Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i'm a twit

Well, I did it. I, the one who always maintained that Twitter was all
a bunch of silly chatter, finally twittered my first tweet. And you
know what? I think I'm going to enjoy it. After all, it is all about
words, right? I love the dance of words, and Twitter just happens to
be another form of dancing a wordy jig. So, I'm kickin' up my woolly
socks and cuttin' up a rug or two. Does this mean I'm now a twit?

You know, Twittering has always reminded me of the "Pick-a-Little,
Talk-a-Little" scene from The Music Man.

"I'll tell."

"No, let ME tell!"

birdie pic borrowed from Google images


  1. I'm glad to hear it was a success and that you're enjoying it. You've given me courage. I think it's going to be my next tackle. But that Facebook thing - no way. My sister showed me hers and explained it to me and I said, No Way, that is not for me. Your blog looks beautiful, btw...and the photo of the gem - gorgeous.


  2. Catherine, I did Facebook before I started my blog. It was boring; I hated it. It wasn't for me. I think you'd enjoy Twitter.

  3. Hmmm, maybe bloggers gravitate to Twitter more naturally than to Facebook. I've had loads of invitations to join Facebook but I'm afraid it isn't my thing at all.

  4. Very funny. I had to sign up (along with FB) when they went "big"'s part of being a professional (here, anyway). But I am choosy (as I know you will be)...I have begged some friends & fellow twits to stop with the snack updates. Unless it's really worth it. In fact, I don't think I've been a twit for a month...uh oh.

    PS: to give FB it's due...I reconnected with friends from overseas university who had scattered to the four winds. For that alone, I remain grateful. Then we took our communications, mostly, to email, phone, & in-person if we can. We'd all tried at various times to find other ways, but nothing worked until FB. (And I had access to Lexis-Nexis--the very expensivfe kind--at the time!) One controls these things, not the other way 'round.


  5. You're not a twit - you're far to tweet for that!

    I don't tweet much these days. I did (and still do) see it as a challenge to say something interesting or meaningful in 140 characters - a writing exercise if you will, but I guess I talk too much!

    Weighing in the facebook thing - I love facebook. It's reconnected my extended family from all over North America - and I've reconnected with old friends around the world. It's a place to share pictures and news - the "new email" in many ways. I don't get involved in all of the games and groups and fake gifts though, it's a communication tool for me.

    Linking my blog posts to facebook has also boosted my readership!

  6. Willow: Welcome to the dark side (Twitter). It's rather a lot of fun!! I find myself thinking in 140 character bits now.

    I think Tweeting is a little like a can of condensed milk. It forces your thoughts into only so much space but in that space, the possibility of connection, brilliance, camaraderie.

  7. I find Facebook boring too -- but I'm there and always friend anyone who asks. Haven't thought about Twitter -- I'll be interested in whether you continue to enjoy it.

  8. I have to admit that the thought of checking Twitter out has been flitting through my head lately. Now you've given me enough encouragement to try.

  9. This will probably age me, but more than Twitter, what the word 'twit' rapidly brings to my mind is a long string of hilarious Monty Python sketches (as in the Upper Class Twit of the Year awards).

    So I hope you will understand and please bear with me if my response to "'im a twit" is to break into a rousing version of "I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK" ...

  10. No one I know Twitters; doesn't that make it a bit pointless for me to Tweet? I don't understand how the whole thing works.
    I do Facebook; it allowed me to get back in touch with people I otherwise wouldn't have known how to contact. It also has allowed me to keep track of what's going on with my extended family.
    With your poetic talent I am certain you'll be fantastic at Tweeting. Or Twitting. Or whatever it's called.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Willow--I am with you. Don't like the Facebook thing. It seems too trivial, too non-personal. But, I do the Twitter thing (occasionally) and like that it is short, quick thought and you kind of get a feeling for what those of whomever you are following are thinking about. Love the images of the baby birds with open mouths. Do you already have baby birds being hatched? We don't, as far as I can tell.

  13. Yes you are a Tweeter or a Twitter I don't know which. Glad you like it. I head several folks lost in the earthquake in Haiti, got word out to folks with their twits or tweets about where they were. Now that is amazing. We had a hutch just like that in the 1940's but it was white. Had the flour sifter and everything in it. See you at the Kwel Beanz opening?

  14. glad you are enjoying tweeting...i have to say i don't get it...but i read your list on Ulysses...i heard somewhere that it is the most purchased book that is never read!!

  15. I was sceptical but started twitting twoo weeks ago. Now I love it. Tweet surrender!

  16. LLL...I put women's clothing and hang a roooound in bars! Gosh, I hate to admit it, but I know all the Python ditties. Maybe it's a Libra thing?

