Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You're using coconuts!

Just in case you were wondering about that coconut pie I made
last is really a simple and elegant dessert. I like to make
this one for guests because you can throw it together so quickly and
it is still very impressive. If you're a fan of coconut, you are going to
love this rich, old fashioned pie. It tastes just like something your
great grandmother might have made.

Willow's Coconut Pie

2 1/2 cups sugar
2 tsp flour
1 stick butter, melted
6 eggs
2 tbsp vanilla
2 cups coconut
1/2 cup buttermilk

Mix thoroughly and pour into an unbaked pie crust, 10 inch pan.
Bake 325 for 50-55 minutes, until firm in center.

And speaking of coconuts...

“'What? Ridden on a horse?'


'You're using coconuts!'


You've got two empty halves of coconuts and you're
banging them together!'



  1. I will definitely have try this pie.

    And Monty Python is so one of my favorites! What wonderful wacky stuff.

  2. Oh, the pie looks lovely.

  3. omg !!!\
    that banner !!!

    ...oh yeah, great pie.


  4. That pie looks scrumptous and EZ! Loved the clip. There was some kind of error so couldn't really see to much but all the sound necessary was there.

  5. sounds delish and someone just gave me some shredded coconut.

  6. Well done Patsy!!

    Susan's gonna drool over that pie.

  7. I can hardly hear the word coconuts without thinking of Monty Python! The pie sounds great.

  8. Thanks for the video. I love that scene. And the pie just looks too delicious. I would have to be on a special diet right now ;0)

  9. Fun video & delicious looking pie-- I agree with Renee Finberg-- that is one awesome masthead.

  10. I am now fixated at staring at that piece of pie. I can feel the texture of the soft coconut inside and the slightly crisp at the top. The flavors of salt and sweet melting over my tongue. No doubt about it, I need to go eat some chocolate to get this out of my mind. If I don't I fear I will salivate all over my keyboard.

  11. Pie sounds lovely but wow, the banner!! How?........

  12. Not a big fan of coconut but it looks divine.
    Love, love the banner!

  13. This is identical to my mother's recipe! She called it French Coconut Pie! I need to make one, it's been a long time since I made it!
    ~ Carol ~

  14. Carol, yes! French Coconut Pie. The same!

  15. My favourite pie, bar none!!

    I must try this!!

  16. My sons and I can quote at length from the Pythons' oeuvre. One of my fondest memories is of hearing six year old Justin singing himself to sleep with the Lumberjack Song.

    And that pie looks fabulous!

  17. There's nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day than fresh coconut pie (well, maybe key lime pie...)

  18. "And now for something completely different!" Coconut pie--that sounds like an easy one, too. I'll have to try it sometime. Yum! Love Monty Python. The banner's great fun, Willow.

  19. woo!!!! THis looks like one to try. Or maybe I could just come over for tea... if I bring many gifts, can I try a slice YOU made?

  20. Love the coconut pie recipe, and I need to make a pie for a friend tomorrow, so this was perfect timing !

    A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh?.

  21. "I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

    Oh, I love this movie!

  22. Love that recipe. Thank you. I'm making it for our next dinner guests.

  23. Hi Willow
    can you please tell me how much a 'stick of butter' weighs...

    then I shall bake away happily ...

    Happy Days

  24. sounds yummy. love the Holy Grail...We are the Knights that say...Ni!

  25. A fine coconutie post! Thank you Willow.

  26. Delwyn, 1 stick of butter = 113.5 gr or 1/4 pound or 4 ounce or 1/2 cup or 8 tablespoons or 14 teaspoons. (whew) :^)

  27. Willow, thanks! Never get tired of Monty Python :) And Mom's gonna love this recipe!

  28. Love the new banner, Willow! Thanks for the yummy recipe, and also for stopping by to check out my Haiku! A compliment on poetry from you means a lot. - Amy

  29. Definitely my kind of pie. And yes, Monty Python rules!

  30. My cholesterol just shot throught the roof just reading this! BUT I WANT IT SO BAD!!!!!!!!!

  31. Love your room the most and your invitation to watch Roman Holiday. I could so stretch out on that couch under the window!!

  32. Just as I decide I really, really have to do something about my burgeoning body, you have to go and post that recipe. Oh, how I love coconut.

    On a happier note, Renee Finberg said it best: THE COOLEST BANNER IN THE BLOGOSPHERE

  33. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?.....wonderful blog...I go in search of coconut pie this day.

  34. that looks lovely but with 6 eggs to it I think we'll both have to pass unfortunately

  35. That's a yummy recipe and the clip is so much fun, too. I must get round to watching Monty Python again sometime. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  36. Now I need to go find some coconuts...AND fix my oven AND find that hilarious Monty Python movie!
    The new banner is cool too!

  37. I'm glad you put the Monty Python clip at the end. It took my mind off the pie for a moment and allowed me to stop drooling. Pappy

  38. Hello Willow,

    The pie looks great, the header looks even greater! Woo, hoo!

  39. Love coconuts !! and that looks to me like a coconut macaroon in a pie crust and sigh ... the search for the Holy Grail - the first time I saw it I thought I'd die laughing.

    merci pour the memories
    xo S & les Gang
    "and" my oh my that banner !!!

