Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is it you REALLY like to do? Eat!

We sneaked out to see a matinee showing of Julie & Julia yesterday.
I was excited to see this movie because it is a combination of so many
of my favorite, eating, cooking, blogging, (basically my
life), Meryl Streep, Paris, and Nora Ephron.

This film is a delightful interweaving of two true stories; Julia Child,
the famous master of French cooking and Julie Powell, a young New
York blogger, who decides to make 524 recipes, from Julia Child's
cookbook, in 364 days and post them on her blog. Meryl Streep, as
you can well imagine, amazingly transforms herself into Julia Child,
who I really didn't know all that much about, before seeing this movie.
Her husband is played by the charming Stanley Tucci, and Amy
Adams is the blogger, Julie Powel.

I am already a huge fan of Nora Ephron, who wrote the screen play,
as well as directed this movie, and I will have to say, I was not
disappointed. I laughed and cried though the entire film. I was even
delighted to see my beloved Blue Willow pattern china was also a
favorite of Child's and she used it nearly everyday, just like I do! By
the way, did you know her Cambridge, Massachusetts kitchen is now
in the Smithsonian?

Now, WT was not exactly jumping out of his skin to see this movie.
He agreed, though, tagging along with me. But, on the way home,
he did a better Julia Child imitation than me. "Neeeever apologize."
In fact, he did a better job than Meryl Streep. Scary, I know.

A word of caution. Make sure you eat before seeing this movie. You
don't want to watch this one on an empty stomach.


  1. OH, this looks so good! I thoroughly enjoyed the trailer...very, very cute!

  2. Do you know if Julie's original blog is still up? It would be really fun to look at it!

  3. nice. had not heard about this after the fact was it ok for WT?

  4. oooooh I SO want to see this movie! Me too. All my favorite things.

  5. Betsy, I visited her blog today. I don't think it is her original blog, though. It's

  6. Oh boy, I loved this movie! I am already planning Boeuf Bourguignon for the first cool day of autumn!!

    And Meryl Streep is a wizard!

  7. Willow--We saw this movie last Friday with my Mom, sister, BIL, B and me. I LOVED it. It was a feel good movie and one that my sis and I agreed we wouldn't mind owning. I would love to "pause" the movie on so many spots throughout and really study the "things" in there. We saw things that we own too and it was fun to notice. They only briefly mentioned that she was a spy. That was true. Meryl Streep was great in this. I guess all that butter didn't hurt her, did it!!

  8. I can't wait to see it myself. I'm happy to hear it got the Manor's stamp of approval.

  9. I, too, have been looking forward to this one for months. We may have to go see it tomorrow.

    Bon Appetit!

  10. Teri, Julia Child lived to be 92, so I guess all that butter didn't hurt at all!

  11. Willow, I want you to go to my blog and read a recipe by Nostradamus himself.

  12. I loved the book. Kurt and I cooked through our falling in love days- while watching videos of Julia cooking. We remember her fondly - very fondly. We keep a diary of sorts on wine corks, and Julia has her own in our collection from when we toasted her at the time of her passing, with a hearty Bon Appetit!She was marvelous! And I love Meryl. We will be seeing this one for sure. Thanks for the great review!

  13. Okay, everybody, you HAVE to go over to Donna Baker's and see the Nostradamus recipe. I guess I can't make it, because apparently a "willow" fire is right out. :^)

  14. Hi! Willow, Betsy and Brian,...
    Willow, Thanks, for the heads-up...because I know you may find this hard to believe, but I just purchased...Mostly Martha and No Reservation.

    Oh! Yes, I Kind of, have a "sneaky"
    feeling that the "former" film is the better of the two films.
    (You just confirmed my "sneaky" feeling...)

    ...Nice review of the film Julia & Julia and what an interesting video.
    Thanks, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  15. Wow. You really "whetted my appetite" with this!

  16. Every time I've seen the commercial for this movie I think how much I wish I would have had the fantastic idea that Julie Powel had. Smart and courageous lady. And in a tiny kitchen I hear, to boot!

    I love Julia Child. What a wacky, wonderful character she was. I believe I was actually introduced to her, though, when I was a kid via Dan Aykroyd, when he did his silly impressions of her on SNL.

    I cannot wait to see the movie. Maybe I'll do one of my theme dinner and movie nights, and make a French meal out of Julia's cookbook before going out to see it. Hmm...