  17. Teri, no birdies here. I forgot to label that photo as coming from google images. Gotta add that...

  18. Kay, I had very noble intentions, as to reading Ulysses. I've previously read some very elegant passages from the book and was set to give it a whirl. But, gosh, nobody told me whole sections aren't punctuated. Sheesh.

  19. ACK!I've had a couple of invites to do this but shied away from it. Heh, heh...I can't even keep up on Facebook, never-mind blogging. And to think at 140 characters per tweet? ***shudder*** I dinnae think I could do it!

  20. I'm looking forward to joining the Tweet cycle soon! Fast forward to March!

  21. Great to see you on Twitter, tho as I said there, I'm just getting used to it myself. To my mind, blogs, FB & Twitter are all quite different. I do like FB for keeping up with distant friends & family--& for Scrabble!

  22. Willow, please stop by my blog for a sweet surprise...

  23. I'm happy you're enjoying it. For most people my generation this blogging is enough.

  24. Wills, you are a tweetster. I have said I would never do it. Famous last words...I will have to read some more of your posts about it before I jump in.

  25. Welcome! Having said that I haven't. tweeted for a while. I got fed up of the 'nude' people who wanted to follow me - hence the bad hair day background picture on Twitter!!!

    FB is a totally different forum and good for quick one line comments and I link my blog to it too. I have writer/artist friends who network there. It's good for keeping up with people who actually know one another.

    Going to look for you on Twitter!

  26. I've tried Twitter three different times and I just don't get it. I prefer Fb because all of my family and friends are there and we keep up with each other every day. Feels kind of like an internet pub.

    To each her own!

  27. Is it the act of tweeting you like or being tweeted upon?

    I'll admit it is too too much for my brain. It's like talking in the background. Constant mumbling rumblings. It disturbs my silence. A leash that keeps me tethered to technology and people who perhaps just tried a new breakfast cereal and want me to try it too.

    Perhaps you can bring some haiku poetry to it and deaden the sounds of droning.

  28. Don't Twitter, and don't know if I ever will, as no one in my social circle does; why write if no one will read it?

    I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook, but enjoy reading my childrens' updates. Thanks to FB I found out the other day that Son #1 was on a business trip halfway across the country!

    Jennifer mentioned linking her blog posts to Facebook. I might have to figure out how to do that...

  29. I still have my Twitter account, but I have to say it's gone dormant pretty much like my Friendster and MySpace accounts. Facebook has resonated with me more, except for the crud like Farmville and Mafia Wars. I just ignore those.

  30. I swore I'd never have a Facebook page, but now of-course I do. It's a wonderfully easy way to keep up with what's going on with everyone you know.

    These days I find myself feeling anoyed at friends and family who aren't on Facebook because they're so out of the loop. But Twitter? I don't know. I don't see the point. But it will be interesting to see how it works out for you.

  31. I am on Twitter, Otin43. I am very rarely on there, though.

  32. I am on all the social networking sites for my books and friendship and Twitter is my favourite. It's quick, you get to snoop at what other writers and celebs are up to but they don't lose their mystery through too many photos etc. I really like Twitter even though I don't twit a lot as my day is pretty boring for the world to read! Not boring to me but to others I suspect. I'll look for you to follow you, Willow. Twit, twit. xx

  33. I have to admit that I've become addicted to Facebook but still can't warm to Twitter at all. I'm coming to the conclusion that it's an either/or.

  34. It can be a challenge to be pithy on Twitter.

    But you can do a lot of pithy.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Good for you about the Twitter thing! I tried it, but I don't think succinctly enough. At least on FB you can "deny" people you don't know! Well you can on Twitter, too. I do enjoy FB - like others I have reconnected with many old acquaintances and family peeps I had lost touch with the old fashioned way. I shall pop over to your Twitter account to see what you're talking about though! Ha ha about being a Twit -- my most favorite British insult!

  37. Twit a little, talk a little, twit a little, talk a little, cheep, cheep, cheep, talk a lot, twit a little more.

    Yep, it works! Now I'm going to be humming that with each tweet I make!

  38. I was surprised how much I like twitter, but it makes sense. With only 140 characters everybody has to get right to the point - what's not to like about that?

  39. I rarely use twitter other than to post my blogs but I love facebook which allows me to keep in touch with far flung friends, especially my Royal Caribbean crew friends on the high seas. It was a forum that also connected me with high school friends and other with whom I had lost touch with for more than forty years. I'm not on there all that much but, when I need to leave a quick message, it's great...and, I must confess, I like some of the games!

