Friday, January 29, 2010

faux nose

I mentioned in one of my posts last week about watching Ken Burns'
The Civil War. (I fell totally in love with the charming Shelby Foote,
may he rest in peace.) Anyway, since I was in the historical mini-
series mode, I picked up HBO's John Adams, 2008, at the library,
which I happen to be enjoying even more the second time around.

The first scene in which David Morse appears, as George Washington,
I gasped, "Wow, what a difference a nose makes!" The Adams series
is excellently cast, by the way, with Paul Giamatti brilliantly (actually,
brilliantly is an understatement) portraying John Adams, in the first
50 years of the United States. If you've not seen this, add it to your
queue right now.

Morse's faux nose brought to mind some other intriguing film noses,
including Nicole Kidman's faux in her Oscar winning performance of
Virginia Woolf in The Hours, 2002. I just picked up a copy of
Michael Cunningham's book at the thrift store last Friday. I think
I'll read it in honor of Virginia Woolf's 128th birthday this week.

Another great faux nose performance is that of Anthony Quinn as
Auda Abu Tayi in David Lean's epic Lawrence of Arabia, 1962. This
particular nose seems right at home on Quinn's rugged face. I'm
surprised it stayed so well intact in all those blazing desert scenes.

Gérard Depardieu has a pretty good nose going on himself, so they
didn't have to add that much to make him into Cyrano de Bergerac,
1990. I have a huge crush on him, by the way. I adore him as the
bumbling Georges in Green Card, 1990 and as Rodin in Camille
Claudel, 1988.

And don't forget all the wonderful Balls Brothers' noses worn by
Peter Sellers as Chief Inspector Clouseau. I don't know which is my
favorite, the pirate, the hunchback...

or the melting shnaz.


  1. Heh, heh...all of Peter Sellers were great( tho' he did have some helpful influence by way of John Barrymore,'tis true! )

  2. I love Green Card. One of my faves. Wish I had her flat!

  3. Steph, Andie MacDowell's greenhouse flat is one of my absolute film faves!

  4. Heh, heh! I did a double-take when I was watching John Adams and "George Washington" entered the scene. "Is that David Morse?" I wondered. After a few more scenes I finally decided it was him. It wasn't just the nose, either; I think they padded his gums a little, too.

    As for Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf with the faux nose... She really didn't look like herself at all, which may be why she was able to give an Oscar-winning performance.

  5. Yeah, Morse was holding his face as if his teeth hurt. Maybe they made him wear some wooden dentures, just to make it authentic! Hee-hee.

  6. I agree about the Adams of the best things I have ever seen on TV...and Paul Giamatti was perfect...I will have to watch it a second time soon...

    It is amazing what a nose will do:)...awful to think that one day so many noses will all look the same because people have had them "fixed"....

  7. Oh, and Roy, speaking of Nicole, I hate what what she's done to her real face with the horrid nip and tuck job.

  8. Oh, I did love that John Adams film, watched it twice. Fun post today with all those noses highlighted.

  9. Great movies, all. Love Virginia Woolf every day any way! I agree about Nicole's new face. Why would she mess with such perfection?

  10. LOL!! That's some handy prosthesis work going on..tee hee..

    I'm watching the John Adams mini-series this week as well, and it is spectacular! Love Paul G. in this.

  11. We missed the Adams Family series because we were living outside the US. When we came back we got the set, and it is fantastic. I also love the stirring and patriotic graphics and music in the beginning of each episode.


    P.S. My husband is related to that family, but through Samuel Q, in the series a less sympathetic character than John.

  12. Willow,

    Wasn't there a film where Liz Taylor donned a long witch-like nose and hairy wart? What am I thinking of?


  13. Marjorie, that's incredible, because WT's maternal line claims to descend from John Q., as well! I haven't been able to document it yet.

  14. Oh, and I'm clueless on the Liz Taylor nose. Maybe someone can help us out?

  15. Funny! I would think those faux noses would be itchy.

  16. They do look like a completely different person with the faux nose. Probably spend hours in the make up chair. And I agree with Betsy...looks itchy : )

  17. wow! a post on noses!! only at the manor with ladywillow who makes it all so entertaining and informative!!! great fun post!!!

  18. It appears that the nose knows. I had no idea that there were that many movies with altered anatomy. But it certainly makes a difference.

    I would love to see a picture of you in 1975 if you have one. I loved those glasses.