  17. Dorci, one of those silly impressions by Dan Aykroyd, on SNL is actually in the movie! Sooo funny.

  18. I'm glad you liked it. Meryl Streep as Julia, how can it miss?

  19. Can't wait to see it - I wish it would hurry p and show here.....xv

  20. Hoping to see this in an actual movie theater....thanks for the review (& I agree, how can it miss?)!

  21. I am going to have to see this, as its in my line so to say...the trailer looks great, also thanks for the link for Nostradamus out sparrows and bees I'm after you!!!

  22. I'd read some reviews and thought I fancied it, but it's obviously a must-see now!

  23. I doubt it will make it to Rome, but ths sounds like the perfect movie for me!

  24. Seems like a must-see which I might have missed, but for you. Thanks - I'm making a note.

  25. Barry and I went a couple of days ago to see this movie. He is such a good sport about chick flicks! From the very beginning of the movie when Ms. Ephron has us peeking in the french windows, I was hooked! I was happy that she managed to keep the two lives parallel and there was never any confusion between the blogger and Ms. Childs. I really enjoyed the movie. Thank you for this blog today. Willow! =D

  26. And isn't the next line, "And you're so good at it, too!" That makes me want to see this one even more.

    I'm planning a trip to the Smithsonian soon and will be sure to check out the famous kitchen. Thank you for the reminder that it's there.

  27. Oh yes, this is a must see for me. Meryl Streep as Julia - perfect. My only concern was that the blogging part would take up too much of the movie - I want to immerse myself for an hour or two in Julia Child's life. Did you find the tandem stories, enhanced the telling of Julia's biography?

  28. Interesting about the kitchen. And thanks for the warning re: eat first.

  29. Looking forward to this one -- I spent almost a year working my way through MASTERING THE ART while my husband was a grad student at U of Iowa.

  30. hey willow, well, i love cooking - i have been the main cook for whomever i've lived with, been married to, been a daddy of for my entire life since grade ten. i have heaps of cookbooks and recipes stacked in great messy piles.
    your review has got me interested and i think i'm going to call up a bunch of my peeps and feed them up at my fave restaurant first and then head it in to see this. i might even give the book a read. have a lovely day at the manor. steven

  31. Hello Willow,

    Looks like you'll have folks queuing around the block for this! I'm totally unfamiliar with Ms Childs but Meryl makes her look fun in the clip. I really will try to see this one!

  32. I'm so glad you have given this movie a "thumbs up". The review I read didn't like that there was so much of the other Julia in the movie. Just a note Amy Adams' family lives in Austin, TX. There was an article in our newspaper last week. Interesting. Maybe this weekend I'll try to get in to see this movie.

  33. Lizzy, actually, Meryl was SO good, I too, wished there was more of her in the movie, and less Amy Adams. Still, it is a great film.

  34. I wonder how long it will take for this movie to arrive here ..... *impatient*

    I got to know Julia Child because I learned to cook with her books. I had learned to eat well at my mother's table and in Italian kitchens, but never cooked (why would you, in Rome?) until I was married and pregnant and desparately needed some home-cooked food. Julia explained in depth the difference in ingredients (flour, butter for starters) and introduced me to my beloved Cuisinart (my original one I got at now defunct Woodward & Lothrop still works!).
    I watched the reruns of her TV shows on PBS and my kids did so along with me, my son even taking up cooking as a little boy thanks to her. Julia is like a beloved relative of us, her name is mentioned so often and when the first news of the movie came out, one of my daughter's wrote me a mail, "Mom, that movie is so you!" (meaning Julia Child & blogging *hehe*). My first Thanksgiving dinner was cooked according to her recipes in an old "PARADE" Magazine that came with the Washington Post way back in the Eighties!

    I cannot even imagine what sort of cook or mother I would have become without Julia!

  35. I'm looking forward to seeing this. I love Meryl Streep and I remember Julia Child as I was growing up. For some reason, she would be on our TV at times and I think perhaps my mom watched her at times. I always thought she was delightful in an unusual way and interesting to watch. The sound of her voice would make my head tilt sideways like a dog. . .
    Thanks for the review and looking forward to seeing this one.
    btw, thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and comment. I love the old landmarks of our culture and history and hope they never leave us completely.

  36. Ciao Willow, Your post describes my passions too: love, food, romantic story.
    You know, I'ma a Nora Ephron fan too. It was my dream to think once I could write for her or with her, or just learn how to write.

