Saturday, July 4, 2009

Speaking of Johnny Depp...

I loved this movie! Public Enemies opened today and we sneaked
off to see a matinee this afternoon. Normally, I don't usually enjoy
watching a lot of violence, but this movie is one of my few exceptions.
Johnny Depp is a brilliant John Dillinger (did we expect anything
less?). J. Edgar Hoover (Billy Crudup) heads the FBI, led by
Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale). The luscious and talented Marion
Cotillard is excellent as Billie Frechette, Dillinger's love interest.

This is actually a very artistically shot film, with a plethora of
wonderful noir natural light scenes, interspersed with faded rosy
sepia, and the crisp HD fireworks of blazing Tommy guns woven
throughout. The attention to the details of sets and costumes were
spot on, lending a feel of splendid time travel. There were great
vintage cars, a dreamy steam engine scene and even shots of the
fabulous "Tin Goose", a 1929 Ford Tri-Motor airliner, used to
transport Dillinger to prison in Michigan City, Indiana. The music
through the film was exceptional, with bits of fancy guitar picking
and a nightclub scene with a cameo appearance of Diana Krall
singing a luminous rendition of "Bye Bye Blackbird".

So, there you have it, my bloggy friends. I thoroughly enjoyed this
movie and give it two "Willow Thumbs" up!


  1. Wonderfully complete review, Willow. You rock.

  2. I think perhaps you are related! Same smile and sly look!

  3. Diana Krall? Then it is worthwhile.

  4. Anything Johnny Depp is big over here. Thanks for the preview.

  5. I told you that I thought your avatar looked like you were holding a gun! Now you just need the hat! You could be twins! :)

    Sneaking off to a matinee with your sweetie on a weekday afternoon...sounds fabulous!

  6. AT first glance, I thought it was a remake of Cagney's "Public Enemy". Then I saw the preview train! Great review, Willow. 'Tis been added to my list :)

  7. 'Tis the Season for summer blockbusters, Willow! I'll put this one on my list.

  8. I am not usually ga-ga over movie "stars" but I absolutely love Johnny Depp - he is such a versatile actor and captivates me in everything he does. This sounds dramatic yet entertaining! I look forward to cooling off in a theatre soon!

  9. did i hear 'sets ??' and detail ??

    thanks willow.
    now i know i MUST see it.

  10. I'm glad to know this movie is a good one. I love the summer and Christmas movie seasons.

  11. Johnny *sigh* Depp...great review..I cannot wait to see this film!

    Diana Krall is one of my favourites...


  12. Great news! I have been looking forward to this one...nice to know it has been down so well!

  13. sold! and I see the manor events is back - yeah!!!!

  14. Willow, we would have loved having ya'll (it works as a singular or plural contraction)down here with us.

    I've always seen it spelled ya'll, pronounced yawl. The slower you say it the better. I don't know too many people that have true southern accents anymore...too bad. But, one of my granddaughters is the pronunciation police. She keeps catching me in mistakes...she pointed out that I say Saturdee instead of Saturday. I felt better when she said her other grandmother says it that way too.

  15. You make me laugh so much! That is a gorgeous photo of you! If Johnny does come by Vanessa had best look out! If I could purr, I would seeing Johnny looking so dapper in his hat! Don't men look wonderful in a hat? xx

  16. Thanks for the "Willow Thumbs" up! I do want to see the film.

  17. I loved this review which actually complements other similar opinions on the film. Johnny Deppp AND Christian Bale... enough said.

    Greetings from London.

  18. hey willow, any film that allows me to get past the actor and actresses and become completely immersed in it is alright by me. johnny depp rules!!! steven

  19. Johnny robbed the Phillipsburg bank up the road here. Those were the days when people admired him openly and gave the fist sign to the local police bent on capturing or killing him. I guess it was in the days before the "finger" sign was invented as I never saw it used until after World War II. Maybe that guy couldn't make a proper fist. Anyway. John Dillinger was popular around here. I would like to see the movie but will have to wait until it gets on Time Warner as I can't imagine paying $16.95 for a small bucket of popcorn at the movies.

  20. Hello Willow,

    I was about to say that I've not seen JD in any film but I realise he was in Chocolat, which I did enjoy. Will have to give him another try!

  21. Josephine, I adore hats on both men and women. I hate the fact that we seldom wear them now. I posted on the subject last year.

  22. Abe, the movie brings out the point that the public admired him so much. He was a super star in his day.

  23. Speaking of..not a bad subject that Johnny..something about his face that can be dwelt eyeliner needed..such a good enigma..oh, what heck!! What a dish!!!
    Will definitely take you seriously..

  24. Willow, I stumbled across a blog that talked about Tim Burton's upcoming film of Alice in Wonderland and guess who plays the Mad Hatter? Why, Johnny Depp of course. I even have a picture.

    more pictures here:

  25. Ellen, Tim Burton is a genius. Depp will be a brilliant Mad Hatter. Can't wait!

  26. I wanted to see this movie badly! Now, you made me go watch it immediately. Thanks, you movie guru!

  27. Didn't expect anything less from Depp, a truly brilliant actor like you said Willow. Thanks for the thorough review; can't wait to see this!


  28. I dont think Johnny's ever made a bad film and I adore Mrs Costello!

  29. Oh yes, I will see this movie when it arrives in Puerto Rico-maybe next week? So glad you gave it a good review because I'm a bit reluctant to view violent movies, too. <3

  30. oh, sounds good. may have to hit the theatre thsi weekend myself! thanks for the heads up!

  31. Johnny Depp brings a quirkiness to every film, that improves the original characters. He's amazing.

  32. Oh, I'm so excited for this movie! I can't wait to see it. I'm so glad you gave it a good review; I officially have my hopes up. :)

    Thanks, Willow!

