Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ten Favorite Movie Characters

Joan Webster
Can't I?
Megan over at All I Need is Everything posted this fun meme last
week. It's the "Ten Favorite Movie Character's Meme". Okay, I
cheated, and did and even dozen. There are SO many characters I
absolutely adore; these are just the first ones that popped into my
head, in no particular order, rhyme or reason. Feel free to pinch this
fun meme, if you're so inclined. I had fun.

Jean Brodie
Safety does not come first.
Goodness, truth, and beauty come first.

There are more things in heaven and earth,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Savannah would be better for ya.
You'd just get in trouble in Atlanta.

Norma Desmond

I AM big.

It's the PICTURES that got small.

Major Calloway
You were born to be murdered.


Silver white winters that melt into springs.

Atticus Finch
Well, I reckon because mockingbirds
don't do anything but make music for us to enjoy.
They don't eat people's gardens,
don't nest in the corncrib,
they don't do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us.

Mrs. Danvers
Go ahead. Jump. He never loved you, so why go on living?
Jump and it will all be over...

Mary Kate Danaher

Come a-runnin'?

I'm no woman to be honked at and come a-runnin'!

Queen Victoria

No one should think themselves wiser than me!


Viktor Komarovsky

Yuri Andreiivich, you've changed.

Larisa - remarkably the same.


  1. Oooh I am the first, I am usually the last!

    What a great idea for a blog Willow. (I liked Miss Brodie too, one of my favourites).

    I have just been catching up with your posts, lots of delightful stuff as ever, thank you.

    I've just had to delete some nasty spam so can sympathise with the comments dilemma.

  2. Oh you have ALMOST all my favorites! I just screamed when you had Mrs.Danvers from Rebecca!!!!

  3. Mammy Rules.
    Having grown up in the South,
    I bow to her.


    OK -- - I love A. Finch, too.

  4. Oh what an ignoramus I am - I only know one of those - I'm guessing Maria is from The Sound of Music??! I'm not very well up on films, my ten would probably all have to be out of the same film!!!

  5. The Sound of Music...ahhh. You have good taste Willow. :P

  6. Well. I adore every one of these...and the movies they're startles me sometimes how much we have in common! Fantastic fun. I cannot wait to read the comments. I love Michael Caine's character in The Man Who Would be King! I need to check the name...I know he was an enlisted soldier.

  7. I loved Atticus Finch, too. I just watched that movie again last week.

    Bogart was one of my favorites, because he "Had it all." And of course, Spencer Tracey.

    I loved Bacall and Hepburn.

    They don't seem to make actors like they used to, or is it that no one has any class anymore?

    In the old days, actors had class.

    I think I am going to Tivo a ton of old movies from TCM and have an all night movie marathons.

    Bring on the popcorn, though it tastes like crap nowadays. But I can make my own, the own fashioned way.

  8. This is a fabulous post. Must confess, I only know a few of these, but I notice Scarlet O Hara (dont remember who was the actor) is missing. I think she was great.

    I get to learn so much from your post Willow. Thanks.

  9. It was Michael Caine as Peachey Carnehan, and Sean Connery as Daniel Dravoit.

  10. The Sound of Music is one of my favorites. I was in love with Maria and I was only a ten-year-old. My grand daughter will be nine soon and I plan to get the DVD for her....she'll love it. She knows and sings do-re-mi...such a ham.

  11. Firelight, I haven't seen The Man Who Would Be King in ages! Michael Caine is always a delight. I need to add this one to my list. Thanks for the reminder!

  12. Wonderful idea and right up my top-ten-list-and-film-loving street!

    When I start blogging again I shall be sure to do this.

  13. I loved Mammy and Norma Desmond. I read Megan's last week. What a fun meme.

  14. Willow, I never told you how much I enjoyed Angel at My Table. A really well done film....directing, acting, casting....I noticed it was a Criterion Film...the big list. I need to get my hands on that list.

  15. Firelight, I'm glad you enjoyed An Angel at My Table. I saw it about ten years ago and became completely mesmerized by Janet Frame. I just watched it again a week or two ago, for the first time on DVD and flatscreen TV. I enjoyed it even more this time around.

  16. Ooooooooooh
    I'm so going to do this, Willow
    after I've walked the dog....

  17. Absolutely marvellous. But no Katherine Hepburn? No Bette Davis? Hmmm... methinks you need to 'cheat' again, my dear ;-)

    Greetings from London.

  18. Yes, yes! ....
    and how about...

    "The only people who get old were born old to begin with. You were born young. And you will remain so."

    The Angel, Dudley, in The Bishop's Wife

  19. Those are wonderful Willow...
    I just finished watching Judi Dench and Maggie Smith in Ladies in Lavender! Wonderful movie!

  20. Great picks of pics! And I liked your pics of flicks, too. I'm going to have to try this, though it will be a challenge to come up with a difinitive list.

    I'm just now reading Rebecca for the first time and have never seen the movie.

  21. Willow I may have to try this, but not sure where to start. You've some grand selections, here.

  22. I LOVE Mammy!!!

    "Ain't fittin', jes ain't fittin"!

    (I'm also quite partial to Maria...)

  23. Oh, Mrs Danvers. Truly evil, wicked and I loved every minute of her even with the shivers navigating my spine. "Rebecca" is a favorite book too.

  24. Mrs. Danvers! She is unforgettable. Those sinister eyes! There are so many! I know you enjoyed this. Great choices.

  25. Oh, good choices. I love these. Doesn't Atticus look handsome there, too! Excellent! What a wonderful legacy actors leave us, eh?