  37. This looks and sounds good. You have such a way with words, Willow. And you always add just the right photo to match your words.

    You have the perfect recipe for a perfect blog. Always a treat visiting. I come with nothing; I always leave with something.

    Have a great weekend.

  38. I linked the New York Times critique to my Face Book page recently.

    I simply cannot wait to see this movie and even more so now that someone other than a movie critic has recommended it.

  39. Lovely, lovely tribute, Merisi.

  40. Gary, "The sound of her voice would make my head tilt sideways like a dog." Oh, I LOVE this!! :):):)

  41. My daughter saw this and was telling us about it the other day. I left a comment about your comment on my blog which said...

    "Reply to Willow...

    Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin. My idea for a blog has changed. I guess I am a radical. No archives is something few do. I have one blog, for example. Our Flower Pot that I am starting over. It will be for flower identification and will have an archive. I am also going to do one about my hometown or the place where I was born. This one will also have an archive. Mostly for my family and friends as it is more like genealogy than a "blog."

    Pick a Peck of Pixels is about things that pop into my head or things that I do and record. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Anyway, on the second day, the posts will be deleted. That way I don't need to worry about people stealing my photos and I don't need an archive.

    Right now it has comments and I may eliminate that but am now using it to find people who think the way I do. I don't need to know all the nut-crackers just people like me. LOL

    And Abe Lincoln Blogs is similar to Pick a Peck of Pixels. I am debating on making it more political. And comments are on now but may go off."

    Thanks for the visit.

  42. I can't wait to see this one...With a camelion like Streep, it has to be wonderful.

  43. Thanks for the tip on the empty stomach, Willow! I've watched the trailor and I understand why now! :-)

  44. Have to disagree with you on this one (a first?). Prodigal Wife got the book and couldn't get to page 100--hardly any cooking or even food and way too much whining and self-pity. And I confess, I dipped in myself (I love to cook, as you know, and Julia is Julia), and I was rather unpleasingly jarred by the foul language. I think we both expected a light read, filled with cooking experiences and humor. I think we'll wait for Julia. Just Julia. Have a great weekend! (Kate's back from camp tomorrow, must enjoy last quiet day!)

  45. This is the second blog I've been to that raved about this film and the NYT liked it as well. I guess I should see it. I LOVE Julia Child (her book My Life in France is sooo good) so I was worried about seeing her portrayed on the screen but I like Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci (Big Night? Great food film).

  46. This was the first movie I've seen in a long time that I'd happily go see again!

  47. Love the write-up on Elspeth! "exudes personality and charm"....yep, that sums her up pretty well! :)

  48. Thanks for the review! Eberle & I are big Julia Child fans, so we're definitely interested.

  49. Would love to see this movie, the only problem is I will probably drool through the majority of it. I can't watch Food Network without getting hungry.
    Missed you!:)

  50. Can't wait to see this. I had tickets for the preview and they over booked the theatre. It worked out okay though - I had an empty stomach and next time I will take your advice and eat First!
    Happy weekend, Willow.

  51. Willow, we got to see this in hospital( while waiting for the doctor to come round and a rare telly moment for me). I think it was on the View? Nora, Amy and Meryla nd a retrospective on Julia. Quite good, actually. I grew up watching Julia in the kitchen( and yes, knew her kitchen was in the Smithsonian; pretty cool, yes? )

    And I noticed the link to Elspeth, so followed that. Amazed at who her accompanist is. Wow! THE Prestnari? Very impressed( and I confess to being side-tracked by the Jazz article, above ).

    Too, appreciate the link( aw, you shouldn't have **blush**) and hope you enjoy the Puccini score :)

    And best wishes to Elspeth!

  52. Prodigal, I haven't read the book, only saw the film, which I enjoyed very much. I'll read the book, which I happened to find at TJ Maxx this afternoon for $4, by the way, and let you know what I think. In the meantime, you must see the movie, before you can honestly disagree with me.

  53. I loved loved the movie, and you're SO right...not a movie to see on an empty stomach. Too late for me though ;)

  54. At last, a movie about a blogger! Goodness we're becoming mainstream.Looks like fun. I love to cook but hardly ever use a recipe. And yes, like Ms Childs, I LOVE to eat.

  55. You are SO right about not seeing this movie on an empty stomach. I didn't realize until I saw it for the second time yesterday with the GF group.

    I took the kids on Saturday and we had just eaten lunch so it didn't hit me. I went on an empty stomach yesterday and nearly gnawed my arm off. I refused to ruin my dinner with that horrid popcorn, however, so I'm just minus a hand now.

