Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mr. Toast's Tea

I am writing to you from Aspen, where I am preparing for the long
anticipated Mr. Toast's first annual Christmas Tea. I have decided to
go with the "Anna Karenina" look this year, since I am all about
simple wintry Russian elegance. Thankfully, I am finally relishing the
lovely snow I have been waiting for all year. Oh, I do hope Mr. Toast
serves tea in those wonderful Russian podstakanniki tea glass holders.

Since I'm in the mood for all things Russian, my date for the evening
is none other than the dashing Omar Sharif, fresh off the set of the
Doctor Zhivago Christmas Eve dance scene. I know. I know. He's
not really Russian, but I'm calling him "Yuri", anyway. He has me
completely under his spell with those mesmerizing dark eyes. Stand
back all; he is mine for the evening. After Toast's Tea, the night will
still be young. Yuri's sleigh is parked outside, with my mink muff
warm, and plenty of the best Russian vodka waiting.

To check out all of the charming Mr. Toast's intriguing guests, as
well as sip some delicious mulled wine, and nibble fabulous food
click [HERE], Tuesday, December 1st.


  1. Ohhhh . . . be still my heart! Those eyes could make a frozen tundra melt! Hugs, Terri

  2. Hello Willow! Nice to see you could be here! My "date" for this event is my "personal assistant" Getchen, whom I think you'll find, is "a few steps up" from that horrid "Cammie," I had the misfortune to bring to the Ball at Willow Manor.

  3. Now Willow, just remind Yuri to take the sleigh on a different route home...and avoid the Russian Revolution!
    I read the book when I was in the
    8th grade...When the movie came out, I was in love with Yuri, Lara, the soundtrack, the images, and with Russian history. Doctor Zhivago was -- and still is--- one of the most dazzling works of cinema ever produced!

  4. Omaaaaaar!!!
    I watched a recent interview with him and he is still as charming and playful as ever at 77. He said he has made many dud films just to bankroll his gambling habits, but his grandchildren finally had enough and told him he had to make a decent movie, to spare their blushes. So he made Monsieur Ibrahim, which I haven't seen, but is meant to be a gem of a movie. Have you seen it?

  5. FireLight, the book is even better than the movie! I just read it again last year. Have you seen the series with Keira Knightley? She's not one of my favorites, but it is actually closer to the book than Lean's film.

  6. Shaista, no, I must add Monsieur Ibrahim to my must see list right now!

  7. I love Aspen! I haven been forever! Your post sounds so lovely. I can just picture your words. Have a wonderful trip. Enjoy the snow for me!

  8. Willow -- A few words . . . watch out foe wolves on that sleigh ride . . . or is a it a troika?

  9. Was that the one that aired on PBS a few years ago? I did see it. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was more literary ... after David Lean...nothing could ever be the same. {sigh}
    You know, I think I should read this again, now that I am a little more grown up! {chuckling}

  10. You are always full of surprises! :-)

  11. Gosh how exciting - did you meet him at a Bridge Tournament?

    Looking forward to seeing you.

  12. simply marvelous willow....look for you in aspen tomorrow...

  13. I think that pretty soon I have to actually get to Russia and stop endlessly reading about it.
    love and greetings

  14. Well Willow, great minds think alike. I almost went with the Dr. Z. look but did change my mind. Me and Mr. Jones are gonna be in a sleight too, watch out.

  15. You look quite beautiful and your date is so very handsome. I'm so glad you've made it safe and sound!

    Will you be joining us for dinner at Hotel Jerome's Century Dining Room?..It will fit perfectly with your attire...Lots of dark woods and tapestries around:-)

  16. Oh, that first photo is gorgeous! And of course, I've always loved Omar Sharif--who wouldn't love him. Stay warm--and have some vodka for me--in a week or so I'll reciprocate! LOL

  17. There is a Dr. Zhivago series ???
    I will have to investigate. The movie is the epitome of angst and longing --- among other things! Read the book in college and recently obtained a great first edition at a used book store, so perhaps it it tme for another read.
    Thanks for the evocative post.

  18. Omar Shariff was always up there at the top of my list of "men I wouldn't mind spending a night with" - along with Clark Gable. I thought he was so fabulous in Dr. Zhivago. He does have those wonderful eyes. I might have a cup of tea but give me iced Russian vodka and the BEST caviar to polish off with that fellow.

  19. Pavlova, yes, it's a 2002 Masterpiece Theatre production. It's excellent and well worth a watch, especially if you are a Zhivago fan.

  20. Sooo,,, is your muff PINK???
    I used to love him.

    I am Painting & working on
    the house in Verrickino.
    Not in Russia, on a canvas
    You know the beautifil house,
    that is totally isolated.

    you have a fantastic fun
    post. Yvonne


  21. Well Yuri will love to hobnob with one of my guests from that same era. You'll find out tomorrow. Oh how fun, and, wow, Willow, again you look so lovely. I adore that Anna K. look. Perfect and perfect for the mood you;ve been in lately.

