Wednesday, May 5, 2010


bleeding hearts outside my kitchen window
May 5, 2010

Pink was never my favorite.

If there was one pink, one blue,
I ended up with rinky-dink,
Lux-Liquid, plastic-rose-pink.

Pink sucked. It was weak.
It was Pepto Bismol, Baby Magic,
bubblegum-stuck-in-my-hair kind of pink.
I much preferred the dark mystery
of raw umber or aquamarine.

Tragic, today, I'd still choose green.
But my grown-up smarts can't resist
winter cheeks, a piggy-went-to-market,
or that perfect bleeding heart.

willow, 2010

This is a Theme Thursday post.


  1. Yes, pink has been much abused by and maligned by marketers and other uncaring souls. Sad, really. Is there a lovelier color than pink cloud at sunset? Spanish uses the same word rosafor 'pink' as for 'rose'. And in Spain (as in Italy), men can wear pink!

    But I guess that even in politics I have always been one of those bleeding-heart pinkos that Archie Bunker used to warn about...

  2. Of all the pinks, the bleeding heart squeezes its life-blood into my own heart. The photo is gorgeous. And, I love this line ... "winter cheeks, piggy-went-to-markets". It's perfection.

  3. I always march to a different drummer--I love pink. I also love red, purple and blue.

  4. Beautiful poem, Willow...I agree with you and find darker or deeper colours more enticing, but I like pink as it reminds of cherry blossoms. Those photographs are wonderful as well.

  5. I like the flower. They are beautiful.

  6. I love the nature picture that includes flower.Thanks

  7. Lovely flowers, lovely shot, lovely thoughts.

  8. Pink goes good with black or white. Green is good for eyes. White symbolizes purity and holiness and peace. Blue vastness. Red is vibrant and youth. Pink is girlish.

  9. and then there is pink and blue together. ugh. I never liked pink until I read colette's words that women of a certain age should wear pink to soften and flatter.

  10. Pink in nature is always to be enjoyed. Pink in consumer products...not so much.

    Lovely verse about pink. Who'd have thunk?

  11. I see you posted early too. I had to--meeting @ 5:30p then off the celebrate Cinco de Mayo at my favorite Tex Mex hangout.

  12. Your bleeding hearts photos are beautiful. I took some pictures f ours the other day and they all came out blurry. My photography skills are quite lacking : )
    I do like pink, though. It's supposed to be a flattering color for all complexions.

  13. I look good in pink but it can be overused. You found the perfect pink places, cheeks and toes! Lovely flowers!

  14. Bleeding hearts survive all kinds of weather and are ignored by deer; they are a natural in the Northwest.

  15. My Mother (being the "Black Sheep" of her family) never let me wear pink as a girl.... thankfully, she did allow lilac.....and as you know, that STUCK in my heart, soul and everywhere else. But, when I could finally buy my own clothes, I found myself, from time-to-time choosing a pink something-or-other... and as your commenters have said, pink sunsets, dawns, tulips, roses, Bleeding Hearts, and.....cosmos (yum) all have gorgeous qualities about them.

    And...Suki was right, the older one gets, the more flattering pink looks against the skin.

    Hugs, Willow,

    ♥ Robin ♥

  16. I always dressed my daughter in pink. When she got old enough to have an opinion, she expressed how much she hated pink.

    But now she's a gardener and I'm sure would appreciate the photo of your bleeding hearts! Oh, and your poem is completely charming!

  17. Pink is not one of my preferred colors, but the Bleeding Heart makes it the exception.

  18. Just the other day I saw the most beautiful wedding gown I've ever seen AND it was a lush, blush pink! If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I would wear that gown! AND I am not a real fan of pink either .....

  19. I like pink very much, all shades of pink. You are right, how could anyone resist the beautiful bleeding hearts and you get to see them all the time now just outside your home.

  20. haha...and don't forget the pink rubber flying saucer curlers! :)

    My bleeding hearts look just like fave I think!

  21. You know, I actually had the pink curlers in the poem at one point, but it didn't really work!

  22. smiles. that was just wonderful willow. my oldest boy likes pink...i got no problem with it...happy tt!

  23. Who can resist the look of frothy pink cherry blossoms. Some pinks however, grate. ie the garish Barbie Doll pink and loud plastic pink often seen on toys. There there is definitely a cheap pink isn't there, but a soft gentle pink, often used in combination with black, white and greys,speaks class and beauty and is just lovely to me.

  24. Lovely Willow! I love all colours & as a little girl pink was it for me but somehow I always got blue too. Blue dresses, blue curtains etc etc and it must have rubbed off on me because now blue is the new pink for me. But I do still like fact I love all colours.
    Your bleeding heart is different from mine...Mine is a white flower with a red centre. I shall take a photo & post for you to see...they're quite beautiful!!

  25. Happy TT. Love the bleeding hearts & the poem.

  26. I really enjoyed Pretty in Pink with Molly Ringwald. We also have bleeding hearts that are just about to bloom. It's a stunning early perennial in our garden.

  27. Bleeding hearts - one of my mom's favorites. When I was growing, you'd see someone paint their house pink. To this day, I've never understood that...yuk!
    Nice poem, Willow! :) The Bach

  28. I loved your bleeding hearts photo and the poem as well.

    I've always been a fan of pink, though I rarely wear it. I'm not sure why. Once I did buy a pink wool suit. What was I thinking? I must have looked like walking cotton candy!

  29. Dear Willow: Bleeding hearts should be red! Pink...I think is a washed out red. Even though I wanted to be a "pink girl" and had to have everything pink today I'd like more subdued colours, or jewel-tones as you mentioned Willow. A little pink can go a long way! Now hot pink is hot! More fuschia-like. No?

