Saturday, October 3, 2009

2nd annual willow manor ball

Hey, it's that time of year again! Mark your bloggy calendars for the
2nd Annual Willow Manor Ball. Last year's festivities were a
huge success and a fabulous time was had by all.

The week prior to the ball, I will be posting a Mr. Linky widget for
everyone who is interested in hosting a mini-satellite dance on their
own blogs. Show us what you're wearing for the occasion and your
famous (or infamous) date. You're welcome to pop in as many times
during the dance as you like, to catch up on the latest.

Last year, I was escorted by the handsome Sir Anthony Hopkins. I
wore a pale blue Christian Dior gown, once owned by Princess Diana.
And our MC for the evening was none other than the legendary
Leonard Cohen. Lots of intriguing trysts were taking place behind
the potted plants, if I recall correctly. I've got a call into Johnny Depp.
He had such a great time last year, he said he wouldn't miss it for the

This is a formal affair, so guys, order those tuxes and girls get out
there and do some fun cyber shopping. The dance will run from
midnight October 12 to midnight October 13. Everyone who attends
the dance will be included in the drawing for the door prize.

Be sure to watch for lots of fun dance theme posts next week to set
the tone for the big night. Please feel free to take the above poster
with you and pimp this on your blogs. Looking forward to seeing all
of you there!


  1. Well, this sounds intriguing!

  2. You're the hostess with the most-est! And that is for sure!

  3. I wasn't in blogland this time last year, so it'll be a first for me. And sounds like great fun!

  4. I wasn't in town last year, but I'm not missing out this year!

  5. Love the poster! I adored The King and I. Yul Brynner may have been my first love. Sounds like great fun!

  6. Alex and I have marked our calendars.

  7. Shall we dance? Yes, I will, er, I'll be the one in the corner with a lampshade on my head.

  8. I'm loving this idea! I'm so sad I missed out last year. :(

    And the current header is lovely as well. :)

  9. you have a helicopter pad? It's sort of short notice so I need to get flight plans in order.

  10. I wasn't in the know last year and will be out of town this year. I will be in Vail, CO instead of California but, will see if I can get the Mobil blog attendance outfit to make a showing on the runway. How FUN!

  11. I never like to commit until the last minute. I think I might be able to work out what you are on about! xx

  12. 'And I'm stepping out, my dear,
    To breathe an atmosphere that simply reeks with class,
    And I trust that you'll excuse my dust when I step on the gas,
    For I'll be there putting down my top hat,
    Mussing up my white tie, dancing in my tails.'
    Millie ^_^

  13. I had such good fun last year that I have already made my reservation for this year's bash. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  14. Errr Willow. I had better confess this now. I can't dance!

  15. Willow,
    Do we have to dance or can we just watch?

  16. Please add my name to your dance card Willow...I promise to be light on your feet!

  17. May I have the pleasure of the first dance? And the last waltz!

    I love dancing, ever since I met my first love at Jimmy Quinn's School of Ballroom Dancing (in 1951).

    And I still love it all...

  18. A Grand Autumn Formal at The Manor ... how very exciting!

  19. Tell Alan he doesn't have to dance...just come and look dashing!

    Count me in....this was so fun last year!

    Now I need a date! :)

  20. It's party time! I'm looking forward to the festivities.

  21. you are too faboo!!

    i am putting the dance on my calender (in pencil).
    but if i do make it,
    i will be 'puttin' on the ritz!!'

    love x

  22. Hey, all, remember this is a cyber occasion and everyone will be able to dance like Fred and Ginger!! But it you still want to just watch, that's okay, too. :^)

  23. Philip, of course you may! I'm very flattered. You might have to have a word or two with Johnny Depp and Gabriel Byrne, though.

  24. Oh Willow, I'm all a flutter!! I've contacted my personal assistant...Zoe and she is checking all the boutiques for my dress and accessories...perfect timing since the award shows haven't begun! I was hoping "Derek" of Dancing with the Stars would help me with some new "moves"...Oct 12th you say? Is this a birthday bash? Great fun last year...expect me and my date!

  25. Oh, Mary Ann, perfect!! Derek is going to help you steal the show. :^)

    Yes, it's kind of an "I love fall, October and birthday" bash all rolled into one!

  26. Ah! The Mr. Linky idea is a good one. I'm hoping to bring someone from the pages of one of my favourite works of literature to accompany me. (I haven't decide upon whom yet.)

  27. I love dances, the music, the conversation, the women in their beautiful dresses, my date being carried off to the hospital with broken toes...

    Ah the memories!

    I wouldn't miss it for the world (unless Linda insists I take dance lessons!)

  28. Big Ball Gowns!
    Big Music!
    a glamorous cast of enchanting
    guests ... .

    You certainly know how to throw a party!


  29. Big Ball Gowns!
    Big Music!
    a glamorous cast of enchanting
    guests ... .

    You certainly know how to throw a party!


  30. As my blog is fairly new I missed last year's affair. Sounds like a LOT of fun-- it is amazing how you try to include everyone in the party.

  31. I might get out one of my virtual Givenchy gowns for this shindig - and of course my longer than Cyd's legs will trip the light fantastic - lighter than a light thing

  32. intriguing...looking forward to seeing this one play out as i was not around last year...

  33. OMG do you think I can drag Mr.Ramsey out of the hell's kitchen long enough for a twirl?

  34. Oh my goodness and I've got nothing to wear! But I'll be there. Fantastic idea wouldn't miss it for the world.

  35. This is more than 'a dance'. this sounds like 'a ball'.
    I like the sound of this.
    I've marked the occasion 'tentative' in my diary!

