Monday, January 11, 2010

warm woollies of the week

Life happens. Plans are spoiled. Things break. We all have bad
hair days. We certainly don't have to go searching for the negative
in this world of ours. So, in the spirit of considering life's simple
pleasures, and ac-cent-tchu-ating the positive, here at the manor,
these are a few of my warm woolly delights from this past week.
Hope a woolly one is in store for you, as well, my friends.

1. My daughter's operatic laugh wafting through the phone.

2. The three peaceful doe who come in the late afternoon, to nibble
the pretzels I leave on top of the snow.

3. Homemade fries with a huge puddle of ketchup. (Do you crave
them in the winter like I do?)

4. The delightful southern accent of my dear friend FireLight.

5. Wet gloves drying on the radiator.

6. The warm clean scent of a stack of freshly folded white towels.

7. Being hypnotized by flames of the fire, until the warm red coals
lull me to sleep.
8. The softness of my favorite brown wool shawl around my
shoulders, like the hug of an old friend.

9. The luminous pools of Omar Sharif's eyes in Doctor Zhivago.

10. Sonnet number III from Sonnets from an Ungrafted Tree, by
my good friend, Edna St. Vee. (That's Edna St. Vincent Millay, by
the way.)

She filled her arms with wood, and set her chin
Forward, to hold the highest stick in place,
No less afraid than she had always been
Of spiders up her arms and on her face,
But too impatient for a careful search
Or a less heavy loading, from the heap
Selecting hastily small sticks of birch,
For their curled bark, that instantly will leap
Into a blaze, nor thinking to return
Some day, distracted, as of old, to find
Smooth, heavy, round, green logs with a wet, gray rind
Only, and knotty chunks that will not burn,
(That day when dust is on the wood-box floor,
And some old catalogue, and a brown, shriveled apple core).

photos: my feet in woolly socks, doe at the manor, fireplace at
Willow Manor, Omar Sharif on my TV


  1. What a great list! I want some fries....NOW!

  2. How extraordinary. I just put my post up and then read yours and we have chosen such a similar take on things. And as for chips (fries in your language) they are my favourites winter, spring, summer and autumn.

  3. can i have an order of fries by the fire, please...smiles.

  4. Willow, I had to return to the day job today, but this has given me a woodsmoke flavoured dream of being at home. I love the manor so.

    (Nominated you for the bloggies and got family to nominate too, did I tell you already?)

  5. Love the Edna St. Vee poem -- I read it aloud to the cats just now, with a heavy rain accompaniment. O dark January dawn!

  6. A fire, a shawl, and Omar. Ah! Just add a glass of wine---with the fries! What a delightful list.

  7. Oh my heavens how snuggly. Do you like the book about the potatos, I forgot the name. My book club selected it for our favorite. I didn't even read it. It was during the month I was so busy doing Christmas gifts. November I think. I love the line about your daughter's laugh. I have one daughter that has a laugh that just thrills me. I love to hear from all four of them, but her laugh is distinctive. Blessings

  8. Tina, thank you so much, I think! What exactly are the "bloggies"?

  9. Lovely simple pleasures and great poem selection to go with them.

  10. Sounds like all is right with the manor.

  11. what a great list! We tossed out a couple loaves of bread for the birds, deer, etc. The dog ate them instead. Grrr.

    ps- can I have honey mustard with my fries please?

  12. Quite perfectly perfect, Willow - Happy New Year and happy days to you! I do particularly love freshly laundered white towels and operatic laughs. (My elder daughter tends to stop breathing when she laughs so her uproarious mirth leaves me giggling, but slightly perturbed nevertheless. The other has a laugh like a harmonious bell - delightful.)

  13. These all sound very cozy--except I generally take my fries straight up or with malt vinegar!

  14. Willow, the bloggies are the tenth annual Weblog Awards.
    I nominated you for best blog and had some others do the same.

  15. What a wonderful list! And, yes, I could certainly crave some of those fries about right now..

    I have a favorite cherished throw that serves to warm me on many cold nights by the fire...

  16. I could add "Reading a poem by Millaythat I've never read before" to that list. Focusing on the positive never goes out of style.

  17. Lovely list -- and what an appropriate poem!

  18. love the metaphor 'warm woolies' for those little warm memories-- everyday instances- that are the best way to go forward with life

  19. I have the warm woolies just reading your list.

  20. Mmm - fries sound fabulous. I might have to make some this next weekend.

    I lost my southern accent in Africa. The Zambians couldn't understand me so I articulated. And, pouf! it was gone. Never came back, even though Dr. M is wonderfully southern.

  21. I'm a malt vinegar girl—any fries I eat have got to have it (and perhaps some black pepper). I haven't had any fries in a while and I think it's time to remedy that straight away!
    Fun post and it just gets all the senses roused.

