for that one being a little stretched. Do I get a prize if I'm right?

  10. I would say #1...cause you are! :) haha seriously, yeah. Although, I would hope your son didn't really weigh that much...ouch!

  11. I don't think you're really related to Johnny Depp.

  12. I haven't a clue, but I love your faucet. Now that's something I don't normally get to work into a conversation. Sort of like the time I said to a man "Excuse me, but are you hunting for a kangaroo?"

    And so thrilled to see that photo back in the header!

  13. I'm going with #6 dear Willow. Your fixation with Mr. Depp may have gone a little too far here. High five with # 7 - my youngest son was also 10lbs.3ozs. - ouch!!!!
    Millie ^_^

  14. Well, I don't know about this Johnny Depp business...I wouldn't want to be related to him, that would rule out a romance - 65-year-old ladies can still manage a good fantasy, can't they?

    Ohhhh, my last son was 9lbs, 8ozs and I thought that was bad. I kept lamenting, during delivery, that I hadn't tried a little harder to stick to my diet!

  15. I'd have had you down as being comfortable driving a Toyota Land Cruiser.

  16. As self-annointed spokesperson for my fellow clay pigeons of the world, I'll go for number 10 (I mean what could be more treacherous than a willow shooting birds?), but if I'm off, I hope you will be shooting the breeze, and not pigeons, in Aspen. Either way, enjoy yourself.

  17. I'm very tempted by the Johnny Depp one, but stranger things, Horatio.

    I'm plumping for the Land Rover Discovery as the lie. I think it's too modern for you and you'd want a Land Rover.

    In the passing, got to Sorbie yesterday!

  18. Oh, Titus, I MUST get to Sorbie! I will. It's calling me home.

  19. You would not bathe in a horse trough. You are Libran!

  20. Looking forward to hearing the fib... on a loosely related note, isn't is wonderful how 'Yuri' never ages? Just like us... -Jayne

  21. Yes, Jayne, Yuri is timeless, like the sea.

  22. I think it's the plate. No reason, just a hunch.

  23. willow this is a beaut!! they're all reasonable which might bug you just a bit but there you go. so i'm rolling the dice and they say it's ..... number 11 . . . uh oh gotta roll again . . . . . it's . . . . . the landrover. oh well!! false teeth in kindie?! hmmm that's different!!! have a lovely day at the manor willow. steven

  24. I want to come to your family reunion!

  25. I did this one time, it was a lot of fun. I am gonna pick the Depp story. However, if you ever go on they can tell you any famous people you may be related to. I am related to Jane Austen and the famous outlaws, Frank and Jesse James. You look beautiful at the tea last night as usual.

  26. I go for #1 as I can't believe you would have tormented other children, even as a child. And how could you have four front false then and retain your own today! Just doesn't compute Willow.

  27. I will guess #7. I think I see a resemblence to Depp in the cheekbones.

  28. i just cant imagine you biting your nails willow...smiles. much fun!

  29. This is an old theater game we would play to get to know one another. It's great but I can't even begin to guess what the answer is so I go along with biting of the nails

  30. You can not be related to Johnny Depp, otherwise how could he be your date at the Manor Ball, right?


    Love the new banner. Oh I am so jonesin' for snow, which I won't see here in DC until February, if at all. Sigh.

  31. I don't think you bathe in a horse trough. Can't wait to find out the correct answer!

  32. Reya, we woke up to a few snow flakes last Friday, but not much to speak of yet. This pic was taken in February. Seems like that's when we get most of our snow, too.

  33. I pick the Depp one as a stretch. Although maybe that's too obvious.

  34. I'm gonna' go with your son--only because you said "by only a tad." Was he really only 10 lbs? ;)) God, and I thought Eric was hard, at 7 lbs, 6 oz. I'm a wuss.

  35. #6 was my guess even before I read all the comments.

  36. i wouldn't doubt any of it...but i've always been pretty gullible.

  37. I'm torn between the plate in kindergarten (#1) and bathing in the horse trough (#3). On the off chance that bathing doesn't necessarily require full nudity, I'll go with #1.

  38. Yeah, I have to go with the Johnny Depp relationship as a bit of a stretch.

  39. No 4?

    I love your new header, Willow.

  40. Hum....I'm going with number 6, but only a slight difference; that though you both share Cherokee ancestry, you have not found a family connection. (?)

    I'm also not sure about the color of the Landrover. I think it's green but not sure about the shade, style/model...

  41. Guessing 6 -- a fact not yet confirmed

  42. Hmmmm......Something tells me that once you did own your own catering business. I'll be checking back tomorrow for all the most interesting answers!

  43. I think they're all true, but I think perhaps the Land Rover is either older or younger than 1996.

    Funnily enough, I can see you bathing in a horse trough in the backyard! (pas dishabille—pardon mon Francais!)


  44. 1 or 8
    (maybe 6)But,
    i could see you finding out about the Cherokee
    great-great grandmother.
    hmmmmmm....i really can't wait.
    i want to know now!!!