    I'm headed to see this movie with the DH this weekend. I love it to death. Wish the book was HALF as good. Very disappointing, that.

  56. I have seen Julia's kitchen at the American Museum of History. It's shockingly ill equipped compared to our modern kitchen on Tennessee Avenue.

    My roommates went to see the film, came home inspired. Every night we have had fabulous dinner - even beef bourgignon!! Very cool.

    They're showing old Julia Child shows on PBS this week. I saw a b/w show in which we makes boullibaise last night - fabulous.

    Bon appetit, Willow!

  57. Yes, I can see you would be as happy as a piglet in mud in this one Willow! It lacks a crucial element that makes a good movie great in my opinion - JOHNNY DEPP!
    Enjoy your weekend. Love the pic of you with the vintage opera score your friend sent you. What a lovely gift. xx

  58. I can't wait to see this movie. I have been fortunate enough to see Julia's kitchen set up in the Smithsonian.

  59. I am a movie buff who reads all the reviews, who thinks Meryl Streep is a national treasure, and have been after my husband since it came out to go, and he always says "you mean that chick flick? But I know I will wear him down and will see it soon.

  60. Willow--you're right, of course, we haven't seen the movie, but, well, this movie is based on the book and since movies are usually worse than the books than they're based on, we don't see the movie if we didn't like the book (matinees are $9 + parking around here so we have to really want to see something). However, one your readers--Robynn--took the time to come over and write she didn't like the book either, but the movie's not like the book at all (go figure). So we'll give it a shot...when it comes to video. Fair? In the meantime, let me know what you think of the book--though, as I said, we didn't make it to the end!

  61. Oh, I've been wanting to see it--I've just been phenomenally busy and won't have time for a while, but glad to hear it's good. I knew quite a bit about Julia Child, and have always been so impressed with her--she was a fascinating person. I've seen articles about the real Julie, too, and she sounds delightful. Thanks for the heads up.

  62. thanks for the review, willow. i so want to see this soon!

  63. I'm looking forward to this movie. My son and I last watched Julia when she did a PBS series with Jacques Pepin.

  64. I watched "Mostly Martha" again, to comfort me over until Julia Childs arrives over here (early evening excuse to watch TV: stack of clothes to iron!).
    My youngest was my company and we just drooled again, not only about the food scenes (aren't the great, like watching a Balanchine kitchen ballet?), but also about little details that one begins to notice only after the umpteenth time of watching?

    I picked up the Michael Radford "Merchant of Venice" DVD at the library yesterday, can't wait to see it. Venturing into Hungary today, though, TV will have to wait!

    A happy weekend to you!

  65. I soooo love this movie. A movie about blogging too--what more can one ask for?!

    BTw, your hand profile picture caught my attenion in my list of followers today as I scanned them. Very eye catching and a little spooky too.

    Love that pic of you, btw. When was that taken? you can't possibly be that young now after raising kids to adulthood?!!

  66. I saw this movie last week with a friend and actually did a post about it, sharing some photos of Julia Child's Kitchen from the Smithsonian Exhibit, which we visited a few weeks ago. It was a wonderful movie. My husband and I were big fans of Julia Child back in the day, and it brought back a lot of great memories of her down to earth appeal. Julie Powell was new to us but I thought the two combined stories just brilliant and I wouldn't mind going to see it again in the not too distant future.

  67. REALLY wanna see that movie after I just stop by ur post. :D And thanks for ur comment! There are quite lots of posts that I interest in ur blog. and I just knew that.. anyway, I'll visit ur blog often and leave comment also!

  68. Can't wait to see this one Meryl Streep and loved the old Saturday Night Live skits with Julia and the chicken!

  69. Mmm, you're so kind. That picture was taken in June of this year. It's alllll in the lighting. :^)

  70. Cool!That seems really fun and I love Merryl Streep.She's a great actress!Have a great weekend!

  71. *"FOOD" * (in best Homer Simpson voice)

  72. I loved it too and just posted about it! And I definitely ate before seeing it. ; )

  73. Just saw this today -- wonderful film.
    And I read My Life in France last spring -- I recommend it. Julia's intelligence and sense of humor really shine.

    When Julia passed away, I was part owner in a bakery, and we did a "Saint Julia" window display!

    (And my late husband used to read poetry aloud in the voice of Julia. Yikes!)


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)