Thursday, October 8, 2009

shopping for the big event

I just finished an afternoon at Christie's Auction House in New York,
and I am happy to report I was the winning bid on a fabulous over-
the-top vintage gown. Amazingly enough, it fits me like a glove and
won't need a bit of alterations. I'm keeping it secret, though, until the
big event. I really wanted to bid on this glorious little Spanish crown,
but it was a tad too small. On me, it conjured images of the fairy
godmother, not Cinderella.
Mr. Mmm was telling me about how his mother worked at the South
Kensington branch of Christie's in London for over a decade, and was
in charge of the natural history section. What an amazing job. He told
me of one particularly thrilling auction of Napoleon's famous jacket.

The official company literature states that founder James Christie
conducted the first sale in London, England on December 5, 1766.
Christie's main London salesroom is on King Street in St. James's,
where it has been based since 1823. It has a second London
salesroom in South Kensington which opened in 1975 and primarily
handles the middle market. Christie's South Kensington is one of the
worlds busiest auction rooms. As of January 2009, Christie's had 85
offices, not all salesrooms, in 43 countries.

Did you know the Christie's New York sign was created by Nancy
Meyers during the production of the film Something's Gotta Give,
for an exterior shot? The auction house liked the sign so much they
requested the production leave it after shooting finished.


  1. Interesting! I didn't know that--but I just watched that movie again on the road one night when I just needed to relax. It was one ?who knows what channel? in the hotel where I was staying one night and I enjoyed it all over again. Cute movie. can't wait to see your dress, Willow. Sounds spectacular. Bring on the paparazzi.

  2. Yes, I do believe I see his mouth saying " Willow of Willow Manor!" :) You are setting the bar quite high...I must get busy shopping! And that crown is lovely!

  3. I'm so conflicted about attending this glittering event.
    What could I possibly wear?
    Could I just be an aged chaperone and admire Natasha at her first ball as in War and Peace?
    I'm sure the young people would much rather the old people kept out of it!

  4. You Go Friend/girl! Can't wait to see it!! :)

  5. I'm a little bit distracted by your last comment about the Christie's sign. I've always lusted after Diane Keaton's house in Something's Got to Give. Obviously, that movie had a great art director/team!

    Yesterday I was in an old spa town called Malvern, and I saw an antique shop . . . I thought about browsing, but didn't. Then I thought: I bet Willow would have found a treasure here!

  6. ewix, you silly! I'm afraid some would consider all of us to be WAY over the hill. You MUST come. The ball wouldn't be the same without you. Plus, I have heard Boris Pasternak might just be popping in for a while...I know you wouldn't want to miss having a chat with him!

  7. oh cant wait to see you in this glorious gown.

  8. I swear I don't know what this is all about! I really will have to just watch, and perhaps join this posh event another time..but, I will be sitting at the top of the stairs, watching all your lovliness!

  9. Thank you for saying we giraffes can come along, Willow! Maureen and I will go to Raffsburgh shopping for suitable attire! (I've asked Derrick if I can borrow his collection of bow ties to wear all at once!)

  10. Raph, I'm sure Derrick will be so pleased to see his bow tie collection put to good use!

  11. Look at you bidding at Christies! I hope you got the dress of your dreams...I have my shoes featured in my sidebar but alas no gown yet?!

  12. When I lived in London, on Saturdays I would go to South Kensington on Thurloe Street to a lovely Italian restaurant for lunch.

    Ah, the night life in London and the theatres! Your dress sounds divine.

    I think the fairy godmother must work her magic again this year.

  13. Lyn, if you click on "big event" in the body of my post it will explain all about the Manor Ball. It's a cyber affair, all about your imagination. Come on! It's going to be fun! All you have to do is pop over on October 13 and say hello.

  14. interesting little bit of trivia...and i love that crown...(wouldn't look good with my hair thought)

    much love

  15. you had me at vintage dress...

  16. I am so cultured! The last time that I went to any place named Christies, I got a massage! LOL!

  17. lol otin! ach...quite ritzy willow. me thinks my blue jeans and barn jacket will need some sprucing...

  18. Hi Willow

    was it a child's is beautiful...

    Happy days

  19. I look forward to seeing you in that gown! I don't think I have a thing that would be appropriate!

  20. i am a bit in awe over the big event.... I don't have a thing to wear not to mention I can't dance.

  21. I do love the crown and I'm feeling rather like Cinderella at the moment sitting in my ashes and wondering how I get to this ball. I can imagine how exciting it would be to witness a major auction at Christie's. Such as your vintage dress for the ball. xx

  22. That tiny crown brings to mind pictures of some unhappy infante.
    Lovely piece, though.

  23. Such a rich post and so much information. I am ashamed to admit that other than the name Christie's, I was unaware of its location and history. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

    PS: It's National Poetry Day in the UK today. Hooray!

  24. Now that's you're properly crowned, I guess I better get my kilt dry cleaned and ready for the big event!

  25. Hello Willow,

    You ought to have got the crown too! I'm sure you could have found a use for it - the door prize even?! Can't wait to see your gown.

    I have told Raph I'm happy for him to wear my bow ties, so long as I can keep one!

  26. Uh-oh, Barry, watch out. I go nutty for a man in a kilt.

  27. Oooooh, can't wait to see this! Congrats on the win :) And great history lesson, to boot! Happy TT, Willow!

  28. Can't wait to see your dress!

  29. Hmmmmm, think while I'm in Atlanta I'm going to check out the closets of the Desperate Housewives of Atlanta and see if they have anything worthwhile I could borrow or buy.

  30. I, too, am getting excited about the ball. I posted the notice on Facebook. I believe my sister is going to attend!

  31. Reya, I can't wait to meet your sister! :D

  32. It is a pretty crown. Lady Jane's?

  33. Just had to pop back over and tell you that I've been gown shopping this morning! I found a gorgeous vintage strapless pink one! I'm sooo excited to wear it!

    AND...a wonderful celebrity gentleman invited me to be his guest! How wonderful that I didn't have to go searching for a date! And you'll never guess who it is! I'll give you a hint...he's a skinny, loveable, nerdy man that we all know and love! He's sure to be quite a hit with all the ladies. He'll be the perfect gentlemen and will keep us in stitches all night! Woo-hoo...can't wait!

    Now, I'm off to find the perfect hostess gift, Willow. I'd never dream of showing up emtpy handed! ;)

  34. Glad that crown didn;t fit - looks a bit top heavy to be on your head when you are whizzing round the floor. I am sure every dance on your dance card will be filled when you appear in that dazzling gown.

  35. Just the other day, I just thinking of last year's ball and hoped you might plan another! Perfect timing:)

  36. Oh, Willow. I am SO there. Off I go to do some shopping of my own. But where? Hmmm. Rodeo Drive, maybe. Thank you for your kind invitation. I'll see you on the 13th.

  37. Just a note....related to Christies...this month's English Home magazine features an article about the Queen's nephew--David Linley--chairman of Christie's UK. He is a furniture designer...interesting details!

  38. HEy, you taught me something I didn't know about Christie's! I will tell you it is situated in my fave part of London for sure. Will never live there though--far too expensive.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)