Sunday, January 24, 2010

what you smilin' at?

There were lots of suggestions as to what the image in my candle
might be, including Whoopi, my Cherokee ancestor, and High
Chieftain. Some of you saw animals and trees. Some of you
suggested I sell it on eBay. Some of you thought I needed a bit more
water in my nightcap. But the comment that really caught my fancy,
was Roy's suggestion that it looked like Nina Simone.

Well, I can't help but agree. Both photos even have a light spot in
the same location near the nose, mysteriously enough. So, what
does it all mean? Well, for starters, I'm thinkin' maybe I need to
listen to more Nina.

So, here she is, ladies and gentlemen, singing "Willow Weep for Me",
a choice I thought most appropriate, especially since Lorenzo got me
hooked a few weeks ago. Turn your volume way up and enjoy. Hope
you're having a great weekend, my friends.


  1. you come up with such clever things to do! yes, to nina and willows weeping.

  2. nina rules!! willow thankyou so much!! i love music and really there are so many amazing and unforgettable singers but nina?! wow!!! have a lovely evening and don't add more water to your nightcap. it'd just mess with the chemistry! steven

  3. Nina Simone - fabulous and how wonderful that you have her singing "Willow, weep for me" but, of course, NO weeping. Kick up your heels and have a marvelous weekend.

  4. Oh, yes! I concur--perfect! Hahaaa! Nina Simone rocks--I love her.

  5. The likeness is amazing; putting my Nina CD on right now; haven't heard it for quite some time.

  6. How fun to listen to Nina has been years.

  7. Love love Nina Simone - & yes, that likeness is pretty spooky I think!

  8. Not to be disrespectful to any one but that beats the heck out of Jesus on a piece of toast anyday! Amazing likeness.

  9. That's serendipity. Amazing likeness, amazing song.

  10. The funny thing is that even though I saw Nina right away in that candle profile, I'm not really a huge Nina Simone fan. I like her well enough, but I like people like Dinah Washington and Lady Day and Nancy Wilson more. But she does such a dramatic version of "Pirate Jenny" that that's what comes immediately to mind for me when I think of her.

    And as soon as I typed that the othe day, I knew I'd gotten the line wrong, but it was too late to fix it. The actual line is by the guests in the hotel who can't understand why the charwoman is smiling, and in Nina's patois the line is: "What she smilin' at? What she got to smile about?"

    I Love Threepenny Opera; Brecht and Weill were geniuses!

  11. OMG, it looks like she sat for the silhouette!

  12. Amazing! And Nina Simone is always fantastic! Thanks.

    that photo is amazing.
    Nina has a great rendition
    of the song.


  14. What a perfect explanation for your candle's amazing profile. Love that music.

  15. can't go wrong with Nina Simone - wow, think Roy nailed it :)

  16. Odd and amazing similarities. A nudge, perhaps, towards Nina.

  17. Wow, it does look just like her! Thanks for the music...I always loved her "Memphis in June" and "Eve & Adam had a Garden"...such a unique talent!

  18. Yes it is Nina. And the song is just for you. How spooky for sure. You and your lucky muse.

  19. WOW...this is out there!!! but I love it!!! need to revisit Nina myself methinks.

  20. Oh my goodness, yes, there she is --Nina Simone, in your candle. Wow. What fun!

  21. Willow,
    That looks like a nice cold beer to me! :) Candle or beer... you have such a keen eye for imagination and creativity... Thanks for the song too! Are you weeping, Willow? :) great post! The Bach

  22. I agree, the likeness is amazing. Relax in the bath & listen to Nina while looking at your muse in the candle. Sounds delightful : )

  23. Love Nina Simone! Thanks for giving me a new song to seed Pandora with. Have a great weekend Willow! ; )

  24. More than serendipitous methinks - eerie even.

  25. I have had the enormous privilege of seeing Nina live twice. It's sort of like saying you've touched the face of god(dess). I love that version of "Willow Weep for Me", and I also love Dinah Washington's version.

  26. 0000--how fun. Nina in a candle. That was so great!

  27. The Nina similarity is uncanny. Great choice of song, by-the-way, and thank you for introducing me to Roy's blog.

  28. I was going to say that it looked like Cro-Magnon Man, but I can't now, can I?

  29. Amazing stream of consciousness going on here. A string of connections that leads to a lovely place. I enjoyed.

  30. Just amazing Willow. Nina is certainly calling out to you! Willow Weep For Me is the perfect choice. I'm sure the ghosts in the manor are dancing along.

  31. ah Nina! What A Wonderful Voice!
    Although the outline also looks like the top of Africa?

  32. that's pretty amazing. cheers to roy for seeing this. and how fun to have a song about you. well, there are a lot of susan or susie songs too "Wake up little Suzie" comes to mind also "Run around sue"

  33. Haven't been here for awhile... but I've read your recent posts... they are all so interesting!!! Love your color schemes and layout!
    Have a great Sunday! The Bach

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  36. Nina Simone. She grew up just down the road from me and in college I read her autobiography and thought to myself well if she can create with her voice then surely I can create something with my mind. I turn her on when I can't sleep at nights and sway to the music until I feel that knot inside of my loosen.

  37. Yes, of course - Nina all the time! And a photo to match. What are the odds?

  38. One must have a cocktail and a cigarette in a holder to listen to this. Nina has an awesome sound!

  39. Yes, indeed, that's Nina on your candle. (Now if you can just get it to sing to you!)

  40. Yes, indeed, that's Nina on your candle. (Now if you can just get it to sing to you!)

  41. Yes, indeed, that's Nina on your candle. (Now if you can just get it to sing to you!)

  42. it is amazing how once someone sees an image in anything-- cloud, painting, candle, floor-- that is what we see-- and wow can I see Nina in your candle now... apt song choice too.

  43. Nina gets around...she is definitely in your candle. Morning favorite...playing The Essential Nina Simone CD!

  44. I LOVE Nina Simone...and that song particularly! And if your candle needs to channel it...then I'll listen happily!

    Thanks for that respite.

  45. great post Willow. really nice! i love Nina too, though i just posted on Abbey Lincoln days ago. Beautiful cacophonic voices. They define distinction. A style taht reminds me so much of what Thelonious Monk does at the piano - he kills it!! and you always know its him and no other.

  46. Oh.

    It IS Nina Simone!! She is a favorite in our household, we listen to her music all the time. Wow.

  47. You can't go wrong with more Nina Simone in your life.

  48. Great post, so very clever, Willow! And, of course, I love Nina!

  49. wow,that is so cool Willow!Really like it!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)