  40. Good for you! I'm not there yet. I might not ever tweet.

    I love those hungry little birds.

    much love

  41. thanks for the add. i tweet, some. somedays i am into it, other days...i dunno.

  42. Willow,

    Good on ya girl! Guess if all the world is twittering, I'd better get with it. I don't want to be left behind.

    Twitterless (for the moment) in Carmel,


  43. I've resisted tweeting, although I do facebook with my family. It's a great way to keep up with the day to day of the kids. I have all the connections I can handle - home phone, cell phone, work phone, work cell, laptop, desktop, facebook, blog, email, google calendar. I think that's enough.

  44. Hi! Willow and now fellow Twitter
    Welcome! to the club!...I hope that you enjoy your stay!
    By the way, I'am more a Twitter lurker, than a poster.
    Take care!
    DeeDee ;-D

  45. I saw you found me. I'm not much on Twitter, but now that you and some of my other friends are on there, I might tweet a little more.


  46. Our school tried to make it mandatory that we all have twitter accounts so we can connect with one another in an emergency. I still don't have one or know too much about it. I have to draw the line somewhere (of course I felt this way about blogging at one time).

    Happy Tweets!

  47. I'll tell you, between facebook, flickr, the blog, zazzle, personal email and work email, and twitter, I could never leave the laptop. I can't do it all! I didn't like flickr or facebook when I first used them, and now I'm addicted and have literally met friends all over the country thru those two vehicles. On facebook, I just reconnected with a friend from high school in '72, and so I'll probably continue it--but it is a lot: there tends to be some redundancy, and if not, you're continually having to come up with things to enter on each site. I stick with what I want when I want it, I guess! Happy tweeting, Willow!

  48. There is much mindless chatter but at least you'll be spared the games and memes that are rampant on FB.

  49. Oh no, you didn't?!! I have to say I don;t get Twitter. Still, then there is that whole Farmville on Facebeeok--don't get that either. Both can be quite addictive. I already have Blogging, and shall keep it just to that, thank you very much. LOL.

  50. Good on you Willow - not a Twitter person myself or interested in Facebook,but others seem to enjoy it.

  51. hi willow - have fun! i'm not sure what a twitterer is but you're not a twit! have a fun day with it. steven

  52. I twitter but I don't enjoy it as much as I love blogging. Thank you for the clip I loved The Music Man when I was a little girl. I always wanted to be Marian the Librarian and well now it looks like I am! At my undergrad graduation the band played 76 Trumbones just out of nowhere.

  53. I just CANNOT do it! Tried it HATED it!
    ENJOY your tweeting!

  54. Sounds fun, but I don't know much about it!

  55. Tweeeeetypie says come up and see me sometime! Honestly, tweets are great for the mobile querty keyboard types. Its fun, but I dont get the same feedback (mon je prefer FB JaLen Jones) and all the real good jokes from Gilbert Gottfried are much longer than 140 bits.
    Heard that twitter good for quickie communicato. Wonders where this would come in handy May West?

  56. Hah! Welcome to twitter my friend! Find me there please and give FB a chance. It is actually much more entertaining than twitter, though I love twitter. I think a lot of the fear comes from the fact that a lot of people do not understand that there are privacy settings that you can enact. You share only the information you want and to few if any person. I am very excited to see you on Twitter!

  57. I don't think you're a twit which rhymes with my screen name NitWit and Seem to mean about the same.

    Twitter has not yet captured me as I am too verbose. I'm on facebook and haven't done much networking there, either.

    I am slower to catch on. Time wise it might be better than blogging.

  58. I deleted my account about two weeks ago. I found most of the things people tweeted about was excruciatingly boring. Hope you last longer than me (mine was four weeks)

  59. Hello Willow,

    Good luck with your twitterings. That film clip was great fun, especially Ms Gingold's "Balzac"!

  60. FF, I'm giving it a go. It may fizzle out after a few, but I thought I'd give it a shot, anyway.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. willow...
    my mom should paint this image.
    she was flipping out last year by some little baby birds that were abandoned in her window box, right by her kitchen window.

    btw i saw your first tweet.

  63. I am impressed! I love facebook, by the way. Tried Twitter and seemed like I couldn't keep up with everyone and all their updates.

  64. dance of words ... i do like that!

  65. We did this musical in High School and I loved that scene!

    Now it will be in my head all day :-)

    I'm sure you'll like Twitter. I though the same (didn't want to do what everyone else is doing). But I've enjoyed it.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)