and it caught Stevie Wren's eye. She and I had a chat about how
much we like the movie. It is one of those films that you either
absolutely love or absolutely hate. Well, I'm one of those who love
it and I have watched it more times than I care to say. It has a
wonderful intoxicating quality which entrances me every time.
Director Baz Luhrmann took a bold step by making this dynamically
unique film. Set in 1899 Paris, it is just like stepping into a vividly
colored Toulouse Lautrec painting. It is truly a feast for the eyes,
with it's fabulous costumes and extraordinary sets. Yes, it's a silly
musical with lots of singing and and dancing, but all the music is post
1899 with a quirky mix of Rogers & Hammerstein, Elton John,
The Police, Madonna and even Nirvana, among others. It sounds
odd, but it really does work, in fact it is unbelievably captivating.
Nicole Kidman shines as Satine the "Sparkling Diamond" and
speaking of diamonds, she wears the most expensive piece of
jewelry ever specifically made for a film, a diamond and platinum
necklace totaling 134 carats. The handsome Ewan MacGregor is
perfect in the role of the innocent penniless writer and this man
can really sing! He absolutely makes me melt. John Leguizamo
is a hilarious lisping Toulouse Lautrec, and I'm not quite sure how
they did it, but they made his legs look about 12 inches long! The
funniest scene in the entire movie is a scene where Jim Broadbent,
outfitted in a fat suit, sings "Like a Virgin", complete with dancing
waiters. "Roxane", on the other hand, is one fantastic and very
steamy tango dance scene that leaves me completely limp. So, to
make a long story short, this film is funny, visually and musically
stunning and well, I think...spectacular.
Oh Willow, I love this movie,( not as much as Phantom of the Opera but it's up there, too). Hubby and the children got it for me for my Birthday last year...
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen this...interesting about the mix of modern music.
ReplyDeleteI'd also forgotten how much I like Nicole Kidman as a redhead. She looks so washed out as a blonde...
Willow...I completely agree that this movie is spectacular...I have watched it many many times....
ReplyDeleteVery energetic movie... and don't forget Romeo + Juliet ... same director.
ReplyDeleteLoved it! Got the very satisfying DVD which has lots of extras plus the ability to edit some of the scenes yourself. Vivid memories. I didn't even know who Kylie (sp?) Minogue was and she was delightful.I cried quite a bit, which always makes it a good movie for me.
ReplyDeleteDiva, I totally agree. She looks so much better as a redhead! Although I read that she wore a wig for this film.
ReplyDeleteBill, do you know anything about Luhrmann's upcoming "Australia"? Looks like it might be good.
Marc, hi! Thanks for stopping by the Manor. Yes, Kylie Minogue...I toh-ta-wee forgot to mention the green Absinthe fairy!
I love: the narcoleptic Argentinian... Zeidler's pet names for Satine.... the Bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom, and love...above all else, love...the hills are alive with the sound of music....Christian's huge talent....One day I'll fly away...leave all this to yesterday...the Bollywood style play Spectacular, Spectacular....the new, "Will the lovers be meeting in the sitar player's humble abode" scene....the greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return...Come what may, I will love you until my dying day...I can't stand it any longer...I am going to watch the movie.
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm back! Thanks for the write up. not seen this one yet.
ReplyDeleteAnother one I must watch again. I liked it too. Great review Willow. You need to be a writer and get paid!
ReplyDeleteThe Bach
I never saw it.
ReplyDeleteNow I'll have to.
Happy weekend.
Are you coming to the virtual tea party?
i love this movie as well. the music, the color, the traveling back in time all speaks directly to my soul!!
ReplyDeleteStevie, yes, yes, yes, me, TOO!!! There are just so many things to love about this movie. I could go on and on...
ReplyDeleteElizabeth, I'll be there for tea! Shall I say, around fourish?
ReplyDeleteI've always been in love with the sets!
ReplyDeleteAlso, Edward was so touched by your special mention that he has thanked you personally. Come on over!
I read the book Moulin Rouge twice before the film was even made. It was fantastic to see the movie and recognise everything I had read about.
ReplyDeleteRobyn, I've not read the book...I'll have to do something about that.
ReplyDeleteI loved it too and must watch again.
ReplyDeleteI bought Vogue last week (which I haven't done in several years because the fashions are, well, ridiculous!) Altho' I used to try to be such a fashionable clothes horse in my younger life, ha! ha!
Bought it to view the stunning Annie Lebovitz photos of Nicole Kidman in Luhrmann's epic "Australia". The story was interesting and I think it will be a stunning movie.
Thanks for visiting my blog Willow and leaving your comment.I love this film and no-one else I knew did. As you say people's opinions were from one extreme to the other, but what's not to love about Ewan MacGregor, and the enchanting colours and costumes. "One day I'll fly away" made me cry.It all,as someone already mentioned,spoke to my soul, and that's why it was hard to hear it picked to pieces. Each to their own however, but I thought it was wonderful.
ReplyDeleteMy wife made me watch it once. Pappy
ReplyDeleteMary, I absolutely love Annie Lebovitz' stunning photography! I did see that piece on the upcoming "Australia"...looks like it will be a beautiful film.
ReplyDeletePam, thanks for stopping by! Yes, I totally agree with you. It touched my artistic, as well as my romantic soul!
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the list of those who liked it .. and I also liked The English Patient .. and Istar .. crazy crazy me
What a lovely blog, Willow. I shall be a regular visitor! Your roses (and other garden pictures) are just gorgeous. (I followed this trail via Pamela and Edward.)
ReplyDeletequgrainne, welcome! I would be very happy to have you as a regular bloggy visitor. :)
ReplyDeleteIt really IS an unusual movie. I've seen it and agree it deserved the praise it got. I thought it very creative and unique. When I first heard the premise I was hesitant and didn't really expect to like it, but I did.
ReplyDeleteDaryl....don't get me started on The English Patient...we'll be here all day. I have watched it 458 times. Okay, I might be exaggerating slightly. This one also deserves a post of it's very own.
ReplyDeleteA Brush, I was also hesitant at first and didn't think I would like it at all, but my artistic and sentimental sides were mesmerized. Like I said, it's intoxicating...I like it even more each time I see it.
ReplyDeleteI love movies that take me to another place and time and Moulin Rouge does exactly that!
ReplyDeleteI watched "To The Lighhouse" this weekend and I loved it for that reason.
These movies really speak to women -- much like the novels do!
I love this movie too! I think Willow Manor is so lovely! God Bless, Celene
ReplyDeleteWNW, thanks for stopping by The Manor and for your nice comment! :)