    I am making your Saucy Mushroom pork chop recipe for dinner. In fact, I need to get it in the oven. Cook for 3 hrs? Wow! I bet they're gonna be T-E-N-D-E-R!

  19. Fun post! Anthony Quinn was always a favorite of mine -- in Zorba the Greek, especially. He was Mexican but was perfect for any Mediterranean/Middle Eastern role.

  20. Oh, what a funny funny post this is! I have "John Adams" in my queue as we speak.

  21. How I enjoyed your nose post! It reminded me of the "I Love Lucy" episode where Lucy dons a fake nose in order to not be recognized by William Holden. She winds up smashing it all over her face while trying to maintain her poise. She even sets it on fire while trying to light a cigarette. Any chance you remember?

  22. Yes, I remember that Lucy episode! Too funny, especially the lighting it on fire part. She was always in some kind of disguise, wasn't she?

  23. Hey Willow---Wasn't it W.C. Fields who had that line "That ain't my nose, it's a banana"? Reminded me of that. I don't like Nicole's lips the way there are now. Is that what you are talking about? And what about that girl on Oprah last week?(Can't think of her name at the moment) who had 10 procedures on her face and she was LOVELY before and not so great after. She looked like everyone else!

  24. That movie John Adams was so fasinating. He is an awesome actor. Sorry to say I can't stand that Nicole.
    I can't put my finger on it but there is just something that turns me off. Same thing with that blonde detective on TV with southern accent.
    Did you see John Barrymore when he was young WOW!!Great post..

  25. You know, I actually thought they did Virginia a disservice with that nose they pinned on Nicole. Virginia was a much more beautiful woman than that nose would have one believe.

  26. ha. the melting nose! i so want to see the Adams series!

  27. I just watched that documentary the other week too, but I fell for Chamberlain.

    Love the overview of cinematic noses!

  28. Those Pink Panther films were so funny...laugh until you hurt funny.

  29. I tried to watch the John Adams mini series but after reading McCoullagh's (I think I spelled that wrong) I guess I didn't want to re-visit it again although I agree that Paul Giamatti is brilliant (Sideways anyone?) as is David Morse. I'll never forget when Denzel Washington announced Nicole Kidman as winner of the Best Actress Oscar and he said, "By a nose.." Brilliant.

  30. Jack Nicholson in "Hoffa" is another good one. Apparently there must be a dearth of good big-nosed actors, since it sure would seem easier just to hire a natural big-nosed (NBN) actor than to spend all the time, discomfort and cost of making one up. In fact, there's been almost no NBN stars since Jimmy Durante died. In this era of routine rhinoplastic alterations, there probably are NO NBN people left in Hollywood at all anymore. The Golden Age of the NBN is behind us now, it seems. I think it's sort of sad, really, kind of like hearing the last of a species has almost died off. Hopefully someone will start a movement to rescue all the little NBN kids from extinction. No, I don't really want to. You go ahead. You'e the one who brougt it up in the first place.

  31. Indeed! What a difference a nose makes! I need a nose job.

  32. OMG, I'm an enormous fan of Depardieu, Willow--I dated a guy who reminded me of him, too, once. Love that guy. I agree--Andie's flat was awesome in that film.

  33. How about Steve Martin's modern day Cyrano in the movie-- think it is called Roxanne-- can't remember the name now-- THE HOURS is one of my favorite movies for great acting

  34. What a great post ... goodness me, some of these people really under went major transformations "nose wise" for their role ... the one that really stands out the most for me is Nicole Kidman!!
    have a great day!
    Gena @ thinking aloud
    a photoblog
    South Africa

  35. I had no idea that the proboscis could produce such fun! Excellent post.

  36. Hello Willow,

    Don't forget that Sir Laurence Olivier was the false nose wearer par excellence! He seemed to think it disguised and helped protect him rather than being strictly necessary for the part.

  37. I love all the faux noses! Makes you do a LONG gaze to figure out WHAT makes them look SO VERY different!

    HA! Over that now, FAMOUS melting nose.

  38. I like that post,lol.Have a great weekend!:)

  39. I love it when the actors do their (and the makeup department's) best to truly look like the person they're portraying. Makes me think they can get into the part better and they usually do.

    Great accounting Willow!

  40. I'm big into anything historical. Enjoyed your picture comparisons!

    Also thanks for stopping over at Ronda's and leaving your nice comment. Cool blog, too. :-)

  41. OMG what a fabulous post. Yeah, the nose knows. Definitely.

    Virginia Woolf was an Aquarius, eh? OK, it figures.