  33. Fun, a matinee! The professor is anxious to see this; your favorable review has perked my interest.

  34. Such a pity I cannot go to the movies. My heart reacts unfavourably to high decibel low frequency sound waves.
    I do adore Johnny Depp and will just have to wait till it comes out on DVD.
    Thanks for the crit.

  35. Thanks for the tip!

    Anything with Johnny Depp and singing by Diana Krall is worth looking into.

  36. Oh, Joe and I will definitely go see this--I'm a huge Johnny Depp fan. You do need a cool fedora, I'm thinkin', Willow. Thanks for the thumbs up on this one--I was hoping to hear good things about it, but then again--Johnny never disappoints, does he!?

  37. Sounds very good indeed... but anything with Johnny Depp is a must see for me. He's such a gifted actor and absolutely dreamy :) Love those period films.

  38. I do think I want to see this one in a theatre, instead via Netflix! So funny, I recently saw a photograph of John Dillinger. Let me tell you, there is absolutely no resemblance to Mr. Depp!! A fact Mrs. Depp is glad of, no doubt!

  39. I can't wait to see this movie! As much as I love Johnny playing off-beat, quirky characters...I gotta tell ya', it's GOOD to see him looking like his hot self for a change! Part of this movie was filmed in Indiana. Unfortunately, I didn't find out about it until it was too late to go try to get a glimpse of him. Oh well! ~Lori

  40. Every time I open a newspaper this week, this photograph jumps out at me - it must be on release everywhere.

  41. They showed a wee clip on BBC Breakfast Telly this morning.It does look good.....Mr Depp is usually reliable.Thanks For The Tip.

  42. Thanks for the review!! I may get to see this over the weekend! I too am looking forward to Depp as the Mad Hatter.

    Special note and update: Remember your post about the snake last month? A nightmare story in the news reminded me that I wanted to let you know that my daughter-in-law is convinced your snake was a ball python. She studied it very carefully, and we compared it with photos from other sources online.
    She once had a friend who kept one. (Eeeerhhhee-shudder!) Just about the time you posted that, I heard a piece on NPR about the concerns for such pet snakes that get loose and then have young that are growing up in the wild.
    Have you seen it again? Did you you have anyone identify it to your satisfaction?

  43. Good to know! I always look forward to a good Johnny Depp movie. I'll never know how he can so convincingly play such diverse characters.

  44. I'm looking forward to the film. Though not a Johnny Depp fan, I've seen previews and he does look like he's just right in the role. Very cool.

    SO glad you've put the WM updates back on the sidebar. Yeah!

    What is blogger's kitchen floor?

  45. Hi! Willow,
    Thanks, for reviewing a film that
    I wasn't sure that I wanted to go to the theatre to watch...I guess after reading your review that is just another reason for me to go
    and check this film out!
    hmmm...right finger to temple as I repeat these words
    Johnny Depp
    Christian Bale etc, etc, etc...

    Thanks, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  46. This sounds like a great movie, I will have to watch it when it comes out on Cable. We rarely go to the movies anymore, but it would be a treat to see this at the theatre. I saw all 3 Pirates of the Carribean at the movie theatres, which I think made it a more enjoyable show to watch.

    Please, please, check to see if you are related. Would be fun to see if you are.

    Thank you for sharing this review and am glad that you had a nice time sneaking out to the mattinee to see it.

    God bless.

  47. Excellent review, Willow! I love Johnny Depp.

  48. Michael Mann does great work. You've seen The Last of the Mohicans, I take it.

    Depp gave a beautiful performance in Neverland, one of those films worth watching for the acting.

  49. I love Johnny Depp,he's an hell of an actor!

  50. Thanks for the review. We were looking at the movie listings yesterday and nothing looked worth seeing. I skipped right over Public Enemies because I don't like violent movies, but I had no idea it had Diana Krall. That's a must see!

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  52. Dear Willow,
    thanks for the review. I like gangster movies.... I have to say you do look a bit like Johnny, the high cheekbones and chin, hair and that mischievous twinkle in your eyes.... I have to catch up on your blog happenings today, I have not been keeping up with my blog pals.... keep up the good work...

  53. I want to see it too. Glad to hear a good review, because I heard someone say that it wasn't that great. Which I find hard to believe considering that Johnny is in it. Oh and keep these pictures of him coming! ; )

  54. I love Marion Cotillard. She was great in Love Me If You Dare and La Vie En Rose. I also saw her in a strange little movie about a girls' school, but the title eludes me at the moment.

    I expect John Dillinger would be pleased at having Depp portray him. Take me to the movies, Johnny? I'll wear the red dress you like! ;-)

  55. When we were in Chicago we were just around the corner from where Dillinger was shot. Expat Mum told us all about them filming this around her neighbourhood, sadly she also missed the delicious one!

  56. Bye bye, blackbird.

    I love that movie... I don't have such a 'wonderfully complete review' but I did write about it after I saw it - - and I loved it! I guess I sorta see it in the cheekbones a little... but I'm always bad at comparing someone I see all the time, because then they are so uniquely THEM that I can't compare them to others because NOTHING else will look the same to me... =D

  57. Even when I don't share your enthusiasms, I love your film reviews. I challenge you, if you have not already, to write a review of "Sunshine".

  58. Marc, okay! You're on! I'll write one up and post it soon.

  59. Glad you liked the movie! I did as well... I kind of want to go watch it again. Just wish they wouldn't have left out the fact that Dillenger went to Minnesota a lot to hide out, and it's rumored in our family that my grandpa used to meet up with him at the bars in the cities for a few. He never would say if that was ever fact or fiction.. Hmm...


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)