Wednesday, April 21, 2010

rhubarb lovers wherever you are...

When I was looking through my recipe cards recently, I found this one I used to make a lot in the late 70's. I'm not sure why, exactly, it has been overlooked these last 30 some years. So, I grabbed a bunch of fresh rhubarb in the produce section of The Anderson's last week, and made it over the weekend. It's easy peasy, plus moist and delicious. Why on earth was it hiding in the back of my card drawer? I whipped it up it in my new Anchor Hocking 8 x 11 baking dish, so the pieces were extra thick. It was begging for a cup of high test coffee, too. Heaven.

Willow's Rhubarb Cake

3 cups fresh rhubarb, cut in chunks
1 cup sugar
(mix and let stand while combining other ingredients)

Beat together 1 cup oil and 1 cup sugar, then add 3 eggs, 2 cups flour, 1 tsp soda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 3/4 tsp salt, 1 cup walnuts (or pecans) and mix in rhubarb. Pour into 8 x 11 inch pan. Dot with 1/4 cup butter, sprinkle 1/2 cup brown sugar over. Bake 325 for about 50 minutes, or until pick comes out clean.


  1. Oh, this looks yummy! I can eat the whole thing. Yes!

  2. you know...i dont know if i have ever had i am missing something good right? it sounds like it...

  3. Oh my! This would be my idea of heaven. My husband doesn't like rhubarb, so I rarely have it in the house. But this is tempting.


  4. Wherever is right here, me me me!! I love rhubarb. Always have. I hug you and promise you a big favor some day for this recipe. Thank you. I will be making this special cake as soon as I can get to the store.

  5. I am SOOOO making this!
    Is it 1/4 ?cube? of butter? Yum and thanks.

  6. Oh my gluten-free body would not like the flour but my mother would LOVE this. Think I'll add this to her mother's day presents!

  7. Oh, Willow! This looks sooo good. YES... with a cup of coffee and a big dollop of homemade whipped cream on top too.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  8. looks stunning--I will have to ride another five miles to justify but I do believe the taste sensation will be worth it!!

  9. thanks...i just love picking it from the garden and eating it up...pucker up!

    or dipping it in sugar.

  10. I love it; Kev hates it! (As a result, it doesn't come into this house very often, but my mom buys it and bakes with it, so I get a periodic fix. She used to make rhubarb-strawberry jam and we would just eat it in bowls with vanilla ice-cream. Ooh man!

  11. Oh, yes! and I think I have some almost ready in the garden!

  12. So glad you pulled the recipe out of storage. This was absolutely fabulous! Now how many pieces did I eat? The blue willow plate was the perfect choice to serve this on. We are enjoying our new pieces...they bring back such memories.

  13. Ooh how I love rhubarb !
    My grandad used to grow it in his garden, and we would splurge on warm rhubarb and custard, sometimes rhubarb crumble and custard...
    I'll give your cake a whirl, it looks absolutely scrumptious !

  14. OMG! that looks so good! my mother could really bake and she used to bake a mean rubarb crumble...I am so jealous! yum!

  15. My rhubarb is just about ready now in the garden, early this year, so I will try this. I have quite a collection of rhubarb recipes, but love it fresh with some salt--like eating celery! Not many like the sour as I do. I also love to cook it 1 cup cut up to < 1 cup sugar and make a sauce to serve with meats...ummmm, ummmm

    Jerry only likes it mixed in apple pie or his favorite strawberry rhubarb, but no strawberries yet other than in from FL or CA

  16. Janice, that's 1/4 cup butter dotted on top!

  17. This looks like a great recipe. I had rhubarb as a child, but it has been years since I have eaten any. My mom loves it.

  18. Yum! We have fresh rhubarb right out the back door...I'll make some up! Thanks Willow.

  19. I have plenty of Rhubarb at Haddock's (my veg' garden). But for me (other than in one of Lady Magnon's crumbles) it has to be cooked in a splash of orange juice with a tiny sprinkling of sugar, and served cold on Fromage Frais. In fact, that's how we had some last night. Delicious.

  20. OMG...Haven't thought of rhubarb in years! I tried to do some thing or other with rhubarb some years ago and it was a disaster. This looks sinful! A big glass of milk with it would be perfect!

    By the way, Willow, how did you ever make out with Jane Roberts??


  21. How timely. Just as we have been gifted a whole lot of rhubarb!

  22. I have some growing in the garden, but have never tried it. I think I will. It isn't well used/known in the south, methinks.

  23. Thanks Willow

    I adore rhubarb and will try your 70s recipe.

    Happy days

  24. I never have this before,
    May I have a share?
    Happy Wednesday!


    you are a super star,
    plus honorable mention on short story...
    enjoy your moment.

  26. Sounds delicious, Willow, especially with a dollop of creme fraiche!

  27. Here! I'd love to have a piece of your rhubarb cake, thank you! I love rhubarb any which way it can be prepared. Last night, I saw a rhubarb sauce on Cafe' Diglas' menu, but I had set my mind on Veal tonnato. Next time! ;-)

  28. Mmm... this is one my grandmother, a rhubarb lover, would love! Must give it a try sometime. Thanks for sharing!

  29. I'm confused - yes, it does happen depressingly easily - but from my reading of the recipe the rhubarb and sugar are still standing on the bench. (???)

    Yes, I grow my own rhubarb.

