Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Xavier Mellery

...With faint dry sound,
Like steps of passing ghosts,
The leaves, frost-crisp'd,
break free from the trees
And fall.

Adelaide Crapsey

This time of year, I always think of the marvelously moody artwork
of the symbolic Belgian artist Xavier Mellery. In this painting,
Feuilles d'Automne, or Leaves of Autumn, 1893, Mellery has
enchantingly depicted the curled falling leaves of autumn as women,
entangled in a spider's web.

Those of you bloggy readers, who have been around awhile, probably
remember Mellery's The Rondo of The Hours, was my blog header
this time last year. I love this evocative piece, in which the women
represent the hours of time, dancing around a winged Death, sickle
raised. I might just have to put it up again, later this week, for
Halloween, and for Marc, who likes it so much.
This dramatic, atmospheric interior scene is titled My Hallway,
Light Effect, and aptly so. The chiaroscuro is conveyed in a
wonderful manner, with the soft interior lights playing off the walls
and ceiling at night. One of my faves is also Mellery's The Stairway,
(below, left) which reminds me so much of the front stairs at Willow
Manor (right).


  1. I love that you introduce me to works I've never seen before. I think I came after that header because I'd certainly remember that. Yes, you should use it for this week!

  2. willow it's all new to me so thankyou so much!!! steven

  3. Ooh, spooky resemblance on the staircase!!

  4. Beautiful poem and interesting pictures!

  5. i love the artwork...particularly the one that used to be your header and the symbolism there...nice.

  6. I really like "Leaves of Autumn"! I remember the painting from your Header last year...nice to see it again!

  7. Ever see the R.E.M. video for "Losing My Religion"? That Rondo picture really puts that in my mind.

  8. I absolutely fell for the few lines of poetry at the beginning! Do tell me more about the writer ?

    Not that I dislike the painter, he's great too and equally new to me.

  9. Ooooh! I liked that winged death picture!!! (Painting, well picture of a painting)

  10. the resemblance of the 2 stairways is intriguing!

  11. Mellery is new to me -- what wonderful pictures!

  12. You are such a treasure trove of arts and letters. Love coming here for my daily fix.

  13. Love the leaves of Autumn painting...and learning about artists I have never heard of before...Thanks!

  14. Wow...those staircases are mirror images of each other! And I love the painting of the women as leaves!

  15. Those are beautiful pieces of work. I can feel why they resonate with you at this time of year. Each piece was moving in its own right. I have a hard time deciding which I like best because they are each so different.

  16. I have never come across Xavier Mellery before - thanks for the introduction . I will certainly look for more of his work.

  17. It's always nice being introduced to new artists...Xavier Mellery is new to me. I will look for more of his work. Many thanks.

  18. I too am often learning something new when I visit you! I adore "Les Heures."

  19. I adore Leaves of Autumn! Wonderful!

  20. I had never heard of Mellery...absolutely fabulous.

    You are the cool kid, the one everyone wants to know and I'm glad I met ya!

    much love

  21. Imaginations love staircases like those, don't they?

  22. Fantastic! Love the The Stairway.

  23. the black and white interior shot is gorgeous :)

  24. Wow. These are wonderful. I just love how one sees and feels and experiences different things on these blogs. And I'm newly addicted to yours!

  25. Nice feature artist. I too love the dance f the hours. I wonder what wicked things you are plannin for Halloween? I think I'll just go up and sit in the punkin patch and await the big one.

  26. Would you believe that after reading the poem again last night, I was actually disappointed when I felt a warm October sun peaking through my window? What, no frost-crisp'd leaves, I thought! ;-)

  27. Hello Willow, I have seen the top image before but didn't know of the artist. I love symbolism as well! Divine post and the poem is lovely. Steps of passing ghosts is such a poignant line. xx

  28. Another wonderful artist you've introduced me too, thanks Willow. I wonder if the similarities in the staircases is why your own ghost likes Willow Manor so much.

  29. I'd never heard of him - but I love the work you shared with us.

    Also you have lovely front stairs at the Manor. I should remember that, from the ball, but my head was in the clouds that day.

  30. I do remember that header, yes. And I loved it. Great artist. Great post.

    Greetings from London.

  31. Hard to forget such a strong work .. it made an excellent header for the season ..

  32. I love the matching stairs, it is amazing how they are so alike. I somehow feel like you are our teacher of arts and books and movies and oh so many things. Things I have never heard of or seen. Thank you for doing this.

    I am no longer on my blog break and today is my first post since August. I cannot believe it has been that long, but recovery from the surgery has taken it's toll.

    God bless.

  33. Cool! I especially love the hall and stairs pics. Very pretty!

  34. "Feuilles d'Automne, or Leaves of Autumn, 1893, Mellery has enchantingly depicted the curled falling leaves of autumn as women, entangled in a spider's web."

    Very clever.

  35. I guess it is all new to me too. I am a dud.

  36. Oh, Abe, you silly. You are anything but a dud!

  37. Thanks, everybody. I just post stuff that interests me. I'm glad you like it, too! :D

  38. Hello Willow,

    Very suitable topics after your ghosty post! The Rondo of The Hours is a lovely picture, which my later arrival last year also missed.

    Thanks for the Christmas support; tinsel will be going up shortly!

  39. Stunning! Please do put that gorgeous header up!

  40. Mellery was really listening to a different drummer..spectacular!

  41. I like each of them...a bit spooky and dark.

  42. Love your Manor and its unique trappings (including the hauntings). Thanks for sharing glimpses into your interesting life. Bet you really have fun on Halloween.

  43. You really know how to invoke the feelings of fall/halloween with your collection of pics there Willow!! I'm a little on edge now!! hee hee.

  44. I had never heard of Xavier Mellery willow - but shall now go and Google him,

  45. wow, how have I missed knowing the work of mellery - I love it! thanks for the introduction

  46. I don't know how I missed this one! (sorry) Had never before heard of Xavier Mellery. Painting in a weird way makes me think a little bit Matisse's "Joy," a little bit of the Nine Muses. Interesting. Thanks!

  47. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)