Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Day After

Oh, my-my-my!!! Please sit down and pour yourself a cuppa! Lots of
strong coffee is in order this morning, since I had about 23 glasses of
cyber champagne last night. I think it is safe to say that yesterday's
first annual October Ball was a smashing success!! You all looked
simply marvelous in your grand
attire and your guests were
both delightful and
entertaining. I was especially
surprised to meet the
charming W. A. Mozart,
who did that blindfolded,
backwards piano trick for us!
And also an incredibly intense
Pablo Picasso, who kept staring at my sister, following her
around the entire evening! And did you see that mysterious Russian
count who wore the dark mask, except for one wee moment to steel
a kiss from Suza?! One of my favorite surprise guests was the
elegant George Bernard Shaw, who was gracious enough to chat
with me about some of his works. I was even fortunate enough to
have been given a moonlit ride in a silver trimmed horse driven
carriage! It was absolutely thrilling to meet so many new bloggy

Thank you all once again for making this event such an enjoyable
evening! I will put every one's name who left a comment yesterday
in the hat for the door prize drawing and will announce the winner
on Friday, so stay tuned. The magic is gone and it's back to the real
world of mice and pumpkins. But it was a magical October night,
wasn't it? (Sigh.)

My trusty crew of cyber servants did a speedy job of cleaning up after
all of us last night. I don't know what I would do without you. Great job!


  1. Hello? Where did everyone go? Basta! I passed out under the harpsichord again...

    [tip-toeing out...]

  2. OH...thank you for the wonderful day yesterday! It was certainly the event of the year! So many memories....

    ...Johnny D and Antionio B certainly were the favorites!
    ...Stevie and Antionio dancing the tango!
    ...Tom Hanks in that powder blue tux...I guess old habits die hard!
    ...Pamela Terry in her green feathers!
    ...Lynette in her powdered wig...smashing!

    That breakfast looks divine....don't mind if I do before leaving...Thanks, Willow!

  3. I do think I shall help myself to a bit of breakfast this morning. Is that allowed if I missed the ball?


  4. Oh man! I'm so sorry I missed the ball. It sounds (and looks) like it was splendid beyond all belief.


    I've had so many past lives as a servant that I find myself relating to your cyber house staff. Probably I nicked a few glasses of champagne last night, then danced in the garden with one of the other servants.

    Today I'm washing china and crystal goblets, carefully drying them and putting them away.

    Maybe next year I'll get out of the kitchen and on to the dance floor!

  5. Yum! Lovely breakfast, Willow. Gary and I will certainly indulge before returning to movie sets and tea affairs...Thank you for a grand ball and so much cyber fun...

  6. Oh I was devastated to have missed your lovely and gracious event. Am I too late? I passed a stealthily creeping be-wigged gentleman as I came in. He was humming something catchy and familiar. ..

    Do pardon the mud smears on my Badgley Mischka. Benicio Del Toro got a flat tire in his Jaguar on the way. I knew I should have brought Mark Wahlberg instead. Did Umberto Eco ever make it?

    Your place here is simply lovely. I believe, Willow, you'd have lovely fun in Second Life. Let me know if you would like a tour guide.

  7. Over one hundred comments, Willow! You've got to do this again! Great cyber fun! :D

  8. Thank you so much for such a wonderful evening, i had an amazing time.
    You have to do this again next year, as it was such fun. A Cuban in London and i have already agreed to dance a waltz and/or a tango together!

  9. Wonderful party ... here's to a gracious and lovely hostess!


  10. Willow, I lost a sandal last night! Please ask no questions, but it's a Jimmy Choo. If you could ask one the help to look over near the potting shed. Again, no questions!
    I had a great time. Nice for me to blog about something other than my paper crafts.

  11. Man. You've been BUSY around here! :)

  12. Smashing success indeed. Well done to all and thanks again.

  13. It's twenty after 5:00 in the evening here and I've just rolled out of my featherbed. My tootsies hurt from so much dancing and I think I have a champagne headache, but it was a lovely evening.

    Thank you!

