Friday, January 8, 2010

a little woolly socks supper

I'm not usually big on using cans of cream of mushroom soup in
my recipes, but this one is an exception. In these cold, winter
months, I love to throw something in the oven and let it bake all
afternoon. This recipe is delicious paired with rice or mashed
potatoes. Yup, you took the words right out of my mouth. It's a
woolly socks supper.

Willow's Saucy Mushroom Pork Chops

(4) 3/4 to 1 inch thick pork chops
1 onion, sliced
1 can cream of mushroom soup
3/4 cup apple juice or cider
1/4 cup white white (optional)
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp snipped fresh thyme or 1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 clove garlic, minced
2 cups fresh sliced mushrooms

In large skillet, with a bit of oil, brown chops over medium high
heat. In separate bowl, combine soup, juice, wine, Worcestershire,
thyme, garlic. Mix well. Fold in mushrooms. In oven proof pot,
place onions on bottom, then layer chops and pour soup mixture
over. Cover and bake 300 degrees for about three hours or until
sauce has cooked down, is thick and chops are tender.

(And hey, I got a new set of white dishes for Christmas, since they
look especially nice in the bloggy food pics. Love 'em.)


  1. yum. love mushrooms...and i will take mine with mashed potatoes please....

  2. That sounds SO delish! Mushrooms are wintery food, and pork chops? Yum!

  3. Wooly Socks cute is that...this looks so great Willow..

    Me Too..I have some cozy comfort dishes that involve Campbells French Onion Soup....and some times a can of gravy..(don't tell anyone)

    I'll try soon as the heat wave lifts....

    more later, friend

    Love, Kary

  4. I have all the fixings right here!! Glory be, tomorrow night's dinner and not any work at all! Sounds positively wonderful - of course, I always have to up the garlic keep away the vampires!

    Thanks, Lady Willow!

  5. Good God, that sounds easy and tasty, Willow. I love pork chops and think of them as total comfort food. I'll have to try this. And I have made them with fried apples before, so I'm sure I'd like this--sounds delicious. I've gotten some good recipes from you, woman! Stay warm! (We're supposed to maybe get snow tonight...)

  6. We got several inches late this afternoon and more on the way tonight. Brr!

  7. Mmm - I just emailed this to my cook, Dr. M (who is sitting a few feet away LOL) - I thing we'll be having it as soon as we gather the ingredients!

  8. Okay, I'm definitely gonna try this one. It looks too good to pass up!

  9. Okay, Brian wants a side of mashed! And I'll take rice.

  10. boy oh boy - i wish i could could home to a meal like that put together by you willow!!! lucky lucky mr. willow!!!! have a lovely evening at the manor. steven

  11. Thanks, Steven. I remind him of that quite often. He's so spoiled. :^)

  12. Any dish with Worcestershire sauce and garlic in the ingredients is a hit in my household. X 6!!

  13. I love mushrooms, anything baked for hours and hours, and wooly socks suppers. This sounds wonderful, Willow!

  14. hmmm hmmm -just home from a business dinner and the food was not as good as this picture--Mr. Jackson is not a fan of shrooms so I dice them in occasionally and because he loves me he pretends not to notice--I am making this dish this weekend (I will put the shrooms on the side)..perfect for the snow and cold thats coming our way-best c

  15. YUM! Willow, Oh gosh does this look and sound incredible! I'm convinced that I'm half hobbit as I love mushrooms, too.

    Lately, I've been craving a pot of Hungarian mushroom soup...

    We got 2 1/2- 3 inches but expecting a little more tonight. Wasn't it beautiful?

  16. Yes, Rebecca, the snow is just gorgeous. It looks like a winter wonderland down here around the manor!

  17. Sounds tasty -- canned cream of mushroom soup was a staple in so many pantries for years. I've kind of gotten away from it but this recipe is tempting . . Stay warm!

  18. Well I took your suggestion of wooly sock and a movie, and watched Bell book and candle, so this might be Saturday Nights adventure. thanks for sharing.

  19. Well, I cant really comment here as I don't like pork cops or mushroom but do like white plates. does that count? I also like the bloggeie spigot words you wrote on side bar.

  20. My mom used to make something similar to this. Love the white plate. Food just looks better on white. Like art. Clean palette feeling. You can concentrate more on the beauty of the food. Looks delish!

  21. Loving the new white plates and the pork chop recipe sounds totally scrumptious! Yum-Oh!

  22. Sounds good but I have sworn off pork. the farming mehtods here in Australia are a disgrace.. Sad really 'cause I love it so much.

  23. That looks so mmm, mmm good! I think I know what my kitchen is going to smell like tomorrow night!

  24. Argh! More food!

    You're killing me, Willow! I'm about to eat your Zhivago hat!

