Friday, October 9, 2009

scent of a woman

Things are all a flutter here at the manor. I met with the caterers
today and hired some hunky young guys to do valet parking. But,
the most important task on my list today is polishing up my tango
steps. I know this isn't the tango of purists, but I adore this scene
from Scent of a Woman. Maybe it will inspire some of you who are
still undecided about attending the big cyber event of the year.
All you have to do is pop over any time on October 13, with your
imagination firmly intact, and prepare yourself for a ton of fun!

And just in case you're wondering, Herr Mozart has promised to
grace us with his presence again this year. He was a huge hit with
the ladies last year, as well as honoring us with some amazing
musical feats. I've also heard Peter Ustinov, Gregory Peck and
Omar Sharif just might be showing up, as well.

This weekend, I will be posting a Mr. Linky widget for those of you
who would like us to visit your own blogs on October 13, to see what
you are wearing to the Manor Ball or who your special guest might
be, so keep an eye out.

Speaking of Scent of a Woman, I must decide on the perfect, "drive
my dancing partners mad", perfume. Any suggestions?


  1. you are doing a great job putting together the event...the sauciness of the tango appeals to me...can't wait.

  2. I wear Vera Wang's Princess on a daily basis and Chanel Chance for special occasions but Calvin Klein's Euphoria is quite delightful.

  3. the tango scene I loved the most was the one with Antonio Bandares and don't know the woman actress. Can't remember the name of the film either (big help aren't I?) but it was about a ballroom dancing instructor who decides he wants to help kids at risk by teaching them how to dance while they are in detention. The kids scoff of course, they are all hip and into rap and such until he gets his gorgeous business partner to dance a tango for them. The kids just get bug eyed and boy, it's teach me how to do that. there's a competition at the end. It's a great flick.

  4. Oooo...all of these sound fabulous, Jen. I must get downtown and give them each a whirl!

  5. love how you're getting into your big gala event, willow! love that scene fro, a scent of a woman. it's one of my favorite al pacino movies.

  6. Surely you will have a major perfume house whip you up an original scent created to your personal specifications that only you can wear, nobody else. Maybe Elizabeth (Taylor) could advise you who to contact to get this done! Or maybe Coco (Chanel) would do you a favor and create "Willow Twenty Oh Nine" for the occasion. Short notice perhaps, but then your powers of persuasion will be hard to resist, I'm sure.

  7. "Willow Twenty Oh Nine"...I LOVE that. Yes, I think I'll ring up Coco right now and have her whip up something special for me. Jane, you're the best.

  8. I am glad you mentioned the perfume, I will need to get my perfumist to whip up something for me. I love dancing. That scene in that movie is one of my favorites. I especially love the Viennese Waltz. Do you mind if I invite my favorite violinist Karen Briggs? She plays with Yanni, maybe he will come too.

  9. Oh no, I forgot about perfume. I live in a scent free town (I'm not joking, there are signs posted!) Most of the people here smell like surfers so I'll need to make a call ...Paris maybe! Something with spice and depth!
    Willow Twenty Oh Nine is brilliant!

  10. Still don't have a date as yet. I'm calling every number starting with the A's in the local phone book. Also have signed up for "video dating services" online. So far, the messages I've left for Cameron Diaz have gone unreturned. I'm still trying!

  11. I am addicted to Oscar, but Willow Twenty Oh Nine sounds perfect for your Manor Ball. The anticipation is building. =D

  12. Gregory Peck? I'll definitely be there! Hmmm.....I'm thinking Magnifique by Lancome.

  13. Raul Julia has just responded in the affirmative to my invitation to the ball. Now, shall I wear the Fortuny or the Vionnet. The Vionnet, I think, as I am a tad plump at present and the Fortuny is so close-fitting. Raul is so devastatingly handsome in a tux that no-one will even notice me!

  14. I am going to need Tim Gunn for this!

  15. Just a PS about tango. Here's a link to Bobby (Duvall) dancing the tango in his movie:

  16. If my date doesn't show up, I'm going to grab one of the you mind?

  17. Jane, who knew Bobby could dance like that?!

  18. Stacey, I'm sure any of them would be thrilled to be your date, but believe me, you won't have any problem finding a dance partner!

