Sunday, February 8, 2015

Imaginary Mouse

It teases
with pointy ears,
purple passages.
I wait motionless
without pounce,
bat with curious paw.

Not house or field,
but valley variety,
after more than cheese.
"Like" is the hedge
that grows wild,
hides smarts.

Nasal gags me
with a spoon, whines
a mix of accent and angst.
Maybe not poetic license.
It could actually
be real.

tk/February 2015

R.A.D. is like totally... 

artwork: Action Figures by Edith Vonnegut


  1. La modern malaise---though touched with different echoes of other things dance us this way and that...thanks for the great read!

  2. This is, forgive me, cute!!! and it made me smile, maybe its my mood; today s the parade of Children's carnival on the main street near where i live

    have a nice Sunday

    much love

  3. Ha-this is very funny, Tess--I can picture this LA mouse--I especially like the stanza on using "like" as a hedge for all--that is just so very clever. And perhaps the mouse is not an accessory--oops!

    I'm sorry I've not been around--I get busy with different prompts etc or none and don't think about it--but think what you do is terrific. K. ( (lately blogger doesn't let me use my wordpress ID--and this is an old google one.) k.

  4. Oh excellent and so very funny....there's a lot written in this poem!

  5. when I want to frighten the pooch I need only cart up the vacuum, a true pet deterrent

  6. almost surrealist...:)

  7. Oh.My.God. This is rad fer sure.

  8. Witty and beguiling; always so well expressed.

  9. Very playful. It suits the tone of the painting well!

  10. Oh what a tease of images you present, you so coyly bring her images to a new life of their own.

  11. A fabulous poem to greet my return - so many to catch up on and enjoy! I really missed Magpie Tales!

  12. A couple of lines of nasal gags to make the housework go quicker !

  13. hah! whatta a brilliant take for the prompt!

  14. This seems like a more playful side of you I liked it Tess! Hugs!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)