Sunday, February 14, 2010


Make me a willow cabin at your gate,
And call upon my soul within the house;
Write loyal cantons of contemned love
And sing them loud even in the dead of night;
Halloo your name to the reverberate hills
And make the babbling gossip of the air
Cry out 'Olivia!' O, You should not rest
Between the elements of air and earth,
But you should pity me!
William Shakespeare
from Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene V
photo google images


  1. Ah, the Bard, and love, and Valentine's Day musings. Beautiful photo and thought!

  2. Shakespeare and Valentines... I sent you an email of the Cherokee geneaology stuff. Let me know if you didn't get it.

  3. What a dreamy, romantic photo! And, of course, Will is hard to beat for lovely words.

  4. You have to watch this video from Portland , Oregon
    > Here's the story behind the video.
    > "Our daughter-in-law, Emily (MacInnes) Somers, created, directed and
    > choreographed this in Portland last week for her Medline glove division as > a
    > fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. This was all her idea to help
    > promote their new pink gloves.
    > I don't know how she got so many employees, doctors and patients to
    > participate, but it started to really catch on and they all had a lot of > fun
    > doing it.
    > When the video gets 1 million hits, Medline will be making a huge
    > contribution to the hospital, as well as offering free mammograms for the
    > community. Please check it out. It's an easy and great way to donate to > a
    > wonderful cause, and who hasn't been touched by breast cancer?

    > Please forward this in honor of all the women we know and all we have lost.
    > Thanks.

  5. Absolutely perfect.
    Have a love filled weekend, Willow.

  6. Virginia, where can we view the video?

  7. Will,
    Aahhh, Shakespeare and love. A clever mixture for a Happy Valentine's Day. Beautiful photo too, my dear.
    The Bach

  8. If Shakespeare be the food of on!
    Perfect lines for Valentines!

  9. Desdemona singing (from Othello)
    "The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree,
    Sing all a green willow:
    Her hand on her bosom, her head on her knee,
    Sing willow, willow, willow:
    The fresh streams ran by her, and murmur'd her moans;
    Sing willow, willow, willow;
    Her salt tears fell from her, and soften'd the stones"

    Your song softens the stones in the reverberate hills, willow

  10. i am lost on those snowy curves willow. lost! steven

  11. "As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words."

    Always up for a bit of the Bard :)

    Nice selection and great photo and enjoy the day, m'lady!

  12. Beautiful snowy photo and equally lovely words. Leave it to the Bard...and you, of course.

  13. I love a country road, one that curves just so and lined with a stand of trees, with the sky all misty...perfect and Shakespeare always perfect to read and reread.

  14. I love the photo! I really like the misty, foggy look to it.
    And Shakespeare...for Valentine's Day...perfect. Romeo & Juliet epitomize romance.

  15. Sigh. Thanks, my peeps. No one speaks love like Mr. Shakespeare.

  16. How do you find just the right quote.? Lovely. Just watched Midsummer Night's Dream on DVD. Magical.

  17. Beautiful....

    I have met Barry..he sent me a comment too...all signed up for Thursday....

    and YES! my dear...your place is all set on the porch for supper tonight..we'll have FUN !

    sending valentines love to you


  18. A beautiful scene to atmospherically illustrate the immortal words.

    Happy Valentine's day dear Willow!

  19. At last a bit of Spakespoor I almost,in fact did, like!

  20. a wonderful verse for the day of love. hope valentine's hits the mark at willow manor.

  21. AW, WILLIAM......speaketh to me from the deep and misty way!

  22. What a wonderful image and gotta' love Willy the Shake. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Willow!

  23. Makes me want to leap on to the nearest stage and donned in my Puckish garb, recite reams of Shakespearan perfection... let me not to the marriage of true minds, admit impediment; Love is not love...
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and all of us on blogoland xx

  24. This is one of my favorite comic plays of the Bard. I dearly love Malvolio and the absurdity of him prancing about in yellow garters, convincing those about him that he is insane. Nothing like SHakespeare to capture the spirit of valentines day.

  25. Beautiful...Happy Valentine's Day!

  26. A very happy Valentine's Day to all at the Manor!

    I had a magpie story brewing in my head for two nights, but no time to complete it. I knew I wouldn't have time this week, but I really enjoyed those two nights. Fiction is what I like best to write. I'm sure I will join you in the future, Willow.

    Hearts and all that other mushy stuff,

  27. Very, very romantic Willow! Except the only loyal cantons that I'd be hearing in the dead of night are MOTH's window-shattering snores!! Hope you & WT have some lovely together moments on this day for Lover's everywhere.
    Millie ^_^

  28. Willow:

    Love it! and another good one from Shakespeare--
    "Good morrow, 'tis Saint Valentine's Day
    All in the morn betime,
    And I a maid at your window,
    To be your Valentine."
    — William Shakespeare, "Hamlet" (Act IV, Scene V)

    the dowsers daughter

  29. Thank you for that! Happy Valentine's Day to you, as well!

  30. Wonderful shot Willow....a misty lane and the words of Shakespeare, true romance, xv.

  31. Perfect Sunday sight and sounds.

  32. I love this picture!Happy Valentine's to you!:)

  33. So even Shakespeare mentions you by name, when he thinks of love, on Saint Valentine's Day.

    Have a happy one Willow.

  34. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Willow!

    Immensely beautiful choice of words,
    thank you for bringing the Bard up front on a day like this.

  35. Wonderful pairing of the photo and Shakespeare.

  36. 'Halloo your name' - doesn't that sound simply wonderful. Mind you - look at the credentials of the man who wrote it

  37. What a wonderful, dreamy photograph today - one of your best, I think.

  38. Great choice on the photo to go with Shakespeare words!

  39. Beautiful path through the woods. Happy Valentine's Day, Willow.

  40. Just perfect. And a little bit rough and real too, just like love.

  41. You just gotta love Shakespeare! Happy Valentine's Day, Willow. May love and happiness fill your days (and nights!).

  42. Seems as if a lot of peeps will be wandering down that road today..hope to meet them all..on Valentine's day!!

  43. That was a beautiful passage. Happy Valentine's Day Willow! ♥

  44. OLIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Sorry, Shakespeare always gets me to do things like that.)

  45. Great to see you quoting Shakespeare. Come read about his children!

  46. Oh, Will. No one more perfect on this day of love. It is Valentine's Day and I had to stop by and wish you a great one.

    a wish from me:

    On this day, may you know, really know how much you are loved. May you recognize love in all it's forms. May you be grateful for the love of children and pets, old friendships and new. May you and your love enjoy every minute of growing old together. May your heart swell with all the beauty this life brings. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend.

  47. Great combo here, Willow. Happy Valentines Day.

  48. I love the dusting of snow, the fog, the trees. Perfect place for a walk.

  49. Hope all of you had a lovely Valentine's Day, as well. You know how much I love you. xox

  50. Loved this post for the images and words. I know I am late but Happy Valentine to you dear Willow. xx


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)