Thursday, August 27, 2009

Theme Thursday - Limo

Depp and Me

Separated at birth
I am older
but it somehow works
fusing cheekbones, chin
piercing eyes

a long lost brother
he and I combine
to share a grandmother
from the same Irish kin
the same German ties
the same native tribe

we meld faces
drink the same wines
sport fine hats
devour strange places.

At night I dream
he takes me for a spin
in a white limousine
exploring our ancestral spaces.

willow, 2009

artwork: Self Portrait, 1923 by Romaine Brooks

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  1. Very nice, Willow. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I have always liked this ghostly pale self-portrait by Romaine Brooks. How I wish I had been in Paris in the 20s.

    Do you feel you look like Depp? Or the Brooks looks like Depp? Or is it unrelated.

    Actually your poem reminds me of something louche, almost Whitechapel

  3. Beautiful poem for a long, not so lost, brother. Stranger things have happened! -Jayne

  4. Clever Pup, yes, I do think I look like Depp. I posted on it a few weeks back.

    Here's the link:

    I also think Brooks looks like like us!

  5. That is a very clever poem, but....oh nevermind!!!!! LOL!

  6. You're giving us something to talk about. Strange, but nevertheless, good talking points.

  7. Excellant, a poem for TT! Good stuff, Willow.

  8. I love the image, and your poem, but I have to say that I would be rather sad to learn of any relation to Mr. Depp myself. That would dash all hopes of the mad love affair I have planned! lol.

  9. Depp has a rare talent indeed. The portrait is haunting. Native tribe and exploration of ancestral spaces...compelling to think of.

  10. I like the painting...fascinating shades of blues and grays...and it works so well with your poem...I hope the Deppster sees this! What fun!

  11. a spin in a white limo...ah, very nice, indeed. c

  12. Interesting post, interesting connection! ;)

  13. Willow,
    This is too funny! I think the painting is amazing and you are brilliant! I can't stop laughing. If you and Johnny Depp share the same grandmother, she would be an interesting person indeed! I bet she would have some stories to share!!! Your poem has a great structure and rhythm. Well done!

  14. Love it! I really do think you look a LOT like Mr. Depp.

    I think I feel a poem coming on myself. Time to stop talking about my underarms!

  15. Lovely poem;lovely painting. I like thinking of you and Depp in the white limousine. Will you feed him tea and oranges?

  16. Linda, it was actually your comment today on my tree post that inspired me to write this, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  17. If he ever stops by to offer you that ride, please come pick me up.

    Love the poem.

  18. Oh Willow...upon seeing the title I laughed out loud...certainly Mr. Depp is a lurker on your blog and will truly show up at your house for a glass of wine and a chat sometime VERY soon!!


  19. nicely played...toyour long lost brother...

  20. Oh he is so so adorable, isn't he? He has an other wordly quality, brought out so well in the painting. Oh how I wish.... Lovely poem.

  21. When he swings by in the white limo, I'll be sure to take lots of pics for the blog!!!

  22. I agree with Firelight! Maybe Johnny will Google himself and find your blog! Leave a comment, Mr. Depp....we'll all swoon just knowing you were here! :)

  23. clever take on the theme. has johnny ever been cast as a limo driver? if not he'd make a good one....

    one can get lost in this portrait of romaine brooks...

  24. "devour strange places."

    I like that phrase.

  25. Your poem is beautiful Willow. Thank you also for visiting. I think you and JD look quite alike yes. :)

  26. I think that is your best so far. You must be very pleased with it - should be, anyway. I think the whole conception and the way it is realised is excellent. No criticisms, I'm just going to enjoy it.

  27. Hello Willow,

    Who wouldn't enjoy a spin with Johnny?! You are SO lucky to be related! Super poem, as always.

    We also have the Joshua Bell disc that I notice you're listening to. I love Bell's playing.

  28. interesting poem. I know you have mentioned the affinity with JD before. I think this painting may be on some book cover or other as I have seen it before. As w/Clever Pup I too wish I had been in Paris in the 20s.

  29. So very Depp & meaningful Willow! Please tell me you made a mistake about J.D. arriving at the Manor in a white limo, I always took him as a vintage Citroen kinda guy.
    Millie ^_^

  30. I'm just going to sit right here and wait until JD finds your blog and posts about your poem (well done!) and similarities.