    I'm afraid you'll have seen there were no fields of gorgeous flowered filed up her but fields of snow for certain. Still very dazzling and quite romantic even. I'm sure this will make "yuri" think of his homeland, no? Ha.

    Well, dear Willow, yes, there will be some room by the piano after the Tea at the Reception for some slow dancing. I do hope you can stay through until then at least. you must try my mince pies as well. Now, i wil ahve to see if i can muster up any of those glasses at this late hour. Hmm...tal order indeed.

    Yes, anyone can come bu ti do ask they sign up on the registrar RSVP from the icon on my sidebar.

    Well, hope i see you and Omar at the dinner tonight. I'm rather covered in flour, I'm afraid. All that baking, you know. And the gooseberry boiled over but overall, it's going smashing. I will most certainly enjoy a night cap with you ...and the others tonight. Cheers! :)

  22. Willow, we are meeting for dinner at 7:30pm MST/8:30 CST/6:30 EST

  23. I have of course added you to my side bar for your fabulous write up. you are so clever! Love it.

  24. A mink muff?? hehehehe! I am so juvenile!

  25. oh, ladywillow!!! i have been thinking of dr zhivago for hours this evening!!! and then, to come here and there it all is! and you, along with yuri!!! too much! this was one of the most fabulous movies ever and i could not tell you how many time i have seen it nor how many yet to come! have a wonderful evening, lady dear!

  26. Otin, I knew you wouldn't let that one pass without a comment! ;^)

  27. Gypsy, don't you love those wonderful synchronicities?

  28. Willow, we're awaiting your arrival for dinner...

  29. Yvonne, didn't you love Geraldine Chaplin's pink fur trimmed suit? I heard that David Lean almost drove the costume people crazy making the suit in several different colors, before he decided on pink.

    I would love to see your finished painting of the house in Varykino!

  30. Omar Shariff... Oh how I loved that man and his quest for love in Mother Russia.

    Lara's theme was my song as a candidate for prom queen... Yuri didn't win - and neither did I.


    Somewhere My Love..

  31. Willow, Willow, Willow, I can tell you had a great time at the dinner I so terribly missed. (Got stuck in my lodge--you can read about it over at REbecca's after all your dialogue. Yes, well, I am really in need of sleep I think. I do hope Yuri didn't down too much of that Vodka and you had a brill time enjoying all Aspen has to offer. I suppose then I will look forward to seeing you tomorrow then!

  32. Willow dearest,
    Yuri and you look stunning in that sleigh! Your Russian look is setting a very festive mood for Mr. Toast's Tea Party. I'm so glad there will be a piano. I simply love to hear piano conversational music. Skip is quite the jazz musician I hear. And with that gorgeous assistant of his, I sure he'll steal the show. What are you bringing to the tea? No doubt will be a scrumpteous treat. We all know you too well!!
    Until tomorrow.. tah tah, daaaling
    The Bach

  33. Make it Horseradish vodka and I'm in. Your blog is lovely and I'll come often now I've visited.
    All the very best.

  34. Looking forward to meeting with you and 'yuri' at the party!! I'm bringing my hard working assistant as my 'date'!! She's dressing up too :-)

  35. Sure I must admit dark haired men do it for me in a big way. Ms Christie always lucks in with the hunks (Warren Beatty Shampoo). What romance! Does anyone know what type of Dr the good Omar portraits? OB/GYN no doubt. Caviar from Beluga? Bismarck Herring? What is horseradish vodka...I'd prefer Napoleon Brandy or Champagne from Champagne...Who's Gretchen? No rivals...how can you ramp up Omar..he's purrrfect...who'd play a good dark haired Dr. Z with the likes of Kiera Knightly? Hmmm....dark haired hunk of the week...ps I have a Theme Song from Dr. Z (Lara's Theme) music box from hubby..isnt he nice to give me permission to dream (about Omar)?

  36. Bachelor, we're supposed to bring FOOD to the tea?! Forget it. I'm all cooked out from Thanksgiving. And besides, isn't Omar enough? ;^)

  37. Well -- was the wait good or bad? LOL

    I liked the same movie for how well it portrayed the cold in Russia. I guess we all like things well done. Well, most things are best well done.

  38. I *siiiiiigh* at your life. :)

  39. Willow, I would like an explanation of why you struck me earlier? I know I was a bit of a revolutionary earlier in my life, but it wasn't me he did for your Dr Zhivago.

  40. Your wintery header is just perfect! Please don't change it until the snow melts . . .

    Do Russians spike their tea with Stoli? Just wondering.

  41. Ahhh, delightful post. I am also getting into a Russian mood, I have just ordered a copy of Lolita from my local library. I first read it in college but now it's due a re-read.

    I won't take Omar from you (Gosh, no :-D!) but I will definitely sip the tea. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  42. Rats. Always wanted to meet Omar. Now I'm really upset that I couldn't attend. I'll just have to live vicariously through other blogs' comments, as they filter through to me via email.