  19. Skip, just walk into the ball, wearing that dashing tux and you'll be swamped with women. I promise you.

  20. One of my faves is Addict by Dior. Really, love it.

  21. I love the scent of Opium the perfume that is..... it changes with the body chemistry on different people- but always delightful...
    But then again you can fly over to France and have your own signature perfume made "Just for You'

    Can't wait for the Willow Ball
    Oh did I mention I just started Tango lessons here in Portland where the Tango scene is 'hot'

  22. You are cracking me up--even a perfume, eh??! You're making me want to go shopping. I will have to go virtual shopping and pretend I'm picking up all sorts of feminine, luscious treats for myself, and dancing in elegant heels...meanwhile I'll be lugging heavy stuff around on campuses. It's nice to dream!

  23. Wow, this sounds like a fabulous 24hours of sheer enchantment and delight.
    Do you have any room on the property for which to land my helicopter?

  24. man, it is definitely starting to ramp up over here :)

  25. I am about as good with perfume as I am deciphering poetry!! LOL I have no idea what kind smells good! I just know that some of them smell REAL good! :)

  26. What an imagination. Imaginations.

  27. Hello Willow, Can anyone attend your Manor Ball? I think I might just be allowed? as on my profile it shows clearly my love of the tango scene from "Scent of Woman". Also I can dance a mean tango, with the right man of course! I would I feel, enhance the scene in my antique silver grey, sequinned 30's number. Coco Chanel would be my scent of choice and the rustle of my silk stockings and style of my splendid Yves Saint Laurent 4"heels would complete the picture.
    Oh! Please may I have a chance to attend this wonderful Ball, can you let me know in plenty of time. I need to dust of the Rolls and arrange for my private jet to leave from our local airfield, for I will need to pick-up my friend Richard (Branson) so not far really, just the other side of the pond.
    Ahh - smile,(if only I could just turn back the clock a few years, then my BEST man would have been able to show just how a tango should really be danced)
    Ahh, I see my dear Omar will be there!, he of course will be delighted to see me once again, oh! do let me attend.

  28. Every now and then when Mr FF smells my perfume he does that 'HOO HAH' noise that Pacino does in the film - yes, it always makes me laugh.

  29. Ahhh the Tango! Now that is a eroctic dance !

  30. Oh Al Pacino!Ah!Hum..sorry my mind was somewhere else..I hope you will enjoy preparing as much as that famous evening!;)

  31. Hello Willow,

    A charming French lady (ex-guest of ours) once wrote that the nights were so warm, all she wanted to wear was a 'veil of Chanel No.5'! I reckon that should be enough for anyone!!

  32. I really enjoyed watching that clip again...have not seen it in years! SO BEAUTIFUL!

  33. Ms. Hemingway, may you come to the ball?!! I am literally begging people to come! By all means, YES, do come and dance that mean tango in your vintage grey dress. :D

  34. Annick Goutal's Musc Nomade

  35. ACH! Well if Herr Mozart is gonna be there....and I really should watch this movie...again :)

  36. Subby, my what big teeth you have!

  37. Willow...teeth?-LOL!

  38. Hahaha, I set myself up for that, didn't I? ;^)

  39. Willow, you rock ;)

  40. I just noticed when watching the video, that that song is the same one at the end of True Lies!
    Great dance!

  41. If you believe the psychologists then nothing drives a man mad more than the scent of a woman's perspiration!!! No don't take any notice of that - we want a mingling of expensive perfumes at this event of the year - I have just bought Elizabeth Arden's 5th Avenue - so I shall be wearing that - don't clash!

  42. Do you remember that sexy golden oldie scent...Tabu?
    Also the decadent "Opium"... just happened to be one of the models who introduced it when it arrived in the USA. Folks were swooning over it!

  43. The Gucci perfume. Can't find a name on the bottle! Or else Calvin Klein's Euphoria.

  44. I might just pop by and bring my partner Vincent from Strictly Come Dancing, if that's o.k? We have rather a neat Rumba to show off. Not sure what to wear yet, but it's gonna be something extremely sexy as befits my persona!
    Blessings, Star

  45. How much it cost to go to this event?

  46. May I reserve the last Waltz?

  47. I've never been to a ball before. May I attend although we've never met?

  48. Cindy, absolutely!!! The more, the merrier! :D

  49. Can you resurrect David Niven? I loved him and George Mason too who I met in fact in a an elevator once. Didn't say a word to him.

  50. Try Ralph Lauren - Romance. I love it! Love this blog Willow - I'm totally distracted by it (at work), but I need that today. Ha!


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)