  14. Oh my gosh that sun is bright! I woke up under the rose bushes. I must have teetered over the balcony! Luckily I didn't spill my cherry cordial! Wasn't it lovely of Kalianne to bring that over for nightcaps? Has anyone seen Sean? I seem to have misplaced him. This coffee is just a life saver, and breakfast too. Just a bite, thank you. It was a wonderful party! Thank you ever so much. I shall dash home and write you a bread and butter note!

  15. Good morning my dear, thank goodness for your retinue of retainers, the place looks normal again. I thought your floors would never surive the activity!
    There are a few dreamy tunes still lingering in my head which, by the way, is still aching from the weight of the tiara and all the rest of that bling. No, no dahling,
    there was nothing wrong with your bubbly..anyway, I only had a coulpe.
    Thank you my dear, it was so nice to escape from wedded bliss for a while and indulge one's fancy.

  16. Thanks again!

    I am so in love with the tapestry/blanket/shawl covering the 3 young ladies in today's header.

  17. Thank you for such a lovely evening...oh, the music, food and guests! You are a perfect hostess! My memory of my return home is fading fast...I do remember the jet, foot massage and wrapped in a cashmere shawl. Eggs and bagels flying over San Francisco and a white limo driving me down the coastline stopping at my studio door...the neighbors are still whispering! Willow Manor was MAGICAL and I am so glad we met!!
    Mary Ann

  18. Just my 'bread and butter' letter to thank you for having me to your extravagantly lovely ball.
    What fun we all had.
    We all look forward to the next one..........

  19. The Count is still sleeping. We had a very late night... nay... morning. The mask finally came off, and let's just say "Vive les Russes!" ;)

  20. Willow, You did a wonderful job getting all your cyber friends involved in the dance - congrats to you and your staff there at Willow Manor.

  21. And what a fun party it was. I hope you'll have one again when catch up on your sleep!

  22. You are so creative. I hope you had fun with it.

  23. Thank you, Willow, for this amazing function. Surely you will continue to have these gala affairs. I danced the night away with my prince charming, and here it is late afternoon. My how the time flies when one is having fun.

  24. My groomsman this morning found a glass slipper in the carriage. May I inquire as to whether you lost it as you hastily returned to the Ball after our moonlit carriage ride? I am quite confident the slipper is yours - there was no other in my carriage last evening. Oh pray, may I return it and share some tea with you?

  25. a banquet of humor and wisdom indeed! ;-)))

  26. Oh, my! I have searched high and low for that slipper! I thought it slid from my foot as I hastily ascended the steps to the Manor. The midnight chimes were pealing and I didn't want to poof into reality in front of you!

    Yes, you may call for tea and return my slipper tomorrow, kid sir.

  27. More than black coffee needed after that triumph!

  28. That’s what I call a breakfast Willow.

  29. Hi Willow,

    When you were doing the tidying up, did you happen to find a glass slipper by any chance? A very pretty young lady almost knocked me over on the stairs, muttering something about having to be home before midnight.

    If you find it could you please put it to one side, I hear that she is quite distraught. Maybe some handsome man picked it up?

  30. Never a dull moment at Willow Manor - can't wait to join in the next event, if I may..:)

  31. Came over from Pam's. Lovely to see all the wonderfulphotos of the ball. How I would have liked a waltz with MR G Peck.
    No wonder you got 106 comments, this a lovely blog.

  32. 23 glasses, Willow? I'm surprised you are looking so perky this morning.

  33. Willow, you crack me up. You should be an event planner! It's funny, just a few nights ago in one of these hotels I've been in, I watched the Pride and Prejudice (with Keira Knightley) you show pictures of in several of these posts. I love that one...

    That photo is reallllly making me wish I was home and could cook for myself. Yum...I'll have to dream about it in the meantime. Here's my cyber thank you note, anyway!

  34. Bonjour Willow !
    Oui il y a toujours un jour après !
    Very nice photos... And cute text, always...
    See You later.

  35. Thank YOU for being such a great hostess. I can't wait until next year!

    Greetings from London.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)