Tuesday, August 25, 2009

king of beasts

My apologies to all you Leos out there. Heavens to murgatroyd,
we're already into the Virgo time frame and I completely forgot to
post on Leos. Actually, I don't know how in the world I forgot, since
both WT and my daughter are both dynamic, sunny Leos.

Leo, July 23 - August 23, is the zodiac's fifth sign. The King of the
Beasts, the lion, is the symbol for this sign. Leos share some of the
characteristics associated with the lion, being proud, loyal and fierce.
As a fixed sign, Leos are steady characters, and as a fire sign, they
are attracted to dramatic or creative situations.

Powerful and proud, Leos like to be at the center of the action. They
are dramatic personalities who are warm hearted and dominant.
Leo has kingly qualities of pride and leadership. They are happiest
when they can rule others and be proud of their achievements.

Creativity is associated with planets in Leo. Painting, drawing, and
display are ways of expressing their creative side. Leos are also
connected with theater and showmanship. They have a very strong
urge to create and make an impact.

Leos are colorful characters and are attracted to anything sunny,
bright and colorful. Obviously, their ruling planet is the sun. They
have a sunny disposition and like to be appreciated. They are
idealists at heart, generous and warm hearted. On the downside,
they tend to be a bit pompous and intolerant. But only a bit!

The flowers associated with the Leo are the sunflower and marigold.
Metal is gold and the gemstone is ruby. Countries are Italy,
Romania, Sicily, Czech Republic, Lebanon and the South of France.

So, a belated Happy Birthday to all you Leos in the bloggyhood. Stay
tuned, Virgos, I'll post on you next week.


  1. i cant believe you forgot me...from your description i know so much more about myself now too...happy belated to WT and your daughter...

  2. I am a Libra, the uncool sign! haha!

  3. I thought I somehow missed the Leo post. If you hadn't fessed up, I would have thought it was me, not you.

    I am surrounded by Leos.

  4. I'll tell my Leo daughter you sent her birthday greetings! Leos can be wonderful people, even they can also be a bit dominating.

  5. Oh Willow,could I ask you something?You always seem to know the finest things and you have great taste,I'd like to know if you know any good sites for weddings,the theme would be green and white;I don't seem to find nothing much interseting on the net.I'd like to see pictures of green and white theme weddings,to give some ideas.If you know of some that would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much!:)

  6. Oh that's fine leos will forgive you!lol

  7. OMG! How did I not know you did this?? I'm a capricorn... do I have to wait til stinking december? Grrr. Husband and kids are Sagittariuses, we're supposed to not get along I thought. But we do. Mostly anyway! Can't wait to see what you have to say about us!

  8. Libras are awesome! Take pride in your scales and indecisiveness, I do! lol :)

  9. Fab summary of our lovely Leo's Willow - however you did forget one trait. They spend an inordinate amount of time checking themselves out in the bathroom mirror, the car rear-view mirror, large plate glass store-front windows & any other shiny reflective surface where they can admire themselves! My BF is a Mr. Leo & I've never seen so much primping & preening happening in entire my life !
    Millie ^_^

  10. Happy birthdays to all the Leos our there. May you dominate.

  11. Otin, Libra is THE coolest sign. I happen to be one.

  12. Candi, I'm afraid I don't know much about weddings.

  13. Millie, yup. You're exactly right!!

  14. We have an older family member who's Leo, and you're right with the dominating factor-quite funny really because its hard to mind being bossed around by someone 'bright and sunny'.

  15. I, a Leo, and a Tiger in the Chinese calendar, forgive you for this oversight. One thing about Leos that isn't in your post is that sometimes we tend to toy with people who irritate us by annoying or leading them on purpose.

    Happy belated to WT and your daughter, and may they have many more plus lots and lots of presents.

  16. willow i've been sucking it in - i mean i know we're the centre of the universe - and all things must eventually be done our way but i was waiting for one of those fiery dominant leader type leo's to say something and no one did and then i thought oh no, willow has soem kinda anti-leo thing going...... but no . . . . here 'tis!!! oh heart be still!! we are still valued members of the willowverse!!! hurray!!!! steven

  17. Terrific lion emblem -- an old coin?

  18. God forbid you should forget Leos! There will now be much angst and posing and drama from the stage, from right in front of the footlights, yet! "HERE I AM! How could you possibly overlook the bright, shiny SUN that I am? Wait, is this my best side? Good! Now don't you EVER forget me again, or I'll have to come stand in front of you until you notice my presence."

    I've lived around a few Leos; if you forget to shine the spotlight on them, they'll go find it themselves.

  19. I KNOW!! Of all the signs to forget, I should never have forgotten the Leos! They love to bask in the limelight.

  20. Vicki, yes, it's an old coin. Photo from google images. Great, huh?

  21. That is my DMJ to a tee! - 14th August.

  22. I'm always surprised by the Leo description. My friend, a fellow Leo, always tells me I don't fit the mold. I tend to be very shy and don't crave recognition. Several other things don't quite click.

    Maybe she hasn't seen me on a bad day.

    Enjoyed the post.

  23. Oh glory...now you remind me, I forgot an important birthday. A bit intolerant? ....oh dear I won't be forgiven too quickly.

  24. Willow that photo is fantastic - a perfect fit to your blog and post.

  25. Leos make for great brothers,
    I can attest to that! ;-)

    Love your image with the lion: Is it an old button?

    Martha Stewart has a fabulous white and green wedding cake, here.

  26. Dear Leos, I wish you all the best. ANd to you Willow. :D

  27. Who is Murgatroyd? Apart from the evil butler who has it in for the young Emma Harte in the earlier chapters of Barbara Taylor Bradford's A Woman of Substance..?

  28. Hubby is Leo ! He fits much of this. I am the last day of Virgo, first day of fall! Don't forget us Virgo's!!

  29. oh, dear willow - your fingers have not yet fallen off from the disdain of all us leos? but fear not from me, anyway, for the past few weeks, my energies have been distracted by just running the universe - i mean, SOMEbody's gotta do it!

    happy happy belated to all who were missed!

  30. My heartfelt apologies to all you kings of the forest. Glad to hear you were all running the universe and didn't notice my ever so slight oversight.

  31. My daughter is Leo(Aug.13) to the bone...and boy do I know it...ha!

  32. I would send some to you if you want them but they won't work in my email systems.

    I have been a Scorpio for as long as I can remember and even married one.

  33. Many thanks for your answer but I still haven't a clue who/what Murgatroyd actually IS... if he's not the evil butler character from Barbara Taylor Bradford ...(!!)

  34. I was always drawn to the glorious, glamourous Leo males -- and everyone of them was a horrid match for my homebody, sensitive Cancerian nature.

    They are the beautiful people, aren't they?


  35. Kat, yes, they are beautiful people, but sometimes their roller coaster way of living gets my Libra scales off kilter.

  36. Well as long as you do not forget Sagittarius I forgive you. I also have a weak spot for Leos. Very weak.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)