    I will put the Adams series into the queue. Everyone who has seen it says it's marvelous.

  42. That last picture -- what a surprise.

  43. Knen Burns does it right! And HBO is none too shabby: I really enjoyed the John Adams series immensely. Not long after the Civil War series aired, Shelby Foote was here for a lecture series. Cameron and I were on the front row and did have a chance to chat a few minutes afterward.
    You do some amazing "nosing around" girlfriend!

  44. Hee hee! Wonderful post! You have a (pretty) nose for a great topic Ms Willow.

  45. I was sort of depressed by Nicole Kidman's nose as Virginia in The Hours.
    I think V.Woolf's nose was more elegant.
    Also Quentin Bell (my tutor and later friend) was portrayed (very briefly) as a fat unpleasant child.....
    Write privately for more Bloomsbury trivia...!)

  46. I'm pretty sure I was blessed with a faux nose.

    But I'm keeping it.

  47. Aside from the fact that Morse's portrayal of Washington was incredible, he is closest I have ever seen any actor come to actually looking like him. Everyone in the cast of John Adam's was incredible, and I especially liked the fact that they showed how Adams defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, a fact that is not often taught in the schools.

  48. What a great topic for a post. I thought Nicole K looked far less plastic when she had the nose and the dark wig on - a much better look for her.

  49. Good Heavens, someone else who thinks the "John Adams" good. It hardly raised a comment here, I absolutely loved it, funny noses and all.

  50. Oh, wasn't Depardieu brilliant as Cyrano? That's such a gorgeous film.

    I haven't seen "The Hours", but I think Kidman may have had some actual face work done since that film was made. What do you think?


  51. ewix, Nicole's faux nose looked a bit like that cartoon dog with the droopy nose, you know the one I mean? Not at all like Woolf's actual elegant nose.

    I happen to adore the delightful variety of everyone's natural features, don't you?

  52. Oh, yes, Kat, I mentioned in a comment above, that I think Kidman ruined her face with a nasty nip and tuck job.

  53. Oh Willow...too funny...and just in the nick of time.....i needed a laugh....

  54. Ah Willow, you didn't disappoint me featured Peter Sellers with THAT melting nose at the end of the post! How could you not though, such a classic!!Great post.

  55. Willow,
    I love Nicole as Virginia!!! I have seen that movie for several times already:)
    Enjoy your reading! "The Hours" are great.

    By the way...One more idea to your incredible post:)

    John Paul II v. Jon Voight

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  56. Maybe the nose makes the performance.

    Green flick.

  57. I love the John Adams series! I also loved Green Card.:)

  58. fun post. i loved the John Adams movie which I saw on DVD. It is interesting to read THE HOURS in conjunction with Woolf's book.

  59. Hey this was interesting! Thanks Willow.

  60. i hadn't realised all those were fake noses. how interesting!

  61. Loved GD in Green Card! And now I must find Camille
    Claudel. John Adams was beautifully done, and David Morse as George Washington was perfectly cast. Everyone in that movie was a perfect fit. And you are so right. Paul Giamatti's performance was truly brilliant. I had a lot of respect for him before I saw the HBO special, but even more so afterward.

  62. fun post, willow! personally, i loved steve martin's fake nose in roxanne the most!!!

  63. Son #5 has been mercilessly teased over the years by all his brothers for his big schnoz. All the rest of us have petite/average noses, so where this beauty came from is a puzzle. I would love to wave my magic Mumsie wand & let him take his off like the falsies in your post Willow to reveal a new one. He keeps his sense of humour about it, bless him & just dishes plenty back to his siblings in 'other' forms.
    Millie ^_^

  64. willow,

    i grew up in miami beach.
    and so many girls i knew had their noses done on their 16th birthdays.
    and now in boca raton......
    at 16 they are getting boob jobs.

    let me tell you, a nose does make a huge difference!!
    one of the girls i grew up with was beautiful, but was 'severe' looking. she had her nose done (looked completely different) and went from beautiful to a knock-out.
    i don't know how she liked looking completely different (which i think is a bad idea), or how she handled it.
    love xx

  65. Why is is that Nicole Kidman looks far more interesting with that nose? I thought "The Hours" a very good read and would be interested to hear your opinion.

  66. I have a huge crush on Gerard too. Choose your sword.



Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)