Saturday, July 5, 2008

Make me a willow cabin...

Fisherman's Cottage, Harald Sohlberg 1907

William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
from Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene V.

Make me a willow cabin at your gate,
And call upon my soul within the house;
Write loyal cantons of contemned love
And sing them loud even in the dead of night;
Halloo your name to the reverberate hills
And make the babbling gossip of the air
Cry out 'Olivia!' O, You should not rest
Between the elements of air and earth,
But you should pity me!


  1. Oh, I love the painting, it's so serene. Reminds me of our local lake that is surrounded with pines.

  2. Lovely painting, and I love the quote from Willy the Shake--I didn't recall that one. A lovely notion, that willow cabin!

  3. How fun! Wonder what William would have thought if he had been told that 400 years later a girl named Willow would live at Willow Manor and post his Willow poem on her Willow blog! :)

  4. oh to spend a nice long relaxing week at that cabin. wouldn't that be the life??

  5. Paintings and Shakespeare how are the rest of us mortals supposed to compete. Did you google "willow" to come up with that one? Willow cottage - then it became Willow manner. Pappy

  6. I absolutely love this painting. I think it looks just like a photo taken after the sun has set and before it's completely dark.

    Pappy, doesn't everyone know this particular piece of Shakespeare by heart? ;)

  7. Willow dearheart - I hereby meme you (is that a valid verb?):

    This latest from Em.

    List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your Summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.

  8. Oh, and ignore the bit about 'Em'. I cut and paste done line too many, daft sod that I am. Tchah.

  9. Lovely painting and wonderful excerpt from the Twelfth Night

  10. My hubby would love that cottage....actually so would I!The first think I thought was tranquillity. Hmmm, I would love a dose of that.

  11. the painting and the Shakespeare...and....Betsy is just too clever with her comments :) always a pleasure to begin my mornings at Willow Manor...blessings for the day Willow

  12. So pretty .. so involving .. drawing one in through the trees ...


  13. Ah -- is your home a willow cabin? I love the name Olivia -- must suggest that as a possibility to daughter-in-law if baby to be is a girl!

  14. Stevyn, thank you for bestowing a meme upon me. I will list my seven songs forthwith...or least tomorrow...

  15. I can almost hear the frogs and crickets around the lake and see the first lighting bugs of the evening in this painting.

  16. Stevie, yes! I thought the same thing about the crickets and lightening bugs. It's dreamy and realistic at the same time.

  17. Awesome painting! I want a print of that one. Must Google...

  18. You can almost fit those words into that WC Handy jazz classic Make Me One Pallet On Your Floor.

    Ahhh..a straw-filled temporary mattress in a Willow Cabin.

  19. Mmmmmmmmm... a lovely cabin on a lake and Shakespeare... perfect combination of joys.

  20. I thought of you at the cabin when I posted this one, BPG. :)

  21. People should read this.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)