  30. J Cosmo, hee, no it's not still sitting on the bench, you've got to combine the rhubarb with the batter! :)

  31. R Burnett Baker, Jane Roberts sat here in a tall stack of books and had to be returned to the library before I read her. (shh...don't tell)

  32. Brings back fond memories of rhubarb with those large, extravagant leaves and succulent stalks growing in our garden.

  33. Rhubarb. Love the stuff. Almost anyway. But also love it in pies. Either by itself or shared with friends like strawberries.

    I bought four rhubarb plants last summer and planted them. I have happy to report that I know have enough rhubarb to make a pie.

    Next year I will have even more.

  34. It looks yummy and Hubby always wants me to buy rhubarb, but I do not know what to do with it. So I will have to try this.

    Can you also use strawberries in it. I have seen strawberry and rhubarb pies before, I just have never tried them.

    Thank you again for sharing this recipe, Hubby will be so pleased if I make it well, although I think I will have to get used to making it.

    God bless.

  35. I'll have to wait: my rhubarb is just poking its head out (not complaining: I thought it was dead as Roman earth does not agree with the plant).

  36. I love rhubarb and this looks scrumptious. Now, I have to have some.
    Blessings, Star

  37. That sounded like a keeper. Thanks, Willow!

  38. OMG, is rhubarb up? I'm MISSING it!-J

  39. Kat, ha, I thought you were reinventing yourself!

  40. I have never made ONE thing with that red celery! I will sashay through the produce section today and change that little fact with you as my rubarb doyenne.

    And Willow, succumb to tempation. When is THAT usually a good thing? In the white/silver department, it's luscious! (Besides, as I told myself, I can always go running back.) :)

  41. This looks delicious and sounds like an easy recipe. Thank you Willow...xv

  42. yum ! so glad that you stopped by. I always think of you when I post a recipe. Yes - just equal parts chili powder & brown sugar and the secret is a really hot pan so the brown sugar mixture caramalizes. It really is super easy and delish !!

    Hooray at the CB's back! Love him ! xo les Gang

  43. I have at least a dozen favorite rhubarb recipes. It is wonderful though I hate that it has such a short season. I haven't seen it yet at the market but I will have to keep my eyes open - though it sure won't be good for my diet. It is one of those heavenly things that one must indulge in the brief time that it is available.

  44. Oh YUMMY! Another rhubarb L♥ver here in San Francisco! I make something similiar to this - sometimes combined with Strawberries (when they are in season), but mostly all RHUBARB! It is DIVINE!

    Thanks for sharing!


    ♥ Robin ♥

  45. Okay...THIS got my attention :p....

  46. I'm the only one in the family that likes rhubarb so I really get to taste it's wares. I've been wanting to plant rhubarb; so far I havent. I heard the rhubarb leaves are poisonous. Great tonic! I certainly shall try this lovely take and I dont care if I rub any's rhubard "the wrong way". (Jack Nicholson as the Joker in Batman) I'm having a dose of the rhubarbian elixir thank-you Willow.

  47. I'm sure your cake is super and I promise you that I would taste it..and maybe become a convert?? Funny how rhubarb draws a line...

  48. I'm not even sure I know what a rhubarb is, but this sure makes me want to find out! It looks delicious. :]

  49. Trifle Recipe Cards, the Internets fastest growing recipe card company, was created out of a desire to provide a product that is affordable and adorable. Furthermore, our recipe cards are designed, customized, personalized, and printed right here in the USA. Each recipe card is made with premium card stock and water resistant ink to ensure they withstand the rigors of your kitchen.

  50. Why, oh whyyyy can't we find rhubarb in our grocery stores? I know it doesn't grow well in our hot southern climate, but at least we used to be able to find it in the freezer section! If I can find a grocery store to carry it, I will be trying this recipe!

  51. I have a patch of strawberry rhubarb in my garden just begging for this recipe! Many thanks.

  52. This is my kind of recipe. I have not tried cooking with rhubarb. I will definately make this and maybe add in some of our fabulous strawberries, too.

  53. Oh, I love rhubarb: that thing looks like it's waiting for a big whopping dollop of freshly whipped cream, in my humble opinion. I'll be right over if there's any left, Willow. YUM. I should try that!

  54. hi willow,
    i'm dropping by to say thanks for commenting on my sepia saturday post
    while i'm here i'll just try to stop drooling about rhubarb cake....

  55. Ah yes--anything with rhubarb!

  56. I love rhubarb and look forward to late summer when it will be ready to be transformed into cake or pie.

  57. Rhubarb is my favorite!...I usually don't like to make anything other than unadulterated rhubarb pie (No strawberries!)...but this sounds like a recipe that doesn't mess with the rhubarb flavor too much ...maybe I'll give it a try:)

  58. Love rhubarb but so sledom get to enjoy it. I am sure this dish is incredible too.

  59. How nice to be able to just click and go right to the deserts. Thanks Willow!

  60. Made this before we left for a few weeks and it was immediately gone! Even Jerry who is not fond of rhubarb but prefers it in pie with strawberries enjoyed and over indulged. A great addition to my collection of rhubarb recipe...Thanks much! If it does not rain tomorrow I will clear the rhubarb patch and get it ready for the 2nd crop this year, it was early.

  61. Pat, fun to hear you enjoyed it! It's not always easy to find here. Wish I had a nice patch full, too!

  62. I really must try this on e of these days....winter soon comes...well, Ok, not that soon actually but I am so ready for it after a mid 90's scorcher of a day here today.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)