Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Head

With all things presidential this week, and the silly mood we've been
in at the Manor, I thought it would be apropos to talk about my
WT's hair. Like I've mentioned before, he has a great head of thick,
shiny, curly hair. I am very envious of this woolly mane. He just
doesn't know quite how to handle it and for some reason, it's never
of great importance to him. It's a good thing he has a sense of humor
about it, because it's a source of comedy around Willow Manor. I
have always fondly referred to this funny hair phenomenon as
"Dead President Head". Most mornings, he sports the James
Buchanan, especially in the winter months when the air is dry and
the top forms a little peak while the sides are flattened down.

And then there is the William Henry Harrison, which most often
occurs after wearing a hat all day; any kind of hat, which he looks
great in, by the way--wool cap, baseball hat, straw hat, beret, fedora.
This can happen year round. When this happens, it's best to leave
the hat firmly in place.

But the one that makes me laugh the most, would have to be the
Millard Fillmore. This look evolves when he has been traveling
extensively and hasn't had the chance to get his hair cut. The more
he tries to comb it into a style, the more it looks like a very bad
toupee. Well, at least there won't be any Barack Obama head at the
Manor. Fortunately Mr. Obama keeps his hair neatly cropped to
prevent such silly trends.


  1. Filmore's hair tickles me. But, I shouldn't laugh. I bought a wig this weekend and am too embarassed to wear it. It's like a little puppy or a mop up there. My daughters said they liked it but my son-in-law was trying not to smile. I guess I wouldn't care wearing it around strangers but I think I'd be mortified wearing it around someone I know.

  2. As a former person who owned a thick mane I feel specially qualified to say that your observations and research into this matter are most lucid. Have we ever had a bold president? I can only think of Eisenhower. Very funny post, Willow :-)

  3. I can relate; DH (Dear Heart) has thick, fly-away hair, lovely really, but he feels young again when I cut it, particularly before an important meeting. I've been his personal hairdresser for decades and I love the way he looks, even if his hair's unruly.

  4. My own hair tends to look like the third photo: wild and unkempt when I take my toque off after coming in from the cold. I sympathize with your husband, though, like a man, his mind is on more important matters than what his hair looks like.

  5. Great style and flair! Can't pick a fave. though.
    The Prof's hair I had to cut pronto
    when he had a cross between a Mohawk and Dagwood!

  6. Ha! Yeah, that Millard Fillmore comb-over is hard to beat!

  7. Willow,
    There was a time when I considered my doo important. Now neatness is the only priority.

  8. And I have been thoroughly amused by your post, willow. Who knows? WT for president? Yes, he CAN :-)!

    Greetings from London.

  9. Oh God, this made me laugh!!! Having seen "the hair" in action, his thick curls are definitely hair-do's, not hair-dont's. I think any President would be lucky to have his locks! Hail to the Chief!! :)

  10. I love the fact that he gets the Harrison look by wearing a hat especially as Harrison allegedly died because he hadn't worn his!

  11. What an inspirational site. So glad I stumbled upon Willow Manor! I also live in an old stone house, in the town of Shakespeares's birth here in the UK x

  12. Hello Willow,

    Your Presidential Heads just go to show that there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to hair styles! Great fun - WT obviously has a fine sense of humour.

  13. you crack me up! how observant of you.. :P

  14. Very inventive post. I must admit my own hair has looked like some of these at various times, esp the flattened look.

  15. Hate me later :)

    You're so awesome you got an award from me ... don't hate me because i loff ya!!!

  16. Yes, we are all in a rather over-tired, silly mood.
    Cool presidential hair.
    Thanks for the smiles.

  17. You are to much for my funny bone this morning...but I'm afraid the poor man would be on my hit list too!

  18. That's hilarious, Willow. Dead Presidents' Head hair is a new one for me, but I think I live with a Filmore myself. Only mine's not thick--it's thin and totally unmanageable. My brother used to come out of his room every morning with major bedhead and we'd crack up, making up nutty names for who he resembled that day. He would encourage it, and laugh and make it do even more goofy looks. Your post made me smile today...;))

    (Oh--and didn't you love Elizabeth Alexander's poem, incidentally?)

  19. A Brush, yes!! I loved the Elizabeth Alexander poem. I should post the words. It was lovely, indeed.

  20. A whimsical, humorous, Presidentially-related post!

    I'm prone to bedhead myself, but Sigmund is almost totally bald.

  21. Hair and hats! Two of my favorite subjects! I love Hugh Grant's hair, which tends into the Ram Style, both sides curving down toward the middle of his forehead like horns. I also laugh at my 16-yr-old son's hair right now, which flops down over his forehead Sheepdog Style! I adore wearing hats myself, and have one on more often than not, but you're right, Willow, once the hat goes on it can't come off in public! Enjoyed your post immensely! :-)

  22. I would still have a huge Obama crush if he had a big ole afro!

  23. Love the comb-over. Always makes me laugh.

  24. Love this, Willow - you really made me laugh. I shall be looking at hairstyles in a new way now!

    I don't know if you accept awards - I can't spot any on your blog at present, but I just had to nominate you, as you're one of my favourite blogs! If you like to, you can collect the award via my blog ...

  25. What an appropriate post! I can relate. My husband does nothing with his hair, regardless of how it looks. What is it with men?

  26. Coccenilla, every time I try to visit your blog, my computer won't let me enter your site. Has anyone else had this problem?

  27. Gotta go with JB and the "faux-hawk"!

  28. Gotta go with JB and the "faux-hawk"!

  29. Love the Fillmore look! Great post!When Pablo's hair grows out he begins the Einstein look?!
    Mary Ann

  30. Wearing hats is a great thing but hat hair is not.

  31. OMG this is hilarious. I, too, often wake up with dead president head. I never knew what to call it.


    BTW I LOVE the word 'ebullient'.

  32. I must point out that you need not have thick hair to develop dead president head.

  33. It's that last one I'd pay to see. Of course, I can't talk. I took a turtleneck sweater off the other day and had so much electricity in my hair, it was straight out of an old Vincent Price movie.

  34. Reminds me of my dad ... he had hair that could have resulted if Albert Einstein and Art Garfunkle had a baby.

  35. OOooh I love it here! Thanks for including us in your fun :D

  36. har har har....

    Apparently, your husband and I have the same hairstyles.

    Especially the one Harrison is sporting. When my hair all fell out from chemo and then was growing back I sported all the looks. But one year I had 18 blood transfusions and the one by Harrison is how it always looked because I was too sick from chemo and too exhausted to wash it.

    Love Renee

  37. These images are great! What doos!

  38. What a fun post willow. Strangely enough I was laughing at Jim's hair this morning and he doesn't have that much of it but a bit stuck up in the middle and equally a bit stuck out each side making him look like a clown! My father had a thick mane of hair and he used to wear it straight up in the air and cut across! It was so thick and curly it just stayed there!

  39. BT, you must have inherited your curly curls from your dad!

  40. What a wonderfully humouous sharp observation. I wonder how or tow whom you'd describe mine. It's always in discussion here and everywhere I go. I love it though, if i say so myself, my black curly scarecrows mess!

    Great post. Very well put. you are so constantly clever in your posts. It truly astounds me, Willow. you must b e a very sharp person. Your husband must find you delightfully intriguing.

  41. Intriguing? Well, silly maybe. :)


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)