  40. Oh my goodness.
    I L-O-V-E the new header!

    And the pie looks devine...
    I may have to dust off my kitchen and give this one a try. =]

  41. I made some coconut muffins last week but will have to try your cake--I love simple and delicious recipes.

    And I adore Monty Python--they have the quirkiest sense of humor :)

  42. That totally crazy Monte Python/Holy Grail bit.. always appropriate!!
    More pie, please!!! I sometimes cater to my weaknesses...

  43. Nice pie, and I love Monty Python.

  44. ooh i absolutely L.O.V.E. coconut! i'm gonna give this a try over the weekend!! will let ya know what i think.. thanks!! :D


  45. Thumbs up to the Python horse joke but no thank you to the coconut

  46. One Swallow Doesnt Make A Spring.........?

  47. Coconut Pie ... .
    with Buttermilk?!

    Tres southern. .... .

    LOVE the new banner!


  48. Ah willow, do I have a link for you. Bill Harmon, who did many of the special effects for Monty Python and the Holy Grail, returned to West Hill and recently held an exhibition of some of the movie memorabilia he has collected through the years.

    He was kind enough to let me photograph him wearing the very coconuts he used in the film.

    You can find his photo, and a short write up about him, here

  49. Willow,i love you very much,but you have to stop this please!Stop putting delicious recipes and suiblimes pictures like that,that stays on my blog,so I think about cakes all day!Just kidding,LOL

    Btw,I had the best stawberry tart in years today.She still in my memory,lol.

    Have a nice day :)

  50. The Mister loves Monty! I have a similar recipe but yours looks much better. Fabulous and fantastic, as Ina would say!

  51. Oh yum! I'm saving this recipe! I've been on a real coconut kick lately. Oh and I love the new header photo! : )

  52. Hi Willow.

    Mrs. H. made some very nice fairy cakes yesterday using gluten free flour. They're so bloomin' delicious that I can't stop eating them!

  53. i think you'll make me like coconut!

    Bravo for the new banner Willow, so cool and clever!

  54. I'm a coconut nut! This looks so good....I like your new blog header too.

  55. This pie sounds divine Willow. I have just returned from the US and must say that we never found a good desert in any restaurant - but I would love to make your pie. The trouble is I am not sure what a stick of butter is - how much does it weigh and what relation to the cup measure, which is also foreign to us here. Can you elaborate for me please?

  56. Weaver, someone else asked a little earlier. 1 stick of butter = 113.5 gr or 1/4 pound or 4 ounce or 1/2 cup or 8 tablespoons or 14 teaspoons. :^)

  57. I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail as much as I love coconut. Love that this recipe doesn't use condensed milk. The buttermilk should give it a lovely tang.

  58. Oh, that picture!
    It reminds me of Shoofly pie I ate in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
    So sinful, so sweet, but oh so good. ;-)

  59. thanks willow! i can't wait to get them up online so i can sell them and start work on more.. LOL and yes, blogging helps, some. -Tracie

  60. I'm back to stare at the pie again. Instant Pavlov salivation. Okay, I'm leaving, but I'm just letting it be known that that last piece is mine. My boarding house reach reaches pretty far. Small children will be trampled.

  61. Deliciousness. Thanks for sharing that wonderful recipe, Willow, now I know what to make for visitors this weekend. My, won't I be popular?!

  62. One of the better scenes from a favorite movie. My family always quotes from it. It was hard to enjoy castles in Britain because one of us had to say “It’s only a model.” Thanks for sharing the clip – that was the first thing I thought when I saw the recipe.

    I’m back visiting via David. Congratulations on your POTD.

  63. The banner is more than awesome, it rocks!!

    Congrats on POTD Contender!

  64. Looks delicious!!! No, it looks scrumptious!!! Love the Monty Python reference as well! Congrats, Willow, on your POTD! ~Janine XO

  65. Hi, I'm over from David's authorblog. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award. I love to celebrate family, friends, fun and food! So glad I found your blog!

  66. Umm . . . love anything coconut. We can't get the good, moist coconut in England; one of the things we always bring back with us from the U.S.

    Your new masthead is so clever and funny! I miss the little girls with the brown paper packages, but you have done some fun things since.

  67. I am baking this pie tonight. Glad I found you as POTD over at David's authorblog!

  68. You're making my mouth water. I'll think I'll try making this pie in the morning. Congrats on POTD. Enjoyed my visit on your blog.

  69. my grandma made a delish coconut pie! can't wait to try yours!

    your header is fantastic! it really makes me smile!

  70. You gotta love Monty Python! That was a great movie! ~Lori

  71. Thanks for this gorgeous recipe. My daughter is mad on coconut at the moment so I might try this one for her. Is this the main course or sweet or both? Would you serve this for a main or pudding? It looks totally scrummy. All that coconut has to be good for you, right?

  72. Yes, just reread the post and saw it is dessert. I wonder if it would be nice as a main as well with a greem salad? I'll have to try both ways and let you know! It looks like total comfort food!

  73. I LOVE Monty Python!

    I'm going to make your cocunut pie. I'm not sure I told you this, but I made your macaroni and cheese recipe for guests last weekend; they loved it! So thank you. The nutmeg gave it an interesting flavor. :)

    There's a cheesecake in my fridge right now that I made last night. Can't wait to have it for dessert later!



Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)