  43. Willow, how goes it this morning? Care to join me for spot of coffee as I rush back to the kitchens?

  44. A wonderful choice for your date... and may I tell you from experience that his eyes were still as dark and smoldering when I met him in the mid 80s. *sigh*
    Have fun at the tea!

  45. I never noticed before (but having seen Gigi recently) the resemblance of Mr Sharif to Louis Jourdan ...

  46. Doctor Zhivago is one of my favourite films - those eyes, as Terri says, who cares whether he is Russian or not. Like this post willow - lovely imaginings.

  47. I look forward to hearing more about your time in Aspen!

  48. Oh I loved that and your hat! Wonderful. I just wish we had the weather over here for a big warm hat!

  49. I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend. Bravo!

    And I love the pic of you in your furry hat juxtaposed with the lovely Russian babe in your post today. There is a kinship there, definitely!

  50. I am so envious of you, Willow! Not only "Yuri", but that glorious mink coat! Have you seen this ratty old muskrat of Aunt Agatha's? I know Jeeves's heart was in the right place, but REALLY! It is just appalling and the mothball smell is driving the men away in droves!
    At least I have Bertie, even if he is a dimwit, he's just a hoot and it's never dullsville with him around.
    Save us a spot in the carriage. (No, you're right. What am I thinking?)



  51. Hello Willow,

    Thanks for dropping by Global Around Town. I hit all the correct buttons to publish your lovely comment and instead it vanished into the ether. Technology for ya! Regardless, nice to see you're up to no good as usual. I love Aspen. Remember the trip I took there when I was just a pup. Great skiing. Great food. I somehow remember a place called the Pomegranate Inn. We must've stayed there. Your Russian isms are nice too. Omar is an amazing actor. Monsieur Ibrahim was very good BTW.



  52. I'm trying to find you but at the moment after three glasses of mulled wines (and large they were too!) I'm off on a sleigh ride with a charmer I've just met. Have no idea who he is or what his name is but he looks awfully familiar. I don't even know if he's with our party!

    Glad I threw the mink in after all although I haven't told anyone yet. I wanted to see if there were any paint throwers around first but after all this is Aspen! Wonderful!

  53. Kat, teehee, there's only room for TWO in this Russian sleigh!

  54. Willow, I know Yuri is quite the charm but don't walk off now, will you! :)

  55. I'm not going anywhere soon, Mr. Toast. I'm eagerly waiting for the after tea reception music and dancing!

  56. Yes, Willow. I am looking forward to putting on my 1950 red taffeta evening Gown w/ Tulle Shelf Bust. I hear there are going to be some special guests attending and I must look my best! :)

  57. Ohhhh Omar, what a perfect choice. He looks so dashing in his tux but still he pales in comparison to his beautiful date. Isn't this a lovely party?!

  58. It was also delightful to meet you at tea today. Aspen is always lovely, but especially in the winter with the fire ablaze and a toasty red sweater and boots to wear.

  59. Lizzie, can't wait to see your vintage red gown. Sounds fab!!

  60. Marilyn, nice to meet you, as well. Hope to see more of you in the coming days in the bloggyhood!

  61. Enjoy yourself dear Willow! I love your Russian inspiration.

  62. Omar will always be beautiful to me. Yuri, you were and are a hunk to me. Enough said.

  63. You looked lovely at the tea party Willow - our good friend Mmm was such a great host. I tell you, those curly haired Brit boys were the ones I fell for back home.........so long ago!!

    Enjoy the rest of your stay in Aspen - and take time to taste a snowflake!

  64. Mary, Mr. Toast is delightful, isn't he? Yes, I think I shall take time to taste a snowflake...

  65. Hope you are not chased by wolves on the way home. Well, maybe just a little bit (to add to the thrill).

  66. How I love this post.. my toes curl at the memory of Omar whom I met in Cairo in the 8o's I am married to an Egyptian from Alexandria and was introduced to Omar at a then popular Casino. He does indeed have the most beautiful voice, amazing extremely seductive eyes and the most charming gentle countenance as do many Egyptians. Quite the Star in my eyes!

  67. Susie, I am getting weak in the knees just imagining your encounter with Mr. Sharif. You lucky girl, you.

  68. Willow Darlink,

    Sorry to miss you at the event. I stayed long enough for a cuppa, and had to head back to the ranch. Love your hat.


  69. Well, good to know you are so loved round not just here but in Hollywood too apparently, from what I can gather! I heard Audrey Hepburn say, "Never! I tell you, Never! No, I won't sell my autograph of the Lady of the Manor!"


    ...Enjoying a nice cup of Yorkshire gold as we speak. Must be going now. Need to bum a ride back home to the Front Range! (I forgot to arrange flight details for the way back home! Silly me.)

  70. Ah, then I will kindly acquiesce to you, my friend. You see, I thought I saw Yuri giving me the eye tonight . . .


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)