  22. Wow, Tina, it sounds important. I'm very flattered! Thank you so much, dear friend!

  23. I just love your warm woollies.
    My first time here this year so all good things for you and yours in 2010. x

  24. Wonderful thoughts and oh Omar!... swoon. "Lawrence of Arabia" is one of my all-time fave movies and I had the most difficult time deciding who I wanted to be my "boyfriend" Omar Sharif or Peter O'Toole...still haven't decided. ;->

  25. Lovely list, sensuous and warming (and boy, do we need that right how). Deer are enchanting.

  26. Just beautiful Willow. This really made me feel happy.

  27. What a lovely list. Maybe a cupcake or two to go with those fries?

  28. Yes, EVeryone's been talking about CUPcakes! I'm so craving one. Just one.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Wonderful list. Life is really about how we look at it, don't you think?

  31. What a comforting place you prepare for your visitors, sights, sounds, smells and tastes all around. I can sink in with a blanket and listen to the poetry being read aloud among friends and hot beverages.

  32. Oh yes, simple pleasures are the best.

  33. willow thanks for this. winter - especially in the northern latitudes is an easy target for misery and sorrow and i get that. then there are ways around it like home made french fries. ask me and my kids what dad will bang out on a really ferwosty night and it'll be herbed chicken breasts and yummity little nuggets of golden fried goodness with cool pools of ketchup!!! it brings goodness into my home when nothing else will!!! but as you know, the golden fish is about goodness!!!! sweet post girl!!! steven

  34. Oh, how wonderful. I love when things appear just as I need them - and tonight I need some warm woolies.

  35. Oh yes please those fries...with tartar sauce, whilst staring into Omar Sharif's eyes! dangerously addictive :)

    Peace ~ Rene

  36. Why do you do this to me? Now I want to see Doctor Zhivago!

  37. You make winter seem almost appealing! Great list!

  38. Hi Wills,
    I like #3, homemade french fries. mmmmm nom nom.
    BTW, my Mom Listen2Auntie is no longer blogging. She's letting ME blog.

  39. I can totally relate to the hynotizing fire. We had one going all weekend. And I saw Dr. Zhivago for the first time a few weeks ago. And my exact words were "his eyes are unbelievable!

  40. I wish the fireplace here worked. Can you imagine this big old manor house I am in and not one fireplace that works? (There are 3; one is closed off and the other too in quite bad shape inside).

    I think maybe just looking into Mr. Sharif's eyes might just be warmth enough for me.

    * sigh *

  41. Lovely! That photo of the deer is wonderful--I guess they like the salt? That's fabulous. My sister gets deer in her yard, and once, when I visited my folks when they lived here in town, one night, there was a deer literally crossing the street in front of their place, and I remember thinking he looked like a regal child, because he very carefully looked to the left and then to the right before crossing.

  42. Oh.. I love these! Especially the mittens, the doe, and the fire flames ~ and the french fries.. how I love french fries ~ you captured them all soo beautifully!

  43. CDDog, well, glad to see your mom is letting you blog. Tell her I said "hello". ~Wills xx

  44. Dr. Zhivago, beautiful deer, warm socks, warm fire, and french fries! Yum! Love Edna St. Vee's sonnet. Thank you.

  45. How magical to see the doe. I love french fries (or chips as well call them) in summer or winter with sauce or vinegar. Yum! And I also love hearing your daughter's laugh part. Lovely list. xx

  46. Dear Willow, can you guess who had to have French fries for dinner last night? I saw this post just before going home and checked in with the Colonel...
    "How about fries for supper from Five Guys?"
    His response, "Do you want a burger with that?"
    That place does make the best!
    The photo is really great!
    You TOO have a distinct accent HERE--recognized by each of us as a dear and wise friend:
    The wonderfully warm & woolley Willow!

  47. John Hayes, I second that condiment: brown malt vinegar on fries---yummers!

  48. I love, love, love woolly sock thoughts!

  49. French fries, yes. I crave them...year round I'm afraid.

    Lovely wintry post.

  50. i was feeling kinda grey and lonely..and you...and this...brought me back....

    thanks, dear friend


  51. Can we squeeze a hot toddy in there somewhere? We are still a bit cold stunned.

  52. Absolutely! Plop down in this comfy chair by the fire and I'll pour you one. :^)

  53. I love list blogs! This is one of the nicest :)

  54. Your beautiful post has reminded me of just how much geographical distance is between us dear Willow. We have just experienced 4 consecutive Summer days of 109/110F. Holding our breath & willing the bush fire siren in our little village not to sound it's mournful wail. It didn't, we're thankful. Enjoy warming those tootsies by your lovely Winter fire.
    Millie ^_^

  55. the shared smiles on the faces of my sons.

  56. I'll leave you Omar's liquid brown eyes, Willow, but I'll have that wonderful Edna SVM poem, thank you very much!

  57. I like my home fries with a side of eggs and a large, crunchy pickle. Oh yes!!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)