  30. I,too, think I don't like pink -- til I see the clouds at sunset, the palest of pink roses, and, yes, the bleeding heart -- lovely shot!

  31. Pink cheeks on an icy cold day, a baby all tucked up..
    I love to wear pink because I'm so ultra pale and it livens me up!!

  32. I don't recall ever having a pink dress as a child. Pink was for sissies! As I've grown older, I've gotten more fond of pink--especially the soft shades.

  33. My sentiments exactly.

    About pink.

    Love bleeding hearts.

  34. Nicely done, Willow! I love the way you bring it round to today.

  35. great poem.
    and love the processing on the photo.

    I don't wear pink (red hair) , but it just the perfect colour in many ways.

  36. Pink was never my fave, either. Although I love the Pepto Bismol reference. We're always stocked in that stuff (thanks to my husband's stomach!).

  37. When I was little, I wasn't a fan of pink! Like Robin, my mother dressed me in lavender and I wasn't that interested in pink. When I went to University, I started to love pink - especially fuchsia, which is probably my favorite color now.

    I always thought pink was for baby girls when I was younger. Interestingly, I later found out that pink was traditionally considered a masculine color! Pale blue was considered perfect for little girls, because of its soft, calm qualities.

    Oh, and I love bleeding hearts - both the wild ones and the gorgeous hybrids.

  38. Pink has never been a favorite of mine. However, I do remember a day when I was wearing pink and orange as a kid and my older sister informed me that pink and orange did not go together to which I replied that I thought they went together just fine. Still, pink, is not a favorite of mine. My daughter wanted her room painted pink. Not a nice soft pink but hot pink. So we compromised. The walls were soft pink and the woodwork was hot pink. I were a good mom.

  39. I love your photograph. It's just breathtaking. My daughter's favorite color has always been pink so I love seeing it anywhere because it reminds me of her.

  40. Lovely words, equally lovely photographs. There is something about the shape and structure of both that seems to fit so well.

  41. Loved this, "..I ended up with rinky-dink,
    Lux-Liquid, plastic-rose-pink."

  42. Willow/Tess: You won my Waffle House Poetry Contest! Congrats!!! Your poem was most excellent!

    PS: Email me your mailing address and I'll ship the prize (4 sets of handmade hair bows) to you ASAP.

    Congrats again!!


  43. beautifully said, willow! i suppose that pink does have its place :)

  44. I love that first photo. Brilliant. Happy TT.

  45. Terresa, wow!! Thank you so much!! I am very honored, indeed, dear friend.

  46. Linda sneaks pink into my wardrobe by buying me ties with pink hidden in them.

    But now that I'm retired, I never wear a tie.

    Round two to Barry.

  47. I am a red girl myself. But, seriously, who can resist a piggy toe?

  48. At least pink looks good as an oxford cloth shirt on men! -J

  49. HH, this is true. I love a man in a pink oxford shirt.

  50. Beautiful.

    My teachers used to say that pink is the color of your love for yourself. Not just you - I mean everyone.

    So it's significant that you have learned to love pink. Well done, you.

  51. Never been a pink fan, unless its the musician u r talking about :D

    PS: i will never push pink clothes on my daughter, if i ever have one :)

  52. Lovely poem. Mine just bloomed.

  53. I adore your bleeding heart plant and am jealous of it too. Once I planted one outside in what I thought was a perfect place. Within a couple of days, it was clear that snails and slugs thought it was perfect also, and it was totally demolished. Sigh. I'm happy to enjoy yours.

  54. Hello Willow,

    I suppose pink can summon images of Barbie or Barbara Cartland, both frightening! But in the floral world it ranks highly.

  55. I'm afraid I do love pink :) Orange too ;)
    Your poetry is perfect. Your blog looks incredible. Scarily impressive, endlessly inspiring... thank goodness for you!

  56. Beautiful. As another non-pink fan, it perfectly captures how I feel. Found you via Chocolate Chip glad I did!

  57. Maybe little girls shouldn't have a lot of pink too soon. Get burned out! As a woman I now appreciate pink a lot more. But green is my favorite color. I also have a new passion for bright, golden yellow. Love your blog.

  58. *Pepto Bismol, Baby Magic,*

    they are so lovely to say aloud - really punchy.

  59. Pink is not my color. I look like a bottle of PB when I wear pink. But I never pass up a chance to photograph nature's eye-candy. And I am glad you reached for your camera on this one.

    Beautifully captured, Willow, and I love the package.

  60. honest and cute take,
    lovely poem!

  61. There are several gardens along my usual routes through town that have Bleeding Hearts, but I've never gotten around to getting a shot of them. They don't seem to last very long, unlike Roses, who hang on forever!

  62. Suppose pink is a bit overused. Sad, but sure! Lovely pics though :)

  63. Just think of pink as sun-bleached blood. Makes it more interesting. Heh.


  64. Sweet little poem and a pretty little flower with such a sad name. Haha 'piggy went to market' I thought that was such an English thing. How very Beatrix Potter of you.

  65. I think I must have played "this little piggy" with all my childre and grandchildren's toes. Made them laugh and gave my heart a lift. Happy TT

  66. Oh, that's lovely. I'm glad you are giving pink another chance. Consider: a baby's lips, a sunrise, a puppy's tummy, a young girl's blush.

    My post for Pink, close to my heart, is up here.

  67. In your honour and in the honour of wall the Writwrs and Poets, I published an ilustration.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)