  36. A formal Manor Dance!
    Thanks for the invite Willow.
    This sounds like a fantastic time.

  37. Bee, you're right! In fact, I think I'm going to change the poster. I called it a "ball" last year!

  38. Definitely a 'ball'. How exciting! I love balls. So few and far between these days. I had a ball for my 21st!!

  39. Ahhh, I was there for last year's Willow.Divine.Memorable. Superb,with a simply amazing guest list.You, my dear, looked so stunning. It took many of us days to recover from the choicest wines and incredible catering.Can't wait to do this again - time to leaf through my little black cyber book and seek advice of fashionistas.

  40. Where is that Fairy Godmother when you need her?
    And no way am I wearing the glass slippers again.

  41. Now that sounds like fun. But what is a poor photographer who lives in jeans to wear? Umm? I think I have some old ratty thing that would do - if I can turn the lights down low. And for class, I could wear one of my cats around my neck.

    Now let's see? I know how to dance the "Fish", and I can do the "Pony", and of course I do the "Twist" very well.

    Who wants to sign up for my dance card? Barry? Bagman?

  42. hmmmmmmmmm. i think david letterman may be free (just kidding). reacting to the NEWS DU JOUR..haha.
    if you get johnny depp, i'd be more than happy with gabriel!! hmmmmmmm.

  43. I love a formal ball! Wonderful. I'll have to run out and buy my diamond bra tomorrow. Can't wait!

  44. I wouldn't miss this for the world! I can't wait to pick out my dress and to find my escort! YAY!

    much love

  45. I popped in to catch up with your blog. I have missed reading your posts...but this is a cherry top it all off! I have never been invited to a ball before! Cheers!

  46. I surf and occasionally find something that is novel and tremendous fun. Interesting find here...thanks.

  47. A year has slipped by with nary a glance,
    And it’s time again for the Manor’s dance.
    The ball was glorious, the food divine...
    Willow, notorious, with men in line!!

    The hours passed, the revellers did swirl,
    A Count, a Duke, yes, even an Earl!
    The jewels bedazzled, the tiaras shone...
    The champagne bubbled ‘til early dawn.

    The music outstanding, even Mozart was there!
    Secret kisses exchanged whilst under the stair.
    We were all most royally honoured and feted,
    To the beautiful hostess, we are indebted!

  48. I have signed Barry up for dancing lessons and we would love to attend the Manor Ball. Thank you for inviting us. It will be a wonderful celebration.

  49. I'll be there in full regalia!

  50. how fun. i missed last year's. not sure I can make it this year though.

  51. Hello Willow,

    As I wasn't around last year, you can be sure I'm going to make up for it this time! Hope I can get the smell of moth balls out of my DJ!

  52. That is so great Willow!Can't wait to see how you will be dressed and all!This is really cool!

  53. I graciously accept your invitation! Please let me know if you need help decorating or anything!

  54. I'll have to re-route my schedule for the Big Event, it looks like. (Love the King & I--great poster!)

  55. I have no idea what to do but I'll research more and figure it out! Looks like lots of fun. Right now, I have NOTHING to wear!

  56. I'm among the non-dancers but that is my birthday, maybe wallflower status? That is my birthday, so I mahy just be checking in and out.
    Have a ball!!!

  57. Well, how fun that all the festivities will be celebrating your birthday, as well! Happy 13th!

  58. Suza, you are the queen of rhyme! I love this! Hope to see you at the ball, with bells on, dear friend. ~xo

  59. Goodness what a fun party. I bet you have an incredible guest list!
    Happy Twirls

  60. Making out my dance card right'll never guess who's first!
    Hope I make it past the velvet rope!

  61. Esteemed Ladyship!

    Of course I shall attend. I in fact marked my calender last year, having had such a wonderful time meeting your celebrated guests and enjoying your exquisite champagne.

    I pray that I will be given the opportunity to lead your musicians in a couple of my own Viennese numbers. I dare not presume to request a dance with you, however, for I should have to stand all night in a long line, the gentlemen in which will certainly outnumber the dances on your card!

    I have placed your poster on my own weblog.

    I kiss your hand and remain your humble servant and friend,
    Baron von Peruke

  62. Awesome, Can I come early or late? 15th is Blog Action day?

  63. I think I would love to come! I found you through my friend Pam... so now I have to find out just what I have to do..

  64. as my husband's famous cousin once sang

    "I would go out tonight
    But I haven't got a stitch to wear"

    hope you all have a wonderful time.

  65. Acornmoon, now I am totally curious! Who is your husband's famous cousin, might I ask?

  66. Nancy at Life In The Second Half was nice enough to extend an invitation. I'm looking forward to meeting you at the ball and seeing all the fabulous things you have planned!

  67. Trena, Duchess of Lanier, has kindly forwarded news of your dazzling event and it came just when things here were looking a tad too bleak and bland here on my estates. If I may accept your invitation at this late hour I would be most honoured to attend. I have a red and gold vintage Worth gown that I am just dying to give a whirl around the ballroom. Lady Sarah of Gladstone

  68. Well there was a little incident with the seamstress and a new dress had to be procured, but I am finally dressed and my date is here. I think he brought out the Jaguar in British Racing Green to match my eyes. He is a dear.
    And YOU are a dear to treat us all to such a lovely evening! I hope you received the hostest gift I sent ahead; millions of candles in Baccarat crystal lighting your way through a labyrinth in the back garden. And in the centre... I know you will find your way there in time and enjoy the rest of my gift. : )


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)