Friday, July 25, 2008

Dream Maker

Moon Painting, 2008, Louise LeBourgeois

Moon River
music by Henry Mancini, lyrics by Johnny Mercer
Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
I love Audrey Hepburn singing this song in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
It's slow, mellow, melancholic and so touching. For some reason,
unbeknownst to me, it has been haunting me all summer long, day
and night. I'm humming and singing it constantly; when I'm driving,
doing the dishes and even typing this blog. I know you are just itching
to know this little tidbit of valuable information. The suspense is
probably giving all of you a terrible case of insomnia! Just hum a few
rounds of Moon River. It will put you right to sleep.


  1. That's one of my songwriter husband's favorites, and Audrey's version is the best by far. Have you ever been to Johnny Mercer's gravesite in Savannah? Somehow, that song just seems to waft through the air there.

  2. I loved Andy Williams' rendition of it. In fact, believe it or not, it was my favorite song back in the first grade. I think I liked it because of the phrase, "my huckleberry friend". Thanks for the post and the memory. Not it's going in my head!

  3. oj i could have used that tip last night willow as i slept very poorly. thanks so sharing!

  4. It's a lovely song to have stuck in ones head...

  5. Pamela, that must be the connection of Johnny Mercer/Savannah/Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I didn't realize it until now! I must go to Savannah some day.

    Intriguing that your husband is a songwriter.

    Lady Em, have you been to Johnny Mercer's grave?

  6. Here's a little known fact about the production of Breakfast at Tiffany's;
    According to Mancini and director Blake Edwards, studio executives didn't like Moon River and wanted it be cut from the film. Hepburn, who was present when this was suggested, responded to the suggestion by standing up and saying, "over my dead body."

    I love the movie and the song. I've been working on a Hepburn piece and may post it today if I can finish.

  7. Audrey's intuition paid off, didn't it? It adds so much to the charm of the movie. Can't wait to see your Hepburn piece!

  8. Hhahaha! You are so funny. Now you have planted that tune in my mind. I love Audrey Hepburn. Hollywood no longer has classy actresses like her anymore. She was a beautiful woman with a giving heart. That's a beautiful painting.

  9. It's a beautiful song to have stuck in your head! I haven't thought of it in years! I'll try humming it today! ;)

  10. I find myself humming a few bars of the song every now and then. It has such a beautiful melody. The painting is lovely too. I alway like paintings of a night sky with a rising moon. Makes me have dreamy thoughts.

  11. Like the song, and am wowed by the painting. Almost photo-realistic.

  12. Mancini said he wrote it just for Audrey since her singing range was limited.

    Gives hope for us with limited singing ranges. :)

  13. Stevie, Keanan and Ces, this painting is exactly the scene I see in my mind with this song. Yes, so photo realistic! And haunting, like the song.

  14. Kat, what an unusual first song to sing! "Dwifters" is too cute!!!

    Dwifter, oops, I mean Drifter, interesing tidbit about Mancini composing the music for Audrey's medium range. Hmmm...maybe I like it so much because it's so easy to sing?

  15. Hello Willow!

    ...and guess what ? now i'm singing it ! (can't get the end right, though...)

    Have a great (singing) week end !

  16. Lala, it does stay in your mind, doesn't it? You and Moncheri have a great weekend, too!

    Sujata, thanks for stopping by the Manor. Hope you come back again soon. :)

  17. Beautiful painting and a memorable song. Perfect combination. Thanks for coming by today and sitting on Pappy's fence. :) Have a great weekend.

  18. Pappy, it's always a pleasure to sit on your fence! :)

  19. I always thought there was such a sweetness about the way Audrey sang it--it seemed vulnerable, like her character in the movie. She doesn't have a great voice, but it's poignant in that movie when she sings this. I can see why you sing it--it's haunting...

  20. A beautiful song and painting (so restful). Just the other day I found a video clip of Audrey singing Moon River on youtube. Just magical.

  21. I love moon River. Yes, I'm feeling the wafts of sleepiness coming on as I sing the first refrain! LOL. lovely painting too, btw. How do you always find such wonderful artwork? I almost majored in Art History but t I suspect you know more art than even I do!

  22. thankyou for visiting Inglewood!
    I am going to read through some of your previous posts.. it seems you may like the same movies and music as I do.
    oh & my Nan had an old willow tree.. I must write about that memory soon

  23. Oh Willow - I love this song so much. I used to play it on the piano all the time when I was young. Very nostalgic, isn't it? "Two drifters, off to see the world." My sweet drifter and I are anxious to begin finding that rainbow's end...

  24. Moon painting is stunningly beautiful.Whenever I hear Moon River I think of my mom. She loved the movie and bought the LP record which she played over and over and.....

  25. Kalianne, yes, she's so sweet singing it. I have a CD of the songs of Audrey Hepburn and that recording is included.

  26. Suza, I remember having a school friend in 7th grade who surprised me one time by sitting down and playing the most beautiful and elaborate version of moon river on the piano. I was stunned. It was so lovely and I didn't even realize she could play the piano!

    Best sweet wishes to you two dwifters!

  27. I love Moon River it is one of my favorites!!!!! I also love Breakfast At Tiffany's. I remember watching it as a little girl and falling in love with that song. I am pretty sure Johnny Mercer wrote that song, and he was from Savannah you know, and is buried here in Bonaventure, where I have visited his grave many times. Another one of my favorites, is the song Skylark. I love it so much!!
    I will hum it when I can't sleep and see if it will help!!

  28. Em, Pamela mentioned that "Moon River" seems to waft through the air at Johnny Mercer's gravesite. I was wondering if you felt the same way?

  29. Oh Lord I just saw the other comment. I have been to his grave numerous times, and Pamela is right, when you are at Bonaventure the song does seem to dance right through the air. Imagine a giant old cemetery on a bluff overlooking the marsh of Georgia, and the water. Then imagine a soft breeze that smells like salt, marsh, and old stones. And then if you can visualize lots of trees and spanish moss everywhere blowing in the wind, that is Bonaventure. It is a very magical, very quiet and peaceful place, yet it has a very distinct air of mystery, and it's as though spirits are walking through and enjoying themselves just as much as you are when you are there.
    You must visit!!!!!

  30. Oh, Em, thank you so much! I knew you would give us a wonderful discription, if you had visited the gravesite. You have transported me there...I can feel, see and even smell it. I need to go!!

  31. That song is so hypnotic and it truly gets in your system when you hear her sing it...She adds a touch of melancholy.

  32. Moon River is one of the few songs from my parents "era" that I'm pretty fond of!

  33. You got me there, a nice, big, round moon on a clear sky by the river. And the song ain't half as bad, is it?

    Love that painting.

    Greetings from London.

  34. It's fun to see these lyrics again. When I was in elementary school I won a citywide "talent" contest, pantomiming the words to this song. Hilarious to think about now... The painting is lovely.

  35. Nice blog....ever seen
    Have Merry Christmas...
    Oh I'v forgot it...
    Moon River, it's very nice song
    45 years ago..I'v seeen the movie...


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)