Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Magpie Tales II

I felt queasy from the cheap champagne served at the embassy
reception. The usual rounds of tedious small talk had given me a
headache. The wet November air was refreshing, as we stepped out
into the rustic streets. Fog had settled in, and it was already dark at
4:00. I felt the match box in my pocket, and realized I had left my
gloves at the hotel.
Old Town was unusually quiet; not a car in sight. Bratislava Castle
rose up from the mist on the hilltop, as if by magic, and I remember
thinking the night must have felt just this way, hundreds of years
earlier. He stopped at the corner, and turned to me.

"Heading back to the hotel? Mind if I join you?" His breath visible
in the cold.
Normally, I would have shared a cab with a colleague, but it was
only a ten minute walk downhill. Besides, there was not a taxi to be
hailed, even if we wanted one.
"Sure, I'd love the company." I smiled.
We clip-clopped down the murky pavement in silence, hands in my
pockets, aided by an occasional window, or house light above an
ornately carved door. Suddenly, my heel caught on a piece of
uneven paving stone, and I instinctively grabbed the sleeve of his
overcoat, to steady myself.
"Oops! Sorry about that. I guess these old streets aren't so heel
"No problem. Here, take my arm."
We walked on, without speaking, my left hand nestled around his
arm, and my right tightly gripped the matchbox in my pocket.
Just before turning down the block leading to the hotel, we paused
under the soft glow of an iron street light, while he pulled a cigar out
of his breast pocket. I struck a match from the box, moist from my
palm, and lit it.
To sign up for Magpie Tales, or for more participants click [HERE].


  1. Ok Willow
    I want to try one more time. Love the prompt!!
    When is the deadline? VERY busy and understaffed at work and I refuse to be undone!

  2. Linda, I posted this a bit early, but it's for tomorrow. Pop over to Magpie Tales and sign up!

  3. Oh Willow I hope my story is not too long. I need to count the words. That was a neat story.

  4. QMM, well, mine's more of a vignette, not a complete story.

  5. Vignettes are good, as was yours. Mine is now posted.

  6. Well long or short I am enjoying reading...I felt the chill in the air reading that! If it were me I'd have fallen when the heel caught! Decided to post mine now too so I don't edit again and again and again...

  7. You have a way of evoking an atmosphere, m'dear, that is second to none. Love the clip=clopping down the streets!

  8. And then ...

    and then ...

    WHAT Happens next??

  9. willow, that is silk...love it...a warm easy feeling...

  10. Nice mood piece; I enjoyed it.

    I moved mine a few decades back in time.

  11. Congratulations on the great atmospheric piece ... and on Magpie Tales. I am slowly trying to work up confidence to have a try ... maybe next week.

  12. Do you think romantic is in our DNA...?? Great tale, my dear! :)
    The Bach

  13. Oh ho! You smoker enabler you. ;)

    What say you grab that Zhivago hat and we get a room at the Bratislava?

    Purely for inspiration to write, of course!

  14. I didn't want it to end! More! More!

  15. Okay, I'm totally intrigued! It sounds kind of romantic, like something is going to happen. Now what?

  16. I really like it, Willow! A strong arm to lean on is always nice.

  17. oh willow - you are hopelessly hopelessly romantic but then so am i. i want more!! steven

  18. Hmmm, I'm thinking film noir. Nice piece.

    I think I'll take the challenge. I'll link to you later tonight.

  19. Oh Willow... *sigh* I love the romance of this, and the intrigue. I am somehow seeing Robert Redford as the man whose arm you took. Loving it. I am so tempted to try this one prompt. I'll link to you if I can come up with something.

  20. Ooooh...I'm sensing a lot of cliff-hangers this week, heh, heh...next installment, yes?

    And ya got me on the colour change to the page, here :)

  21. I can smell cigar smoke in the chilled air! The story MUST be told.......!


  22. Nice vignette, Willow, full of hints and smoggy dead ends. Mine is up at Word of the Day.

  23. Nice!
    The story line is believable had similar situations myself in real-life everyday events. This short essay can take many twists and turns if you wanted to expand or have it . . .to be continued. . .


  24. always the odd man out
    broken charred and alone
    not for me the comfortable
    line up wedged close to kin
    with little black heads
    I'll never be able to say
    'we'll always have Bratislava'
    nor Paris or even Casablanca

  25. Willow,
    Do I hear a piano tinkling softly in the background? ;)

    Well crafted my dear. And now you must choose the actors for the screen play!

  26. So intriguing, perfect imagery... you brought me right back to Old Town. I think it is WT you 'stumbled' into, and a love story was born, yes? ;)

  27. I really like the first paragraph, Willow. Wonderful details.
    (I can't help but wonder if WT brings back match boxes from all of his travels.)

  28. Great story! It seems as if we both must have been in Bratislava at the same time...slinking around!More!!

  29. Wonderful, Willow! I can just sense the cold and feel the paving stones underfoot...

  30. Great atmosphere! One wonders what's next . . .

  31. Great job--you set the mood beautifully, Willow. Wish I wasn't swamped with work. (And why is it the days seem to go on forever but the evenings fly by?)

  32. Rallendanda, that is priceless! You should have posted that as your Magpie Tale, my clever friend! :^)

  33. Now I'm seeing less romance & more intrigue - which one of them is the spy? Which the contact? Can you tell what type of books I prefer?

  34. Loved the whole intrigue+romance ...I've been to Bratislava and you set the scene perfectly!

  35. i am going to have to put more thought in my words if i'm going to do this on a weekly basis. and start earlier too!

    i am intrigued... i can't wait to see what happens next!


  36. Bratislava... what a perfectly mysterious place to meet someone!

  37. mood...atmosphere...emotion...
    a wee bit of casablanca strumming...!

  38. willow--loved this--I want to read more!

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Oh I felt as though I was lurking in a cobblestone alleyway close by, observing this whole scene Willow. Shuffling my icy feet & with my hands plunged deep into the pockets of my cashmere coat to the bitter cold at bay. You've left me wanting to know more about this woman of mystery.
    Millie ^_^

  41. An interesting tale, Willow, & well told--I'm just getting around to some of the Magpie Tales, but it looks like you have a winning concept here.

  42. Great beginning..I want more. I'm always game for a romance and a mystery. I sense some rapid heartbeats. I want to thank you for such a neat experience. This was a wonderful idea. I feel a part of something that's going to get big.

  43. Willow, your writing transports me instantly. I could feel the chill of the November air...

  44. Thanks, everyone. I am thrilled that Magpie Tales is off to such a fantastic start. So many talented writers have contributed such jewels. Terrific fun!

  45. Willow, your vignette is a toast to the brief and beautiful interludes in our lives. You've created the sense of the place so beautifully with minimal descriptions - the castle rose out of the hill like a magic, the old street was lit from the lights above the ornately carved doors ...

  46. Aha! So, this is what it's all about. I was on Two Ghosts last night and Lyn posted a fantastic story. I swallowed it up as if it was a true story (so well-written it was) and now I pop by and notice the same theme.

    Your tale was so well-crafted. Mysterious and inviting at the same time. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  47. Willow, what a great start for a thriller...just kkeep going.

  48. Ah ha!!
    I smell romance .........

  49. Willow, you caught my attention with this lovely vignette/prompt set in eastern Europe. ~ Jeanne the Hun

  50. A burned out match
    A thought will hatch
    I'm bound to think of something I can say
    My mind is blank
    This meme I'll thank
    And have that thought some other other day

  51. Marc, you are too cute. Come on! Join in on Magpie this week!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)