    I'm waiting... with baited breath!

  31. hmmmmm..........

    he is a doll! he actually looks exactly like my first love who is a screenplay writer now. (you have seen his movies)

    if you do get in that limo, bring him by and let me see him for 5 min at starbucks. ok ?

  32. Derrick, I don't know for sure that we are related. I do know that we both have Cherokee great grandmothers, as well as Irish, and German blood. I need to do some genealogical research to find out.

  33. I love it Willow. Some great lines. Oh I'd love to devour strange places with Mr Depp! Really beautiful poem. xx

  34. Millie, you are so right about the vintage Citroen!! But, since Theme Thursday is limo I had to squeeze one in somehow. And white sounded better with night. So there you have it.

  35. Dave, if you like it, I am happy. Thank you!

  36. Love it! And I have to say, the limo would be a very sweet dream indeed. ;)

  37. What an excellent approach to a theme which, I must confess, I chickened out of this week.

  38. Alan, I almost chickened out, too, until the last minute when I got a burst of inspiration.

  39. If brother Depp does show up on your doorstep with a white limo, you'll be sure to let us know, right?

  40. Love the poem, Willow!! And the painting... what a perfect image to go with the poem. I do see many similarities. Send him a kiss from me if he rolls in for tea. (am eagerly awaiting his Mad Hatter role in the new Alice in Wonderland :)

  41. Strange but thoughtful and more than a little haunting.

    Just like Johnny Depp.

  42. Willow, fantastic! And the painting looks so like him. Liking the poem very much, niiice! And of course, you'll be doing the research, yes?

  43. I Love this. He is a beautiful man..I know some of his cousins from my hometown in Pikeville, KY. He is originally from Owensboro, KY( which you probably know). Years ago, he came to a family members funeral( he brought W. Ryder with him) when I was in high school and just after he starred in 21 Jump Street..Wow, now, I'm dating myself!

  44. I'm really impressed Willow! :)
    Really this is so good!
    You have an award at the Porch!
    I think you two do favor.

  45. I see more of a black limousine for Johnny, so he can melt into the background. Nice piece. It has a bit of J-the-R about it.


  46. Related or not, love the poem.

    Thank you for dropping by. Lovely to see you on my page.

  47. "We meld faces"... such a wonderful image... I want to try to bead this poem, this idea... Excellent!

  48. Wonderful, Willow! And I don't blame you--I'd take a limo ride with Johnny Depp any day! go for it.

  49. Great fun! I wonder--any particular reason it's a white limo?

  50. Man, everybody has a thing about the white limo. Doesn't he own a private island in the Bahamas? Seems like a vintage white limo would have a Caribbean kinda feel. Plus, it's what popped into my head and happens to rhyme with "night". So, bloggies, there you have it. :^)

  51. I know exactly what you feel.

    The melting pot
    has wrought us all
    in skin, chin,
    eyes and hair.
    And kin we are.

    We can't deny
    the ancient pull
    we can't decry
    when pipes are played
    and mournful tunes
    are sung.

    Dennis Price 2009

  52. Pappy, this is a beautiful poem. It pairs nicely with my piece today. Those pipes are so compelling, and call out to my ancient DNA.

  53. This is so great, Willow! I love it! I saw the earlier post and agreed with you. You have to be his lost twin!! ♥

  54. great poem. intriguing post. hope you get to meet johnny depp one day!


  55. Enjoy the ride in the white limo.

  56. I love how you tied in Depp! I thought of him too when I saw the limo. The dark tone is perfect for the type of subject matter.

  57. Ooh I am waaaay late (still Thursday here though!) but I would love to devour strange places with you...

  58. This is really nice!No one could refuse a ride with Johnny Depp!
    At first I thought it was Christopher Walken on the pic!Yeap,lol.

  59. Well it would be nice for anyone to whisk you off in a limo, i'm looking for limousine hire but anything about Johnny Depp is fine with me, you do actually look like him! I'd check if your related cause it would be nice to meet up!

  60. "exploring our ancestral spaces."

    Oooh, love that.


Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.
― O. Henry (and me)