  25. Sounds like a crowd pleaser. I'll give it a try. Always up for some comfort food.

    I'll be back for seconds,


  26. I agree....let the oven take care of dinner! I am really looking forward to answering the next person who asks me what's for dinner....Wooly Socks! hahaha! I love that!

  27. BTW, Willow, did you see my tartan on my side bar? Thought you might appreciate that.

  28. Happy New Year!!!

  29. Looks delicious! Suddenly feeling so hungry...

  30. This looks divine, and I have pork chops thawing with no plan...thank you!

  31. Mr. Toast, I did see your lovely family tartan and even looked it up in my tartan encyclopedia. Came up with some close matches. ;^)

  32. Cheryl, I hope the economy doesn't force me to eat my woolly socks. Although, if I make them in this recipe, I bet they'd by pretty tasty! ;^)

  33. Wow looks good and I know tastes good. I like the term Wooly socks supper. BTW I just watched Joyeux
    Noel, that you mentioned. I loved it. It was so sad but heart lifting.

  34. It's a snow day today, however . . . it's pretty ridiculous. The county called it but we only have an inch of powder. Crazy, but we follow the county in weather-related closings. I'll go in for a little bit, but this afternoon am wanting to do this recipe. Even I can do this! (I'm really not a bad cook, I just don't like it much).
    And I love those new dishes, Willow.

    Have a beautiful day.

  35. Sounds delish. Just two days ago I had a craving for ham and scalloped potatoes, made in the crock pot the way I used to make it about 20 years ago. Dug up the recipe and of-course it called for a can of cream of mushroom soup. Something I'd never use to cook with now - or at least not admit. But I did & it was SO good!

  36. Glad you enjoyed the movie, QMM. It was a hit here at the manor, too.

  37. Hilary, you're not going to believe this, but I had the same craving last week. I made a ham and potato recipe, but it just wasn't the same as the dish I remember from years ago. You must send me your recipe!

  38. Wow, that sounds good. & the white dish does look great in the photo!

  39. I thought they were caramel rolls. Wow. I do need glasses.

  40. I have just copied this down. I need a new wooly socks recipe for this cold weather.

  41. I'm making a note of this recipe. It's too easy not to try!

  42. That sounds yummy! Only two people in the house love mushrooms and I'm one of them. Unfortunately my hubby and 2 others can't stand them... So I'm outvoted. If a recipe calls for cream of mushroom, I usually substitute for cream of celery or chicken. We tend to call them cream of stuff or cream of cr&p around our house.
    Wooly socks... cool name! and very descriptive!

  43. excellent, thanks yet again Willow!

  44. YEP! sound's devine.
    I think I'll make it. Hope I can freeze it. I'm just One here.
    It is soooo cold today and MORE SNOW IS A COMING..



  45. I like just about anything with mushrooms...throw in some lovely gravy and mashed potatoes...and that equals WARMTH!

  46. It Makes Sense Willow.
    Often Canned Soup Makes For A Better Sauce Than "Tinned Sauces".
    A Goodly Deep Winter Meal! (* licks Lips & Salivates^)

  47. This looks very good...I'm preparing the Blackstreet's Cabbage Roll Casserole that you offered on your site last has become a favorite here!

  48. Blue Sky, I need to make that wonderful Blackstreet casserole again, myself. Mmm. Thanks for reminding me!

  49. Ooo, thank you, Yvonne. (this recipe freezes well, by the way)

  50. Oh yum, yum, yum!! Love pork chops, love mushrooms! I think I'll take mine with mashed potatoes too.

  51. sounds delish. and i have one more pork chop in freezer to use up.

  52. sounds great. I agree with Brian, mashed tators would fit the bill. Just one question tho, why don't you use cream of 'shroom soup in other recipes? What do you use in place of that?

  53. You know you've become a blogger in your deepest core when you fall in love with dishes because they work well for bloggy photos. Yes?

  54. I would love that recipe except husband hates mushroom. His favorite is anything using Cream of Chicken soup and rice. Of course the meat is usually chicken but doesn't have to be.

  55. ok, why is it in every recipe i run across, Worcestershire is capitalized? when we aren't speaking about a place but an ingredient? just wondering..

  56. I am salivating over your recipe. I am fond of both mushrooms and pork. This is one of those dishes that begs to be served on a cold, snowy day like this in London.

    Greetings from London.

  57. This sounds great and one of those meals where the leftovers (if there are any) are even better!

  58. Thank you for the recipe! Tempting. Tempted. Will taste great even in this southern hemisphere swelter.

  59. I haven't bought any canned soup in years, but I may have to make an exception for this recipe. It does sound delish, and we are all about the wool socks at the moment. (The ski stuff is strewn all around my house. Can you believe that England has had three weeks of snow? And still falling.)

  60. Great sounding recipe, I will try this, thanks Willow.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)