  26. How fun! I love it. You've gathered quite a crew there. Got to go back, too, because I glimpsed David Niven peeking through the blinds just as I went to comment. Must see what he's up to! - Jeanne in Oregon

  27. Ooh, these are great choices, Willow! I've been kicking myself ever since I did this meme for not including Atticus.

    I might have to go another round at some point!

  28. nice picks. looks liken i am getting to the party late. fun meme.

  29. This is my first visit to your blog and really enjoyed it. Great post.

    I would have to say Atticus Finch is my favorite of those you had listed. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my most favorite books.

    Second runner up would be Kate from the Quiet Man - simply because I always wanted to look like Mareen O'Hara.

  30. Mary Kate Danaher reminds so much of Grace from Will&Grace. It's amazing how faces comes around. Mammy looks like everyone in my family, except me.... :( but I do wear a fierce head.dress.

    Beautiful post!

  31. Be still my beating heart. I think Atticus Finch was my first movie crush. Has there ever been a more perfect eligible bachelor? Must have been hard to narrow down to 10. Well done!

  32. Thank you for that wonderful round-up! *smile*

    One movie that came immediately to mind when reading your title was "All About Eve" - some of the wittiest dialogue ever, in my opinion. Remember Bette Davis with "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!" (that staircase!) and Anne Baxter's line "I'm Addison DeWitt. I'm nobody's fool, least of all yours" - makes me chuckle every time I think of these two women.

    "Sound of Music" was unbeknownst to me, even though I spent most my childhood summer vacations with my grandparents in Salzburg. I saw it the first time on PBS, as an adult, with my own children clamouring to see it. ;-)

  33. Branagh's Hamlet - one of my top three films. I mean the others you listed were wonderful too (and I know we're doing 'characters, not the film per se), but for me that version of Hamlet was a 10/10.

  34. Hello Willow,

    I know the majority and wonderful characters all! And mostly from a different age, which perhaps says something?

    A million thanks for posting my poem! I'm so glad you like it.

  35. Atticus Finch. Yesss!! Truly the quintessential hero.

    I'd include Waldo Lydecker. "I hope you will never come to regret what promises to be a disgustingly earthy relationship."

  36. Hi Willow, Atticus Finch gets my vote, for sure.

  37. This was wonderful...I really enjoyed this step back in cinema time...but the quotes were a hoot...thanks for sharing, you began my day with a smile! (well really, Scratchy and the squirrel were the first, but)


  38. I especially enjoyed the Carol Burnette and Harvey Korman portrayal of Norma Desmond and Max. I can't see "Gone with the Wind" anymore without laughing either. Pappy

  39. Pappy, I'll have to admit every time I see Scarlet in the green drapery dress, I think of Carol Burnett!

  40. So with you on a couple, i.e., Mammy and Maria!

    Left something for you in my SECOND post today! I know, I know, you get TONS of awards but your blog is just so special to me so I wanted to share.

  41. Goodness..... will you even see this??! Heh! I think I am #268 or so!!!

    I was deeply moved by The Music Man. Of course everyone told me it was about Iowa. Well, okay, sort of....

    But I loved Marian Paroo (Shriley Jones) and was quite jealous of Harold Hill (Robert Preston) and hoped I would be just like him when I grew up. I was the same age as Winthrop (Ronnie Howard) at the time and was deeply influenced by that movie!

    I would later play the trumpet...!

  42. Goodness..... will you even see this??! Heh! I think I am #268 or so!!!

    I was deeply moved by The Music Man. Of course everyone told me it was about Iowa. Well, okay, sort of....

    But I loved Marian Paroo (Shriley Jones) and was quite jealous of Harold Hill (Robert Preston) and hoped I would be just like him when I grew up. I was the same age as Winthrop (Ronnie Howard) at the time and was deeply influenced by that movie!

    I would later play the trumpet...!

  43. What a talent to come up with all of this! Just LOVED it!

  44. A decent dozen. I might have a go at this myself.

  45. know that I love this one! At some point I'll have to do this meme!

  46. Not meaning to 'hawg your blawg'... but I must say I roared with laughter when I saw it then and when I was just now reminded of
    WENT WITH THE WIND...."just something I had hanging around."
    Carol Burnett!! Good Lord, she was funny!!

  47. Oh boy, how Mrs Danvers scared the living day lights out of me when I first saw the movie with my mother.

    Great post as ever Willowy One.


  48. Atticus was a great movie character, but little Jean Louise Finch(Scout!) was far more memorable.

    No, on second thought maybe Boo Radley was, Willow.

  49. Oh, what fun!! This is an excellent idea for a meme. I love so many of the same characters that you do.
    Mammy, she da bomb.

  50. I love your choices. Atticus Finch wa a very favorite of mine, too.

  51. My favourite, Mammy is there. Hattie McDaiel did such a magnificent job with this and rightly deserved her Acadamy Award. Her acceptance speech was wonderful.

  52. You have several of my favorites on here, too!

  53. Norma Desmond must be the most memorable of all. I've never seen that movie but I have seen Carol Burnette's skit.

  54. you are the queen of all posts !


  55. I adore your movie-loving self. Nice meme, cleverly done.

    The Mammy quote made me chuckle. And who doesn't love Atticus Finch?

    As for Mrs. Danvers, I've just finished a book called Daphne by Justine Picardie. Some interesting bits on the women who inspired Rebecca and Mrs. Danvers.

  56. One of my all-time favorite characters in a movie is Mr. "Sir" Thackery, played by Sidney Poiter, in To Sir With Love.

    He had the perfect combination of commanding respect, showing concern and still being able to joke and have fun, and the wisdom to know when to implement all of them.

    Oh, if only half our teachers were as dedicated and demanded as much civility from children as that.

    And the movie had a great theme song, too!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)