Sunday, July 28, 2013


Stretch tight over dizzying breaths 
float free, without string.

Seek new perspective
from the living room ceiling 
bend, squeak, twist,
dazzle hemispheres.

Edge close to the sofa 
the first intimate spin
connects rampant static.

Rise above the night sky 
pull magnetic on paths coincident.

Take care not to burst
against the points of stars.

tk/July 2013 

Many thanks to R.A.D. Stainforth for adding breath to my words.  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Absence

I grip the banister,
touch each sleepless stair
the door's salutation
sounds sadder in the dark.

Night swallows me,
one naked shoulder at a time.

I hear your voice in the crickets
fireflies remind me of the distance,
how each nocturnal window twinkles
from counties to countries.

How stars scatter
differently across your sky.

tk/July 2013 

Man and The Moon, 1990 by Andrew Wyeth 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Palpably Inadequate

You carefully consider
Maris Piper or Jersey Royal,
lost in thought  
somewhere in the Channel Islands.

I look sideways at your foraging.
Del Monte, cat food  
you can tell so much
from the contents of a lonely cart.

You choose a kind King Edward,
as I pretend to be interested in whole oats.
I feel the precision of your choice
in my throat.

I see you being swept away,
smoothing olive oil on the skin  
a good slow roast  
cheeky potato salad for one.

tk/July 2013 

Thank you  R.A.D. Stainforth for expertly reading this poem.  

photo by Agustin Berrocal 

Sunday, July 7, 2013


The moon opens
his laughing Buddha mouth,
pumps me full
of tides and sky.

Dreams from a cratered bowl,
gold and overgrown,
swim circles
of unrequited sleep.

I paddle tree-lined,
desirous of secret rivers,
ungrounded culverts.

At dawn, he holds a up a mirror.
I look just like him

tk/July 2013

This poem was expertly read by R.A.D. Stainforth. 

Supermoon 2013, Julio Cortez, AP