  45. 1) In kindergarten, I loved to scare the other kids by flipping out my
    plate of four front false teeth. My current teeth, however, are mine. T

    2) I drive a dark green 1996 Land Rover Discovery. T

    3) On hot summer days, I'm known to bathe outside in a horse
    watering trough. F

    4) I was on NHK radio talk show in Japan. T

    5) I bite my nails. F

    6) I'm related to Johnny Depp; we both share the same Cherokee
    great-great grandmother. F

    7) My youngest son weighed 10 pounds 3 ounces at birth. T

    8) I was in Warsaw, Poland exactly 20 years ago when the Berlin Wall
    came down. T

    9) I once owned my own catering business. F

    10) I'm pretty good amazing at shooting clay pigeons. T

    I hope I got most of them right, but don't ask me to explain my train of thought I might be blushing of shame! :-)

    This was such a fun post.

    Greetings from London.

  46. I'm picking 6...tiny bit of wishful thinking...closely related in looks but maybe not in blood?

  47. I'm finding it hard to believe that only ONE of them isn't true. Because most of them sound like a bit of blarney!

    The teeth one doesn't make sense if you now have your own teeth - as I don't think they give little kids "falsies"...

    The horse trough thing could be fine, since you didn't say you frolicked nekked in front of the NEIGHbors... "bathing" could include washing your arms and face, right?

    A baby more than ten pounds could explain why you walk funny - unless you had a Caesarian section of course.

    With all these clues, there's just a little information left out that could explain why they're still technically true.


    I'm guessing it was #1, and you probably freaked out your classmates by flipping out your RETAINER (something I always did too), not false teeth.

    - M

  48. My guess is #1. A very fascinating list. :) I love your new header picture, it's so perfectly suited to the season and with such atmosphere. Very Willow. I can see you walking dreamily across the snow in your Russian coat and furry hat, a tinkle of troika bells marking the approach of WT at the reins. :)

  49. Well I want to believe the horse watering trough story, so that can't be it. My dreams are important to me.

    And I'd bet you're a crack shot with a clay pigeon.

    But as a young girl you would have looked too cute without your front teeth, and no one would have wanted to spoil that, so I'll have to say that's false.

  50. I'm guessing six is fiction... But honestly I have no idea. You did a great job selecting facts, these are tricky! :)

    I might have to give this a try over at my blog...

  51. I can sort of imagine that all those are true except for the nail biting.

  52. Tattered, thank you. The faucet and deep iron tub are original to the house, built in 1927. It's a great old bathroom with white subway tiles. Some people wonder why we haven't updated, but I think it's all part of the charm of the house.

  53. I will say the same as Shari Sunday ....
    I hesitate between #6 and #7
    but will guess #7.
    I also see a resemblence to Depp in the cheekbones.

  54. I love this list.
    I can't see you biting your nails, but I paint my toes as you do, and I still bite my nails so I'm going with that.

  55. No clay pigeons or no Land Rover. Or you must have lucked out on a good one, if you have one.

    I used to love the LR,and finally bought the same model several years ago. It was in the shop more that I was in it. They do look cool on the road and the older ones are still my favorite car.

    Land Rovers have the look of a sense of adventure. But if you are sitting on the side of the road, where is the adventure? When I win the lottery I will buy an old one and have if fully restored. And I'll buy a LR mechanic to live in my new guest house.

    Love the photo. Nice header, too. I wish I had time to change mine. I hardly have time to post.

  56. I'm guessing number 3 as the false statement. Fun post Willow, I'll have to try it.

  57. Dearest Willow,

    As a new friend, I can't even begin to guess what is faux. However, I am totally impressed with it all.


  58. most of them seem pretty 'stretchy" to me-- which would make your life pretty amazing-- so won't try to guess which one

  59. Love the list, Willow.

    I'll have to go with #6--

    although, I'll have you know that I actually do share a great-grandmother with Alan Rickman!

    ; )

  60. Leah, seriously??!! I ADORE Alan Rickman. Oh, that voice can melt me like butter in nothing flat! What an absolutely intriguing bit of trivia.

  61. You know what? If about 5 of these were false this list would still be really impressive.

  62. Johnny Depp, nah...If so tho, when's he coming for tea? Take pics...

  63. Oh no! I was kidding...oops...just that my crush on that guy is probably as big as yours on that Depp feller.

    I SO wish I was related though.

    although, wouldn't that mean I couldn't take him as my second husband?


  64. Heehee, Leah, I completely believed you!! (I'm so gullible)

  65. I don't know about you, but there is no way I would bath outside in a watering trough. Love this meme!

  66. I don't know about you Willow, but there is no way I would bath outside in a watering trough.

    Either you are quite a woman or you've lead one interesting life....I expect both statements are true.

  67. Doh! I love these, how did I miss this one? I bite my nails too, always have.I would have gone for the JD lie of course! ;)

  68. Wonderful post, Willow! Am coming here after the answers were posted and just wanted to say that my oldest son was 10 pounds, 3 ounces too. C-section, though.

  69. Wow, Poland in '89! Very exciting. Much more exciting than Johnny Depp anyway.

  70. Well, i didn't catch these all but lots of them I knew! how very fun. I love lists like this.

  71. That was a wonderful post.

    Have a nice day

  72. And how does one find out that they are a crack shot at clay pigeons? That one was the most surprising. I'll bet you have great eyesight.

  73. Well, Willow, the truth is,
    you are one heck of a girl! :-)

    I always thought my son, who weight in a 9 lbs 10 oz was heavy, until my mother told me that one of my brothers was only a few ounces shy of 13 (thirteen!) lbs and it was a home birth!

  74. Fascinating list, Willow...loved it...: )

  75. You are a character. Will you be my friend? LMAO. JUST KIDDING!!! But you are a riot.

    The Blue Ridge Gal


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)