Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yul and Me

Steph posted on a weird dream she had about movie stars, which
reminded me of one I had a year or so ago. My extended family
was gathered at my grandfather's house in the tiny Indiana town
where I was born for a very important meeting. There was a
seriousness in the air and I knew something was up. Grandpa
sat me down, in the midst of my aunts and uncles and told me it
was high time I knew who my biological father was. Yul Brynner.
"Yep", he said, "before he made his way in Hollywood, he was a
photographer in our little town." And the exotic young Yul had a
fling with my mother!

So, how's that for a weird celebrity dream?!

Hmm, I don't know... Can you see a resemblance here?


  1. Willow, there's no resemblance whatsoever...you're still dreaming.

    ps I never ever dream anything any good. My dreams are built of all the frustrations of my daily life...my dreams depress me....can you help me with this? : )

  2. Well, I don't usually have Yul Brynner dreams. It's usually my teeth crumbling and falling out, I'm on stage and can't sing, or back in high school and it's the end of the semester and I've completely forgotten to go to my math class. Classics like those...teehee. Get a dream encyclopedia. It really is a huge help in decyphering your dreams!

  3. I know what mine mean...I spend all night working on the problems and frustrations of the day...back when I was married I once awoke at 2 am for 2 or 3 weeks in a row after having some sort of dream in which something bad happened that I tried and tried to fix but couldn't. I learned to tell myself in the midst of the dream to WAKE UP!

    When the marriage ended the dreaming got better, but sometimes I still dream those darn dreams. I think I need a psychotherapist instead of a dream encyclopedia... hehe

  4. I definitly see a resemblance. I'm sure it wasn't a dream. It all really happened. You're just not prepared to beleive it. Where do you think all your talent comes from? Just don't shave off your hair, okay? You've got really great hair. But go ahead and get some of those King of Siam slippers that turn up at the toe.

  5. LMAO - well you both have a nice straight nose!

    I have to say I dream in Brad Pitt generally! However he was pretty magnificent in the King & I.

  6. Cynthia, yes, I think you're onto something here! Why am I so infatuated with "The King and I"? Okay...gotta get some of those King of Siam slippers, etc, etc, etc!

  7. Glad I'm not the only one who has weird, lucid dreams. That was a good one, Willow! And I can see a kind of resemblance, I think.

    I like his hair.

  8. I actually doooo see a resemblance... two eyes... one nose....:)

  9. Well, maybe if you were to shave your head!

    The other day I had the face of Brian Blessed in my mind for some unknown reason. I could see his face but could not think of his name, all morning I wracked my brains but still could not remember it until I clicked on your blog and there it was, the name and the face. Spooky or what?

  10. The stern look in your eyes. Yes.

    Greetings from London.

  11. Oh the eyes have it.
    The Bridges of Madison County wasn't a patch on this!

  12. Hmmmm.....you've definately got more hair!!

    C x

  13. Hehehe, and I might be able to help you with the King of Siam slippers....

    C x

  14. Yul never convince me. You have too much hair to be kin. But aren't dreams fun when we can remember enough of them to put together a story? Pappy

  15. Hmmmm...are you SURE it was a dream???

  16. Acorn, incidences like that intrigue me! Brian Blessed is not usually the subject of every day conversation. Synchronicity or chance?! Yes, weird!

  17. Okay, Bet, do you know something I don't know???

  18. Too funny. You're much prettier than Yul!

  19. I definitely see the resemblance, although I agree with my fellow commenters that you are by far the better looking of the two! (: )

    With the dreams I've been having lately, I definitely cannot throw stones at Yul and you. Thanks again for the dream dictionary tip last week -- it really helped.

  20. *giggle*

    The resemblance there, alright. This said, girl, do not shave your head, pleeease!

  21. Willow, I can't say I see the resemblance other than that you are both creative types who express yourself well. I'm working with that issue in my next novel - the birth mom and birth dad and what is inherited.

    I'm only just catching up to this new following thing. Pretty soon the sidebar will be longer than the blog.

  22. Oh yeah .. I can see it .. I did a little photoshop of Yul and with hair he is the spitting image of you Willow ...



  23. While I do admire Yul Brynner, I have never had the inclination to dance with him ... You, however, stir the willingness to spin about in a grand waltz (my favorite form of dance.)

    Lovingly ...

  24. That's one of the better ones I've heard about. Why Yul, I wonder? At any rate, wouldn't it be nice to spend an afternoon with that part of our brain that writes these scripts?!

  25. Oh, yes, john michael, a cyber-waltz-dance. Can I bring my partner, too?

    Greetings from London.

  26. Hmmm...it seems a cyber ball is being planned here at the Manor, right under my very nose! The opening song will have to be "Shall We Dance" from "The King and I", of course.

    Actually, I should host a cyber dance here at the Manor...what do you think?

  27. So funny!!!Let us know when, instead of dreaming its your teeth falling out, it's your hair instead!!!.My classic dreams,as yours are,include the school play where I don't know my lines and no-one has a script handy to run behind the scenes to check,and the crumbly teeth.Not to forget the elevator that doesn't work properly with doors that open onto cement between floors, or whizz up or down at the speed of light. Give me a Yul Brynner dream any day over that lot!The King and Pam, has a nice ring to it...

  28. You crack me up. I actually had a crush on Yul years ago. I loved watching the King and I. Over and over again. Oh, Yul.

  29. Well, I don't see a resemblance, to be honest. Although I've never seen you dance and that could be a deciding factor.

  30. I have always thought he was so handsome. I wonder what triggered this.I loved his accent too. I loved this post.

  31. You'd have to shave your hair...
    The man was so sexy, who wouldn't want him for a biological father?

  32. I can't see a resemblance. Was there really a fling? I haver those losing teeth dreams too :-)

  33. Where in Indiana? I'm from there as well.

  34. Kat, okay! I'll see what I can come up with. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

    Jennifer, I was born in Kokomo, just because that was the nearest hospital. I spent my first five years in the tiny town of Burlington.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)